Wizard (character class)

The Wizard is a type of magical character class in certain role-playing games, including role-playing video games. Wizards are considered to be spellcasters who wield powerful spells, but are often physically weak as a trade-off. Wizards are commonly confused with similar offensive spellcasting classes such as the Warlock and the Necromancer. However, a Wizard's power is based on the arcane and a Warlock or Necromancer's power is based on darkness or death. Wizards are primarily based on wizards from assorted fantasy literature. Other terms used to describe the classification include Mage, Magician, and Magic User.

Dungeons & Dragons

The Dungeons & Dragons pen-and-paper franchise has three base character classes, with access to "arcane magic", that could be considered wizards:


The wizard is a "genius student" of arcane magic, who has studied the subject for years. He practices until he is able to command magic with ease. The wizard must prepare spells daily. They are normally called 'magic-users'.


The sorcerer is a "natural prodigy" arcanist, who usually claims dragon or fey ancestry as the source of his magical power. The sorcerer knows a limited number of spells, but does not need to prepare the spells daily. The sorcerer is able to cast more spells per day than a wizard of a comparable level.


The Warlock is a "darkened soul" arcanist, who creates "Pacts" with powerful creatures to harnessing their innate magical gift, and perform spell-like feats and abilities. Since they are not users of true spells in the traditional sense, they can use their invocations while wearing armor.


There are many other prestige classes related to the wizard concept, such as the Archmage and Mystic Theurge.

Fire Emblem

In the turn-based Fire Emblem game series, Mages are units who cast spells in order to damage an enemy. Players can transform the Mages into Sages. Mages and Sages have higher magic-resistance growths and caps, as well as above average speed. However, they almost always have poor growth in defense which makes them vulnerable to magic-resistant melee units.

Final Fantasy series

The wizards of the Final Fantasy series are usually known as simply mages, often with an associated color. There are multiple types of mages:

In the original Final Fantasy, the Black, Red and White Mages would be converted to more powerful Black, Red, and White Wizards, respectively. Additionally, in the MMORPG Final Fantasy XI, "wizard" is synonymous for Black Mage. Also, in Final Fantasy Tactics, Black Mages were known as Wizards in the PlayStation version of the game. Other Final Fantasy series featured Green Mages, mainly in the Tactics titles, but some of their abilities were merged with Black Mages or White Mages (offensive and defensive abilities respectively).

World of Warcraft

Wizards in World of Warcraft, called mages, are spell-casting characters designed to deal damage, while also preventing monsters from dealing damage and providing utility for the rest of their party. The three types of magic mages can use are fire, frost, and arcane. Fire has a high damage output with little defense power. Frost spells typically slow down a target and are capable of high burst damage and offer more defense than fire. Arcane magic offers more utility and increases damage to all three types of magic. Arcane also increases resistance greatly, mana regain, intellect, and decreases the mana cost of spells. In return for their ability to deal larger amounts of damage, mages are very poor at physical combat. They wear the weakest armor (cloth), and they have no ability to heal themselves without the use of their potions or bandages.

Another form of wizard in WoW is the Warlock, a spell-caster that uses fire and shadow magic against their enemies. Warlocks are also known for their ability to command demonic minions. Warlocks, depending on the player's style, specialize in damage-over-time spells (affliction), burst damage (destruction), and the use of their minions (demonology). Warlocks are able to regain mana at the cost of their own health, as well as drain health from their enemies.

Druids are another type of wizard, capable of transformation, healing, and casting spells. They mostly deal physical damage, nature damage, or arcane damage. Depending on the style of the druid, they can be any type of character, a fighter, tank, or healer. If the druid uses Restoration, they have healing abilities. When they use feral combat, they are stronger in melee combat, and gain the power of a warrior (bear) and the skill of a rogue (cat). While in normal form, they are like a slightly weaker version of a mage, dealing arcane and nature damage, and able to summon minions. Druids also have an advantage in combat with the use of travel form, cat form, aqua form, and even air form.

Ragnarok Online

In the Ragnarok Online MMORPG, "Magicians" who acquire enough experience are given the choice of becoming a "Wizard". Wizards are powerful spell-casters and have access to a wide array of area of effect spells, including "Storm Gust", "Meteor Storm" and "Lord of Vermilion". However, they have very few hit points, poor evasion capabilities and wear very weak armour. As such, most of the wizards require the support of a "Priest" and/or other party members.

Avalon: The Legend Lives

Avalon: The Legend Lives released in 1989 is an on-line text based multi-player role playing game notable for being the first to introduce fully developed professions and skills[1][2] as well as pioneering many features that have since become signature components of the roleplaying computer game genre.[3] One of its founding professions was that of the mage a wielder of rituals, candescent light magic, charms or spoken spells. Richard Bartle described Avalon's magic system as complex.[1] Avalon currently hosts four incarnations of wizard, mage, warlock and enchanter across its four player driven cities.

Other games

See also


  1. 1 2 Bartle, Richard (2015-12-15). "Legacy Reviews of MUA and MUDS". Retrieved 2015-12-14.
  2. Koster, Raph (2015-12-15). "The Online World Timeline". Retrieved 2015-12-14.
  3. "Avalon: The Legend Lives". Retrieved 2015-12-14.
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