List of kings of Fib

These mythological monarchs supposedly ruled Fib, the reigns of these monarchs are mostly legendary and begin in the 7th century BCE with king Fib. The reigns of these monarchs are attributed to the Pictish chronicles, written in the 10th century during the reign of King Kenneth II of Scotland.[1]

7th-4th Century BCE

Name Ruled
Fib or Fibaid Kingdom of Fib
Gede-olgudach Scone
Denbecan Celtic People
Oflinecta Celtic People
Guidid-gaed-brechach Celts
Gest-gurgich Celts
Wurgest Celts

4th Century CE (Pictish Kings)

Name Reign Short name Ruled
Gartnait Ioc I 296-305 CE Gartnait I Pictland
Breth 305-312 CE Breth Pictland

For later monarchs see List of Pictish Kings. Fib became a puppet state after the reign of the only true king Fib, it was a sub-kingdom from the 7th century BCE until the 9th Century CE (691 BCE - 837/843 CE) when Pictland was united under Kenneth MacAlpin, the last king to rule Pictland before Kenneth was Drest X thus making him the last king of the Fib puppet-state.[2]

See also


  1. "Pictish King List". Retrieved 2017-07-09.
  2. "THE PICTISH CHRONICLE". Retrieved 2017-07-09.

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