List of exoplanet extremes

The following are lists of extremes among the known exoplanets. The properties listed here are those for which values are known reliably.

Extremes from Earth's viewpoint

Title Planet Star Data Notes
Most distant SWEEPS-11 / SWEEPS-04 27,710 light years.[1] An analysis of the lightcurve of the microlensing event PA-99-N2 suggests the presence of a planet orbiting a star in the Andromeda Galaxy (2.54 ± 0.11 Mly).[2]
Least distant Proxima Centauri b Proxima Centauri 4.22 light years Also the closest rocky exoplanet, and closest potentially habitable exoplanet known.
Star with the brightest apparent magnitude with a planet Pollux b Pollux[3] Apparent magnitude is 1.14 The evidence of planets around Vega with an apparent magnitude of 0.03 is strongly suggested by circumstellar disks surrounding it. As of 2013, no planets had yet been confirmed.[4]
Largest angular distance separation from its host star GU Piscium b GU Piscium 42 arc seconds[5] WD 0806-661 b has an angular separation of 130.2 arc seconds from WD 0806-661. However, its planetary origin is unknown.

Planetary characteristics

Title Planet Star Data Notes
Most massive DENIS-P J082303.1-491201 b[6] DENIS-P J082303.1-491201[7] 28.5±1.9 Jupiter masses[8] Most massive planet in the NASA Exoplanet Archive although, according to most definitions of planet, it may be too massive to be a planet, and may be a brown dwarf instead. It is part of an ultracool binary system.[6]
Least massive PSR B1257+12 A[9][10] PSR B1257+12[9][10] 0.02 MEarth[9][10] Mass of PSR B1257+12 A is based on an assumption of coplanarity with the outer two planets. The least massive exoplanet for which a true mass is known is Gliese 581e with a mass of 2 MEarth.

Kepler-37b may be less massive (assuming Moon-like density), estimated mass >0.01 MEarth,[11] < 6 MEarth[12]

Largest radius HD 100546 b HD 100546 6.90 Jupiter radii The planet's size puts it near the border between a giant planet and a brown dwarf.
Smallest radius Kepler-37b Kepler-37 0.30 Earth radii Slightly larger than the Moon.
Most dense PSR J1719-1438 b PSR J1719-1438 ≥23 g/cm3[13] Pulsar planet; minimum density is inferred via Roche limit of the host star.
Least dense Kepler-453b[14] Kepler-453 0–0.7 g/cm3[note 1] The density of Kepler-453b has not been accurately measured, and it has a radius of 6.204 Re
Hottest Kepler-70b Kepler-70 several thousand K[16]
Coldest OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb OGLE-2005-BLG-390L 50 K
Highest albedo Kepler-10b Kepler-10 0.5–0.6 (geometric albedo)
Lowest albedo TrES-2b GSC 03549-02811 Geometric albedo < 1%[17] Best-fit model for albedo gives even 0.04% (0.0004)[17]
Youngest V830 Tau b V830 Tau 2 Myr
Oldest PSR B1620-26 b PSR B1620-26 13 Gyr Orbits in a circumbinary orbit around two stellar remnants  a pulsar and a white dwarf

Orbital characteristics

Title Planet Star Data Notes
Longest orbital period
(Longest year)
2MASS J2126-8140 TYC 9486-927-1 ~1,000,000 years GU Piscium b previously held record at 163,000 years.
Shortest orbital period
(Shortest year)
PSR J1719-1438 b[18] PSR J1719-1438[19] 0.092 days (2.2 hours)[18]
Most eccentric orbit HD 20782 b[20] HD 20782[20] eccentricity of 0.97±0.01 HD 80606 b has an orbital eccentricity of 0.9349,[21] previously held record
Largest orbit around a single star[22][23] HD 106906 b[22] HD 106906[22] ~650 AU[22]
Smallest orbit PSR J1719-1438 b[24] PSR J1719-1438 0.004 AU
Smallest orbit around binary star Kepler-47b Kepler-47AB ≃0.3 AU [25]
Smallest ratio of semi-major axis of a planet orbit to binary star orbit Kepler-16b Kepler-16AB 3.14 ± 0.01 [26]
Largest orbit around binary star DT Virginis c DT Virginis 1,168 AU Star system is also known as Ross 458 AB. The planet was eventually confirmed to be below deuterium burning limit but its formation origin is unknown.
Largest orbit around a single star in a multiple star system Fomalhaut b Fomalhaut 115 AU The second stellar component of the system, TW Piscis Austrini, has a semi-major axis of 57,000 AU from Fomalhaut and the third stellar component, LP 876-10 orbits 158,000 AU away from Fomalhaut.
Largest distance between binary stars with a circumbinary planet FW Tauri AB b FW Tau AB ≈11 AU
Closest orbit between stars with a planet orbiting one of the stars OGLE-2013-BLG-0341LBb OGLE-2013-BLG-0341LB ~12–17 AU
(10 or 14 AU projected distance)[27]
OGLE-2013-BLG-0341L b's semi-major axis is 0.7 AU.[28]
Smallest semi-major axis difference between planets Kepler-70b and Kepler-70c[29] Kepler-70 0.0016 AU (about 240,000 km) During closest approach, Kepler-70c would appear 5 times the size of the Moon in Kepler-70b's sky.
Smallest semi-major axis ratio between planets Kepler-36b and Kepler-36c Kepler-36 11% Kepler-36b and c have semi-major axes of 0.1153 AU and 0.1283 AU respectively, c is 11% further from star than b .

Stellar characteristics

Title Planet Star Data Notes
Highest metallicity HD 126614 Ab HD 126614 A +0.56 dex Located in a triple star system.
Lowest metallicity Kepler-271b, c Kepler-271 −0.951 dex BD+20°2457 may be the lowest metallicity planet host ([Fe/H]=−1.00), however the proposed planetary system is dynamically unstable. The next lowest-metallicity system is Kepler-271. Planets were announced around even the extremely low metallicity stars HIP 13044 and HIP 11952, however these claims have since been disproven.
Highest stellar mass HD 13189 b[30] HD 13189[30] 4.5±2.5 M[30] Margin of error means the star Epsilon Tauri with a stellar mass of 2.723 M is potentially the most massive known planet-harboring star.[31]
Lowest stellar mass (main sequence) TRAPPIST-1b, c, and d TRAPPIST-1 0.08 M
Lowest stellar mass (brown dwarf) 2M J044144 b[32] 2M J044144[32] 0.02 M[32]
Largest stellar radius HD 208527 b[33] HD 208527 51.1 (± 8.3) R Star is a red giant.
Smallest stellar radius (main sequence star) Kepler-42 b[34] Kepler-42 0.17 (± 0.05) R
Smallest stellar radius (brown dwarf) 2M 0746+20 b[35] 2M 0746+20 0.089 (± 0.003) R Planet's mass is very uncertain at 30.0 (± 25.0) Mjup.
Smallest stellar radius (pulsar) PSR J1719-1438 b[36] PSR J1719-1438 0.04 R
Oldest star HD 164922 b HD 164922[37] 13.4 billion years[37]
Hottest star with a planet NY Virginis b NY Virginis[38] 33247 K This star is a subdwarf B star and has a red dwarf companion of 0.14 solar masses with a semi-major axis of slightly under 4 million kilometers from the primary component.
Hottest main-sequence star with a planet Fomalhaut b Fomalhaut[39] 8590 K HIP 78530 has a surface temperature of 10500K, but it is uncertain whether the orbiting companion is a brown dwarf or planet.

System characteristics

Title System Planet(s) Star(s) Notes
System with most (confirmed) planets HD 10180 7 1 The planets are HD 10180 b, c, d e, f, g and h. This system has 2 unconfirmed planets, and more data is needed to confirm their existence.[40][41]
System with most stars Kepler 64 PH1b (Kepler 64b) 4 PH1 has a circumbinary orbit.

See also


  1. NASA does not give a direct density value, however both mass and radius values are given. Using the PHL density Calculator mass value of 0–30 Me and 6.204 Re were used and gave a result of 0–0.7 g/cm which may or may not be lower than Kepler-51d's density depending on the radius of Kepler-52d and the mass of Kepler-453b. The volume of Kepler-51d may be an order of magnitude smaller, or somewhat larger, than that of Jupiter, with possible densities between 10 and about 500 grams per liter.[15]


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  2. Schneider, J. "Notes for star PA-99-N2". The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia. Retrieved 2010-08-06.
  3. Lee, T. A. (October 1970), "Photometry of high-luminosity M-type stars", Astrophysical Journal, 162: 217, Bibcode:1970ApJ...162..217L, doi:10.1086/150648
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