Outline of logic

Logic is the formal science of using reason and is considered a branch of both philosophy and mathematics. Logic investigates and classifies the structure of statements and arguments, both through the study of formal systems of inference and the study of arguments in natural language. The scope of logic can therefore be very large, ranging from core topics such as the study of fallacies and paradoxes, to specialized analyses of reasoning such as probability, correct reasoning, and arguments involving causality. One of the aims of logic is to identify the correct (or valid) and incorrect (or fallacious) inferences. Logicians study the criteria for the evaluation of arguments.

Foundations of logic

Philosophy of logic

Philosophical logic

Philosophical logic

Informal logic and critical thinking

Informal logic Critical thinking Argumentation theory

Deductive reasoning

Theories of deduction


Formal logic

Symbols and strings of symbols

Logical symbols

Logical connectives

Logical connective

Strings of symbols

Types of propositions


Rules of inference

Rule of inference  (list)

Formal theories

Expressions in an object language

Object language

Expressions in a metalanguage


Propositional and boolean logic

Propositional logic

Propositional logic

Boolean logic

Predicate logic and relations

Predicate logic

Predicate logic


Mathematical relation

Mathematical logic

Mathematical logic

Set theory

Set theory  (list)


Metalogic The study of the metatheory of logic.

Proof theory

Proof theory The study of deductive apparatus.

Model theory

Model theory The study of interpretation of formal systems.

Computability theory

Computability theory branch of mathematical logic that originated in the 1930s with the study of computable functions and Turing degrees. The field has grown to include the study of generalized computability and definability. The basic questions addressed by recursion theory are "What does it mean for a function from the natural numbers to themselves to be computable?" and "How can noncomputable functions be classified into a hierarchy based on their level of noncomputability?". The answers to these questions have led to a rich theory that is still being actively researched.

Classical logic

Classical logic

Non-classical logic

Non-classical logic Deviant logic

Modal logic

Concepts of logic

Mathematical logic

History of logic

History of logic

Literature about logic



Logic organizations


See also

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