Małgorzata Dąbrowska

Małgorzata Dąbrowska

Małgorzata Dąbrowska (born 11 January 1956 in Łódź, Poland) is a Polish historian, Byzantinist, dean of the History Department at the University of Łódź. She specializes in Byzantine studies - Byzantium and the West in 13th-15th centuries, mixed marriages in the Imperial family of Palaiologoi, rivalry between Palaiologoi and Kantakouzenoi families, Empire of Trebizond and the Pontos, Relationship between Kingdom of Poland and Byzantium as well as Polish contemporary history.[1][2] Representing Polish Committee of Byzantine Studies: 18th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Moscow (1991),[3] 19th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Copenhagen (1996),[4] 20th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Paris (2001),[5] 21st International Congress of Byzantine Studies, London (2006).

Awards, Prizes, Fellowships

Member: Polish Historical Society, International Association of Byzantine Studies, British Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, council Collegium Artium.[6]

Selected publications


Selected articles


  3. L’Éthos de la famille de la cour impériale des Paléologues selon le témoignage de Théodore de Montferrat [in:] XVIII Международный Конгресс Византинистов. Резюме сообщений (8-15 Августа 1991), Московский Государсвенный Университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, vol. 1: A-K, Москва 1991, pp. 265-266
  4. From Poland to Tenedos. The project of using the Teutonic Order in the fight against the Turks after the fall of Constantinople [in:] Byzanz und Ostmitteleuropa 950-1453. Beiträge zu einer Table Ronde des XIX. International Congress of Byzantine Studies (Copenhagen 1996), hrsg. von G. Prinzing – M. Salamon, Mainzer Veröffentlichungen zur Byzantinistik 3, Wiesbaden 1999, pp. 165-176.
  5. Byzance dans la conscience des Polonais. Sources de stéréotypes [in:] XXe Congrès International des Études Byzantines (Collège de France – Sorbonne, 19-25 août 2001), Pré-Actes, II: Tables rondes, Paris 2001, pp. 319
  7. Reviews: Věra Hrochová, "Byzantinoslavica" 49 (1988), no. 1, pp. 291-293; Piotr Krupczyński, "Byzantinische Zeitschrift" 82 (1989), pp. 291-293; Jerzy Strzelczyk, "Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters" 44 (1988), pp. 646
  8. Reviews: Waldemar Ceran, "Piotrkowskie Zeszyty Historyczne" 2 (2000), p. 397-402; Maciej Salamon, "Byzantinoslavica" 57 (1996), pp. 409-412; Teresa Wolińska, "Byzantiaka" 11 (1997), pp. 527-529


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