List of historic Dáil Éireann constituencies

This list includes constituencies created for the United Kingdom House of Commons used by Irish republicans to elect the First Dáil and those created for the Northern Ireland House of Commons and the House of Commons of Southern Ireland used to elect the Second Dáil. Although only Sinn Féin members took their seats as TDs in the first two Dála, MPs from other parties could have done so if they wished so all constituencies used in 1918 and 1921 are entitled to be included in a list of Dáil Éireann constituencies.

First Dáil (1919–21)

The general election of 1918 (in Ireland) was, in Irish republican theory, to fill the 105 seats in Dáil Éireann for the First Dáil. In practice only the Sinn Féin MPs took their seats as Teachtaí Dála in Dublin. This Dáil first assembled on 21 January 1919 and last met on 10 May 1921. Under a resolution passed at its last meeting the First Dáil was dissolved upon the assembly of the Second Dáil, which took place on 16 August 1921.

However the Oireachtas members database regards the First Dáil as having existed 21 January 1919 – 10 May 1921.

See list of members of the 1st Dáil.

Second Dáil (1921–22)

The Irish elections, 1921 comprised separate elections in the six counties of Northern Ireland and the twenty-six counties of Southern Ireland. In Irish republican theory, there was one election to fill the 180 seats (52 from Northern Ireland and 128 from Southern Ireland) in the Second Dáil. In practice, only the Sinn Féin MPs took their seats as Teachtaí Dála in Dublin. This Dáil first assembled on 16 August 1921, and last met (at least in the view of the subsequent Irish Free State) on 8 June 1922.

The Second Dáil was not formally dissolved, but following the precedent of 1921, it should perhaps be regarded (from the viewpoint of the Irish Free State) as dissolved upon the assembling of the Third Dáil. The Third Dáil was first summoned to meet on 1 July 1922. It was prorogued on five occasions and eventually met on 9 September 1922.

However the Oireachtas members database regards the Second Dáil as having existed 24 May 1921 – 16 June 1922.

In republican theory, the Second Dáil continued to exist, and no subsequent Dála were legitimate, as they only represented part of Ireland.

See list of members of the 2nd Dáil.

Boundary changes

Summary of Constituencies and Teachta Dála

Key to categories: BC – Borough constituencies, CC – County constituencies, UC – University constituencies, Total C – Total constituencies, BTD – Borough Teachta Dála, CTD – County Teachta Dála, UTD – University Teachta Dála.

Table 1: Constituencies by type

Period BC CC UC Total C BTD CTD UTD Total TDs Elections
1918–1921 20 80 3 103 21 80 4 105 1918
1921–1922 8 27 3 38 32 136 12 180 1921
1922–1923 4 22 2 28 16 104 8 128 1922
1923–1937 3 25 2 30 20 127 6 153 1923, June 1927, Sept. 1927, 1932, 1933
1937–1948 5 29   34 22 116   138 1937, 1938, 1943, 1944
1948–1961 7 33   40 29 118   147 1948, 1951, 1954, 1957
1961–1969 7 31   38 30 114   144 1961, 1965
1969–1977 9 33   42 33 111   144 1969, 1973
1977–1981 10 32   42 32 116   148 1977
1981–1992 10 31   41 46 120   166 1981, Feb. 1982, Nov. 1982, 1987, 1989
1992–1997 8 33   41 34 132   166 1992
1997–2002 8 33   41 30 136   166 1997
2002–2007 9 33   42 37 129   166 2002
2007–2011 9 34   43 35 131   166 2007

Table 2: Constituencies by number of seats

Period x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 Total C Total TDs Elections
1918–1921 101 2               103 105 1918
1921–1922     3 22 5 2 2 4   38 180 1921
1922–1923     3 16 4 2 1 2   28 128 1922
1923–1937     8 4 9   5 3 1 30 153 1923, June 1927, Sept. 1927, 1932, 1933
1937–1948     15 8 8   3     34 138 1937, 1938, 1943, 1944
1948–1961     22 9 9         40 147 1948, 1951, 1954, 1957
1961–1969     17 12 9         38 144 1961, 1965
1969–1977     26 14 2         42 144 1969, 1973
1977–1981     26 10 6         42 148 1977
1981–1992     13 13 15         41 166 1981, Feb. 1982, Nov. 1982, 1987, 1989
1992–1997     12 15 14         41 166 1992
1997–2002     12 15 14         41 166 1997
2002–2007     16 12 14         42 166 2002
2007–2011     18 13 12         43 166 2007
2011–date     17 15 11         43 166 2011

List of constituencies


Constituency Type County Created Abolished Seats
Antrim county Antrim 1921 1922 7
Antrim East county Antrim 1918 1921 1
Antrim Mid county Antrim 1918 1921 1
Antrim North county Antrim 1918 1921 1
Antrim South county Antrim 1918 1921 1
Armagh county Armagh 1921 1922 4
Armagh Mid county Armagh 1918 1921 1
Armagh North county Armagh 1918 1921 1
Armagh South county Armagh 1918 1921 1
Athlone–Longford county Longford 1937 1948 3
Belfast Cromac borough Antrim 1918 1921 1
Belfast Duncairn borough Antrim 1918 1921 1
Belfast East borough Antrim 1921 1922 4
Belfast Falls borough Antrim 1918 1921 1
Belfast North borough Antrim 1921 1922 4
Belfast Ormeau borough Antrim 1918 1921 1
Belfast Pottinger borough Antrim 1918 1921 1
Belfast Shankill borough Antrim 1918 1921 1
Belfast South borough Antrim 1921 1922 4
Belfast St. Anne's borough Antrim 1918 1921 1
Belfast Victoria borough Antrim 1918 1921 1
Belfast West borough Antrim 1921 1922 4
Belfast Woodvale borough Antrim 1918 1921 1
Carlow county Carlow 1918 1921 1
Carlow–Kildare county Carlow / Kildare 1937 1948 4
Carlow–Kilkenny[1] county Carlow / Kilkenny 1921 1937 4,5
Carlow–Kilkenny county Carlow / Kilkenny 1948 next 5
Cavan[2] county Cavan 1921 1977 3,4,3
Cavan East county Cavan 1918 1921 1
Cavan–Monaghan county Cavan / Monaghan 1977 next 5
Cavan West county Cavan 1918 1921 1
Clare[3] county Clare 1921 next 4,5,4,3,4
Clare East county Clare 1918 1921 1
Clare–Galway South county Clare / Galway 1969 1977 3
Clare West county Clare 1918 1921 1
Cork Borough[4] borough Cork 1921 1969 4,5,4,5
Cork City borough Cork 1918 1921 2
Cork City borough Cork 1977 1981 5
Cork City North-West borough Cork 1969 1977 3
Cork City South-East borough Cork 1969 1977 3
Cork East county Cork 1918 1921 1
Cork East county Cork 1923 1937 5
Cork East county Cork 1948 1961 3
Cork East county Cork 1981 next 4
Cork East and North East county Cork 1921 1923 3
Cork Mid county Cork 1918 1921 1
Cork Mid[5] county Cork 1961 1981 4,5
Cork Mid, North, South,
South East and West
county Cork 1921 1923 8
Cork North county Cork 1918 1921 1
Cork North[6] county Cork 1923 1961 3,4,3
Cork North-Central[7] borough Cork 1981 next 5,4
Cork North East county Cork 1918 1921 1
Cork North-East[8] county Cork 1961 1981 5,4
Cork North-West county Cork 1981 next 3
Cork South county Cork 1918 1921 1
Cork South county Cork 1948 1961 3
Cork South-Central borough Cork 1981 next 5
Cork South East county Cork 1918 1921 1
Cork South-East county Cork 1937 1948 3
Cork South-West county Cork 1961 next 3
Cork West county Cork 1918 1921 1
Cork West[9] county Cork 1923 1961 5,3
Donegal[1] county Donegal 1921 1937 6,8
Donegal county Donegal 1977 1981 5
Donegal East county Donegal 1918 1921 1
Donegal East county Donegal 1937 1961 4
Donegal–Leitrim county Donegal / Leitrim 1969 1977 3
Donegal North county Donegal 1918 1921 1
Donegal North-East county Donegal 1961 1977 3
Donegal North-East county Donegal 1981 next 3
Donegal South county Donegal 1918 1921 1
Donegal South-West county Donegal 1961 1969 3
Donegal South-West county Donegal 1981 next 3
Donegal West county Donegal 1918 1921 1
Donegal West county Donegal 1937 1961 3
Down county Down 1921 1922 8
Down East county Down 1918 1921 1
Down Mid county Down 1918 1921 1
Down North county Down 1918 1921 1
Down South county Down 1918 1921 1
Down West county Down 1918 1921 1
Dublin Artane borough Dublin 1977 1981 3
Dublin Ballyfermot borough Dublin 1977 1981 3
Dublin Cabra borough Dublin 1977 1981 3
Dublin Central borough Dublin 1969 1977 4
Dublin Central[10] borough Dublin 1981 next 5,4
Dublin Clontarf borough Dublin 1918 1921 1
Dublin Clontarf borough Dublin 1977 1981 3
Dublin College Green borough Dublin 1918 1921 1
Dublin County[11] county Dublin 1921 1969 6,8,5,3,5
Dublin County Mid county Dublin 1977 1981 3
Dublin County North[12] county Dublin 1969 1981 4,3
Dublin County South county Dublin 1969 1981 3
Dublin County West county Dublin 1977 1981 3
Dublin Finglas borough Dublin 1977 1981 3
Dublin Harbour borough Dublin 1918 1921 1
Dublin Mid borough Dublin 1921 1923 4
Dublin Mid-West[13] county Dublin 2002 next 3,4
Dublin North county Dublin 1918 1921 1
Dublin North borough Dublin 1923 1937 8
Dublin North[10] c,b(nt) Dublin 1981 next 3,4
Dublin North-Central[14] borough Dublin 1948 next 3,4,3,4,3
Dublin North-East[15] borough Dublin 1937 1977 3,5,4
Dublin North-East[16] borough Dublin 1981 next 4,3
Dublin North-West borough Dublin 1921 1923 4
Dublin North-West[15] borough Dublin 1937 1977 5,3,4
Dublin North-West[16] borough Dublin 1981 next 4,3
Dublin Pembroke county Dublin 1918 1921 1
Dublin Rathmines county Dublin 1918 1921 1
Dublin Rathmines West borough Dublin 1977 1981 3
Dublin South county Dublin 1918 1921 1
Dublin South[1] borough Dublin 1921 1948 4,7
Dublin South[17] bc, cc Dublin 1981 next 5
Dublin South-Central[18] borough Dublin 1948 next 5,4,3,5,4,5
Dublin South-East[19] borough Dublin 1948 next 3,4
Dublin South-West[20] borough Dublin 1948 1977 5,4
Dublin South-West[21] county Dublin 1981 next 4,5,4
Dublin St. James's borough Dublin 1918 1921 1
Dublin St. Michan's borough Dublin 1918 1921 1
Dublin St. Patrick's borough Dublin 1918 1921 1
Dublin St. Stephen's Green borough Dublin 1918 1921 1
Dublin Townships borough Dublin 1937 1948 3
University of Dublin[22] university Universities 1918 1937 2,4,3
Dublin West[17][21] bc, cc Dublin 1981 next 5,4,3,4
Dún Laoghaire[23] borough Dublin 1977 next 4,5,4
Dún Laoghaire and Rathdown[24] borough Dublin 1948 1977 3,4
Fermanagh and Tyrone county Fermanagh / Tyrone 1921 1922 8
Fermanagh North county Fermanagh 1918 1921 1
Fermanagh South county Fermanagh 1918 1921 1
Galway[1] county Galway 1921 1937 7,9
Galway Connemara county Galway 1918 1921 1
Galway East county Galway 1918 1921 1
Galway East county Galway 1937 1948 4
Galway East county Galway 1961 1969 5
Galway East[25] county Galway 1977 next 4,3,4
Galway North county Galway 1918 1921 1
Galway North county Galway 1948 1961 3
Galway North-East county Galway 1969 1977 3
Galway South county Galway 1918 1921 1
Galway South county Galway 1948 1961 3
Galway West[26] county Galway 1937 next 3,4,5
Kerry county Kerry 1923 1937 7
Kerry East county Kerry 1918 1921 1
Kerry–Limerick West county Kerry / Limerick 1921 1923 8
Kerry North county Kerry 1918 1921 1
Kerry North[27] county Kerry 1937 2011 4,3
Kerry North–West Limerick county Kerry 2011 next 3
Kerry South county Kerry 1918 1921 1
Kerry South county Kerry 1937 next 3
Kerry West county Kerry 1918 1921 1
Kildare county Kildare 1923 1937 3
Kildare[28] county Kildare 1948 1997 3,4,3,5
Kildare North county Kildare 1918 1921 1
Kildare North[29] county Kildare 1997 next 3,4
Kildare South county Kildare 1918 1921 1
Kildare South county Kildare 1997 next 3
Kildare–Wicklow county Kildare / Wicklow 1921 1923 5
Kilkenny county Kilkenny 1937 1948 3
Kilkenny North county Kilkenny 1918 1921 1
Kilkenny South county Kilkenny 1918 1921 1
King's County county King's 1918 1921 1
Laoighis–Offaly county Laois / Offaly 1961 2007 5
Laois–Offaly county Laois / Offaly 2007 next 5
Leitrim county Leitrim 1918 1921 1
Leitrim county Leitrim 1937 1948 3
Leitrim–Roscommon North county Leitrim / Roscommon 1921 1923 4
Leitrim–Sligo county Leitrim / Sligo 1923 1937 7
Leix–Offaly[1] county Laois / Offaly 1921 1961 4,5
Limerick county Limerick 1923 1948 7
Limerick county Limerick 2011 next 3
Limerick City borough Limerick 1918 1921 1
Limerick City borough Limerick 2011 next 4
Limerick City–Limerick East county Limerick 1921 1923 4
Limerick East county Limerick 1918 1921 1
Limerick East[19] county Limerick 1948 2011 4,5
Limerick West county Limerick 1918 1921 1
Limerick West county Limerick 1948 2011 3
Londonderry county Londonderry 1921 1922 5
Londonderry City borough Londonderry 1918 1921 1
Londonderry North county Londonderry 1918 1921 1
Londonderry South county Londonderry 1918 1921 1
Longford county Longford 1918 1921 1
Longford–Roscommon county Longford / Roscommon 1992 2007 4
Longford–Westmeath[1] county Longford / Westmeath 1921 1937 4,5
Longford–Westmeath[24] county Longford / Westmeath 1948 1992 5,4
Longford–Westmeath county Longford / Westmeath 2007 next 4
Louth county Louth 1918 1921 1
Louth[30] county Louth 1923 next 3,4,5
Louth–Meath county Louth / Meath 1921 1923 5
Mayo county Mayo 1997 next 5
Mayo East county Mayo 1918 1921 1
Mayo East county Mayo 1969 1997 3
Mayo North county Mayo 1918 1921 1
Mayo North[31] county Mayo 1923 1969 4,3
Mayo North and West county Mayo 1921 1923 4
Mayo South county Mayo 1918 1921 1
Mayo South[9] county Mayo 1923 1969 5,4
Mayo South–Roscommon South county Mayo / Roscommon 1921 1923 4
Mayo West county Mayo 1918 1921 1
Mayo West county Mayo 1969 1997 3
Meath county Meath 1923 1937 3
Meath[32] county Meath 1948 2007 3,4,5
Meath East county Meath 2007 next 3
Meath North county Meath 1918 1921 1
Meath South county Meath 1918 1921 1
Meath West county Meath 2007 next 3
Meath–Westmeath county Meath / Westmeath 1937 1948 5
Monaghan county Monaghan 1921 1977 3
Monaghan North county Monaghan 1918 1921 1
Monaghan South county Monaghan 1918 1921 1
National University of Ireland[22] university Universities 1918 1937 1,4,3
Queen's County county Queen's 1918 1921 1
Queen's University of Belfast[33] university Universities 1918 1922 1,4
Roscommon[6] county Roscommon 1923 1969 4,3,4
Roscommon[6] county Roscommon 1981 1992 3
Roscommon–Leitrim county Roscommon / Leitrim 1969 1981 3
Roscommon–South Leitrim county Roscommon / Leitrim 2007 next 3
Roscommon North county Roscommon 1918 1921 1
Roscommon South county Roscommon 1918 1921 1
Sligo county Sligo 1937 1948 3
Sligo–Leitrim[34] county Sligo / Leitrim 1948 2007 5,4,3,4
Sligo–North Leitrim county Sligo / Leitrim 2007 date 3
Sligo–Mayo East county Sligo / Mayo 1921 1923 5
Sligo North county Sligo 1918 1921 1
Sligo South county Sligo 1918 1921 1
Tipperary county Tipperary 1923 1948 7
Tipperary East county Tipperary 1918 1921 1
Tipperary Mid county Tipperary 1918 1921 1
Tipperary Mid, North and South county Tipperary 1921 1923 4
Tipperary North county Tipperary 1918 1921 1
Tipperary North county Tipperary 1948 next 3
Tipperary South county Tipperary 1918 1921 1
Tipperary South[35] county Tipperary 1948 next 4,3,4,3
Tyrone North East county Tyrone 1918 1921 1
Tyrone North West county Tyrone 1918 1921 1
Tyrone South county Tyrone 1918 1921 1
Waterford[36] county Waterford 1923 next 4,3,4
Waterford City borough Waterford 1918 1921 1
Waterford County county Waterford 1918 1921 1
Waterford–Tipperary East county Waterford / Tipperary 1921 1923 5
Westmeath county Westmeath 1918 1921 1
Westmeath county Westmeath 1992 2007 3
Wexford[37] county Wexford 1921 next 4,5,4,5
Wexford North county Wexford 1918 1921 1
Wexford South county Wexford 1918 1921 1
Wicklow[38] county Wicklow 1923 next 3,4,5
Wicklow East county Wicklow 1918 1921 1
Wicklow West county Wicklow 1918 1921 1

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Seats figures from 1921 and 1923. Carlow–Kilkenny; Donegal; Dublin South; Galway; Leix–Offaly; Longford–Westmeath.
  2. Seats figures from 1921, 1923 and 1961. Cavan.
  3. Seats figures from 1921, 1923, 1948, 1969 and 1981. Clare.
  4. Seats figures from 1921, 1923, 1937 and 1948. Cork Borough.
  5. Seats figures from 1961 and 1977. Cork Mid.
  6. 1 2 3 Seats figures from 1923, 1937 and 1948. Cork North; Roscommon.
  7. Seats figures from 1981 and 2007. Cork North Central.
  8. Seats figures from 1961 and 1969. Cork North East.
  9. 1 2 Seats figures from 1923 and 1948. Cork West; Mayo South.
  10. 1 2 Seats figures from 1981 and 1992. Dublin Central; Dublin North.
  11. Seats figures from 1921, 1923, 1937, 1948 and 1961. Dublin County.
  12. Seats figures from 1969 and 1977. Dublin County North.
  13. Seats figures from 2002 and 2007. Dublin Mid West.
  14. Seats figures from 1948, 1961, 1977, 1981 and 2007. Dublin North Central.
  15. 1 2 Seats figures from 1937, 1948 and 1969. Dublin North East; Dublin North West.
  16. 1 2 Seats figures from 1981 and 2002. Dublin North East; Dublin North West.
  17. 1 2 Seat changed from borough constituency to county constituency 1992. Dublin South; Dublin West.
  18. Seats figures from 1948, 1969, 1977, 1981, 1992 and 2002. Dublin South Central.
  19. 1 2 Seats figures from 1948 and 1981. Dublin South East; Limerick East.
  20. Seats figures from 1948 and 1969. Dublin South West.
  21. 1 2 Seats figures from 1981, 1992 and 2002. Dublin South West; Dublin West.
  22. 1 2 Seats figures from 1918, 1921 and 1923. Dublin University; National University of Ireland.
  23. Seats figures from 1977, 1981 and 2011. Dún Laoghaire.
  24. 1 2 Seats figures from 1948 and 1961. Dún Laoghaire and Rathdown; Longford Westmeath.
  25. Seats figures from 1977, 1981 and 1997. Galway East.
  26. Seats figures from 1937, 1977 and 1981. Galway West.
  27. Seats figures from 1937 and 1961. Kerry North.
  28. Seats figures from 1948, 1961, 1969 and 1981. Kildare.
  29. Seats figures from 1997 and 2007. Kildare North.
  30. Seats figures from 1923, 1977 and 2011. Louth.
  31. Seats figures from 1923 and 1937. Mayo North.
  32. Seats figures from 1948, 1977 and 1981. Meath.
  33. Seats figures from 1918 and 1921. Queen's University of Belfast.
  34. Seats figures from 1948, 1961, 1969 and 1981. Sligo–Leitrim.
  35. Seats figures from 1948, 1977, 1981 and 1997. Tipperary South.
  36. Seats figures from 1923, 1961 and 1977. Waterford.
  37. Seats figures from 1921, 1923, 1961 and 1981. Wexford.
  38. Seats figures from 1923, 1981 and 1992. Wicklow.


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