List of international declarations

This is a chronological list of international declarations, declarations of independence, declarations of war, etc.


Year Name Summary References
1320 Declaration of Arbroath Proclamation of Scottish independence.


Year Name Summary References
1617 Declaration of Sports [N 1] Issued by James I of England; lists the sports that were permitted on Sundays and other holy days.
1660 Declaration of Breda King Charles II of England, while in exile, proclaims the conditions of his acceptance of the crown of England.
1672 Royal Declaration of Indulgence Charles II of England attempts to extend religious freedom to Protestant nonconformists in his realms.
1676 Declaration of the People [N 2] Issued by Nathaniel Bacon; proclaims the colonial governor of Virginia as corrupt.
1687 Declaration of Indulgence [N 3] Establishes freedom of religion in England.
1688 Declaration of Reasons William III of England legitimizes his overthrowing of James II of England.


Year Name Summary References
1774 Declaration of Colonial Rights [N 4] Adopted by the First Continental Congress; proclaims the rights of the Thirteen Colonies.
1775 Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence North Carolina establishes strong anti-British resolutions.
1776 United States Declaration of Independence The United States proclaims its independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.
1791 Declaration of Pillnitz Calls on European powers to intervene if Louis XVI of France is threatened.


Year Name Summary References
1811 Venezuelan Declaration of Independence Venezeluans proclaim their secession from the Kingdom of Spain.
1811 Paraguayan Declaration of Independence Paraguayans overthrow Spain's officials.
1816 Argentine Declaration of Independence The Congress of Tucumán declares Argentine independence.
1836 Texas Declaration of Independence Formal declaration of independence of the Republic of Texas from Mexico.
1848 Declaration of Sentiments Records establishment of the first women's rights convention.
1856 Declaration of Paris Abolishes privateering.
1868 St Petersburg Declaration Delegates agree to prohibit the use of less deadly explosives.
1898 Philippine Declaration of Independence Proclaims the sovereignty and independence of the Philippine Islands from Spanish imperial rule.


Year Name Summary References
1905 Declaration of Boulogne Defines "Esperantism" as a movement to promote the widespread use of Esperanto.
1909 Declaration of London An international code of maritime law.
1916 Proclamation of the Irish Republic Proclaims Irish independence from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
1919 Declaration of Independence (Ireland) Adopted by Dáil Éireann; "ratifies" the 1916 Proclamation.
1923 Declaration of the Rights of the Child Protects the rights of children; drafted by Eglantyne Jebb, endorsed in 1924, and adopted by the UN in 1946 and in 1959.
1944 Declaration of Philadelphia Current charter of the International Labour Organization.
1945 Declaration of Avellaneda The political platform of Argentina's Radical Civic Union.
Indonesian Declaration of Independence Proclaims Indonesia independent from Dutch imperial rule.
1948 Israel's Declaration of Independence Proclaims the establishment of the State of Israel within the British Mandate of Palestine.
1949 London Declaration Allows republics to be member of the British Commonwealth, creates the position of Head of the Commonwealth, and renames the organisation as the 'Commonwealth of Nations'.
1950 Declaration of Conscience Senator Margaret Chase Smith criticizes the tactics of HUAC and (without naming him) Senator Joe McCarthy.
1955 Declaration of Neutrality Austria proclaims itself a permanently neutral nation.
1964 Declaration of Helsinki Sets ethical principles for the medical community regarding human experimentation.
1965 Unilateral Declaration of Independence Rhodesia proclaims itself independent from the United Kingdom on 11 November 1965, by the administration of Ian Smith, whose Rhodesian Front party opposed black majority rule in the then British colony. [1]
1968 Declaration of Geneva Proclaims physicians' dedication to the humanitarian goals of medicine.
1988 Palestinian Declaration of Independence Proclaims the establishment of the independent State of Palestine.
1990 Declaration of Independence (Transnistria) Proclaims the withdrawal of Transnistria from the Moldavian SSR.
1991 Declaration of Windhoek Statement of press freedom principles put together by African newspaper journalists.


Year Name Summary References
2001 The Doha Declaration Adopted by the WTO Ministerial Conference of 2001; reaffirms flexibility of TRIPS member states in circumventing intellectual property rights for better access to essential medicines.
2002 The Amsterdam Declaration Statement of the fundamental principles of modern Humanism passed unanimously by the International Humanist and Ethical Union.
2004 Declaration of Calton Hill Demands for the establishment of an independent Scottish Republic.
Geneva Declaration on the Future of the WIPO Focuses on the needs of developing countries with respect to intellectual property legislation.
2006 Declaration of Montreal [N 5] A starting point in the listing of the international LGBT movement's demands.
2007 Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples A Declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly during its 61st session at UN Headquarters in New York City on 13 September 2007 setting an important standard for the treatment of the planet's 370 million indigenous people.
2008 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence A controversial declaration that was seen by some as setting a precedent for other secessionist movements.


  1. Also known as the Book of Sports.
  2. Also known formally as the Declaration of the People of Virginia.
  3. Also known as the Declaration for the Liberty of Conscience.
  4. Also known as the Declaration of Rights or the Declaration of Rights and Grievances.
  5. Also known as the Declaration of Montreal on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Human Rights.


  1. Peter N. Stearns and William Leonard Langer. The Encyclopedia of World History: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged, 2001. Page 1069.
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