Mario Calvo-Platero

Mario Calvo-Platero (born April 26, 1954) is an Italian journalist who has been the US editor of the prestigious Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore for over 30 years. He obtained the U.S. citizenship.

Having moved to the United States in 1978, he started writing for La Stampa that same year. It was in 1979 that he finally became a correspondent for Il Sole. He eventually moved on to found the American editorial of Il Sole as well as creating Economic Management Consultant Incorporated in 1982, which provides journalistic services in real time. He also created Review Italy, a newsletter written in English on Italian economics and business.

Mario Platero is also the host of a radio show, America24, on the air from Monday to Friday on Radio24 and is the editor-in-chief of a news website published in New York,

He currently lives in New York with his wife, Ariadne Grace Beaumont, and three children.



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