List of gastropods described in 2016
This list of gastropods described in 2016 is a list of new taxa of snails and slugs of every kind that have been described (following the rules of the ICZN) during the year 2016. The list only includes taxa at the level of genus or species. For changes in taxonomy above the level of genus, see Changes in the taxonomy of gastropods since 2005.
Fossil gastropods
Marine gastropods
- Aforia obesa Pastorino & Sánchez, 2016[1]
- Aforia watsoni Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre, 2016[2]
- Agladrillia aureola Fallon Jr., 2016[3]
- Agladrillia torquata Fallon Jr., 2016[3]
- Amoria stricklandi Bail & Limpus, 2016[4]
- Ancilla atimovatae Kantor, Fedosov, Puillandre & Bouchet, 2016[5]
- Ancilla kaviengensis Kantor, Fedosov, Puillandre & Bouchet, 2016[5]
- Ancilla lhaumeti Kantor, Fedosov, Puillandre & Bouchet, 2016[5]
- Ancilla morrisoni Kantor, Fedosov, Puillandre & Bouchet, 2016[5]
- Angaria neocaledonica Günther, 2016[6]
- Angaria rubrovaria Günther, 2016[7]
- Angaria scalospinosa Günther, 2016[7]
- Argeneuthria varicosa Pastorino, 2016[8]
- Atlanta ariejansseni Wall-Palmer, Burridge & Peijnenburg, 2016[9]
- Attiliosa eosae Espinosa & Ortea, 2016[10]
- Bathyhedyle boucheti Neusser, Jörger, Lodde-Bensch, Strong & Schrödl, 2016[11]
- Bayerotrochus delicatus Zhang, Zhang & Wei, 2016[12]
- Bellaspira amplicostata Fallon Jr., 2016[3]
- Bellaspira aurantiaca Fallon Jr., 2016[3]
- Bellaspira barbadensis Fallon Jr., 2016[3]
- Calyptoliva bbugeae Kantor, Fedosov, Puillandre & Bouchet, 2016[5]
- Ceratia francisca Lima, Júnior, Guimarães & Dominguez, 2016[13]
- Ceratia sergipana Lima, Júnior, Guimarães & Dominguez, 2016[13]
- Clithon cryptum Eichhorst, 2016[14]
- Clithon teres Eichhorst, 2016[14]
- Conomodulus neocaledonensis Lozouet & Krygelmans, 2016[15]
- Conus guanahacabibensis Espinosa & Ortea, 2016[16]
- Conus molaerivus Dekkers, 2016[17]
- Cribrarula boninensis Simone & Takashigue, 2016[18]
- Cuspivolva singaporica Fehse & Koh, 2016[19]
- Cuthona luciae Valdés, Medrano & Bhave, 2016[20]
- Cuvierina tsudai Burridge, Janssen & Peijnenburg, 2016[21]
- Dendronotus arcticus Korshunova, Sanamyan, Zimina, Fletcher & Martynov, 2016[22]
- Dendronotus dudkai Ekimova, Schepetov, Chichvarkhina & Chichvarkhin, 2016[23]
- Dendronotus robilliardi Korshunova, Sanamyan, Zimina, Fletcher & Martynov, 2016[22]
- Desbruyeresia chamorrensis Chen, Ogura & Okutani in Chen et al., 2016[24]
- Diodora giannispadai Assaoui, Puillandre & Bouchet, 2016[25]
- Doris ananas Lima, Tibiriçá & Simone, 2016[26]
- Doto carinova Moles, Avila & Wägele, 2016[27]
- Drilliola antarctica Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre, 2016[2]
- Entocolax olgae Nekhaev, 2016[28]
- Epidendrium parvitrochoides Nakayama in Nakayama & Hasegawa, 2016[29]
- Erato africana Fehse, 2016[30]
- Falsimargarita callista Marshall, 2016[31]
- Falsimargarita challengerica Marshall, 2016[31]
- Falsimargarita coriolis Marshall, 2016[31]
- Falsimargarita eximia Marshall, 2016[31]
- Falsimargarita kapala Marshall, 2016[31]
- Falsimargarita tangaroa Marshall, 2016[31]
- Favartia mariagordae Espinosa & Ortea, 2016[10]
- Ficus schneideri Morrison, 2016[32]
- Fusinus angeli Russo & Angelidis, 2016[33]
- Fusinus damasoi Petuch & Berschauer, 2016[34]
- Fusinus mariaodeteae Petuch & Berschauer, 2016[34]
- Haliotis arabiensis Owen, Regter & Van Laethem, 2016[35]
- Harpa queenslandica Berschauer & Petuch, 2016[36]
- Hastulopsis masirahensis Terryn & Rosado, 2016[37]
- Hastulopsis mirbatensis Terryn & Rosado, 2016[37]
- Hermaea conejera Ortea, Moro & Caballer, 2016[38]
- Hoplodoris madibenthos Ortea, 2016[39]
- Hyalina saintjames Ortea & Espinosa, 2016[40]
- Impages anosyana Bozzetti, 2016[41]
- Inbiocystiscus tanialeonae Ortea & Espinosa, 2016[42]
- Intelcystiscus teresacarrenoae Ortea & Espinosa, 2016[42]
- Janolus gelidus Millen, 2016[43]
- Jaspidiconus boriqua Petuch, Berschauer & Poremski, 2016[44]
- Jaspidiconus culebranus Petuch, Berschauer & Poremski, 2016[44]
- Jaspidiconus janapatriceae Petuch, Berschauer & Poremski, 2016[44]
- Jaspidiconus josei Petuch & Berschauer, 2016[34]
- Jaspidiconus marcusi Petuch, Berschauer & Poremski, 2016[44]
- Jaspidiconus masinoi Petuch, Berschauer & Poremski, 2016[44]
- Jujubinus errinae Smriglio, Mariottini & Giacobbe, 2016[45]
- Kanoia myronfeinbergi Warén & Rouse, 2016[46]
- Lamniconus petestimpsoni Petuch & Berschauer, 2016[34]
- Lautoconus saharicus Petuch & Berschauer, 2016[47]
- Lepetella furuncula Lima, Guimarães & Simone, 2016[48]
- Leporicypraea rosea singularis Lorenz, 2016[49]
- Lophiotoma natalensis[50]
- Meteuthria batialis Pastorino, 2016[8]
- Metula sulcata Zhang, Zhang & Zhang, 2016[51]
- Miliariconus sinaiensis Petuch & Berschauer, 2016[52]
- Mitra stossieri Herrmann, 2016[53]
- Monostiolum simonei Watters, 2016[54]
- Monstrotyphis takashigei Houart & Chino, 2016[55]
- Murexiella hebeae Espinosa & Ortea, 2016[10]
- Murexiella jacquesi Espinosa & Ortea, 2016[10]
- Murexsul apollo Espinosa & Ortea, 2016[10]
- Murexsul cubacaribaensis Espinosa & Ortea, 2016[10]
- Murexsul cubacaribaensis Espinosa & Ortea, 2016[10]
- Nassarius thachorum Dekker, Kool & van Gemert, 2016[56]
- Nereina cresswelli Eichhorst, 2016[14]
- Nerita grasi Eichhorst, 2016[14]
- Neripteron subviolaceum Eichhorst, 2016[14]
- Niveria bieleri Fehse & Grego, 2016[57]
- Niveria guyana Fehse, 2016[58]
- Niveria simonei Fehse, 2016[59]
- Oliva kohi Hunon, Rabiller & Richard, 2016[60]
- Phalium evdoxiae Morrison, 2016[61]
- Phenacomargarites incomptus Marshall, 2016[31]
- Phenacomargarites titan Marshall, 2016[31]
- Phenacomargarites williamsae Marshall, 2016[31]
- Philine baxteri Valdés, Cadien & Gosliner, 2016[62]
- Philine harrisae Valdés, Cadien & Gosliner, 2016[62]
- Philine malaquiasi Valdés, Cadien & Gosliner, 2016[62]
- Philine mcleani Valdés, Cadien & Gosliner, 2016[62]
- Philine wareni Valdés, Cadien & Gosliner, 2016[62]
- Pionoconus quasimagus[63]
- Pirenella arabica Reid in Reid & Ozawa, 2016[64]
- Pirenella arabica Reid in Reid & Ozawa, 2016[64]
- Pirenella asiatica Ozawa & Reid in Reid & Ozawa, 2016[64]
- Pirenella austrocingulata Reid in Reid & Ozawa, 2016[64]
- Pirenella cancellata Ozawa & Reid in Reid & Ozawa, 2016[64]
- Pirenella delicatula Reid in Reid & Ozawa, 2016[64]
- Pirenella nanhaiensis Fu & Reid in Reid & Ozawa, 2016[64]
- Pirenella nipponica Ozawa & Reid in Reid & Ozawa, 2016[64]
- Pirenella pupiformis Ozawa & Reid in Reid & Ozawa, 2016[64]
- Pirenella rugosa Reid in Reid & Ozawa, 2016[64]
- Plakobranchus papua Meyers-Muñoz & van der Velde in Meyers-Muñoz, van der Velde, van der Meij, Stoffels, van Alen, Tuti & Hoeksema, 2016[65]
- Plesiocystiscus jardonae Ortea & Espinosa, 2016[42]
- Pleutoromella petiti Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre, 2016[2]
- Pleutoromella tippetti Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre, 2016[2]
- Poremskiconus fonsecai Petuch & Berschauer, 2016[34]
- Poremskiconus smoesi Petuch & Berschauer, 2016[34]
- Provanna cingulata Chen, Watanabe & Ohara, 2016[66]
- Provanna clathrata Sasaki, Ogura, Watanabe & Fujikura, 2016[67]
- Provanna lucida Sasaki, Ogura, Watanabe & Fujikura, 2016[67]
- Provanna kuroshimensis Sasaki, Ogura, Watanabe & Fujikura, 2016[67]
- Provanna subglabra Sasaki, Ogura, Watanabe & Fujikura, 2016[67]
- Profundiconus barazeri Tenorio & Castelin, 2016[68]
- Profundiconus limpalaeri Tenorio & Monnier, 2016[69]
- Profundiconus maribelae Tenorio & Castelin, 2016[68]
- Profundiconus neocaledonicus Tenorio & Castelin, 2016[68]
- Profundiconus puillandrei Tenorio & Castelin, 2016[68]
- Profundiconus robmoolenbeeki Tenorio, 2016[70]
- Profundiconus virginiae Tenorio & Castelin, 2016[68]
- Pterygia morrisoni Marrow, 2016[71]
- Pygmaepterys habanensis Espinosa & Ortea, 2016[10]
- Pygmaepterys tacoensis Espinosa & Ortea, 2016[10]
- Pygmaepterys yemayaensis Espinosa & Ortea, 2016[10]
- Quijote cervantesi Ortea, Moro & Bacallado, 2016[72]
- Raphitoma alida Pusateri & Giannuzzi-Savelli in Pusateri, Giannuzzi-Savelli & Bartolini, 2016[73]
- Raphitoma maculosa Høisaeter, 2016[74]
- Raphitoma obesa Høisaeter, 2016[74]
- Rapturella ryani Salvador & Cunha, 2016[75]
- Retimohnia lussae Kosyan & Kantor, 2016[76]
- Retimohnia mcleani Kosyan & Kantor, 2016[76]
- Rissoina hernandezi Faber & Gori, 2016[77]
- Rissoina mirjamae Faber & Gori, 2016[77]
- Scabricola ivanmarrowi Marrow, 2016[71]
- Sciteconus ariejooste[78]
- Sciteconus nahoonensis[78]
- Sciteconus velliesi[78]
- Sciteconus xhosa[78]
- Severnsia strombeulima Geiger, 2016[79]
- Spiniphiline persei Caballer & Ortea, 2016[80]
- Sulcorissoina stasii Faber & Gori, 2016[77]
- Teinostoma brankovitsi Rubio, Rolán, Worsaae, Martínez & Gonzalez, 2016[81]
- Ticofurcilla maryolisae Ortea, 2016[82]
- Tomura rubiorolanorum Romani & Sbrana, 2016[83]
- Tritonia newfoundlandica Valdés, Murillo, McCarthy & Yedinak, 2016[84]
- Triviella lorenzi Fehse, 2016[85]
- Triviella carptima Fehse, 2016[85]
- Triviella chiapponii Fehse, 2016[85]
- Triviella martybealsi Fehse, 2016[85]
- Triviella montorum Fehse, 2016[85]
- Turbo moolenbeeki Dekker & Dekkers, 2016[86]
- Venustatrochus eclectus Marshall, 2016[31]
- Venustatrochus galatheae Marshall, 2016[31]
- Venustatrochus youngi Marshall, 2016[31]
- Viduoliva tricolor abbasi Thach & Berschauer, 2016[87]
- Xanthodaphne pastorinoi Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre, 2016[2]
- Zebina moolenbeeki Faber & Gori, 2016[77]
- Zoila venusta morrisoni Lorenz, 2016[88]
- Other taxa
- genus Antarctophiline Chaban, 2016[89]
- genus Antarctospira Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre, 2016[2]
- genus Argeneuthria Pastorino, 2016[8]
- genus Bathyhedyle Neusser, Jörger, Lodde-Bensch, Strong & Schrödl, 2016[11]
- genus Falsimacme Pastorino, 2016[8]
- genus Kanoia Warén & Rouse, 2016[46]
- genus Microdeuthria Pastorino, 2016[8]
- genus Phenacomargarites Marshall, 2016[31]
- genus Quijote Ortea, Moro & Bacallado, 2016[72]
- genus Rapturella Salvador & Cunha, 2016[75]
- genus Severnsia Geiger, 2016[79]
Freshwater gastropods
- Bythinella walensae Falniowski, Hofman & Rysiewska, 2016[90]
- Chilina luciae Gutiérrez Gregoric & de Lucía, 2016[91]
- Chilina nicolasi Gutiérrez Gregoric & de Lucía, 2016[91]
- Chilina santiagoi Gutiérrez Gregoric & de Lucía, 2016[91]
- Cipangopaludina hehuensis Lu, Fang & Du, 2016[92]
- Iglica calepii Niero & Pezzoli, 2016[93]
- Iglica kanalitensis Reischütz, Steiner-Reischütz & Reischütz, 2016[94]
- Myrtoessa hyas Radea in Radea, Parmakelis & Giokas, 2016[95]
- Nicolaia schniebsae Glöer & Bößneck in Glöer, Bößneck, Walther & Neiber, 2016[96]
- Paladilhiopsis prezensis Reischütz, Steiner-Reischütz & Reischütz, 2016[94]
- Pseudobaikalia michelae Sitnikova & Kovalenkova in Sitnikova, Kovalenkova, Peretolchina & Sherbakov, 2016[97]
- Pseudamnicola ianthe Radea & Parmakelis in Radea, Parmakelis, Velentzas & Triantis, 2016[98]
- Pseudamnicola ilione Radea & Parmakelis in Radea, Parmakelis, Velentzas & Triantis, 2016[98]
- Pseudamnicola magdalenae Falniowski, 2016[99]
- Pyrgulopsis hualapaiensis Hershler, Liu & Stevens, 2016[100]
- Shadinia bjniensis Bößneck, Walther & Neiber in Glöer, Bößneck, Walther & Neiber, 2016[96]
- Other taxa
- genus Diegus Delicado, Machordom & Ramos, 2016[101]
- genus Intermaria Delicado, Pešić & Glöer, 2016[102]
- genus Myrtoessa Radea in Radea, Parmakelis & Giokas, 2016[95]
- genus Nicolaia Glöer, Bößneck, Walther & Neiber, 2016[96]
- genus Persipyrgula Delicado, Pešić & Glöer, 2016[102]
Land gastropods
- Abbottella crataegus Watters, 2016[103]
- Agardhiella mista Reischütz, Steiner-Reischütz & Reischütz, 2016[104]
- Amphidromus stevenliei Parsons, 2016[105]
- Amphiscopus moolenbeeki Bank, Menkhorst & Neubert, 2016[106]
- Amphiscopus sturmii marmoratus Bank, Menkhorst & Neubert, 2016[106]
- Angustopila singuladentis Inkhavilay & Panha in Inkhavilay, Sutcharit, Tongkerd & Panha, 2016[107]
- Argna szekeresi Reischütz, Steiner-Reischütz & Reischütz, 2016[94]
- Arinia micro Marzuki & Foon, 2016[108]
- Atlasica anflousiana[109]
- Awalycaeus shiosakimasahiroi Yano, Matsuda & Nishi in Yano, Matsuda, Nishi, Kawase & Hayase, 2016[110]
- Awalycaeus yanoshokoae Yano & Matsuda in Yano, Matsuda, Nishi, Kawase & Hayase, 2016[110]
- Bahiensis ribeirensis Salvador, Cavallari & Simone, 2016[111]
- Balcanodiscus mirus Reischütz, Steiner-Reischütz & Reischütz, 2016[112]
- Bathyptychia aplostoma ookuboi Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Bathyptychia beresowskii eremita Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Bathyptychia martensi immersa Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Bathyptychia septentrionalis Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Bothriembryon sophiarum Whisson & Breure, 2016[115]
- Camaena abbasi Thach, 2016[116]
- Camaena detianensis Zhou & Lin in Ai, Lin, Wang, Zhou & Hwang, 2016[117]
- Camaena lingyunensis Zhou & Lin in Ai, Lin, Wang, Zhou & Hwang, 2016[117]
- Camaena poyuensis Zhou, Wang & Ding in Ding, Wang, Qian, Lin, Zhou, Hwang & Ai, 2016[118]
- Caracolus cimarron Espinosa, Fernández-Velázquez & Ortea, 2016[119]
- Clausilioides berendinae Bank, Menkhorst & Neubert, 2016[106]
- Clausilioides palatalis Bank, Menkhorst & Neubert, 2016[106]
- Cochlodinella pinera Herrera-Uria, Espinosa & Ortea, 2016[120]
- Cochlodinella pirata Herrera-Uria, Espinosa & Ortea, 2016[120]
- Discartemon moolenbeeki Maassen, 2016[121]
- Entadella entadiformis Páll-Gergely & Hunyadi in Páll-Gergely, Hunyadi, Otani & Asami, 2016[122]
- Euchondrus adwani Neubert & Amr, 2016[123]
- Euphaedusa latens Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Euphaedusa sericea Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Formosana abscedens Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Fruticocampylaea tushetica Walther, Neiber & Hausdorf, 2016[124]
- Geminula dolmenensis Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Geminula pyramidata Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Geminula urmiensis Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Glyphyalus quillensis de Winter, van Leeuwen & Hovestadt, 2016[126]
- Gonyostomus elinae Simone, 2016[127]
- Grandinenia crassilabris Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Grandinenia rutila Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Grandinenia pallidissima ooharai Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Gudeoconcha sophiae intermedia Hyman & Ponder, 2016[128]
- Gudeodiscus longiplica Páll-Gergely & Asami, 2016[129]
- Gulella davisae Herbert, 2016[130]
- Gulella hadroglossa Herbert, 2016[130]
- Gyliotrachela plesiolopa Inkhavilay & Panha in Inkhavilay, Sutcharit, Tongkerd & Panha, 2016[107]
- Helicopsis persica Hausdorf & Bössneck, 2016[131]
- Hemiphaedusa ptycholunella Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Hunyadiscus saurini Páll-Gergely in Páll-Gergely, Muratov & Asami, 2016[132]
- Imparietula inflexa Bank, Menkhorst & Neubert, 2016[106]
- Iranopsis granulata Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Kora rupestris Salvador & Simone, 2016[133]
- Leiostracus carnavalescus Simone & Salvador, 2016[134]
- Leiostyla eikenboomi Bank, Menkhorst & Neubert, 2016[106]
- Leiostyla paphlagonica subangulosa Bank, Menkhorst & Neubert, 2016[106]
- Liocallonia torrebartschi Herrera-Uria & Espinosa, 2016[135]
- Lithocouperia kalkajaka Stanisic, 2016[136]
- Ljudmilena callosa Bank, Menkhorst & Neubert, 2016[106]
- Ljudmilena mariannae Bank, Menkhorst & Neubert, 2016[106]
- Lorelliana hoskini Stanisic, 2016[137]
- Megavitrina imperatoria Bank, Menkhorst & Neubert, 2016[106]
- Minatoia inopinata Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Miraphaedusa gregoi Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Montenegrina grammica erosszoltani Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina grammica improvisa Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina haringae Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina hiltrudae desaretica Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina hiltrudae selcensis Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina laxa delii Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina lillae Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina nana barinai Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina prokletiana prokletiana Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina prokletiana kovacsorum Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina rugilabris golikutensis Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina rugilabris gregoi Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina skipetarica danyii Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina skipetarica gurelurensis Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina skipetarica pifkoi Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina skipetarica puskasi Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina sporadica tropojana Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina sturanyana sturanyana Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina sturanyana gropana Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina sturanyana ostrovicensis Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Montenegrina tomorosi hunyadii Fehér & Szekeres, 2016[138]
- Multidentula reducta Bank, Menkhorst & Neubert, 2016[106]
- Muticaria cyclopica Liberto, Reitano, Giglio, Colomba & Sparacio, 2016[139]
- Myxostoma petiverianum tenggolensis Foon, 2016[140]
- Nata aequiplicata Herbert & Moussalli, 2016[141]
- Nata erugata Herbert & Moussalli, 2016[141]
- Nata watsoni Herbert & Moussalli, 2016[141]
- Obeliscus boitata Simone & Salvador, 2016[134]
- Obelus zarzaensis Neiber, Walther, Santana, Alonso & Ibáñez, 2016[142]
- Oospira antilopina antilopa Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Oospira duci pentaptychia Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Oospira duci tetraptychia Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Oospira eregia christae Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Oospira goniostoma Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Oospira jensi Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Oospira minutissima Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Oospira ootayoshinarii Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Oospira pacifica decapitata Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Oospira splendens amphicola Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Oospira truncatula Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Oxyloma sarsii tulomica Schikov & Nekhaev, 2016[143]
- Paraboysidia anguloobtusus Inkhavilay & Panha in Inkhavilay, Sutcharit, Tongkerd & Panha, 2016[107]
- Paraboysidia paralella Inkhavilay & Panha in Inkhavilay, Sutcharit, Tongkerd & Panha, 2016[107]
- Parachondria anatolensis Watters, 2016[144]
- Parachondria arcisensis Watters, 2016[144]
- Parachondria daedalus Watters, 2016[144]
- Parachondria heatheraikenae Watters, 2016[144]
- Parachondria isabellinus Watters, 2016[144]
- Parachondria joyeuse Watters, 2016[145]
- Parachondria muchai Watters, 2016[144]
- Parachondria silvaticus Watters, 2016[144]
- Parachondria stigmosus Watters, 2016[144]
- Parmellops perspicuus Hyman & Ponder, 2016[128]
- Phaedusa matejkoi ooharai Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Phaedusa percostata Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Plagiodontes parodizi Pizá & Cazzaniga, 2016[146]
- Platyla ceraunorum Reischütz, Steiner-Reischütz & Reischütz, 2016[94]
- Pseudochondrula arsaci Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Pseudochondrula bondouxi Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Pseudochondrula darii Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Pseudochondrula orientalis Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Pseudonapaeus alborsicus Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Pseudonapaeus demorgani Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Pseudonapaeus fusiformis Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Pseudonapaeus ignoratus Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Pseudonapaeus kermanensis Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Pseudonapaeus menkhorsti Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Pseudonapaeus minutus Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Pseudonapaeus orculoides Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Ptilototheca soutpansbergensis Herbert, 2016[130]
- Ptychauchenia panhai euclista Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Quistrachia nevbrownlowi Stanisic, 2016[137]
- Reticularopa minjerribah Stanisic, 2016[136]
- Rhinus botocudus Simone & Salvador, 2016[134]
- Sciocochlea cryptica harli Reischütz, Reischütz & Szekeres, 2016[147]
- Selenophaedusa dentifera Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Serriphaedusa diaphana Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Serriphaedusa fusiformis Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Serriphaedusa ishibei Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Serriphaedusa ootanii Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Serriphaedusa pseudookuboi Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Serriphaedusa serrata emeicola Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Serriphaedusa serrata sericina Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Setobaudinia nicolasi Criscione & Köhler, 2016[148]
- Sheldonia monsmaripi Herbert, 2016[130]
- Sheldonia wolkbergensis Herbert, 2016[130]
- Siciliaria calcarae orlandoi Liberto, Reitano, Giglio, Colomba & Sparacio, 2016[139]
- Sinoennea euryomphala Inkhavilay & Panha in Inkhavilay, Sutcharit, Tongkerd & Panha, 2016[107]
- Sinoennea reischuetzorum Maassen, 2016[121]
- Sphendone insolita Slapcinsky & Kraus, 2016[149]
- Synprosphyma aegrota Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Synprosphyma basilissa ishibei Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Synprosphyma gibbosula basalifera Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Synprosphyma hosodai Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Synprosphyma incrustata Nordsieck, 2016[114]
- Synprosphyma ookuboi Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Synprosphyma pallgergelyi Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Synprosphyma wanshinensis monachorum Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- Tetrentodon jaumei Herrera-Uria & Espinosa, 2016[135]
- Theba pisana almogravensis Holyoak & Holyoak, 2016[150]
- Tropidauchenia mengyuanensis[151]
- Truncatellina algoviana Colling & Karle-Fendt, 2016[152]
- Tsoukatosia argolica Reischütz, Reischütz & Szekeres, 2016[147]
- Tsoukatosia nicolae Reischütz, Reischütz & Szekeres, 2016[147]
- Tsoukatosia pallgergelyi Reischütz, Reischütz & Szekeres, 2016[147]
- Tudora paraguanensis Hovestadt, 2016[153]
- Turanena andonakii salpinx Bank, Menkhorst & Neubert, 2016[106]
- Turanena elegantula Bank, Menkhorst & Neubert, 2016[106]
- Turanena pseudobscura Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- Vargapupa humilis Páll-Gergely, 2016[154]
- Xanthomelon arnhemense Köhler & Burghardt, 2016[155]
- Xanthomelon darwinense Köhler & Burghardt, 2016[155]
- Xeroleuca pallaryi[156]
- Other taxa
- subgenus Aegaeotheba Neiber & Hausdorf, 2016[157]
- genus Anatolya Páll-Gergely & Bank, 2016[158]
- subgenus Campylaea (Oricampylaea) Groenenberg, Subai & Gittenberger, 2016[159]
- genus Chordaropa Stanisic, 2016[136]
- genus Entadella Páll-Gergely & Hunyadi in Páll-Gergely, Hunyadi, Otani & Asami, 2016[122]
- genus Graniberia Gittenberger, Groenenberg & Kokshoorn in Gittenberger, Kokshoorn, Bößneck, Reijnen & Groenenberg, 2016[160]
- subgenus Grohiellus Neiber, Walther, Santana, Alonso & Ibáñez, 2016[142]
- genus Hunyadiscus Páll-Gergely in Páll-Gergely, Muratov & Asami, 2016[132]
- genus Kollarix Groenenberg, Subai & Gittenberger, 2016[159]
- genus Lithocouperia Stanisic, 2016[136]
- genus Lorelliana Stanisic, 2016[137]
- genus Megavitrina Bank, Menkhorst & Neubert, 2016[106]
- genus Minatoia Hunyadi & Szekeres, 2016[113]
- genus Mordaniella Bank & Neubert, 2016[125]
- genus Naggsia Páll-Gergely & Muratov in Páll-Gergely, Muratov & Asami, 2016[132]
- subgenus Pontotheba Neiber & Hausdorf, 2016[157]
- genus Pseudojaminia Páll-Gergely & Bank, 2016[158]
- genus Pseudotrizona Groenenberg, Subai & Gittenberger, 2016[159]
- genus Ptilototheca Herbert, 2016[130]
- genus Reticularopa Stanisic, 2016[136]
- subgenus Rhytidotheba Neiber & Hausdorf, 2016[157]
- genus Sphendone Slapcinsky & Kraus, 2016[149]
- subgenus Trichotheba Neiber & Hausdorf, 2016[157]
See also
- ↑ Pastorino, G.; Sánchez, N. (2016). "Southwestern Atlantic species of conoidean gastropods of the genus Aforia Dall, 1889". Zootaxa. 4109 (4): 458–470. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4109.4.4.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Kantor, Y.I.; Harasewych, M.G.; Puillandre, N. (2016). "A critical review of Antarctic Conoidea (Neogastropoda)". Molluscan Research. 36 (3): 153–206. doi:10.1080/13235818.2015.1128523.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Fallon, Phillip J. Jr. (14 March 2016). "Taxonomic review of tropical western Atlantic shallow water Drilliidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Conoidea) including descriptions of 100 new species". Zootaxa. 4090 (1): 363. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4090.1.1.
- ↑ Bail, P.; Limpus, A. (2016). "A new species of Amoria Gray, 1855 (Gastropoda: Volutidae) from Western Australia". Novapex. 17 (1): 1–4.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Kantor Yu. I., Fedosov A. E., Puillandre N. & Bouchet P. (2016). "Integrative taxonomy approach to Indo-Pacific Olividae: new species revealed by molecular and morphological data". Ruthenica 26(2): 123-144. PDF.
- ↑ Günther, R. (2016). "Angaria neocaledonica n. sp. - A New Species of Angariidae from New Caledonia (Mollusca: Castropoda)". Conchylia. 46 (1–4): 89–96.
- 1 2 Günther, R. (2016). "Angaria rubrovaria n. sp. and Angaria scalospinosa n. sp. - Two New Species of Angariidae from the Philippines (Mollusca: Gastropoda)". Conchylia. 46 (1–4): 79–87.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Pastorino, G. (2016). "Revision of the genera Pareuthria Strebel, 1905, Glypteuthria Strebel, 1905 and Meteuthria Thiele, 1912 (Gastropoda: Buccinulidae) with the description of three new genera and two new species from Southwestern Atlantic waters". Zootaxa. 4179 (3): 301–344. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4179.3.1.
- ↑ Wall-Palmer, D.; Burridge, A. K.; Peijnenburg, K. T. C. A. (2016). "Atlanta ariejansseni, a new species of shelled heteropod from the Southern Subtropical Convergence Zone (Gastropoda, Pterotracheoidea)". ZooKeys. 604: 13–30. doi:10.3897/zookeys.604.8976.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Espinosa, J.; Ortea, J. (2016). "Nuevas especies cubanas de la familia Muricidae (Mollusca: Neogastropoda), con aclaraciones sobre otros taxones ya citados para Cuba". Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias. 28: 171–194.
- 1 2 Neusser, T.P.; Jörger, K.M.; Lodde-Bensch, E.; Strong, E.E.; Schrödl, M. (2016). "The unique deep sea—land connection: interactive 3D visualization and molecular phylogeny of Bathyhedyle boucheti n. sp. (Bathyhedylidae n. fam.)—the first panpulmonate slug from bathyal zones". PeerJ. 4: e2738.
- ↑ Zhang, S.; Zhang, S.; Wei, P. (2016). "Bayerotrochus delicatus, a new species of pleurotomariid from Yap Seamount, near Palau, Western Pacific (Gastropoda: Pleurotomariidae)". Zootaxa. 4161 (2): 252–260. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4161.2.7.
- 1 2 Lima, S.F.B.d.; Júnior, I.C.L.; Guimarães, C.R.P.; Dominguez, J.M.L. (2016). "New deep ocean Iravadiidae of the genus Ceratia (Caenogastropoda: Truncatelloidea) from an underwater canyon and adjacent regions of the southwestern Atlantic (northeastern Brazil)". Zootaxa. 4066 (2): 183–188. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4066.2.8.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Eichhorst, T.E. (2016). Neritidae of the World, Vol. 1. 694 pp. ISBN 978-3-939767-70-1.
- ↑ Lozouet, P.; Krygelmans, A. (2016). "A new species of Indo-Pacific Modulidae (Mollusca: Caenogastropoda)". Zootaxa. 4103 (2): 195–200. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4103.2.12.
- ↑ Espinosa, J.; Ortea, J. (2016). "Nueva especie del género Conus Linnaeus, 1758 (Mollusca: Neogastropoda: Conidae) de la península de Guanahacabibes, Pinar del Río, Cuba". Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias. 28: 209–214.
- ↑ Dekkers, A.M. (2016). "A new tiny Conus species from the Philippines (Gastropoda, Conidae)". Basteria. 80 (1–3): 77–81.
- ↑ Simone, L.R.L.; Takashigue, H. (2016). "A New Species of Cribrarula from Japan (Caenogastropoda, Cypraeidae)". Visaya. 4 (5): 75–81.
- ↑ Fehse, D.; Koh, R. (2016). "Contributions to the knowledge of the Ovulidae, XXIV. A New Cuspivolva C. N. Cate, 1973 from Shallow Waters of Singapore (Mollusca: Gastropoda)". Conchylia. 47 (3–4): 11–16.
- ↑ Valdés, A.; Medrano, S.; Bhave, V. (2016). "A new species of Cuthona Alder and Hancock, 1855 (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Nudibranchia: Tergipedidae) from the Caribbean Sea". The Nautilus. 130 (2): 72–78.
- ↑ Burridge, A.K.; Janssen, A.W.; Peijnenburg, K.T.C.A. (2016). "Revision of the genus Cuvierina Boas, 1886 based on integrative taxonomic data, including the description of a new species from the Pacific Ocean (Gastropoda, Thecosomata)". ZooKeys. 619: 1–12. doi:10.3897/zookeys.619.10043.
- 1 2 Korshunova, T.; Sanamyan, K.; Zimina, O.; Fletcher, K.; Martynov, A. (2016). "Two new species and a remarkable record of the genus Dendronotus from the North Pacific and Arctic oceans (Nudibranchia)". ZooKeys. 630: 19–42. doi:10.3897/zookeys.630.10397.
- ↑ Ekimova, I.A.; Schepetov, D.; Chichvarkhina, O.V.; Chichvarkhin, A.Y. (2016). "Nudibranch molluscs of the genus Dendronotus Alder et Hancock, 1845 (Heterobranchia: Dendronotina) from Northwestern Sea of Japan with description of a new species". Invertebrate Zoology. 13 (1): 15–52.
- ↑ Chen, C.; Ogura, T.; Hirayama, H.; Watanabe, H.K,.; Miyazaki, J.; Okutani, T. (2016). "First seep-dwelling Desbruyeresia (Gastropoda: Abyssochrysoidea) species discovered from a serpentinite-hosted seep in the Southeastern Mariana Forearc". Molluscan Research. 36 (4).
- ↑ Aissaoui, Chrifa; Puillandre, Nicolas; Bouchet, Philippe (4 July 2016). "New insights in the taxonomy of Mediterranean Diodora (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Fissurellidae)". Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom: 1–10. doi:10.1017/S0025315416000928.
- ↑ Lima, P.O.V.; Tibiriçá, Y.; Simone, L.C.L. (2016). "A new large and common species of Doris (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia) from the western Indian Ocean". Journal of Conchology. 42 (4): 205–212.
- ↑ Moles, J.; Wägele, H; Ballesteros, M.; Pujals, Á.; Uhl, G.; Avila, C. (2016). "The End of the Cold Loneliness: 3D Comparison between Doto antarctica and a New Sympatric Species of Doto (Heterobranchia: Nudibranchia)". PLoS ONE. 11 (7): e0157941. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157941.
- ↑ Nekhaev, I.O. (2016). "A new species of endoparasitic mollusc from the Arctic (Gastropoda: Eulimidae)". Journal of Conchology. 42 (3): 73–78.
- ↑ Nakayama, T.; Hasegawa, K. (2016). "Description of a New Species of the Genus Epidendrium from Japan, with Taxonomical Comments on the Taxa Previously Assigned to the Genus Alora in the Northwestern Pacific (Gastropoda: Epitoniidae)". Venus. 17 (1–2): 19–26.
- ↑ Fehse, D. (2016). "On the ldentity of "Erato" prayensis de Rochebrune, 1881 and Description of New Species in the Eratoidae". Conchylia. 46 (1–4): 25–36.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Marshall, B.A. (2016). "New species of Venustatrochus Powell, 1951 from New Zealand, and new species of Falsimargarita Powell, 1951 and a new genus of the Calliostomatidae from the southwest Pacific, with comments on some other calliostomatid genera (Mollusca: Gastropoda)". Molluscan Research. 36 (2): 119–141. doi:10.1080/13235818.2015.1128586.
- ↑ Morrison, H (2016). "Description of a New Species of Ficus (Gastropoda: Ficidae) from the South West Coast of Western Australia". Conchylia. 47: 1–2.
- ↑ Russo, P.; Angelidis, A. (2016). "A new species of Fusinus (Gastropoda, Fasciolariidae) from the Aegean Sea". Bollettino Malacologico. 52 (1): 68–73.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Petuch, E.J.; Berschauer, D.P. (2016). "Six New Species of Gastropods (Fasciolariidae, Conidae, and Conilithidae) from Brazil". The Festivus. 48 (4): 257–266.
- ↑ Owen, B.; Regter, W.; Van Laethem, K. (2016). "A review of the Haliotis of Yemen and Oman with description of a new species, Haliotis arabiensis, from Oman and United Arab Emirates". The Festivus. 48: 84–92.
- ↑ Berschauer, D.P.; Petuch, E.J. (2016). "New Species of Harpa (Gastropoda: Harpidae) from the Coral Sea Archipelagos of Queensland, Australia". The Festivus. 48 (2): 103–108.
- 1 2 Terryn, Y.; Rosado, J. (2016). "Two New Species of Hastulopsis (Gastropoda: Terebridae) from Oman and Somalia". Gloria Maris. 55 (1): 3–8.
- ↑ Ortea, J.; Moro, L.; Caballer, M. (2016). "Nuevos datos sobre el género Hermaea Lovén, 1844 (Mollusca: Sacoglossa): redescripción de Hermaea boucheti y descripción de una nueva especie de Lanzarote". Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias. 28: 53–64.
- ↑ Ortea, J. (2016). "Una segunda especie atlántica del género Hoplodoris Bergh, 1880 (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) colectada en Martinica, Antillas Menores". Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias. 28: 201–208.
- ↑ Ortea, J.; Espinosa, J. (2016). "Una nueva especie del género Hyalina Schumacher, 1817 (Mollusca: Neogastropoda) de la isla de Martinica, Antillas Menores". Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias. 28: 225–230.
- ↑ Bozzetti L. (2016). "Impages anosyana sp. nov. (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda: Terebridae) from South-Eastern Madagascar". Malacologia Mostra Mondiale (93): ?-?.
- 1 2 3 Ortea, J.; Espinosa, J. (2016). "La subfamilia Plesiocystiscinae G. A. Coovert & H. K. Coovert, 1995 (Mollusca: Gastropoda) en La Guadeloupe, Antillas Menores". Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias. 28: 65–78.
- ↑ Millen, S.V. (2016). "A new species of Janolus Bergh, 1884 from the Northeastern Pacific (Gastropoda, Nudipleura, Proctonotidae". Spixiana. 39 (1): 15–21.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Petuch, E.J.; Berschauer, D.P.; Poremski, A. (2016). "Five New Species of Jaspidiconus Petuch, 2004 (Conilithidae: Conilithinae) from the Caribbean Molluscan Province". The Festivus. 48 (3): 172–178.
- ↑ Smriglio, C.; Mariottini, P.; Giacobbe, S. (2016). "Jujubinus errinae n. sp. (Gastropoda Trochidae) from the Strait of Messina, Mediterranean Sea". Biodiversity Journal. 7 (1): 59–66.
- 1 2 Warén, A.; Rouse, G.W. (2016). "A new genus and species of Cataegidae (Gastropoda: Seguenzioidea) from eastern Pacific Ocean methane seeps". Novapex. 17 (4): 59–66.
- ↑ Petuch, E.J.; Berschauer, D.P. (2016). "A New Species of Cone Shell (Gastropoda: Conidae) from the Saharan Coast of Northwestern Africa". The Festivus. 48 (2): 93–99.
- ↑ Lima, S.F.B.; Guimarães, C.R.P.; Simone, L.R.L. (2016). "Lepetella furuncula sp. nov. (Vetigastropoda: Lepetelloidea): the first species of the genus discovered in the South Atlantic Ocean (northeastern Brazil)". Bulletin of Marine Science. 92 (2): 257–262. doi:10.5343/bms.2015.1079.
- ↑ Lorenz, F. (2016). "A New Subspecies of Leporicypraea rosea (Gray 1824) from the Red Sea, with Notes on the Name alga Perry 1811 (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae)". Conchylia. 46 (1–4): 109–116.
- ↑ Bozzetti L. (2016). "Lophiotoma natalensis (Gastropoda: Hypsogastropoda: Turridae) nuova specie dal Natal Meridionale". Malacologia Mostra Mondiale 92.
- ↑ Zhang, S.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, S. (2016). "A new species of Metula (Gastropoda, Colubrariidae) from China Seas". Journal of Conchology. 42 (4): 151–154.
- ↑ Petuch, E.J.; Berschauer, D.P. (2016). "A New Species of Miliariconus Tucker and Tenorio, 2009 (Conidae: Puncticulinae) from the Northern Red Sea". The Festivus. 48 (3): 183–187.
- ↑ Herrmann, M. (2016). "A new Mitra species (Gastropoda: Mitridae) from the Central Indopacific". Conchylia. 47 (3–4): 17–24.
- ↑ Watters, G.T. (2016). "A new species of Monostiolum Dall, 1904 (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) from Brazil". Novapex. 17 (1): 23–25.
- ↑ Houart, R.; Chino, M. (2016). "Description of Monstrotyphis takashigei n. sp. (Muricidae: Typhinae) from Akino-hama, Izu-Oshima, Izu Islands, Japan". Venus. 74 (3–4): 94–98.
- ↑ Dekker, H.; Kool, H.H.; van Gemert, L.J. (2016). "A new species of Nassarius (Gastropoda, Nassariidae) from Vietnam". Basteria. 80 (4-6): 153–155.
- ↑ Fehse, D.; Grego, J. (2016). "Contributions to the knowledge of the Triviidae, XXXI. A New Species in the Genus Niveria Jousseaume, 1884 from W Florida (Mollusca: Gastropoda))". Conchylia. 47 (3–4): 7–10.
- ↑ Fehse, D. (2016). "Contributions to the Knowledge of the Triviidae, XXV. A New Species in the Genus Niveria Jousseaume, 1884 from the Caribbean". Conchylia. 46 (1–4): 103–107.
- ↑ Fehse, D. (2016). "Contributions to the knowledge of the Triviidae, XXXIV. A New Species in the Genus Niveria Jousseaume, 1884 from Brazil (Mollusca: Gastropoda)". Conchylia. 47 (3–4): 65–68.
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- 1 2 Salvador, R.; Cunha, C.M. (2016). "Taxonomic revision of the fossil genera Bulimactaeon, Hemiauricula (= Liocarenus) and Nucleopsis, with description of a new Recent genus and species (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Acteonidae)". Journal of Molluscan Studies. 82: 472–483. doi:10.1093/mollus/eyw010.
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- ↑ Caballer, M.; Ortea, J. (2016). "The first species of Spiniphiline Gosliner, 1988 (Gastropoda: Cephalaspidea) in the Atlantic Ocean, with notes on its systematic position". Journal of Molluscan Studies. 82 (1): 122–128.
- ↑ Rubio, F.; Rolán, E.; Worsaae, K.; Martínez, A.; Gonzalez, B.C. (2016). "Description of the first anchialine gastropod from a Yucatán cenote, Teinostoma brankovitsi n. sp. (Caenogastropoda: Tornidae), including an emended generic diagnosis". Journal of Molluscan Studies. 82 (1): 169–177.
- ↑ Ortea, J. (2016). "Descripción de una segunda especie del género Ticofurcilla Espinosa & Ortea, 2002 (Mollusca: Cystiscidae) colectada en Martinica, Antillas Menores". Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias. 28: 195–200.
- ↑ Romani, L.; Sbrana, C. (2016). "A new Mediterranean species of the Cornirostridae (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia), with notes on the genus Tomura". Iberus. 34 (1).
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