Mahishi (Mahishasur's Sister)

Mahishi was a demoness, she was the sister of her deceased brother, the Mahishasura, who, in many legends was killed by Parvati's part incarnate, Goddess Durga. She sought revenge against her and the Gods who participated in the death of her brother. Certain legends also stated that Mahishi was the cursed wife of Dattatreya, Leela. Driven crazy by the curse, she sought to rule the three worlds using a boon from Brahma.

Story of Mahishasur (Retold)

Mahishasur, born of a she-buffalo, undertook severe austerities to Lord Brahma, he was granted the boon of invulnerability against all men (including humans, sages, demon, Deity and God). Being given this boon, he gathered his demon forces and picked a war with Indra. Likewise, he defeated him along with his own forces and began occupying the three worlds. The defeated Gods sought the refuge of Lords Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and narrated to them about the terrors about the demon Mahishasur. Hearing about Mahishasur's cruelties, the Tridev (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) became very furious and from their fury, emerged out flames coming from their bodies. Those similar flames also came from the bodies of the Gods too, including Indra, the head chief of the Gods. Those fiery energies of the Gods transformed into a woman, the woman was none other than Goddess Durga, who had ten arms (or eighteen). The Gods seeing her become very glad that Durga will be able to kill Mahishasur. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Indra, Surya, Chandra, Agni, Vayu, Varun, Kubera, Yamraj and other Gods gave her new red apparels, heavy ornaments, their respective energies and weapons and Himavan, the King of the Himalayas and father of Goddess Gauri gave her a lion to ride upon. As Goddess Durga was fully armed and ready for battle, she utters a ferocious bloodcurdling and deafening roar which shook all the worlds, even reaching Mahishasur and his army. He and his army went out to find the one who dared to cause havoc. Then, at the battlefield, Goddess Durga was waiting for Mahishasur. The army of Mahishasur was led by generals like Chixsur, Chamar, Durmukh, Asiloma, Ugrasen, Utpal, Vidal, Vidhan, Ugravirya, Udagrasur, Karalasur, Vashkaal, Durdhara, Mahahanu, Ugrasya, Vikataksha, Ugravaktra, Dahan, Baskalasur, Udyatarasur, Virlaxa, Vidaalnetra, Vishang, Vaayakaal, Agraayudh, Praghas, Vighas, Shakukama, Vibhavasu, Vidyunmali, Sumali, Parjanya, Krura, Vidutprabha, Virupaksha, Lomavarshak, Anjan, Nilakukshi, Udraksh, Meghavarna, Balahak, Lalataksh, Subhim, Bhayankar, Dhawnksh, Dhvasta Karna, Shanka Kukarna, Vajrakaya, Ativeerya, Rakthaksha, Bhimadamshtra, Vidyutjihva, Atikay, Mahakaya, Dirghabahu, Krithantak, Kaal, Kritanth, Raktaksha, Haran, Mitrah, Anitya, Yajaha, Goghna, Stridhan, and Parakrami. Mahishasur's army becomes terrified. Goddess Durga challenges Mahishasur for war. His hoards attack the Goddess all at once, but the infuriated Goddess Durga launched various attacks on them with the powers of the weapons of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Indra, Surya, Chandra, Agni, Vayu, Varun, Kubera, Yamraj and other Gods. A severe war started. Goddess Durga hurled various weapons like the trident, mace, sword, axe, thunderbolt etc. at the army of demons. The demon armies were killed all at once and the battlefield was covered with dead bodies of the dead demon soldiers and their blood flowing. The generals (Chixsur, Chamar, Durmukh, Asiloma, Ugrasen, Utpal, Vidal, Vidhan, Ugravirya, Udagrasur, Karalasur, Vashkaal, Durdhara, Mahahanu, Ugrasya, Vikataksha, Ugravaktra, Dahan, Baskalasur, Udyatarasur, Virlaxa, Vidaalnetra, Vishang, Vaayakaal, Agraayudh, Praghas, Vighas, Shakukama, Vibhavasu, Vidyunmali, Sumali, Parjanya, Krura, Vidutprabha, Virupaksha, Lomavarshak, Anjan, Nilakukshi, Udraksh, Meghavarna, Balahak, Lalataksh, Subhim, Bhayankar, Dhawnksh, Dhvasta Karna, Shanka Kukarna, Vajrakaya, Ativeerya, Rakthaksha, Bhimadamshtra, Vidyutjihva, Atikay, Mahakaya, Dirghabahu, Krithantak, Kaal, Kritanth, Raktaksha, Haran, Mitrah, Anitya, Yajaha, Goghna, Stridhan, and Parakrami) of Mahishasur were each killed one by one by Goddess Durga, no matter how hard they tried to face her. Seeing his army perish, Mahishasur assumed various forms of a buffalo, lion, a warrior, and elephant. As Goddess Durga destroyed his forms, Mahishasur again re-assumed the form of a buffalo and charges at Goddess Durga. Her champion mount, the lion attacks the buffalo and tramples him. Goddess Durga pressed the buffalo's back with such force that Mahishasur came out of the buffalo's mouth. In anger, she impaled him with her trident and severed his head with her sword. Seeing the fall of Mahishasur, the Gods become delighted and start eulogizing her.

Story of Mahishi

One myth says that after Goddess Parvati had killed Arunasur in the form of Bhramari Devi, she became so furious that she started wreaking destruction on the world with the help of the bees. Lord Shiva, Kartikeya, Ganesh, Nandi, and all Gods and Goddesses became worried. Each one of them tried to pacify her. Goddess Lakshmi discussed with Lord Vishnu suggesting the ways of how Devi Parvati could be pacified by the help of Lord Shiva. As an ensuing measure, first, Lord Kartikeya was sent near Bhramari Devi to dissuade her from her current resolution but he tearfully broke down there seeing the drastic change in his Mother. The fond memories he had of his mother and the wrath of Bhramari Devi were in stark contrast with each other, which shattered his disposition, leading into an aftermath of his resignation from his position of commander-in-chief. Seeing Kartikeya pleading forgiveness, and crying, Ganesh and Nandi too tried to pacify her, but to no avail. Lord Indra then asked Lord Vishnu why wasn't Lord Shiva doing anything to pacify her. Lord Vishnu enlightened him about Bhramari Devi and woman power, that how a woman, with utter patience nurtures life, but when the same woman is pushed on to the extreme brink of perseverance could bring devastation all around. Fuming with anger, Bhramari Devi vanished. Lord Vishnu alluded to DevRishi Narad about what would happen next.

In the meanwhile, the bees went berserk and started feeding on the humans, after the execution of Arunasur. The Gods were worried that if Bhramari Devi was not stopped, the world would end up being swarmed with uncontrollable bees. Lord Brahma predicted the chain of calamities that would happen next, and explained how all of this was brought upon by the one who desired revenge and retaliation. It was Mahishi, who had sought revenge for the killing of her brother, Demon King Mahishasur, whom Goddess Parvati had killed in her form of Devi Durga. And as if it was not enough, no one was able to kill Mahishi since the latter had done severe austerities to Lord Brahma and was awarded the boon of being killed only by a child out of Shiva and Vishnu's union.

Mahishi crossed her paths with Bhramari Devi and both had a battle where Mahishi easily dodging the bees of Bhramari Devi jumped into a nearby lake and had a few of the bees trapped in water bubbles. Bhramari Devi, in her wrath, moved forward on her course. The other bees of Bhramari Devi followed her. In order to calm the Goddess of bees, Lord Vishnu assumed the form of a beautiful female of bewitching beauty, Mohini. Mohini assured other Gods that she would certainly pacify Parvati(still in the form of Bhramari Devi) and started to descend on earth where Bhramari Devi was continuing the destruction. The frightened people were praying incessantly to Lord Shiva to be saved.

Mahishi emerged out of the lake and saw Bhramari Devi, in a giant tornado form, made of bees. She decided to kill Adishakti (Bhramari Devi) in her uncontrollable state. Bhramari Devi confronted Mahishi, but Mohini arrived and disrupted the battle. Mohini showed Mahishi her true form, as her being Lord Vishnu. Mahishi, after having listened to Mohini and seeing the huge form of Bhramari Devi, retreated in fear. Mohini feeling empathetic for Bhramari Devi succeeded in soothing her. She showed her flashes of her life in which Lord Vishnu had tried to pacify her after she had swallowed Lord Shiva in her form of Dhumavati. Bhramari Devi was pacified but had the motherly urge of having other bees to be with her again. Mohini and Bhramari Devi went in deep meditation, Mohini imparted Bhramari Devi with some lessons about how to control her rage. Mahishi, recollected in her mind, spread forth her terror on to the sages and inquired them about the whereabouts of Mohini and Bhramari Devi. They had no answer hence they were murdered. Mahishi had no idea where Bhramari and Mohini were currently residing and how would Bhramari return as Parvati. Bhramari Devi's meditation had brought clairvoyance to her about the terrors of Mahishi. She became enraged but was pacified by Mohini again. Mohini bestowed powers to Bhramari Devi for performing her penance.

Mahishi was time and again terrorizing people, by transforming herself in a female buffalo and creating havoc in the human world. Mahishi had doubts about Bhramari Devi coming back to her normal form of Parvati again. Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu(still in form of Mohini) performed leela of being in union, to restore serenity in the universe. Lord Brahma became elated on seeing Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu as Harihara.

Mohini gave birth to Mahadev's son, Hariharaputra. Knowing this the very frightened Mahishi attempted to kill Hariharaputra, but Lord Shiva rescued him. Answering to King Rajashekhar's prayer, Lord Shiva bestowed him with Hariharaputra, to bring him up as his son. Mahadev named Hariharaputra as Manikantan.

Mahishi again attacked Manikantan in the forest but this time Manikantan succeeded in defeating her. Mahishi was then killed, but before dying she saw Manikantan performing Tandav and Harihara. Mahishi tearfully regretted her sins and pleaded forgiveness from Harihara. Seeing Harihara, the combined form of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu, she breathed out her last breath and died in peace.

Mohini and Bhramari Devi's continued the last step of meditation, which brings about all the repressed memories of Parvati's life. Envisioning those flashes in meditation, Bhramari Devi felt pacified. She then started meditating upon Lord Shiva. During meditation, Mohini appeared as Lord Vishnu again with Goddesses Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswati, Lord Brahma and DevRishi Narad appeared there as well with Lord Shiva. Bhramari Devi felt tranquil and as a result of Mahishi's death all the captured bees had come back to her. Blessing the bees, Parvati liberated herself from her form of Bhramari Devi. The Gods and Goddesses were joyous and the world was at peace.

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