List of monotremes and marsupials

The class Mammalia (mammals) is divided into two subclasses based on reproductive techniques: egg-laying mammals (yinotherians or monotremes - see also Australosphenida), and mammals which give live birth (therians). The latter subclass is divided into two infraclasses: pouched mammals (therians or marsupials), and placental mammals (eutherians, for which see List of placental mammals). Classification updated from Wilson and Reeder's "Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference" using the "Planet Mammifères" website.[1]

Subclass Prototheria (the monotremes)

Order Monotremata (monotremes, egg-laying mammals)

Subclass Theria

Infraclass Metatheria (marsupials)

Order Didelphimorphia (American opossums)

Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana)

Order Paucituberculata

Order Microbiotheria (monito del monte)

Order Notoryctemorphia (marsupial moles)

Order Dasyuromorphia (marsupial carnivores)

Thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Order Peramelemorphia (bandicoots and bilbies)

Order Diprotodontia (diprotodont marsupials)

Suborder Vombatiformes (wombats and koalas)
Suborder Phalangeriformes (possums and gliders)
Suborder Macropodiformes (kangaroos, wallaroos, wallabies)

See also


  1. Boudet Ch. "Planet' Mammiferes". Planet' Mammiferes. 4.1 of 2013/12/23. Retrieved 2016-04-17.
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