List of post-nominal letters (Kelantan)

This is a list of post-nominal letters used in Kelantan. The order in which they follow an individual's name is the same as the order of precedence for the wearing of order insignias, decorations, and medals. When applicable, non-hereditary titles are indicated.

Grades [1][2][3] Post-nominal Title Wive's title Ribbon
The Most Esteemed Royal Family Order of Kelantan (Star of Yunus) - Darjah Kerabat Yang Amat Dihormati (Bintang al-Yunusi)
Star Darjah Kerabat D.K. -- --
The Most Illustrious Order of the Crown of Kelantan (Star of Muhammad) - Darjah Kebesaran Mahkota Kelantan Yang Amat Mulia (Bintang al-Muhammadi)
Knight Grand Commander Dato' Sri Paduka Mahkota Kelantan S.P.M.K. Dato’ Sri Datin Sri
Knight Commander Dato’ Paduka Mahkota Kelantan D.P.M.K. Dato’ Datin
Commander Paduka Mahkota Kelantan P.M.K. -- --
The Most Illustrious Order of the Life of the Crown of Kelantan (Star of Ismail) - Darjah Kebesaran Jiwa Mahkota Kelantan Yang Amat Mulia (Bintang Al-Ismaili)
Knight Grand Commander Dato’ Sri Paduka Jiwa Mahkota Kelantan S.J.M.K. Dato’ Sri Datin Sri

2006 -
Knight Commander Dato’ Paduka Jiwa Mahkota Kelantan D.J.M.K. Dato’ Datin
Companion Setia Jiwa Mahkota Kelantan J.M.K. -- --
The Most Distinguished Order of the Loyalty to the Crown of Kelantan (Star of Ibrahim) - Darjah Kebesaran Setia Mahkota Kelantan Yang Amat Terbilang (Bintang al-Ibrahimi)
Knight Grand Commander Dato’ Sri Paduka Setia Mahkota Kelantan S.P.S.K. Dato’ Sri Datin Sri
Knight Commander Dato’ Paduka Setia Mahkota Kelantan D.P.S.K. Dato’ Datin
Commander Paduka Setia Mahkota Kelantan P.S.K. -- --
Officer Bentara Setia Mahkota Kelantan B.S.K. -- --
Member Ahli Setia Mahkota Kelantan A.S.K. -- --
The Most Valiant Order of the Noble Crown of Kelantan (Star of Yahya) - Darjah Kebesaran Kshatria Mahkota Kelantan Yang Amat Perkasa (Bintang al-Yahyawi)
Knight Grand Commander Dato’ Sri Paduka Kebesaran Kshatria Mahkota Kelantan S.P.K.K. Dato’ Sri Datin Sri
Knight Commander Dato’ Paduka Kebesaran Kshatria Mahkota Kelantan D.P.K.K. Dato’ Datin
Commander Paduka Kebesaran Kshatria Mahkota Kelantan P.K.K. -- --
The Order of the Most Distinguished and Most Valiant Warrior - Darjah Pahlawan Yang Amat Gagah Perkasa Yang Amat Mulia
Star Pahlawan Yang Amat Gagah Perkasa P.Y.G.P. -- -- .
Crown of Kelantan Decoration - Seri Mahkota Kelantan (4th class for the Order of the Crown of Kelantan)
Decoration Seri Mahkota Kelantan S.M.K. -- --
Sri Kelantan Decoration - Seri Kelantan (5th class for the Order of the Crown of Kelantan)
Gold Medal Sri Kelantan S.K. -- --
Ahli Kelantan Decoration - Ahli Kelantan (4th class for the Order of the Life of the Crown of Kelantan)
Silver Medal Ahli Kelantan A.K. -- --
Meritorious Service Medal - Pingat Bakti
Silver Medal Pingat Bakti P.B. -- --
Medal of Loyalty to the Crown of Kelantan - Pingat Setia Mahkota Kelantan
Silver Medal Pingat Setia Mahkota Kelantan P.S. -- --
Loyal Service Medal - Pingat Taat
Silver Medal Pingat Taat P.T. -- --
Good Conduct Medal - Pingat Perangai Baik
Silver Medal Pingat Perangai Baik P.P.B. -- --
State Council Inauguration Commemorative Medal 1939 - Pingat Peringatan Pembukaan Dewan Tinggi 1939
Silver Medal Pingat Peringatan Pembukaan Dewan Tinggi 1939 P.P.M. -- --
Sultan Ibrahim IV Coronation Medal - Pingat Kemahkotaan Sultan Ibrahim IV
Silver Medal Pingat Kemahkotaan Sultan Ibrahim IV P.P.I. -- --
Sultan Yahya Petra Coronation Medal - Pingat Kemahkotaan Sultan Yahya Petra
Gold Medal Pingat Kemahkotaan Sultan Yahya Petra -- -- --
Silver Medal Pingat Kemahkotaan Sultan Yahya Petra -- -- --
Sultan Ismail Petra Coronation Medal - Pingat Kemahkotaan Sultan Ismail Petra
Gold Medal Pingat Kemahkotaan Sultan Ismail Petra -- -- --
Silver Medal Pingat Kemahkotaan Sultan Ismail Petra -- -- --
Silver Jubilee Medal - Pingat Jubli Perak (reign of Sultan Ismail Petra)
Silver Medal Pingat Jubli Perak P.J.P. -- --
Meritorious Service Medal - Pingat Kebaktian Perkhidmatan
Medal Pingat Kebaktian Perkhidmatan P.K.P. -- --

See also


  1. Colecciones Militares, Ribbons of Kelantan 1 & 2
  2. Royal Ark, Decorations of Kelantan
  3. Susunan Keutamaan Darjah Kebesaran, Bintang dan Pingat Kelantan
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