Maxim (given name)

Pronunciation mahk-SIM
Gender Masculine (normally)
Word/name Latin or Hebrew maximus.
Meaning "The greatest" in Latin. "God miracle maker" in Hebrew.
Region of origin Rome
Other names
Related names Max, Maximilian, Massimiliano, Maximus

Maxim (Hebrew: מקסים) is a male first name of Roman origin. It is relatively common in Slavic-speaking countries, mainly in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. According to the register of the General Directorate of Moscow, "Maxim" was the second most popular male name for children born in Moscow. From March 16, 2005 to August 16, 2005, 1,087 boys were named Maxim, behind Alexander at 1,390. The name is derived from the Latin family name Maximus, meaning "the greatest".[1] Maxim is also a less well-known surname.

Notable people

In Christianity:

In literature:

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For people with the surname Maxim, see Maxim (surname).

See also


  1. "Behind the Name: Meaning, Origin and History of the Name Maxim". Retrieved 2007-12-30.
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