Listed buildings in Frederikshavn Municipality

The list of listed buildings in Frederishavn Municipality lists listed buildings in Frederikshavn Municipality, Denmark.

Note: This list is incomplete. A complete list of listed buildings in Vordingborg Municipality can be found on Danish Wikipedia.

The list

Listing name Image Location Year built Contributing ressource Ref
Admiralgården Østre Strandvej 51, 9990 Skagen 1915 Three-winged building from 1915 designed by Ulrik Plesner Ref
Bangsbo Dronning Margrethes Vej 1, 9900 Frederikshavn 18th century Three-winged manor house from the 18th century Ref
Dronning Margrethes Vej 1, 9900 Frederikshavn 17th century Half-timbered barn from the 17th century Ref
Brøndums Hotel Anchersvej 3, 9990 Skagen 1898 Four-winged hotel complex: Part of the south wing dating from 1874 but adapted and expanded by Ulrik Plesner in 1892; the verenda and west wing from 1898 by Ulrik Plesner; the north wing and connecting hallway by Ulrik Plesner Ref
Anchersvej 3, 9990 Skagen 1887 The east wing from 1887 containing restaurant/inn facilities Ref
Classen's House Algade 3A, 9300 Sæby Townhouse priginally built before 1781 but the frontage replaced in 1834 and the rear side rebuilt in brick in 1877 ] Ref
Fiskepakhusene (6) Fiskehuskaj 1-31 and Rødspættevej 2-6, 9990 Skagen 1907 Six rows of warehouses for the storage of fisk from 61907 designed by Thorvald Bindesbøll Ref
Klitgården Damstedvej 39, 9990 Skagen 1914 Three-winged house designed by Ulrok Plesner for king Christian X and queen Alexandrine Ref
Damstedvej 39, 9990 Skagen 1914 Garage building from 1914 Ref
Lerbæk Skagensvej 195A, 9900 Frederikshavn c. 1675 Manor house from the second half of the 17th century and the surrounding moats Ref
Mayor Hans Gram's House Algade 12, 9300 Sæby 1624 Half-timbered house from 1624 and the connecting gateway Ref
Martello Tower Kragholmen 2, 9900 Frederikshavn 1686 Gunpowder magazine from 1686 designed byAnthony Coucheron, originally part of Frederikshavn Fortress but moved to its current location in 1975 Ref4
Michael and Anna Ancher House Markvej 2, 9990 Skagen 1837/1914 The former home of Anna and Michael Ancher: The south wing originally built between 1827 and 1837 and extended westwards in 1840 and again in 1860; the northern extension from 1914 designed by Ulrik Plesner Ref4
Nordre Skanse Nordre Skanse 46, 9900 Frederikshavn c. 1700 Coastal fortification with four bastions dating from c. 1700 Ref
P. S. Krøyer House Sct. Laurentii Vej 148, 9990 Skagen The former home of P. S. Krøyer: The oldest part is from the 18th century but extended between 1801 and 1809 Ref
Saxild's House (2) Markvej 4, 9990 Skagen 1968 Two detached wings situated perpendicularly to each other, built in c. 1780 but adapted by Ulrik Plesner in 1915 Ref
Skagen Lighthouse (4) Fyrvej 36, 9990 Skagen 1858 Lighthouse and associated keeper's residence from 1858 designed by N. S. Nebelong Ref
Skagen Old Lighthouse Fyrvej 2, 9990 Skagen 1748/1816 Lighthouse from 1848 designed by Philip de Lange and extended in 1816 Ref
Skagen's Vippefyr Hans Ruths Vej 15, 9990 Skagen A' vippefyr from 1884 Ref
Skagen Town Hall Sct. Laurentii Vej 87, 9990 Skagen 1968 Former town hall from 1968 designed by Ejnar Borg Ref
Skagens Museum Brøndumsvej 4, 9990 Skagen 1914 The old main building: Originally dating from the 18th century but rebuilt in 1850 Ref
Brøndumsvej 4, 9990 Skagen 1914 The Studio Building from 1850 Ref
Sæbygård Sæbygårdvej 49, 9300 Sæby Three-winged, 18th-century manor house with connecting walls to the northwest and surrounding moats Ref
Tuxen's House (3) Tuxens Alle 18A-C, 9990 Skagen 1834/1901 The former home of Laurits Tuxen: The half-timbered, L-shaped building of which the south wing is from 1834 and the east wing is from 1842 but was adapted by Thorvald Jørgensen in 1901 (Tuxens Alle 18A); half-timbered pabilion from 1902 (Tuxens Alle 18B), the detached, haæf-timbered west wing from 1901 (Tuxens Alle 18C); the cobbled central courtyard Ref


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