List of countries by population in 1800

Historical Demographics

Altar Domitius Ahenobarbus Louvre
Demographic history
Historical demography
World population estimates
List of Countries by Population
1700 1800 1900

This is a list of countries by population in 1800. Estimate numbers are from the beginning of the year, and exact population figures are for countries that were having a census in the year 1800 (which were on various dates in that year).

Country/Territory Population c.1800 Percentage of

World Population

  World 978,000,000 -
Qing Empire[1] 328,000,000 33.5%
British Empire[1][3][4][5][note 1] 115,681,401 11.8%
France French Republic[9][3] 44,596,000 4.6%
 Russian Empire[3] 35,005,000 3.6%
Tokugawa shogunate[3]
29,000,000 3.0%
 Ottoman Empire[3] [10] 26,000,000 2.7%
Spanish Empire [3] 24,710,115 2.5%
Holy Roman Empire[3] 24,000,000 2.5%
Habsburg Monarchy[3] 23,145,000 2.4%
Joseon[11] 16,500,000 1.7%
 Kingdom of Prussia[9] 9,700,000 1.0%
 Portuguese Empire [3] 9,270,000 0.9%
7,291,000 0.7%
Kingdom of Naples and Sicily [9]
6,700,000 0.7%
 Persia[13] 6,000,000 0.6%
United States of America[14]
5,308,500 0.5%
4,200,000 0.4%
Morocco[1] 2,600,000 0.3%
Sweden [16]
2,347,000 0.2%
Papal States[17]
2,300,000 0.2%
2,200,000 0.2%
Emirate of Diriyah [1] 2,132,000 0.2%
Cambodia[1] 2,090,000 0.2%
 Sikh Empire[18] 1,500,000 0.15%
Grand Duchy of Tuscany[9]
1,200,000 0.12%
Kingdom of Sardinia [9] 450,000 0.046%
 Parma [9] 400,000 0.041%
Sultanate of Oman[1] 363,000 0.037%
Republic of Lucca [9] 120,000 0.012%
14,000 0.0014%

Note: The aggregate populations will exceed the total population because some states existed in multiple entities. For example, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Hapsburg Monarchy had holdings that were also part of the Holy Roman Empire (though not all of the Prussian and Hapsburg territories shared this aspect). In another case, the province of Wallachia was a vassal of the Ottoman sultan, but also a tributary of the Russian Empire.

See also


  1. Several territories were under the rule of the British East India Company rather than being directly controlled by the British government. London would not directly manage the Indian princely states until 1858
  2. Left-bank Ukraine and Right-bank Ukraine included.


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Two Thousand Years of Economic Statistics, Volume 1". Retrieved 6 May 2016.
  2. 1 2 (a) Yoshio Oguchi, "Demographics of Satsuma Domian", Reimeikan Chōsa Kenkyū Hōkoku (no. 11), pp. 87–134 (1998). (b) Yoshio Oguchi, "Demographics of Satsuma Domian and early modern Ryūkyū", Reimeikan Chōsa Kenkyū Hōkoku (no. 13), pp. 1–42 (2000) (all in Japanese).
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "Population Statistics: Historical Demography". Retrieved 29 June 2016.
  4. "THE BRITISH EMPIRE: 1800-1900.". 1900.
  5. 1 2 Robert Montgomery Martin (1843). "History of the Colonies of the British Empire".
  6. "Globalising Migration History: The Eurasian Experience (16th-21st Centuries)". p. 101. Retrieved 28 July 2016.
  7. A. K. Cairncross, The Scottish Economy: A Statistical Account of Scottish Life by Members of the Staff of Glasgow University (Glasgow: Glasgow University Press, 1953), p. 10.
  8. MArshall, John (1838). "Statistics of the British Empire".
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Tacitus, Historical Populations of European States". Retrieved 6 May 2016.
  10. Inalcik, Halil and Qautaert, Donald, ed. (1994). "An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, Volume 2".
  11. 이헌창 (1999). 한국경제통사 52쪽.
  13. Malcolm, John. "The History of Persia: From the Most Early Period to the Present Time" (1815), via Encyclopedia Iranica at
  14. "Decennial Census - History - U.S. Census Bureau". Retrieved 2017-04-25.
  15. Ritchell, Judith L., "Disease and Demography in Colonial Burma" (2006),pp.11-16, via:
  16. 1 2 "Population of Scandinavia". Retrieved 22 April 2016.
  17. "Papal States". Retrieved 22 April 2016.
  18. Singh, Amarinder, "The Last Sunset: The Rise & Fall of the Lahore Durbar", Roli Books (2012).
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