Manpupuner rock formations

Russian stamp depicting the Manpupuner rock formations

The Manpupuner rock formations (Man-Pupu-Nyer; Мань-Пупу-нёр) or the Seven Strong Men Rock Formations or Poles of the Komi Republic are a set of 7 gigantic abnormally shaped stone pillars located west of the Ural mountains in the Troitsko-Pechorsky District of the Komi Republic. They are located on the territory of the Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve on the mountain Man-Pupu-nyor (in the Mansi language - "a small mountain of idols"), in the interfluve of the rivers Ilych and Pechory. The second name is "Bolvano-from", that from the Komi language - "Mountain of idols". Hence the folk simplified name of the remnants - "Doodles". The Ostantsev are 7 and the height is from 30 to 42 m. There are numerous legends associated with Man'punpuner [1], before he was the object of the Mansi cult.

The pillars of weathering Manpupuner are considered one of the Seven Wonders of Russia.

About 200 million years ago on the place of stone pillars were high mountains. Rain, snow, wind, frost and heat gradually destroyed mountains and, in the first place, weak rocks. Solid sericite-quartzite schists, from which the remains are composed, were destroyed less and survived to this day, and soft rocks were destroyed by weathering and carried down by water and wind in relief depressions.

One pillar, 34 meters high, stands somewhat apart from the others; It looks like a huge bottle turned upside down. Six others lined up at the edge of the cliff. The pillars have a bizarre outline and, depending on the place of inspection, resemble that figure of a huge man, then the head of a horse or a ram. In past times Mansi deified grandiose stone statues, worshiped them, but climbing Manpupuner was the greatest sin. [2]

Deemed one of the Seven Wonders of Russia, the Manpupuner rock formations are a very popular attraction in Russia, though not well known internationally and relatively unspoiled by tourism.[3]


Mansi tribe

"In the distant past, in the dense forests that came to the very Ural Mountains, there lived a powerful Mansi tribe. The men of the tribe were so strong that one by one defeated the bear, and so fast that they could catch up with the running deer.

In the yurts of Mansi there were many furs and skins of dead animals. Of them, women made beautiful fur clothes. The good spirits who lived on the sacred mountain of Yalping Nyer helped Mansi, because the leader of the tribe was the wise leader Kuuschai, who was in great friendship with them. The leader had a daughter - beautiful Aim and son Pygrychum. Far behind the ridge was the news of the beauty of the young Aim. She was slender, like a pine, grown up in a dense forest, and sang so well that to listen to her the deer from the valley of Yydzhyd-Lyaga came running.

I heard about the beauty of the daughter of the leader Mansi and the giant Torev (Bear), whose family hunted on the Kharaiz mountains. He demanded that Kuschei gave his daughter Aim to him. But she refused, laughing to Aym from this proposal. Enraged, Torev called his giants brothers and moved to the top of Torre Porre-Iz to seize Aym by force. Suddenly, when Pigrychum with some of the soldiers was on the hunt, giants appeared in front of the gates of the stone city. The whole day was a hot battle at the fortress walls.

Under the clouds of arrows Aym climbed to the high tower and shouted: "Oh, good spirits, save us from death!" Send Pigrychum home! At that moment, lightning flashed in the mountains, thunder clashed, and black clouds closed the city with a thick veil. "Treacherous," growled Torev, seeing Aim on the tower. He rushed forward, crushing everything in his path. And only Aim managed to get down from the tower, as she collapsed under the terrible blow of a giant's club. Then Torev again raised his huge club and struck the crystal castle. The castle crumbled into small pieces, which the wind picked up and carried throughout the Urals. Since then, and found in the Ural mountains transparent fragments of rock crystal.

Aim with a handful of soldiers disappeared under the cover of darkness in the mountains. Towards morning heard the sound of the chase. And suddenly, when the giants were already ready to grab them, in the rays of the rising sun Pygrychum appeared with a brilliant shield and a sharp sword in his hands that gave him good spirits. Pugrychum turned the shield toward the sun, and a fiery sheaf of light struck the giants in the eyes, which threw the tambourine aside. In the eyes of astonished brothers, the giant and the tambourine thrown aside began to slowly rot. In horror, the brothers rushed back, but, having fallen under the beam of Pryguchum's shield, they themselves turned into stones.[4]

Since then, for thousands of years they have stood on the mountain, which the people called Man-Pupu-Nyer (Mountain of stone idols), and not far from it stands the majestic peak of Koyp (Drum). "


In the vicinity of the plateau there are:


Due to the growing popularity, the Manpupuner Plateau is visited by more and more tourists every year. At the moment there are 4 routes to visit the plateau:

Until 2004, a car route from the Sverdlovsk Region was allowed, with a visit to the Dyatlova Pass, the Otorten Mountain and the source of the Pechora River. It was officially banned by 2 protected areas along which the route lies - the Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve and the Ivdelsky Reserve Unfortunately, popularity played no good role for the ecology of the region. Every year crowds of original tourists and campers leave piles of garbage, destroy the fine ecosystem of this region. The track from their transport already extends along the very plateau.

Article 8.39 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - illegal stay on the territory of the reserve. All campaigns should be coordinated with the administration of the reserve.

See also


  1. Легенды о столбах выветривания
  2. А. Кеммерих «Северный Урал» Глава IV. В край пещер и каменных идолов
  3. Пряхина, Екатерина (April 2009), В гости к семерым великанам,
  4. 7 чудес России: Столбы выветривания,, April 2008

Coordinates: 62°15′13″N 59°17′43″E / 62.2535407°N 59.2952728°E / 62.2535407; 59.2952728

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