
Type Weekly newspaper
Editor Ismet Veladzic (1996)[1]
Founded 1990
Political alignment Bosniak Center-right, pro-SDA
Ceased publication ?
Headquarters Sarajevo
Circulation 60,000 (as of 1996)[2]

Ljiljan was a Bosnian weekly news-political and cultural news magazine. It was founded by the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) (Bosnian: Stranka Demokratske Akcije) in 1990 as a successor to Muslimanski Glas (Muslims' Voice), the official bulletin of the party. With the name change it obtained a formal editorial independence, though it still reflected conservative Bosniak political positions, close to the SDA party.[1] For instance, as reported by Tanja Petrovic, Ljiljan opposed mixed marriages between Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs, deeming them an imposition from the Socialist times.[3]

It was published in Sarajevo and distributed in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad.[1] Circulation was of 60,000 copies, of which 85% abroad.[2]

The golden Bosnian lily is also considered the national symbol of the Bosniak people (Bosnian Muslims), one of three constitutive ethnic groups in Bosnia, the other two being Serbs and Croats.


  1. 1 2 3 Michael Biggins,Janet Crayne, Publishing in Yugoslavia's Successor States, Psychology Press, 2000, p. 59
  2. 1 2 Udovičic, Zoran (1996), Guide for Journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Information Centre of MEDIA PLAN, Sarajevo, http://www.mediaonline.ba/en/arhiva/arhiva_izvjestaja/izvjestaji/guide96.pdf
  3. Tanja Petrovic, Ugrabljena ljubezen / Oteta ljubav / Abducted Love: Priroènik za pouk državljanske vzgoje / Priruènik za nastavu graðanskog vaspitanja / Workbook for the teaching about civic educatio. Volume 2 of Zbirka Moj zvezek. Ed. Založba ZRC, 2011, p.96

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