Matecumbe (novel)

Matecumbe: A Lost Florida Novel

First edition
Author James Michener
Country United States
Language English
Genre Historical novel
Publisher University of Florida Press
Publication date
Media type Print (Softcover)
Pages 165pp.
ISBN 0-8130-3152-4

Matecumbe (2007) is a novel by American author James A. Michener, published unfinished, posthumously.

Set in Florida, Matecumbe is a small, character-driven story detailing the relationship of a mother and daughter, both divorced and living parallel lives. The book was abandoned by Michener when Random House urged for more of his larger, epic-scope novels.[1] It was published during the 10th anniversary year after his death (and the 100th anniversary year of his birth) in its unpolished state.


  1. Michener: A Writer's Journey, Stephen May, University of Oklahoma Press, 2005

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