List of Revelation Space locations

These locations, listed in order of their distance from Earth, appear in the novels and stories of Alastair Reynolds' Revelation Space universe.

First System

Another term for the Solar System.

Lalande 21185 system

A star 8.3 light-years from Earth.

Ross 248 system

A star 10.3 light-years from Earth.

Epsilon Eridani system

A star 10.5 light-years from Earth.

Lacaille 9352 system

A star about 10.7 light-years from Earth.

61 Cygni system

A star about 11.5 light-years from Earth.

In the Revelation Space universe, Sky's Edge is the only planet to be settled by a generation ship. Before the invention of lighthugger ships, a flotilla of five generation ships (Santiago, Brasilia, Islamabad, Palestine and Baghdad) travelling at eight percent of light speed was deployed from Earth to the 61 Cygni system, each with 150 waking crew and just over one thousand cryogenically frozen colonists (known to the crew as momios, as a Spanish-based calque of the word mummies). The planet was originally referred to as "Journey's End". During the course of the journey, Sky Haussmann, as captain of the Santiago, alienated the other ships by jettisoning most of his frozen passengers, which reduced the mass of the Santiago, giving it an edge over the other ships and allowing it to arrive at Journey's End first. The colonists of the Santiago claimed the most desirable land, which was in the southern part of "The Peninsula". A few months later, the two other surviving ships (Brasilia and Baghdad) arrived, with those colonists settling in the North. These settlers began referring to the planet as "Sky's Edge". Their hostilities against the South escalated into war, and Sky was eventually crucified for his crimes (although in actuality, he had a stand-in crucified, whilst he escaped).
Sky's Edge is described as relatively backwards compared with some human worlds, as it possesses little in the way of high technology, and few can afford things such as the immortality treatments readily available elsewhere in colonised space. The perpetual war raging on Sky's Edge is the reason for this: the planet apparently exports little but a few biological products harvested from its extensive jungles, due to its industries being devoted to the war. Trading ships only stop by about once a decade, usually after being snubbed by traders in more lucrative markets. The people of Sky's Edge rarely buy anything but weapons from the Ultra traders. Only Nueva Valparaiso has remained relatively unscathed by the war, because it is the site of a space elevator. This is run by the cult of Sky Haussmann, and is destroyed during the events of Chasm City. The war apparently lasted until not long before the human population of Sky's Edge was destroyed by the Inhibitors. The short story "Nightingale" takes place several decades after Chasm City, and only few years after centuries-long war came to an end.

Gliese 664 system

A K5V (variable star), 19.4 light years from Earth.

Gliese 687 system

A star about 15 light-years from Earth.

Groombridge 1618 system

A star about 16 light-years from Earth.

Delta Pavonis system

A star about 20 light-years from Earth.

107 Piscium system

A star about 24 light-years from Earth.

p Eridani system

A star about 25 light-years from Earth.

Kruger 60 system

A binary star system, about 13 light-years from Earth. Both are red dwarf stars.

Tau Ceti

A sun-like star, about 12 light-years from Earth.

Planets in unspecified systems

See also

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