Murder of Louis Allen

Louis Allen
Born (1919-04-25)April 25, 1919
Amite County, Mississippi U.S.
Died January 31, 1964(1964-01-31) (aged 44)
Amite County, Mississippi U.S.
Cause of death Murder
Occupation Businessman

Louis Allen (April 25, 1919 – January 31, 1964) was an African-American citizen and married businessman with a family in Liberty, Mississippi. He was shot and killed on his land during the civil rights era. He tried to register to vote. In addition, he was suspected of talking to federal officials after witnessing the 1961 murder of Herbert Lee by a white state legislator.

Allen was among a dozen witnesses of the daylight murder in September 1961 of Herbert Lee, an NAACP member, by E.H. Hurst, a white state legislator. Civil rights activists had come to Liberty that summer to organize for voter registration; essentially no black had been allowed to vote since 1890, when the state disfranchising constitution was passed.

Later Allen was repeatedly harassed by the county sheriff and jailed more than once. He was fatally shot on his own property the day before he planned to move out of state. Since the late 20th century, his case has been investigated by a history professor at Tulane University, by the FBI beginning in 2007 as part of its review of civil rights-era cold cases, and in 2011 by CBS 60 Minutes. Their work suggests that Allen was killed by Daniel Jones, then the county sheriff. No one has been prosecuted for the murder.[1]

Early life

Louis Allen was a native of Amite County, Mississippi, where he was born in 1919. The population was majority black, with an economy based on agriculture: cotton, dairy farming and logging. Many blacks left before World War II because of the poor economic opportunities, racial violence, and social oppression under Jim Crow. Population declined by 29% from 1940 to 1960, following earlier declines. In the first half of the 20th century up to 1970, more than six million blacks left the South in the Great Migration to the North, Midwest, and, beginning in the 1940s, West Coast in search of jobs and better living conditions.

Allen served in the United States Army during World War II; he enlisted at age 23 in the service at Camp Shelby, Mississippi on January 12, 1943.[2]

Making a life

After his return to Mississippi, Allen worked as a logger and farm laborer. Allen and his wife Elizabeth had four children together, including a daughter and a son Henry (called Hank). He built up his own logging business, doing well enough also to buy his own land, where he and his family raised some produce and dairy cows.

Murder of Herbert Lee

Amite County Courthouse in Liberty, where activists had been beaten and Allen was shot at while trying to register to vote.

Mississippi's constitution of 1890 politically disfranchised African-Americans, using provisions such as poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses to raise barriers to voter registration and exclude blacks from voting. In the early 1960s, a local chapter of the NAACP was founded by E.W. Steptoe for the purpose of registering black voters. He was soon joined by Robert Parris Moses of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).

In August 1961, Moses filed charges against Billy Jack Caston, cousin to Sheriff Daniel Jones and son-in-law of pro-segregation state legislator E. H. Hurst, for an assault against him and other civil rights activists by a white mob. It was the first time that an African American had legally challenged white violence in Amite County.[3] The all-white jury acquitted Caston, and Moses was escorted to the county line, ostensibly for his own safety. Moses left the county in January 1962.[3] Steptoe consulted with Justice Department agents in Jackson about intimidation tactics used by Hurst and other prominent whites in Liberty.

On September 25, 1961, Hurst followed an NAACP member named Herbert Lee to the Westbrook Cotton Gin, where he shot and killed the activist. Louis Allen and eleven other men witnessed the murder.[4] When a coroner's inquest was conducted hours later, in a courtroom filled with armed white men, Allen and the other witnesses were pressured into giving false testimony. They supported Hurst's claim of shooting Lee in self-defense, leading Hurst to be cleared of any wrongdoing.[4] However, Allen later told fellow activists the truth behind Lee's killing. Allen discussed the incident with Julian Bond, who encouraged him to tell his story to federal authorities. Bond was aware that, in the racially charged atmosphere of Amite County, Allen was at high personal risk if it became known that he had talked to the FBI. Interviewed in 2011 for a CBS 60 Minutes segment on Allen's murder, Bond said:

"He lied [at Hurst's inquest] because he was in fear of his life...If he had implicated a powerful white man in a murder of a black man, he was risking his life...I tried to encourage him to tell the truth, but you know, it was like saying, 'Why don't you volunteer to be killed?'"[1]

Learning that a federal jury was to consider charges against Hurst, Allen talked to the FBI and the United States Commission on Civil Rights in Jackson, asking for protection if he testified. An FBI memo reported that Allen "expressed fear that he might be killed", but the Justice Department said it could not give him protection.[1] Allen chose to repeat the official version of events which exonerated Hurst.

Harassment and murder of Louis Allen

Although Allen had not cooperated with the Justice Department, rumors of his visit in Jackson quickly spread among Liberty's white community. Local whites blackballed Allen and cut off customers for his logging business. In August 1962, as Allen and two other black men tried to register to vote at Amite County Courthouse, they were shot at by an unknown assailant.[4] (No black person had been allowed to vote in Amite County since 1890.)[5] Following this incident, a white businessman threatened Allen, saying, "Louis, the best thing you can do is leave. Your little family—they're innocent people—and your house could get burned down. All of you could get killed."[4] When Allen reported the death threats, the FBI which had limited jurisdiction over civil rights cases at the time referred the matter to the Amite County sheriff's office. The FBI did so despite an agent acknowledging in a 1961 memo that, "Allen was to be killed and the local sheriff was involved in the plot to kill him."[1]

Allen allegedly became a target of harassment by Amite County Sheriff Daniel Jones. In a later interview, Allen's son, Hank, described Jones as "mean", recounting how Jones arrested his father on trumped-up charges and beat him outside his home. On one such occasion in September 1962, Jones broke Allen's jawbone with a flashlight. Robert Parris Moses wrote to Assistant Attorney General John Doar about Allen: "They're after him in Amite [County]," it [the letter] says, and makes reference to "a plot by the sheriff and seven other men."[1] Jones' father was a high-ranking "Exalted Cyclops" in Liberty's chapter of the Ku Klux Klan. FBI documentation from the 1960s claimed that Daniel Jones was also a Klan member.[1]

When Allen was released from jail, he filed an assault complaint with the FBI against Jones. He summarily testified before an all-white federal grand jury. As blacks had been prevented from registering and voting, they could not serve on juries. The jury dismissed his complaint.[1] Allen stayed in Liberty because he was caring for his elderly parents.[6] Among Allen's associates was Leo McKnight, who had worked with him and twice tried to register to vote with him. In February 1963 McKnight and his family: wife, pregnant daughter, and son-in-law, died in a suspicious fire at their house. Blacks believe they were murdered.[4] In November 1963, Jones arrested Allen again, falsely charging him for bouncing a check and having a concealed weapon. Law enforcement officials threatened him with 3 to 5 years in the penitentiary; after three weeks, the NAACP raised the bail for Allen.[4]

After Allen's mother died, in January 1964 Allen arranged to leave Liberty and move in with his brother in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as he feared for his life.[6] On January 31, 1964, the night before his planned departure, Allen was ambushed at the cattle grid at the border of his property. He was killed by two shotgun blasts to the head. His body was found by his son Henry (called Hank).[4] Interviewed by CBS 60 Minutes in 2011, Hank Allen said, "He [Sheriff Daniel Jones] told my mom that if Louis had just shut his mouth, that he wouldn't be layin' there on the ground. He wouldn't be dead."[1]


No thorough investigation into Allen's murder was conducted until 1994. That year, Plater Robinson, a history professor at Tulane University, began examining the case files. Robinson's research in the following years pointed to county sheriff Daniel Jones as a likely suspect in the killing. In 1998, Robinson conducted a tape-recorded interview with Alfred Knox, an elderly black preacher in Liberty. Knox said that Jones had recruited his son-in-law, Archie Weatherspoon, to "kill Louis Allen". When Weatherspoon refused Jones' request to "pull the trigger", Jones allegedly killed Allen himself. Both Knox and Weatherspoon have since died.[1]

In 2007, the FBI reopened Allen's case as one of a number of civil rights-era cold cases it was examining. Its staff identified Jones as the prime suspect. As of 2011, the FBI has been unable to collect enough evidence to prosecute.[1]

In April 2011, the CBS newsmagazine 60 Minutes broadcast a report about the Allen case. Correspondent Steve Kroft had traveled to Liberty to interview local residents about the case. He was largely met with silence. Kroft interviewed former sheriff Daniel Jones on his property; the elderly man denied killing Allen, and he invoked the Fifth Amendment when asked about his alleged Klan membership.[1]

Legacy and honors

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cold case: "The Murder of Louis Allen", 60 Minutes (CBS), 10 April 2011, video and text
  2. "Louis Allen", U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 [database on-line], National Archives and Records Administration, hosted at, 2005. Original data: Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; ARC: 1263923. World War II Army Enlistment Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 64; National Archives at College Park. College Park, Maryland, U.S.A.
  3. 1 2 "Murder of Herbert Lee and Louis Allen", Amite County, Mississippi Civil Rights Project, accessed 16 March 2014
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Louis Allen Murdered (Jan), (Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement)
  5. Jack Newfield, "Amite County", from Chapter: "Racist Power & Terror in Southwest Mississippi" (1960), in A Prophetic Minority, New American Library, 1966, hosted at Chicken Bones Journal
  6. 1 2 "Deposition of Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, Amite County, Mississippi, 1965", Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement website, 2011
  7. John Dittmer, Local People. The Struggle for Civil Rights in Mississippi (Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1994), p. 109
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