List of peers 1300–1309

This page lists all peers who held extant titles between the years 1300 and 1309.

Peerage of England

Title Holder Date gained Date lost Notes
Earl of Surrey (1088)John de Warenne, 6th Earl of Surrey12401305Died
John de Warenne, 7th Earl of Surrey13051347
Earl of Warwick (1088)Guy de Beauchamp, 10th Earl of Warwick12981315
Earl of Gloucester (1122)Gilbert de Clare, 8th Earl of Gloucester12951314
Earl of Arundel (1138)Richard FitzAlan, 8th Earl of Arundel12721302Died
Edmund FitzAlan, 9th Earl of Arundel13021326
Earl of Norfolk (1140)Roger Bigod, 5th Earl of Norfolk12701306Died, title extinct
Earl of Oxford (1142)Robert de Vere, 6th Earl of Oxford12971331
Earl of Salisbury (1145)Margaret de Lacy, 4th Countess of Salisbury12611310
Earl of Hereford (1199)Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford12981322
Earl of Lincoln (1217)Henry de Lacy, 3rd Earl of Lincoln12661310
Earl of Cornwall (1225)Edmund, 2nd Earl of Cornwall12721300Died, title extinct
Earl of Pembroke (1247)Aymer de Valence, 2nd Earl of Pembroke12961324
Earl of Leicester (1265)Thomas Plantagenet, 2nd Earl of Leicester and Lancaster12961322
Earl of Richmond (1268)John II, Duke of Brittany12681305Died, the Earldom reverted to the Crown
Earl of Chester (1301)Edward of Caernarvon, Earl of Chester13011307New creation; succeeded to the Throne, and the title merged in the Crown
Earl of Richmond (1306)John of Brittany, Earl of Richmond13061334New creation; also created Baron of Brittany in 1305
Earl of Cornwall (1307)Piers Gaveston, 1st Earl of Cornwall13071312New creation
Baron de Ros (1264)William de Ros, 1st Baron de Ros12851316
Baron le Despencer (1264)Hugh le Despencer, 2nd Baron le Despencer12651326
Baron Basset of Drayton (1264)Ralph Basset, 3rd Baron Basset of Drayton12991344
Baron Basset of Sapcote (1264)Simon Basset, 2nd Baron Basset of Sapcote12821300Died
Ralph Basset, 3rd Baron Basset of Sapcote13001326Never summoned to Parliament
Baron Mowbray (1283)John de Mowbray, 2nd Baron Mowbray12971322
Baron Hastings (1290)John Hastings, 1st Baron Hastings12901313
Baron Astley (1295)Andrew of Astley, 1st Baron Astley12951301Died
Nicholas de Astley, 2nd Baron Astley13011314
Baron Beke (1295)John Beke, 1st Baron Beke12951304Died; Barony fell into abeyance
Baron Berkeley (1295)Thomas de Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley12951321
Baron Boteler (1295)William le Boteler, 1st Baron Boteler12951328
Baron Brus (1295)Robert de Brus, 1st Baron Brus12951304Died
Robert de Brus, 2nd Baron Brus13041306His estates in England had been taken into the King's hand
Baron Canville (1295)Geoffrey de Canville, 1st Baron Canville12951308Died
William de Canville, 2nd Baron Canville13081338
Baron Clavering (1295)Robert FitzRoger, 1st Baron Clavering12951310
Baron Corbet (1295)Peter Corbet, 1st Baron Corbet12951300Died
Piers Corbet, 2nd Baron Corbet13001322
Baron Fauconberg (1295)Walter de Fauconberg, 1st Baron Fauconberg12951304Died
Walter de Fauconberg, 2nd Baron Fauconberg13041318
Baron FitzAlan (1295)Brian FitzAlan, 1st Baron FitzAlan12951305Died, title fell into abeyance
Baron FitzWalter (1295)Robert FitzWalter, 1st Baron FitzWalter12951325
Baron FitzWarine (1295)Fulke FitzWarine, 1st Baron FitzWarine12951315
Baron FitzWilliam (1295)Ralph FitzWilliam, 1st Baron FitzWilliam12951315
Baron Giffard (1295)John Giffard, 2nd Baron Giffard12991322
Baron Grey de Wilton (1295)Reginald de Grey, 1st Baron Grey de Wilton12951308Died
John Grey, 2nd Baron Grey de Wilton13081323
Baron Greystock (1295)John de Greystock, 1st Baron Greystock12951306Died, title extinct
Baron Huntercombe (1295)Walter de Huntercombe, 1st Baron Huntercombe12951312
Baron Hussee (1295)Henry Hussee, 1st Baron Hussee12951332
Baron Hylton (1295)Robert Hylton, 1st Baron Hylton12951322
Baron Knovill (1295)Bogo de Knovill, 1st Baron Knovill12951306Died
Bogo de Knovill, 2nd Baron Knovill13061338
Baron Kyme (1295)Philip de Kyme, 1st Baron Kyme12951323
Baron Martin (1295)William Martin, 1st Baron Martin12951325
Baron Mauley (1295)Peter de Mauley, 1st Baron Mauley12951310
Baron Meinill (1295)Nicholas Meinill, 2nd Baron Meinill12991322
Baron Montfort (1295)John of Montfort12961314
Baron Mortimer of Wigmore (1295)Edmund de Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer de Wigmore12951304Died
Roger de Mortimer, 2nd Baron Mortimer de Wigmore13041330
Baron Neville de Raby (1295)Ralph Neville, 1st Baron Neville de Raby12951331
Baron Plugenet (1295)Alan de Plugenet, 2nd Baron Plugenet12991326
Baron Poyntz (1295)Hugh Poyntz, 1st Baron Poyntz12951308Died
Nicholas Poyntz, 2nd Baron Poyntz13081311
Baron Segrave (1295)John de Segrave, 2nd Baron Segrave12951325
Baron Segrave of Barton Segrave (1295)Nicholas de Segrave, 1st Baron Segrave of Barton Segrave12951322
Baron Strange (1295)Roger Le Strange, 1st Baron Strange12951311
Baron Tateshall (1295)Robert de Tateshall, 2nd Baron Tateshall12981303Died
Robert de Tateshall, 3rd Baron Tateshall13031306Died, title extinct
Baron Umfraville (1295)Gilbert de Umfraville, 1st Baron Umfraville12951307Died
Robert de Umfraville, 2nd Baron Umfraville13071325
Baron Verdun (1295)Theobald de Verdun, 1st Baron Verdun12951309Died
Theobald de Verdun, 2nd Baron Verdun13091316
Baron Wake (1295)John Wake, 1st Baron Wake12951300Died
Thomas Wake, 2nd Baron Wake of Liddell13001349
Baron Ap-Adam (1299)John Ap-Adam, 1st Baron Ap-Adam12991311
Baron Bardolf (1299)Hugh Bardolf, 1st Baron Bardolf12991304Died
Thomas Bardolf, 2nd Baron Bardolf13041328
Baron Basset of Weldon (1299)Richard Basset, 1st Baron Basset of Weldon12991314
Baron Chaurces (1299)Thomas de Chaurces, 1st Baron Chaurces12991315
Baron Clinton (1299)John de Clinton, 1st Baron Clinton12991310
Baron de la Mare (1299)John De La Mare, 1st Baron de la Mare12991316
Baron De La Warr (1299)Roger la Warr, 1st Baron De La Warr12991320
Baron Deincourt (1299)Edmund Deincourt, 1st Baron Deincourt12991327
Baron Devereux (1299)William Devereux, 1st Baron Devereux12991330?
Baron Engaine (1299)John Engaine, 1st Baron Engaine12991322
Baron Ferrers of Chartley (1299)John de Ferrers, 1st Baron Ferrers of Chartley12991325
Baron FitzPayne (1299)Robert FitzPayne, 1st Baron FitzPayne12991316
Baron Genevill (1299)Geoffrey de Genevill, 1st Baron Genevill12991307Died, Barony became dormant
Baron Grandison (1299)William de Grandison, 1st Baron Grandison12991335
Baron Hache (1299)Eustace de Hache, 1st Baron Hache12991306Died; title extinct
Baron Havering (1299)John de Havering, 1st Baron Havering12991329
Baron Lancaster (1299)Henry Plantagenet, 1st Baron Lancaster12991345
Baron Leyburn (1299)William de Leyburn, 1st Baron Leyburn12991310
Baron Lovel (1299)John Lovel, 1st Baron Lovel12991311
Baron Moels (1299)John de Moels, 1st Baron Moels12991309Died
Nicholas de Moels, 2nd Baron Moels13091315
Baron Mohun (1299)John de Mohun, 1st Baron Mohun12991330
Baron Mortimer of Chirke (1299)Roger de Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer of Chirke12991336
Baron Mortimer of Richard's Castle (1299)Hugh de Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer of Richard's Castle12991304Died; Barony fell into abeyance
Baron Multon of Egremont (1299)Thomas de Multon, 1st Baron Multon of Egremont12991322
Baron Muncy (1299)Walter de Muncy, 1st Baron Muncy12991308Died; title extinct
Baron Percy (1299)Henry Percy, 1st Baron Percy12991315
Baron Peyvre (1299)Johny Peyvre, 1st Baron Peyvre12991316
Baron Pinkeny (1299)Henry de Pinkeney, 1st Baron Pinkeney12991301Died; Barony extinct
Baron Plessets (1299)Hugh de Plessets, 1st Baron Plessets12951301Died; none of his heirs were summoned to the Parliament
Baron Rivers of Ongar (1299)John Rivers, 1st Baron Rivers12991311
Baron Saint Amand (1299)Almaric de St Amand, 1st Baron Saint Amand12991310
Baron Scales (1299)Robert de Scales, 1st Baron Scales12991305Died
Robert de Scales, 2nd Baron Scales13051324
Baron Stafford (1299)Edmund de Stafford, 1st Baron Stafford12991309Died
Ralph de Stafford, 2nd Baron Stafford13091372
Baron Tregoz (1299)John de Tregoz, 1st Baron Tregoz12991300Died; Barony in abeyance 1301-1305
Henry de Tregoz, 2nd Baron Tregoz13051318
Baron Teyes (1299)Henry de Teyes, 1st Baron Teyes12991308Died
Henry de Teyes, 2nd Baron Teyes13081321
Baron Valence (1299)Aymer de Valence, 1st Baron Valence12991323
Baron Vavasour (1299)William de Vavasour, 1st Baron Vavasour12991313
Baron Vere (1299)Hugh de Vere, 1st Baron Vere12991318
Baron Welles (1299)Adam de Welles, 1st Baron Welles12991311
Baron Zouche (1299)Alan la Zouche, 1st Baron la Zouche of Ashby12991314
Baron Toni (1299)Robert de Toni, 1st Baron Toni12991310
Baron Grandison (1299)Otho de Grandison, 1st Baron Grandison12991305?Died; title extinct
Baron Beauchamp of Somerset (1299)John de Beauchamp, 1st Baron Beauchamp12991336
Baron Braose (1299)William de Braose, 1st Baron Braose12991326
Baron Cauntelo (1299)William de Cauntelo, 1st Baron Cauntelo12991308Died
William de Cauntelo, 2nd Baron Cauntelo13081321
Baron Chavent (1299)Piers de Chavent, 1st Baron Chavent12991303Died; none of his heirs were summoned to the Parliament
Baron de Clifford (1299)Robert de Clifford, 1st Baron de Clifford12991314
Baron Darcy (1299)Philip Darcy, Baron Darcy12991332
Baron De La Ward (1299)Robert de La Ward, 1st Baron De La Ward12991307Died
Simon de La Ward, 2nd Baron De La Ward13071324
Baron Ferrers of Groby (1299)William Ferrers, 1st Baron Ferrers of Groby12991325
Baron FitzReginald (1299)John FitzReginald, 1st Baron FitzReginald12991310
Baron Furnivall (1299)Thomas de Furnivall, 1st Baron Furnivall12991332
Baron Grendon (1299)Ralph Grendon, 1st Baron Grendon12991331
Baron Hastings of Inchmahome (1299)Edmund Hastings, 1st Baron Hastings of Inchmahome12991314
Baron Lancaster (1299)John de Lancastre, 1st Baron Lancaster12991334
Baron Lansladron (1299)Serlo de Lansladron, 1st Baron Lansladron12991306Died, title extinct
Baron Latimer (1299)Thomas Latimer, 1st Baron Latimer12991334
Baron Latimer (1299)William Latimer, 1st Baron Latimer12991305Died
William Latimer, 2nd Baron Latimer13051327
Baron Lisle (1299)John de Lisle, 1st Baron Lisle12991304Died
John de Lisle, 2nd Baron Lisle13041337
Baron Montagu (1299)Simon de Montacute, 1st Baron Montagu12991316
Baron Morley (1299)William de Morley12991310
Baron Paynel (1299)John Paynel, 1st Baron Paynel12991318
Baron Pecche (1299)Gilbert Peche12991322
Baron Rithre (1299)William de Rithre, 1st Baron Rithre12991310
Baron Roche (1299)Thomas de la Roche, 1st Baron Roche12991320
Baron Saint John of Basing (1299)John St John, 1st Baron Saint John of Basing12991329
Baron Saint John of Lageham (1299)John St John, 1st Baron Saint John of Lageham12991317
Baron Sampson (1299)William Sampson, 1st Baron Sampson12991306?Died
Baron Strange of Knockyn (1299)John le Strange, 1st Baron Strange of Knockyn12991309Died
John le Strange, 2nd Baron Strange of Knockyn13091311
Baron Sudeley (1299)John de Sudeley, 1st Baron Sudeley12991336
Baron Tuchet (1299)William Touchet, 1st Baron Touchet12991306Died
Baron Balliol (1300)Alexander de Balliol, 1st Baron Balliol1300c. 1311New creation
Baron Ferrers of Groby (1300)William Ferrers, 1st Baron Ferrers of Groby13001325New creation
Baron Burghersh (1300)Robert de Burgersh, 1st Baron Burgersh13001325New creation; Died; none of his heirs were summoned to the Parliament
Baron Paynel (1303)William Paynel, 1st Baron Paynel13031317New creation
Baron Grendon (1305)Robert de Grendon, 1st Baron Grendon130513??New creation; nothing further is known of him
Baron Botetourt (1305)John de Botetourt, 1st Baron Botetourt13051324New creation
Baron Multon of Gilsland (1307)Thomas de Multon, 1st Baron Multon of Gilsland13071313New creation
Baron Thweng (1307)Marmaduke de Thweng, 1st Baron Thweng13071323New creation
Baron Boteler of Wemme (1308)William Le Boteler, 1st Baron Boteler of Wemme13081334New creation
Baron Cromwell (1308)John de Cromwell, 1st Baron Cromwell13081335New creation
Baron Grelle (1308)Thomas de Grelle, 1st Baron Grelle13081347New creation
Baron Somery (1308)John de Somery, 1st Baron Somery13081321New creation
Baron Zouche of Haryngworth (1308)William la Zouche, 1st Baron Zouche13081352New creation
Baron Marshal (1309)William Marshal, 1st Baron Marshal13091314New creation
Baron Ufford (1309)Robert de Ufford, 1st Baron Ufford13091316New creation
Baron Beaumont (1309)Henry Beaumont, 1st Baron Beaumont13091340New creation
Baron Cailly (1309)Thomas de Cailly, 1st Baron Cailly13091317New creation
Baron Everingham (1309)Adam Everingham, 1st Baron Everingham13091341New creation
Baron FitzHenry (1309)Aucher FitzHenry, 1st Baron FitzHenry13091339New creation
Baron Gorges (1309)Ralph de Gorges, 1st Baron Gorges13091324New creation
Baron Monthermer (1309)Ralph de Monthermer, 1st Baron Monthermer13091325New creation
Baron Orreby (1309)John de Orreby, 1st Baron Orreby13091318New creation
Baron Strange of Blackmere (1309)Fulk le Strange, 1st Baron Strange of Blackmere13091324New creation
Baron Thorpe (1309)John de Thorpe, 1st Baron Thorpe13091325New creation
Baron Badlesmere (1309)Bartholomew de Badlesmere, 1st Baron Badlesmere13091322New creation
Baron Clare (1309)Richard de Clare, 1st Baron Clare13091318New creation

Peerage of Scotland

Title Holder Date gained Date lost Notes
Earl of Mar (1114)Gartnait, Earl of Mar12921305Died
Domhnall II, Earl of Mar13051332
Earl of Dunbar (1115)Patrick IV, Earl of March12891308Died
Patrick V, Earl of March13081368
Earl of Angus (1115)Gilbert de Umfraville, Earl of Angus12461307Died
Robert de Umfraville, Earl of Angus13071314
Earl of Atholl (1115)John of Strathbogie, Earl of Atholl12701306Executed, and the title forfeited
David II Strathbogie, Earl of Atholl13071314Title restored
Earl of Buchan (1115)John Comyn, Earl of Buchan12891308Title forfeited
Earl of Strathearn (1115)Maol Íosa III, Earl of Strathearn12711317
Earl of Fife (1129)Donnchadh IV, Earl of Fife12881353
Earl of Menteith (1160)Alexander, Earl of Menteith12951305Died
Alan, Earl of Menteith13051308Died
Muireadhach III, Earl of Menteith13081333
Earl of Lennox (1184)Maol Choluim II, Earl of Lennox12911333
Earl of Carrick (1184)Robert Bruce, Earl of Carrick12921306Became King, and his dignities lapsed to the Crown
Earl of Ross (1215)Uilleam II, Earl of Ross12741333
Earl of Sutherland (1235)William de Moravia, 2nd Earl of Sutherland12481307Died
William de Moravia, 3rd Earl of Sutherland13071325

Peerage of Ireland

Title Holder Date gained Date lost Notes
Earl of Ulster (1264)Richard Óg de Burgh, 2nd Earl of Ulster12711326
Baron Athenry (1172)Peter de Bermingham12621307Died
Rickard de Bermingham13071322
Baron Kingsale (1223)Edmund de Courcy, 4th Baron Kingsale12901302Died
John de Courcy, 5th Baron Kingsale13021303Died
Miles de Courcy, 6th Baron Kingsale13031338
Baron Kerry (1223)Maurice Fitzthomas Fitzmaurice, 2nd Baron Kerry12601303Died
Nicholas Fitzmaurice, 3rd Baron Kerry13031324
Baron Barry (1261)John Barry, 4th Baron Barry12901330


    Preceded by
    List of peers 1290–1299
    Peers by year
    Succeeded by
    List of peers 1310–1319
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