Marcus Aemilius Lepidus Minor

Marcus Aemilius Lepidus the Younger or Marcus Aemilius Lepidus Minor (Minor, Latin for the younger, died 30 BC), was the only child of triumvir Marcus Aemilius Lepidus. Lepidus' mother was Junia Secunda, a sister to politician Marcus Junius Brutus.

Lepidus served as a Roman Senator. Lepidus was executed by Octavian (future Roman Emperor Augustus), as a leader in a conspiracy against him. Lepidus in his younger years was betrothed in 44 BC to Antonia, the eldest daughter of triumvir Mark Antony. Antony and Lepidus’ father had arranged this. However, for an unknown reason the betrothal was later broken off.

Lepidus was married to Servilia, who may have been the daughter of the Caesarian P. Servilius Isauricus. Velleius says that Servilia committed suicide after her husband's death by swallowing burning hot coals. His children were Manius Aemilius Lepidus and Aemilia Lepida.[1]

Family tree


  1. ↑ Weigel, Richard D. , Lepidus: The Tarnished Triumvir, Routledge, New York, 1992, p.96


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