Mare Australe

Mare Australe

Mare Australe. The basalt-flooded crater Jenner is near the middle of this photo, with Lamb just to the right.
Coordinates 38°54′S 93°00′E / 38.9°S 93.0°E / -38.9; 93.0Coordinates: 38°54′S 93°00′E / 38.9°S 93.0°E / -38.9; 93.0
Diameter 603 km (375 mi)[1]
Eponym Southern Sea

Mare Australe (the "Southern Sea") is a lunar mare locate in the southeastern hemisphere of the Moon. It is 603 kilometers in diameter,[1] overlapping the near and far sides of the Moon. Smooth, dark volcanic basalt lines the bottom of the mare. The Australe basin was formed in the Pre-Nectarian epoch, while the mare material inside formed in the Upper Imbrian epoch.

Unlike most of the lunar maria, Mare Australe has an uneven surface that is marked by a number of crater impacts. Examples of these include the craters Jenner and Lamb, which are flooded with basaltic lava much like many of the other crater features in this mare.

The selenographic coordinates of this mare are 38.9° S, 93.0° E. The eastern half of the mare lies on the far side of the Moon, although it can be viewed in its entirety during periods of favorable libration.

Oblique view of northern Mare Australe on the moon, facing south, from Apollo 15. The crater Abel is at right, Gernsback is at left, with Donner in the left foreground. The craters Lamb, Jenner, and Gum are visible on the horizon (from left to right).


  1. 1 2 "Moon Mare/Maria". Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. USGS Astrogeology. Retrieved 2010-08-20.
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