Louis Gardet

Louis Gardet (15 August 1905 in Toulouse 17 July 1986) was a French Roman Catholic priest and historian. As an author he was an expert in Islamic culture and sociology who caught a sympathetic view on Islam as a religion. He considered himself "a Christian philosopher of cultures".[1] Islam's men, Mentality of Approaches is one of his best and most widely read works.[2]


His real name was André Brottier and he is known under three identities that correspond to three phases of his life:

As a philosopher he espoused the Thomist thought. Youakim Moubarac, Jacques Jomier and Denise Masson were among his numerous disciples.

Published works

Louis Gardet wrote many books. His main works are:


  1. Louis Gardet: A Catholic Thomist takes up Islamic Studies
  2. Islamism Between the Political Dialectic and the Societal
  3. Claude Gilliot, "Père Georges Chehata Anawati (1905-1994)", Revue du monde musulman et de la Méditerranée, vol. 68-69, p. 279-288
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