Marsz Gwardii Ludowej

Marsz Gwardii Ludowej (English: March of People's Guard), or Pieśń Partyzantów (English: Partisans' Song), also known as My ze spalonych wsi (English: We are from burning villages) is a Polish partisan song, anthem of GL and AL. The song was written by Wanda Zieleńczyk,[1] a Polish communist poet and member of GL, in 1942.


My ze spalonych wsi,
My z głodujących miast.
Za głód,za krew, za lata łez
Już zemsty nadszedł czas!

Więc zarepetuj broń
I w serce wroga mierz!
Dudni już krok, milionów krok,
Brzmi partyzancki śpiew.

Więc naprzód, Gwardio, marsz!
Świat płonie wokół nas.
I zadrży wróg, i zginie wróg
Z ręki ludowych mas.

We are from burning villages
We are from starving cities!
After hunger, after blood,
After years of tears
The time has come for revenge!

So grab your gun
And aim at the heart of the enemy
The footstep is rumbling,
The footstep of millions
The partisan song sounds!

So forward, Guard, march,
The world around us is burning
And the enemy shall tremble
And the enemy shall die
From the hands of the masses of people!

See also


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