Ludovic Lloyd

Ludovic Lloyd[1] (floruit 1573–1610) was a Welsh courtier, poet and compiler of miscellanies.


He was the fifth son of Oliver Lloyd, lord of the manor of Marrington, Chirbury, Shropshire, by Gwenllian, daughter of Griffith ap Howel ab Ieuan Blayney of Gregynog. He describes himself in his works as sergeant-at-arms to Queen Elizabeth, and continued in the post under James I. He was an intimate friend of the publisher John Lane. His works were all dedicated to highly placed court figures.


Lloyd's major compilation is The Pilgrimage of Princes.[2] Prefixed are commendatory verses by, among others, Edward Grant and Thomas Churchyard.

Lloyd's other works are:

An epitaph by Lloyd, on Sir Edward Saunders, is printed in the Paradise of Dainty Devices, 1576. Lloyd has commendatory verses signed Lodowick Flood, prefixed to The Castle or Picture of Pollicy of William Blandie, and verses in praise of the author prefixed to Thomas Twyne's translation of Humphrey Llwyd's Breviary of Britayne, 1573.


  1. First name also as Lodowick, Lodovick, Lewis etc.
  2. The Pilgrimage of Princes; penned out of sundry Greeke and Latine Aucthours [1573], printed by William Jones, and to be sold at his nevve long shop at the West door of Powles. Following the title are acrostic verses on Cristoforus Hattonvs, and a prose dedication to Sir Christopher Hatton. Other editions appeared in 1586 and in 1607; and a reissue appeared in 1653, with a transformed text and title, as The Marrow of History, or the Pilgrimage of Kings and Princes, truly Representing the Variety of Dangers inherent to the Crowns, and the lamentable Deaths which many of them, and some of the best of them, have undergone. The editor was Robert Codrington. This was reprinted in 1659.


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