List of universities in Myanmar

The following is a comprehensive list of universities in Myanmar, categorised by state and region.[1][2] Nearly all major and national universities in Myanmar are in Yangon Region and Mandalay Region. The Burmese higher education system is entirely state-run, and its universities and colleges are organised along their fields of studies. The country's 150-plus universities and colleges are administered by various government ministries. For example, liberal arts and sciences universities such as Yangon University and Mandalay University are run by the Ministry of Education,[2] the medical schools are run by the Ministry of Health,[3] and the technological universities are run by the Ministry of Science and Technology.[4] Private colleges offer international joint diploma to the residents in some fields such as engineering, and Business administration.

By state/division

Ayeyarwady Region

Bago Region

Chin State

Kachin State

Kayah State

Kayin State

Magway Region

Mandalay Region

Mon State

Rakhine State

Sagaing Region

Shan State

Tanintharyi Region

Yangon Region

See also


  1. "Institutes of Higher Education in Myanmar". January 2002. Retrieved 28 December 2008.
  2. 1 2 "Universities and Degree Colleges under Ministry of Education". Ministry of Education, Myanmar.
  3. "Health Statistics" (PDF). Ministry of Health, Myanmar. Retrieved 30 December 2008.
  4. Sayne Le Shwe (2004). "Technology and State Development" (PDF). Ministry of Science and Technology. Retrieved 30 December 2008.
  5. Computer University, Myeik
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