Marketnews Magazine

Marketnews Magazine, owned by Toronto-based Bomar Publishing Inc., is the trade magazine for the consumer electronics industry in Canada.

The company also plays an active role at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas as hosts of Canada Night, which is attended by over 3,000 of the who's who in the Canadian CE industry.

Marketnews is mailed monthly to retail outlets and manufacturers. It can also be accessed through a web site.

Marketnews, a glossy tabloid published monthly since 1975 and keeps consumer electronics, digital imaging, wireless, and home computing retailers abreast of industry news, products, technologies, trends, marketing strategies, selling techniques, personnel appointments, and other issues.

The targeted readership is retailers (resellers) of home audio/theatre, mobile electronics, video, multimedia, imaging, wireless, home computing, satellite and small business systems, ranges from small independents and installers to regional and national chains, superstores, power retailers and department stores.

Features include technical and sales analysis of new and existing market opportunities; in-depth coverage of national and international trade shows from a Canadian perspective; and profiles of leading retailers across Canada.

Bomar also publishes an annual directory of manufacturers, distributors, agents and sales representatives selling through the retail channel; their products; and a listing linking brands to corporate distributors.

Marketnews is an active participant in all North American consumer electronics, home computing and multimedia trade and consumer shows.

The company also publishes here's how! magazine, a consumer technology magazine available across Canada; and a daily blog.

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