Manuel Antonio Garretón

Manuel Antonio Garretón (Santiago, May 23, 1943) is a Chilean sociologist, political scientist and essayist. Winner of the National Award for the Humanities and Social Sciences in 2007 for his lifetime contribution to the field.[1]

Scholarly and Academic Career

Garretón studied Sociology in the Catholic University of Chile (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) and graduated in 1967. He received his PhD at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales of Paris.[2]
Garretón directed the Centro de Estudios de la Realidad Nacional (CEREN) of the Catholic University of Chile from 1970 until its closing in 1973. He was the editor of the journal Cuadernos de la Realidad Nacional during those same years. In 1973, he was the Dean of the Area of Interdisciplinary Social Studies at the Catholic University. After the 1973 military coup, Garretón coordinated emergency groups in the social sciences in Chile. Between 1975 and 1995 he was at the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Chile, as Research Professor. He served as Professor at Chilean universities and as Visiting Professor at European, North, and South American universities, and as Director and Dean of numerous academic institutions. He was awarded the Guggenheim Fellowship in 1983, and chosen as the Simón Bolívar Chair of Latinamerican Studies at the University of Cambridge, UK, in 2013.[3]
Advisor and Consultant to numerous government and private institutions, Chilean and international, Garretón has belonged to the board of Chilean and foreign journals and has been a jury member for the award of research scholarships and fellowships in Chile and abroad. .
Garretón has been full professor at the School of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, of the University of Chile since 1994.
He has devoted most of his career to the following areas of research and teaching: political sociology, democratizations and transitions, state and society, authoritarian regimes, social actors and movements, political parties, university and higher education, public opinion and social demands, culture and education, development of the social sciences, political and sociological theory, reform of the state and public policies, and modernization and society in Latin America.
In 2015, the Latin American Studies Association bestowed the Kalman H. Silvert award upon Garretón for his lifetime contribution to the study of Latin America.[4]

Political Life

Garretón entered political life as a student, and served as President of the Student Federation of the Catholic University of Chile in 1963-64. As a professor, he represented the faculty in the Superior Council of the Catholic University of Chile between 1970 and 1972.
Garretón was among the founders of the Grupo por la Renovación Socialista, and was one of its leaders in 1979-1985. Garretón was an executive of the Socialist Bloc between 1983 and 1985, was elected to the Socialist Party’s Central Committee from 1985 to 1995, was a member of the Technical Committee for the Concertación de Partidos por el NO, and of the Concertación de Partidos por la Democracia for the plebiscite of 1988. In 1993, Garretón headed the Education Program of the electoral campaign of President Eduardo Frei.
Through publications, columns, interviews, in different fora and the mass media, Garretón intervenes actively in the political, intellectual and cultural debates of Chile and Latin America: in the opposition to military dictatorships, in the democratic transition and the new democratic era, in the processes of Socialist renewal, in the debates on the quality of politics, in the debate around constituent processes and the new Constitution.

Books Published

Integración nacional y marginalidad (Ensayo de regionalización social de Chile) (with Armand Mattelart), 1969
Problemas y perspectivas del Socialismo en Chile (coordinator), 1971
Revolución y legalidad : problemas del Estado y el Derecho en Chile (co-editor with Norbert Lechner), 1972
Sobre la justicia en Chile (co-editor with Norbert Lechner), 1973
Ideología y medios de comunicación (editor), 1974
Economía política en la Unidad Popular (co-editor with Rodrigo Atria), 1975
Cultura y comunicación de masas. Materiales de la discusión chilena 1970‑1973 (co-editor with Hernán Valdés), 1975.
Análisis coyuntural y proceso político. Las fases del conflicto en Chile 1970‑1973 (with Tomás Moulián), 1978
Las ciencias sociales en Chile. Situación, problemas y perspectivas, 1983
El Proceso político chileno, 1983. In English: The Chilean Political Process, 1989
La Unidad Popular y el conflicto político en Chile (with Tomás Moulián), 1983. Second enhanced edition, 1993
Dictaduras y democratización, 1984
Escenarios e itinerarios para la transición, 1985
Reconstruir la política. Transición y consolidación democrática en Chile, 1987
Biblioteca del Movimiento Estudiantil (5 vols) (coordinator with Javier Martínez), 1986
Muerte y Resurrección. Los partidos políticos en el autoritarismo y las transiciones del Cono Sur (co-editor with Marcelo Cavarozzi), 1989
Propuestas Políticas y Demandas Sociales (3 vols) (coordinator), 1989
Militares y Política en una transición atípica (co-editor with Domingo Rivarola and M. Cavarozzi), 1991
Fear at the edge. State terror and resistance in Latin America (co-editor with Patricia Weiss Fagen and Juan E. Corradi), 1992
Los partidos políticos en el inicio de los noventa. Seis casos latinoamericanos (coordinator), 1992
Los chilenos y la democracia. La opinión pública 1991-1994 (with Marta Lagos and Roberto Méndez)(4 vols), 1993, 1995
Los partidos y la transformación política de América Latina (editor), 1993
Modernización, democracia y descentralización. Materiales del IV Congreso Chileno de Sociología (co-editor with Malva Espinosa, Cecilia Jara, Eduardo Morales, Sergio Contreras), 1993
Cultura, autoritarismo y redemocratización en Chile (co-editor with Saúl Sosnowski and Bernardo Subercaseaux), 1993
La faz sumergida del iceberg: ensayos sobre la transformación cultural, 1994
Hacia una nueva era política. Estudio sobre las democratizaciones, 1995
Dimensiones actuales de la Sociología (co-editor with Orlando Mella), 1995
Social Movements in Latin America in the context of economic and socio-political transformation (editor), 1996
La encrucijada de lo político (co-editor with R. Lanz), 1996
Las transformaciones en América Latina y las perspectivas de la integración (co-editor with J. Lira and A. Ajens), 1997
Por la fuerza sin la razón. Análisis y Textos de los Bandos de la Dictadura Militar (with Roberto and Carmen Garretón), 1998
América Latina: un espacio cultural en el mundo globalizado (coordinator), 1999
Política y sociedad entre dos épocas. América Latina en el cambio de siglo, 2000
La sociedad en que vivi(re)mos. Introducción sociológica al cambio de siglo, 2000, 2a ed. 2015
Cultura y Desarrollo en Chile. Dimensiones y perspectivas en el cambio de siglo (coordinator), 2001
Democracy in Latin America. (Re)Constructing political Society (co-editor with E. Newman) 2001
Latin America in the 21st century. Toward a new socio-political matrix (with M. Cavarozzi, P. Cleaves, G. Gereffi, J. Hartlyn), 2003. In Spanish: América Latina en el siglo XXI. Hacia una nueva matriz socio-política, 2004. In Portuguese: America Latina no seculo XXI, 2007
El espacio cultural latinoamericano. Bases para una política de integración cultural (coordinator) (with Jesús Martín Barbero, Marcelo Cavarozzi, Néstor García Canclini, Guadalupe Ruiz-Jimenez and Rodolfo Stavenhagen), 2003
Democracia en las Américas: desafíos, peligros, expectativas (co-organizador), 2003
The incomplete democracy. Studies on politics and society in Latin America and Chile, 2003
Encuentros con la memoria. Archivos y debates de memoria y futuro (co-editor with Faride Zerán, Sergio Campos, and Carmen Garretón), 2004
Las Ciencias Sociales en América Latina en perspectiva comparada (with Helgio Trindade, org, Jerónimo De Sierra, Miguel Murmis, José Luis Reyna) Siglo XXI, 2007. In Portuguese: As Ciencias Sociais na America Latina em perspectiva comparada, 2006. English version: Social Sciences in Latin America (1930-2003), 2005
Del post-pinochetismo a la sociedad democrática. Globalización y política en el bicentenario, 2007
Dimensiones sociales, políticas y culturales del desarrollo. Antología de Enzo Faletto (editor), 2007
Neoliberalismo corregido y progresismo limitado. Los gobiernos de la Concertación en Chile, 1990-2010, 2012
Las ciencias sociales en la trama de Chile y América Latina. Estudios sobre transformaciones sociopolíticas y movimiento social, 2014


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