Male accessory gland infection

Male accessory gland infection (MAGI)
Prostate with seminal vesicles and seminal ducts, viewed from in front and above
Classification and external resources
Specialty Andrology
ICD-10 N49.8

Male Accessory Gland Infection (MAGI), also known as Male Accessory Gland Inflammation,[1] is a condition with signs of inflammation involving one or more sites in the male genital tract. Diagnosis is made according to parameters defined by the World Health Organisation, and it is particularly made in relation to infectious or inflammatory causes of male infertility.

Although it is usually caused by infection spreading from the urethra, non-infectious causes also exist.


MAGI includes infections (bacterial, viral, fungal etc) involving one or more of the following male genital organs or tracts:[2]


As infection has a negative impact on the secretory function of the accessory glands, findings that could indicate the presence of MAGI include:[3]

WHO criteria

MAGI can be diagnosed when there are two or more factors present that meet criteria defined by the World Health Organization (WHO):[1][4]

Factors Description For positive diagnosis
A History of:

Physical signs:

(i) Any one Factor A feature
(ii) one feature from either Factor B or Factor C
B Prostatic fluid: (i) Either one of the Factor B features
(ii) one feature from either Factor A or Factor C
C Semen:
  • leukocytes ≥ 1x106/mL
  • semen culture with significant growth of pathogenic bacteria
  • abnormal semen appearance
  • increased semen viscosity (hyperviscosity)
  • increased pH
  • abnormal biochemistry of the seminal plasma
Any two Factor C features


(i) any one Factor C feature
(ii) one feature from either Factor A or Factor B


One study has proposed that elevated levels of soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (SuPAR) in seminal plasma might be useful as a marker for MAGI.[5]


The main infectious agents are Enterobacteriaceae (such as Escherichia coli and Klebsiella), Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis.[2]

One study has shown that men with MAGI who have lower serum levels of total testosterone tend to have a more complicated form of MAGI, such as involving more than one site, than those with normal levels.[6]


Potential complications include:[2][3][7]

These complications can result in sexual dysfunction[7] and male subfertility.[4][8]


  1. 1 2 Rosita A Condorelli; Enzo Vicari; Aldo E Calogero; Sandro La Vignera (25 April 2014). "Male accessory gland inflammation prevalence in type 2 diabetic patients with symptoms possibly reflecting autonomic neuropathy". Asian Journal of Andrology. Asian Society of Andrology. 16 (5): 761–766. PMC 4215658Freely accessible. PMID 24799635. doi:10.4103/1008-682X.125911.
  2. 1 2 3 Walter K.H. Krause (April 2008). "Male accessory gland infection". Andrologia. German Society for Andrology. 40 (2): 113–116. PMID 18336461. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0272.2007.00822.x.
  3. 1 2 Marcelo Marconi; Adrian Pilatz; Florian Wagenlehner; Thorsten Diemer; Wolfgang Weidner (May–June 2009). "Impact of infection on the secretory capacity of the male accessory glands". International Brazilian Journal of Urology. Brazilian Society of Urology. 35 (3): 299–308. PMID 19538765. doi:10.1016/S0022-5347(09)60344-X.
  4. 1 2 Sandro La Vignera; Enzo Vicari; Rosita A Condorelli; R D'Agata; Aldo E Calogero (November 2011). "Hypertrophic-congestive and fibro-sclerotic ultrasound variants of male accessory gland infection have different sperm output". Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. Italian Society of Endocrinology. 34 (10): e330–e335. PMID 22234181. doi:10.1007/bf03346729.
  5. C. Autilio; R. Morelli; D. Milardi; G. Grande; R. Marana; A. Pontecorvi; C. Zuppi; S. Baroni (September 2015). "Soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor as a putative marker of male accessory gland inflammation". Andrology. PMID 26384478. doi:10.1111/andr.12084.
  6. R. A. Condorelli; A. E. Calogero; E. Vicari; V. Favilla; S. Cimino; G. I. Russo; G. Morgia; S. La Vignera (8 September 2014). "Male Accessory Gland Infection: Relevance of Serum Total Testosterone Levels". International Journal of Endocrinology. 2014 (915752): 1–6. PMC 4172872Freely accessible. PMID 25276133. doi:10.1155/2014/915752.
  7. 1 2 Sandro La Vignera; Rosita A Condorelli; Enzo Vicari; R D'Agata; Aldo E Calogero (May 2012). "High frequency of sexual dysfunction in patients with male accessory gland infections". Andrologia. German Society for Andrology. 44 (Supplement s1): 438–446. PMID 21793867. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0272.2011.01202.x.
  8. Sandro La Vignera; Rosita A Condorelli; R D'Agata; Enzo Vicari; Aldo E Calogero (February 2012). "Semen alterations and flow-citometry evaluation in patients with male accessory gland infections". Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. Italian Society of Endocrinology. 35 (2): 219–223. PMID 21946047. doi:10.3275/7924.
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