Max Frisch bibliography

This is a bibliography of works by Max Frisch.

This literature-related list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

Note: Titles appearing in brackets have not been translated into English so their names are literal translations of the original German titles.

Novels and Novellas

English title Original German title Translations Notes
[Jürg Reinhart] Jürg Reinhart
Eine sommerliche Schicksalsfahrt
An Answer from the Silence:
A Story from the Mountains
Antwort aus der Stille (1937) by Mike Mitchell (2011)
[I Adore What Burns Me,
or Difficult Persons]
J'adore ce qui me brûle,
oder Die Schwierigen
I'm Not Stiller Stiller (1954) By Michael Bullock (1958)
Homo Faber Homo Faber (1957) By Michael Bullock (1959)
Gantenbein Mein Name sei Gantenbein (1964) By Michael Bullock (1965) Also published as A Wilderness of Mirrors
Wilhelm Tell: a School Text Wilhelm Tell für die Schule (1971) By Lore Segal and Paul Stern (1989) Published in Max Frisch: Novels Plays Essays
and in a 1978 issue of Fiction Magazine
Montauk Montauk (1975) By Geoffrey Skelton (1978)
Man in the Holocene Der Mensch erscheint im Holozän (1979) By Geoffrey Skelton (1980)
Bluebeard Blaubart (1982) By Geoffrey Skelton (1983)

Dramatic Works

English title Original German title Translations / Publications
Now They Are Singing Again Nun singen sie wieder (1945) By Alice Carey in Max Frisch: Novels Plays Essays (1989);
By Michael Bullock in Three Plays (2002)
Santa Cruz Santa Cruz (1947) By Michael Bullock in Three Plays (2002)
The Great Wall of China Die Chinesische Mauer (1947) By Michael Bullock in Four Plays (1969)
When the War Was Over Als der Krieg zu Ende war (1949) By James L. Rosenberg in Three Plays (1967)
[Count Öderland] Graf Öderland (1951) -
The Fire Raisers Biedermann und die Brandstifter (1953) As The Fire Raisers by Michael Bullock (1962);
As The Firebugs by Peter Faecke (1966);
As The Arsonists by Alistair Beaton (2007)
Don Juan, or the Love of Geometry Don Juan oder Die Liebe zur Geometrie (1953) By James L. Rosenberg in Three Plays (1967);
By Michael Bullock in Four Plays (1969)
Rip Van Winkle Rip Van Winkle, 1953 By Michael Bullock in Three Plays (2002)
The Great Rage of Philip Hotz Die Grosse Wut des Philipp Hotz (1956) - By James L. Rosenberg in Three Plays (1967);
As Philip Hotz's Fury by Michael Bullock in Four Plays (1969)
Andorra Andorra (1961) By Michael Bullock (1962)
Zurich Transit: Sketch of a Film Zürich – Transit. Skizze eines Films (1966) By Birgit Schreyer Duarte (2010)
Biography: A Game Biografie (1967) By Michael Bullock in Four Plays (1969);
By Birgit Schreyer Duarte (2010)
Triptych: Three Scenic Panels Tryptichon. Drei szenische Bilder (1978) By Geoffrey Skelton (1981)
[Jonas and his Veteran] Jonas und sein Veteran (1989) -

Non fiction

English title Original German title Translator
[Leaves from the Bread Bag] Blätter aus dem Brotsack (1940) -
Sketchbook 1946-1949 Tagebuch 1946–1949 (1950) Geoffrey Skelton (1977)
Sketchbook 1966-1971 Tagebuch 1966–1971 (1972) Geoffrey Skelton (1983)
Military Service Record Dienstbüchlein (1974) Alice Carey in Max Frisch: Novels Plays Essays (1989)

Collections in English

Title Contents Translators
Max Frisch: Novels Plays Essays (1989) Excerpts from novels, plays, essays and speeches Michael Bullock, Geoffrey Skelton, Alice Carey,
Rolf Kieser, Lore Segal and Paul Stern
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