List of typefaces
This is a list of typefaces, which are separated into groups by distinct artistic differences. The list includes typefaces that have articles or that are referenced. Superfamilies that fall under more than one category have an asterisk(*) after their name.
- Adobe Jenson
- Albertus
- Aldus
- Alexandria
- Algerian
- American Typewriter
- Antiqua
- Arno *
- Aster
- Aurora
- Baskerville
- Bell (Didone classification serif type designed by Richard Austin, 1788)
- Belwe Roman
- Bembo
- Berkeley Old Style
- Bernhard Modern
- Bodoni
- Bauer Bodoni
- Book Antiqua
- Bookman
- Bulmer
- Caledonia
- Californian FB
- Calisto MT
- Cambria
- Capitals
- Cartier
- Caslon
- Caslon Antique / Fifteenth Century
- Catull
- Centaur
- Century Old Style*
- Century Schoolbook*
- Charis SIL
- Charter (typeface)
- Cheltenham
- Clearface
- Cochin
- Colonna
- Computer Modern
- Concrete Roman
- Constantia
- Constructium
- Cooper Black
- Copperplate Gothic
- Corona
- DejaVu Serif
- Didot
- Droid Serif
- Elephant
- Emerson
- Excelsior
- Fairfield
- FF Scala
- Footlight
- FreeSerif
- Friz Quadrata
- Garamond
- Gentium
- Georgia
- Gloucester
- Goudy Old Style / Goudy
- Granjon
- High Tower Text
- Hoefler Text
- Imprint
- Ionic No. 5
- ITC Benguiat
- Janson
- Jokerman
- Joanna
- Korinna
- Lexicon
- Liberation Serif
- Linux Libertine
- Literaturnaya
- Lucida Bright*
- Melior
- Memphis
- Miller
- Minion*
- Modern
- Mona Lisa
- Mrs Eaves*
- MS Serif
- New York (one of the original Macintosh system fonts)
- Nimbus Roman
- NPS Rawlinson Roadway
- OCR A Extended
- Palatino
- Perpetua
- Plantin
- Playbill
- Primer
- Renault
- Requiem
- Rotis Serif*
- Sabon
- Sistina
- Souvenir
- STIX (see also XITS)
- Sylfaen
- Times New Roman
- Times (Linotype's version of Times New Roman)
- Torino
- Trajan
- Trinité
- Trump Mediaeval
- Utopia
- Vera Serif
- Wide Latin
- Windsor
Slab serif
- Agency FB
- Akzidenz-Grotesk
- Andalé Sans
- Antique Olive
- Arial
- Arial Unicode MS
- Avant Garde Gothic
- Avenir
- Bank Gothic
- Bauhaus
- Bell Centennial
- Bell Gothic
- Benguiat Gothic
- Berlin Sans
- Brandon Grotesque
- Calibri
- Casey
- Century Gothic*
- Charcoal (Mac OS 9 system font)
- Chicago (pre-Mac OS 8 system font, still included with macOS)
- Clearview
- Comic Sans
- Compacta
- Corbel
- DejaVu Sans
- Dotum
- Droid Sans
- Dyslexie (designed to mitigate some of the issues that dyslexics experience when reading)
- Ecofont
- Eras
- Esseltub
- Espy Sans
- Eurocrat
- Eurostile
- FF Dax
- FF Meta*
- FF Scala Sans
- Fira Sans
- Folio
- Franklin Gothic*
- FreeSans
- Frutiger
- Futura
- Geneva (one of the original Macintosh system fonts)
- Gill Sans*
- Gotham*
- Haettenschweiler
- Handel Gothic
- Hei
- Helvetica
- Highway Gothic
- Hobo
- Impact
- Industria
- Interstate
- Johnston/New Johnston
- Kabel
- Klavika
- Liberation Sans
- Linux Biolinum
- Lucida Sans*
- Lydian
- Meiryo
- Meta
- Microgramma
- Modern (vector font included with Windows 2.1)
- Motorway (used on British motorway signs for route numbers)
- MS Sans Serif (included with all Microsoft Windows versions, superseded by Arial)
- Myriad*
- Neutraface
- Neuzeit S
- News Gothic
- Nimbus Sans L
- Open Sans
- Optima
- Parisine (used by the RATP Group on their jurisdictions of Paris's transit system)
- Product Sans
- Proxima Nova
- PT Sans (made for all minority languages of Russian Federation)
- Rail Alphabet
- Roboto
- Rotis Sans
- San Francisco (sans-serif typeface) (default typeface in iOS 9and above and OS X El Capitan and above)
- Segoe UI
- Skia (the first QuickDraw GX font, still found in macOS today)
- Source Sans Pro
- Sweden Sans
- Syntax
- System (Windows 3.x default)
- Tahoma
- Template Gothic
- Thesis Sans*
- Tiresias
- Trade Gothic
- Transport (used on British road signs)
- Trebuchet MS
- Twentieth Century (Tw Cen MT)
- Ubuntu
- Univers
- Vera Sans
- Verdana
- 3x3
- Andalé Mono
- Arial Monospaced
- Bitstream Vera (Vera Sans Mono)
- Consolas
- Courier
- DejaVu Sans Mono
- Droid Sans Mono
- Everson Mono (also known as Everson Mono Unicode)
- Fixed
- Fixedsys
- HyperFont
- Inconsolata
- Letter Gothic
- Liberation Mono
- Lucida Console*
- Lucida Sans Typewriter*
- Lucida Typewriter*
- Menlo
- MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition, several fonts)
- Monaco (one of the original Macintosh system fonts)
- Monospace
- MS Gothic
- MS Mincho
- Nimbus Mono L
- OCR-A (Optical Character Recognition)
- PragmataPro
- Prestige Elite (also known as Prestige, is similar to Courier)
- ProFont (a freeware font designed for easy readability at small sizes)
- Proggy programming fonts
- SimHei
- SimSun
- Source Code Pro
- Terminal
- Trixie
- Ubuntu Mono
- Vera Sans Mono (Bitstream Vera)
Brush scripts
Other script
- Coronet
- Curlz
- Gravura
- Script (vector font included with Windows 2.1)
- Wiesbaden Swing
- Aharoni (including Hebrew script)
- Aparajita (Angika, Bhojpuri, Bodo and other Indian languages)
- Arial (Used in English, Arabic, Hebrew and other languages)
- Calibri (Greek)
- Chandas (Devanagari)
- Gadugi (Used by the American/Canadian Blackfoot tribe, and for the language called Carrier, and used by the Native American tribe of the Cherokee and for other languages)
- Grecs du roi (Greek)
- Hanacaraka (traditional Javanese script)
- Japanese Gothic
- Jomolhari (Tibetan script)
- Kiran (Devanagari)
- Kochi
- Koren (Hebrew)
- Kruti Dev (Devanagari)
- Malgun Gothic (Korean sans-serif)
- Meiryo (Japanese sans-serif gothic typeface)
- Microsoft JhengHei (Traditional Chinese)
- Microsoft YaHei (Simplified Chinese)
- Minchō
- Ming
- Mona (Japanese)
- MS Gothic
- Nastaliq Navees
- Perpetua Greek[1]
- Porson (Greek)
- Segoe UI Symbol (Latin, Braille, Coptic and Gothic)
- Shruti (Gujarati)
- SimSun
- Sylfaen (a multi-script serif font family, for various non-Latin scripts and is for the languages Armenian and Georgian)
- Tahoma (Used in many different languages)
- Tengwar
- Tibetan Machine Uni
- Wilson Greek
Unicode fonts
This is a list of Unicode fonts showing the number of characters/glyphs included for the released version, and also showing font's license type:
- Alphabetum (shareware, includes a few SMP character blocks. Over 5,490 characters in version 9.00)
- Arial Unicode MS (distributed along with Microsoft Office (2002XP, 2003). only supports up to Unicode 2.0. Contains 50,377 glyphs (38,917 characters) in v1.01.)
- Batang and Gungsuh, a serif and monospace/gothic font, respectively; both with 20,609 Latin/Cyrillic/CJK glyphs in version 2.11. Distributed with Microsoft Office.
- Bitstream Cyberbit (free for non-commercial use. 29,934 glyphs in v2.0-beta.)
- Bitstream Vera (free/open source, limited coverage with 300 glyphs, DejaVu fonts extend Bitstream Vera with thousands of glyphs)
- Charis SIL (free/open source, over 4,600 glyphs in v4.114)
- Code2000 (shareware Unicode font; supports the entire BMP. 63,888 glyphs in v1.15. Abandoned.)
- DejaVu fonts (free/open source, "DejaVu Sans" includes 3,471 glyphs and 2,558 kerning pairs in v2.6)
- Doulos SIL (free/open source, designed for IPA, 3,083 glyphs in v4.014.)
- Everson Mono (also known as, Everson Mono Unicode. Shareware; contains all non-CJK characters. 4,899 glyphs in Macromedia Fontographer v4.1.3 2003-02-13.)
- Fallback font (freeware fallback font for Windows)
- Fixedsys Excelsior (freeware, 5,992 glyphs in v3.01, supports most glyphs in the basic plane except CJK)
- Free UCS Outline Fonts aka FreeFont (free/open source, "FreeSerif" includes 3,914 glyphs in v1.52, MES-1 compliant)
- Gentium (free/open source, "Gentium Plus" includes over 5,500 glyphs in November 2010)
- GNU Unifont (free/open source, bitmapped glyphs are inclusive as defined in unicode-5.1 only)
- Georgia Ref (also distributed under the name "MS Reference Serif," extension of the Georgia typeface)
- Gulim/New Gulim and Dotum, rounded sans-serif and non-rounded sans-serif respectively, (distributed with Microsoft Office 2000. wide range of CJK (Korean) characters. 49,284 glyphs in v3.10.)
- Junicode (free; includes many obsolete scripts, intended for mediævalists. 2,235 glyphs in v0.6.12.)
- Kelvinch (free/open source, SIL Open Font License ) approximately 3500 glyphs per style. Contains most Latin blocks, Cyrillic, Georgian and Armenian.
- LastResort (fallback font covering all 17 Unicode planes, included with Mac OS 8.5 and up)
- Lucida Grande (Unicode font included with macOS; includes 1,266 glyphs)*
- Lucida Sans Unicode (included in more recent Microsoft Windows versions; only supports ISO 8859-x characters. 1,776 glyphs in v2.00.)*
- MS Gothic (distributed with Microsoft Office, 14,965 glyphs in v2.30)
- MS Mincho (distributed with Microsoft Office, 14,965 glyphs in v2.30)
- Nimbus Sans Global
- Noto, a family of fonts designed by Google
- PragmataPro, a modular monospaced font family designed by Fabrizio Schiavi, Regular version includes more than 7000 glyphs
- Squarish Sans CT v0.10 (1,756 glyphs; Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew, and more)
- STIX (especially mathematics, symbols and Greek, see also XITS)
- Titus Cyberbit Basic (free; updated version of Cyberbit. 9,779 glyphs in v3.0, 2000.)
- Verdana Ref (also distributed under the name "MS Reference Sans Serif," extension of the Verdana typeface)
- XITS (especially mathematics, symbols and Greek)
Dingbat/Symbol fonts
- Apple Symbols (Included with macOS)
- Asana-Math
- Blackboard bold
- Bookshelf Symbol 7
- Cambria Math
- Computer Modern
- Lucida Math*
- Marlett
- Symbol (consists of Greek letters and mathematical symbols)
- Webdings
- Wingdings
- Zapf Dingbats
Display/Decorative fonts
Simulation/Mimicry fonts
Typefaces with an asterisk(*) after their name are part of a superfamily that belongs to multiple categories.
See also
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