Live Arts Week

Live Arts Week
Genre live arts
Location(s) Bologna
Organized by Xing[1]

Live Arts Week[2] is a project by Xing, born in 2012 out the fusion of the experiences of the two Bologna festivals (2000>2011): Netmage - International Live Media Festival and F.I.S.Co. - Festival Internazionale sullo Spettacolo Contemporaneo. Live Arts Week takes place in Bologna, Italy, once a year, and it is developed throughout one week in different locations and settings in town.


Live Arts Week intensifies a weave between disciplines and forms of expression, and cohabitation between artists and audiences from different backgrounds. Focused on live arts, it offers a program that reflects an idea of art as experience made of temporalities, postures and the imaginaries.

The decision to launch the new event as 'week-long' is an attempt to break away from the concept of a festival as a consumer point in the cultural life of a city.

The program allows the visitor to cross a number of world-spaces created by important personalities in international and contemporary research. The set-up suggests a citywide event, divided into a schedule of events, performances, shows, concerts and live media with unique dates, productions and premières.

GIANNI PENG, a name that will accompany the festival in its organic growth, indicates the time of these transitions. It is a phenomenon, not a person: a new identity, unlikely but real, to be treated as an abstract concept.


Edition 2012

  • Anne Juren (FR-AU)
  • Antonia Baehr [3](DE)
  • Blues Control[4] (US)/Laraaji [5](US)
  • Canedicoda[6](IT)/Mirko Rizzi (IT)
  • Christine De Smedt (BE)
  • Claudia Castellucci [7](IT)
  • Cristina Rizzo[8] (IT)/Lucia Amara (IT)
  • Denis Tyfus [9](BE)/Vom Grill (BE)
  • Floris Vanhoof (BE)
  • Hartmut Geerken (DE)
  • Hieroglyphic Being [10] (US)
  • Jan Ritsema (NL)
  • Krõõt Juurak (EE)
  • Luca Trevisani [11](IT)
  • Luís Miguel Félix (PT)
  • Marino Formenti[12] (IT-AT)
  • Orphan Fairytale (BE)
  • Ottaven [13](IT)
  • Robert Steijn[14] (NL-AT)
  • Salka Ardal Rosengren (SE)
  • Saša Asentić (RS)
  • Silvia Costa (IT)
  • The Claw (Kingdom, Total Freedom, Nguzunguzu) (US)
  • Yannick Val Gesto [15] (BE)/Roman Hiele (BE)
  • Xavier Le Roy(FR/DE)
  • Yves-Noël Genod(FR)
  • Giovanni Anceschi (IT)
  • Ben Rivers (GB)
  • Mattin (ES)

Edition 2013

  • Alix Eynaudi [16] (FR AU)
  • Anne Juren/Marianne Baillot/Alix Eynaudi[16]/Agata Maszkiewicz[17] (FR/AU/BE/PL)
  • Daniela Cattivelli[18] (IT)
  • Dmitry Paranyushkin[19] (RU-DE)
  • Dracula Lewis/Out4Pizza[20] (IT/US)
  • Elise Florenty/Marcel Türkowsky[21] (FR/DE)
  • Eszter Salamon[22]/Christine De Smedt[23] (DE/BE)
  • Mårten Spångberg[24]/Linnea Martinsson (SW)
  • Goodiepal (DK)
  • Helm[25] (GB)
  • Junko (JP)
  • Lucio Capece[26] (AR-DE)
  • Muna Mussie[27] (IT-BE)
  • Nature Theater of Oklahoma[28] (US)
  • Pierre Huyghe (FR)
  • Riccardo Benassi[29] (IT)
  • Rose Kallal[30]/Joe DeNardo[31] (CA/US)
  • Sara Manente[32] (IT-BE)
  • Sun Araw(US)
  • Tony Conrad (US)

Edition 2014

Edition 2015

  • Adrian Rew (US)
  • Alessandro di Pietro (IT)
  • Andrea Magnani (IT)
  • Andrew Norman Wilson (US)
  • Anne de Vries (NL)
  • Anthony Pateras (AT-DE)
  • Auto Italia (US/GB)
  • Ben Vickers/Holly White (GB/GB)
  • Canedicoda[6] (IT)
  • Carola Spadoni (IT-DE)
  • Claudia Triozzi (FR-IT)
  • David Horvitz (US)
  • Enrico Boccioletti[39] (IT)
  • Francesco Cavaliere (IT-DE)
  • Gábor Lázár[47] (HU)
  • Harm van den Dorpel (NL)
  • Ilja Karilampi [48]"(ES-DE)
  • Jaakko Pallasvuo [49](FI-DE)
  • Jack Hauser/Satu Herrala/Sabina Holzer/Jeroen Peeters (AT/FI/AT/BE)
  • Jennifer Chan [50] (CA)
  • Luciano Chessa (IT-US)
  • MACON (FR)
  • MK/Luca Trevisani/Franco Farinelli/Roberta Mosca/Sigourney Weaver/Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch (IT)
  • Marco Dal Pane (IT)
  • Markus Öhrn (SE)
  • Martin Kohout[51] (CZ-DE)
  • N.M.O. (Morten J Olsen/Rubén Patiño) (NO/ES)
  • Ogino Knauss (IT-DE)
  • Philip Corner (US)
  • Riccardo Benassi[29] (IT-DE)
  • Roberto Fassone (IT)
  • Salvatore Panu (IT)
  • Seth Price (US)
  • VA AA LR (Adam Asnan/Vasco Alves/Louie Rice) (GB/PT/GB)
  • Valerio Tricoli (IT-DE)
  • Vera Mantero & guests (PT)
  • Xavier Le Roy (DE/FR)
  • Yuri Pattison (IE)
  • Z.B. Aids (FR)

Edition 2016

Edition 2017

See also


  1. Xing
  2. Live Arts Week
  3. make-up-productions
  4. Blues Control
  5. Laraaji
  6. 1 2 3 canedicoda
  7. Raffaello Sanzio
  8. 1 2 Cristina Rizzo
  9. ultraeczema
  10. mathematicsrecordings
  11. luca trevisani
  12. Marino Formenti
  13. Ottaven
  14. unitedsorry
  15. Yannick Val Gesto
  16. 1 2 3 Alix Eynaudi
  17. Agata Maszkiewicz
  18. Daniela Cattivelli
  19. Dmitry Paranyushkin
  20. Out4Pizza
  21. Marcel Türkowsky
  22. Eszter Salamon
  23. Christine De Smedt
  24. 1 2 Mårten Spångberg
  25. Helm
  26. Lucio Capece
  27. Muna Mussie
  28. Nature Theater of Oklahoma
  29. 1 2 Riccardo Benassi
  30. Rose Kallal
  31. Joe DeNardo
  32. 1 2 Sara Manente
  33. Aki Onda
  34. Barokthegreat
  35. Ben Vida
  36. Raionbashi
  37. Dora Garcia
  38. Doreen Kutzke
  39. 1 2 Enrico Boccioletti
  40. Elg
  41. Gaëlle Boucand
  42. 1 2 Maria Hassabi
  43. 1 2 Mette Edvardsen
  44. MSHR
  45. Neil Beloufa
  46. Porter Ricks
  47. Gábor Lázár
  48. Ilja Karilampi
  49. Jaakko Pallasvuo
  50. Jennifer Chan
  51. Martin Kohout
  52. invernomuto
  53. Anastasia Ax
  54. Lorenzo Senni
  55. Margherita Morgantin
  56. Miguel Prado
  57. Nicola Ratti
  58. Nicolás Lamas
  59. Olivier Kosta-Thèfaine
  60. Silvia Costa

External Sources

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