Mariupol State University

Mariupol State University
Latin: Ukrainian: Mariupolskyy Derzhavnyy Universytet
Motto Homo est Scientia, Scientia est Veritas (Latin)
Established 1991
Chancellor Balabanov Kostiantyn Vasylyovych
Students 4200
Location Mariupol, Ukraine

The Mariupol State University is a Ukrainian university in Mariupol.

Posr address: 87500, Ukraine, Mariupol, 129 a Budivelnykiv Ave.


In September 1991, at the instigation of the Hellenic Association of Mariupol and Donetsk State University and with the assistance provided by the City Hall of Mariupol, Mariupol College of Humanities was founded as an affiliation of Donetsk State University.


Mariupol Institute of Humanities was recognized in Ukraine and in Greece as the leading center of academic instructions in the Greek language, revival of the Ukrainian Hellenes as well as the center of friendship and cooperation between the two countries. The university was visited by Konstantinos Stefanopoulos, President of Hellenic Republic, who was elected Honorary Professor of MIH.


Greek Philology Faculty – the first and the only one in Ukraine - was created.


Mariupol Institute of Humanities reorganized in Mariupol State University of Humanities. In September Professor Kostyantyn Balabanov, Rector of Mariupol State University of Humanities, signs Magna Charta Universitatum at Bologna University; thus MSUH joins more than a 500-member family of the best European Universities. 2005 On June 18–19, for the first time in Ukraine, two universities – Donetsk National University and Mariupol State University of Humanities – hosted the sessions of Magna Charta Observatory. Leading scientists as well as rectors of famous universities of Ukraine and Europe took part in that session.

2006 The Library of Hellenistic Studios "Konstantinos Leventis" appeared and became famous both in Ukraine and abroad as the most modern and highly completed library on Hellenism. Anastasios I. Leventis, Director of Anastasios G. Leventis Foundation takes part in the opening ceremony of the Library of Hellenistic Studios at MSUH. The University becomes the seat of the European Public Law Center in Ukraine. It also becomes the library reference center on public law. MSUH was elected member of the Presidium of the International Association of Juridical Universities, whose headquarters are located on the Law Faculty of Moscow State Lomonosov University. Under the active guidance of Rector Balabanov, Ukraine was elected member of the European Public Law Organization. The University became the premises of the Center of Information for the European Commission in Ukraine. By the edict issued by Thasos Papadopoulos, President of Republic of Cyprus and with the assistance provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Consulate Honorary of Republic of Cyprus was set up at MSUH's premises. Kostyantyn Balabanov, Rector of MSUH, was nominated Consul Honorary of Republic of Cyprus in Mariupol 2008 The State Accreditation Committee headed by Professor Ivan Vakarchuk, Minister of Science and Education of Ukraine, decided to confer on Mariupol State University of Humanities its highest award – the fourth level of accreditation. Karolos Papoulias, President of Hellenic Republic, was awarded the Diploma of MSUH Honorary Professor and attended the opening ceremony of Ukraine-Greece Friendship and Hellenistic Research Institute. MSUH was visited by Pietro Giovanni Donnici, Consul Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Italian Republic to Ukraine and by Professor Nikola Franco Balloni, Director of the Italian Institute of Culture in Ukraine. The opening ceremony of the Italian Cultural Center.


Mariupol State University of Humanities received a delegation from Qiqihar University (People's Republic of China) headed by Rector Ma Liquin. The Chinese cultural center was created.


Mariupol State University of Humanities and Kiev Vadim Get'man National University of Economics and National Prykarpats'kyy Vasyl' Stefanyk University became the winners of the joint EU – UNO project "Program of joint opportunities and women's rights in Ukraine". The event resulted in the memorandum of cooperation between the EU – UNO Program and MSUH and in appearance of the Gender Studies Center. The opening ceremony of the Israeli Cultural Center was held on Foreign Languages Faculty. The University was visited by the Councilor of the Embassy of the State Israel in Ukraine and the Regional Director of the "Nativ" organization Felix Mindel. The Center of Polish Culture was also created. The Center is supposed to help students learn the Polish language and literature and to adjust student exchange with the Polish universities. The solemn opening ceremony was attended by Consul General of Republic of Poland in Khar'kov Grzegorz Sorochinskiy and First Vice Rector of Polonian Academy in Czestochowa Maria Urbaniec. MSUH acquired the status of a classical university and was renamed into Mariupol State University (MSU).


MSU held an unprecedented research conference in its history: "Science and education in the modern university in the context of international cooperation", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Ukrainian Independence. The scientific forum gathered more than 300 participants from 15 countries of the world. The conference was attended by well-known scientists and diplomats as well as by state officials and public leaders from Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, China, the USA, France and other countries. The participants and the guests of the conference were greeted by the presidents of three countries: President of Ukraine, President of Hellenic Republic and President of Republic of Cyprus. In the framework of the conference, seven agreements on cooperation were signed with most authoritative universities of Great Britain, Greece, Italy, China and Russia. On July 5, a guest arrived in Mariupol in response to the invitation made by Professor Kostyantyn Balabanov, Rector of MSU. That was Dimitris Christofias, President of Republic of Cyprus. At the solemn session of the Scientific Board, the instructors and the students of Mariupol State University, Mr. President was awarded the title of MSU Honorary Professor and a medal in acknowledgement of his contribution to the University's development. That visit promoted the strengthening of cooperation and the expansion of educational, scientific and cultural cooperation between the University and Republic of Cyprus. On March 28, Mariupol State University held a solemn ceremony on occasion of being awarded the Letter of Acknowledgement of the Cabinet of Ministers "in recognition of the tangible contribution into development of national education, strengthening of the international authority of Ukraine and training of highly qualified specialists" signed by Mykola Azarov, Prime Minister of Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Minister of Ukraine № 22525 dated of December 28, 2011).

Campuses and buildings

General description of the buildings and premises of the university, their purpose Mariupol State University has five academic buildings.

Academic building № 1 (of Economics and Law Department). Location: 87500, Ukraine, Mariupol, Donetsk region, Budivelnykiv Ave., 129a. 3-storey building with lecture halls, classrooms, dean's offices, chairs, premises of administrative services and offices, sports room, computer rooms, laboratories, a buffet. Other facilities: one computer room, one computer lab, one reading room, equipped with computers: 35 computer work places.

'Academic building № 2 (of History Department). Location: 87500, Ukraine, Mariupol, Donetsk region, Budivelnykiv Ave., 129. 3-storey building with lecture halls, classrooms, chairs, dean's offices, library with reading room, computer labs, dance class, first-aid post, a buffet. Academic building has the following facilities: two computer rooms, a reading room equipped with computers: a total number of computer works places – 33. Also, first-aid post and a library with a reading room and a lending library.

Educational building № 3-4 (of Philology Department). Location: 87500, Ukraine, Mariupol, Donetsk region, st. Matrosov, 5. The Building number 3 (2-storey building with lecture halls, classrooms, chairs, library with reading room, first-aid post, laboratories, cloakroom) is united with the building number 4 (3-storey building with lecture halls, classrooms, chairs, deans' offices, a computer lab, a buffet) with crossing on the level of the second floor. There are sports area and sports facilities. Sports facilities: a circular running track, sports ground, playground. Education and Training Facilities: TV, DVD players. Other facilities: 1 computer room, equipped with computers, chairs, dean's offices: 23 computer work places. First-aid post is located on the 1st floor of the building number 3 and a reading room with a lending library is located in the building № 3

Academic building № 5'. (of Foreign Languages Department). Location: 87500, Ukraine, Mariupol, Donetsk region, Lenin Ave., 89-a. 2-storey building with lecture halls, classrooms, chairs, deans' offices, a reading room, sports room, computer room, laboratories, a buffet. Athletic and sports area: Sports facilities: a circular running track, sports ground. Training Facilities: TV, DVD players. Other facilities: 1 computer room, equipped with computers: 14 computer work places

Dormitory of Mariupol State University In 2004, to the balance of the University was adopted a 9-storey building located at Budivelnykiv Ave., with floor area 7001, 2 meters. Currently MSU students from Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Kherson, Lviv region, from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, foreign students live in the dormitory. There are all conditions for comfortable living and studying. In the dormitory there are recreation areas, study rooms, a kitchen with electric stove, a gym.

Institutes and faculties

Philology Department

Dean: Doctor of Philology, Professor Bezchotnikova Svetlana Majors:


At the department function:

History Department

Dean: PhD. in political science, associate professor Kaczynski Nadezhda Alexandrovna. Majors:


At the department function:

Economics & Law Department

Dean: Candidate of Law, Professor Nikolenko Lyudmila Majors:


At the department function:

Foreign Languages Department

Dean: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Irina Sokolova Majors:


At the faculty function:

Greek Philology Department

Dean: Chelpan Victoria N. Majors:


At the faculty function:



Kostyantyn Vasylyovych BALABANOV – Rector of Mariupol State University, Consul Honorary of Republic of Cyprus in Mariupol. Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of Parnas Philological Society (Greece) and Academia Peloritana (Italy). Member of the Board of Directors of the European Public Law Organization, Honorary Member of the Board of Directors of the Andreas Papandreou, Presidium Member of the International Association of Law Schools of the CIS, Presidium Member of Scientific-Methodical Commission of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Member of the Executive Committee for Mariupol City Hall, Chairman of the Committee on Education and Science of Mariupol City Hall, Head Deputy of Federation of Greek Communities of Ukraine.

Honorary Professors

President of Hellenic Republic Konstantinos Stephanopoulos (1997)

Awards and Reputation

According to the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 22525 dated of December 28, 2011, "for the tangible contribution into development of national education, strengthening of the international authority of Ukraine and training of highly qualified specialists" the employees of the Mariupol State University were awarded with the certificate of honour of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. MSU positions in national and international academic rankings:


Coordinates: 47°06′07″N 37°31′32″E / 47.1019°N 37.5256°E / 47.1019; 37.5256

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