List of stars in Equuleus

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Equuleus, sorted by decreasing brightness.

Name B F Var HD HIP RA Dec vis.
Dist. (ly) Sp. class Notes
α Equ α 8 202447 104987 21h 15m 49.40s +05° 14 53.1 3.92 0.14 186 G0III+... Kitalpha, Kitel Phard, Kitalphar; spectroscopic binary
δ Equ δ 7 202275 104858 21h 14m 28.79s +10° 00 27.8 4.47 3.14 60 F5V+... spectroscopic binary
γ Equ γ 5 201601 104521 21h 10m 20.47s +10° 07 55.0 4.70 1.97 115 F0p double star; Rapidly oscillating Ap star, Vmax = 4.70m, Vmin = 4.71m, P = 0.00811 d
β Equ β 10 203562 105570 21h 22m 53.58s +06° 48 40.0 5.16 −0.05 360 A3V multiple star
ε Equ ε 1 199766 103569 20h 59m 04.54s +04° 17 37.8 5.30 1.40 197 F5III... spectroscopic binary
ζ Equ ζ 3 200644 104031 21h 04m 34.64s +05° 30 10.3 5.63 −0.99 688 K5III double star
9 Equ 9 203291 105413 21h 21m 04.80s +07° 21 16.4 5.81 −1.75 1058 M2III suspected variable; Vmax = 5.86m, Vmin = 5.91m
4 Equ 4 200790 104101 21h 05m 26.79s +05° 57 30.6 5.94 3.10 120 F8V double star
HD 202951 202951 105224 21h 18m 52.01s +11° 12 12.0 5.97 −1.96 1254 K5III rotating variable, Vmax = 5.96m, Vmin = 6.01m
HD 199942 199942 103652 21h 00m 03.95s +07° 30 58.2 5.98 1.69 235 A7V double star
6 Equ 6 201616 104538 21h 10m 31.31s +10° 02 56.0 6.07 0.24 479 A2Vs optical double with γ Equ
HD 201298 201298 104357 21h 08m 28.15s +06° 59 21.7 6.14 −0.89 832 K5III
HD 203842 203842 105695 21h 24m 24.52s +10° 10 27.1 6.33 1.21 344 F5III
HD 200661 200661 104041 21h 04m 41.63s +02° 56 32.1 6.41 0.97 400 K0
HD 201507 201507 104481 21h 09m 58.26s +02° 56 37.0 6.44 1.63 299 F5IV
HD 200964 200964 104202 21h 06m 39.79s +03° 48 10.8 6.64 2.35 223 K0IV has two planets (b & c)
λ Equ λ 2 200256 103813 21h 02m 12.51s +07° 10 47.3 6.72 1.68 332 F8 double star
HD 202908 202908 105200 21h 18m 34.87s +11° 34 7.8 7.01 3.63 155 G0V + G6V triple star
Gliese 818 200779 104092 21h 05m 20s +07° 04 09 8.27 7.41 48 K6V multiple star
S Equ S 199454 103419 20h 57m 12.84s +05° 04 49.4 8.37 -0.57 2000 B9V + F9III-IV Algol variable, Vmax = 8.35m, Vmin = 10.40m, P = 3.4360969 d
SY Equ SY 203664 105614 21h 23m 28.81s +09° 55 54.9 8.53 -2.02 4200 B0.5IIIn Beta Cephei variable, Vmax = 8.520m, Vmin = 8.585m, P = 0.1658677 d
R Equ R 202051 21h 13m 11.77s +12° 48 08.77 8.70 4 M3e Mira variable, Vmax = 8.4m, Vmin = 15.0m, P = 262.28 d
WASP-90 21h 02m 08.0s +07° 03 24 11.7 1109 F6 has a transiting planet (b)
HAT-P-65 21h 03m 37.0s +11° 59 22 13.15 3.53 2743 has a transiting planet (b)
U Equ U 20h 57m 16.2s +02° 58 45 14.5 3.57 5000 M slow irregular variable, Vmax = 13.4m, Vmin = 14.5m
Table legend:

See also


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