List of companies listed on Ibovespa

In January, 2017, more than 450 companies were listed on the Brazilian stock exchange B3, according to the exchange's website.

The following is a list of the components of Ibovespa, Bovespa's index, in the period May - August 2017, their Bovespa ticker symbol, industry and headquarters location.

Note: not all Bovespa-listed companies are included in the list below. For a complete list, see Bovespa's official website.


Company Ticket Industry Headquarters
AmBev ABEV3 beverages São Paulo
B3 BVMF3 stock exchange São Paulo
Banco do Brasil BBAS3 banking Brasília
BB Seguridade BBSE3 insurance Brasília
Bradesco BBDC3/BBDC4 banking Osasco
Bradespar BRAP4 holding São Paulo
Braskem BRKM5 petrochemicals São Paulo
BRF Brasil Foods BRFS3 foods Itajaí
BR Malls BRML3 shopping malls Rio de Janeiro
CCR CCRO3 transportation São Paulo
CEMIG CMIG4 electricity utility Belo Horizonte
Cielo CIEL3 payment system Barueri
Copel CPLE6 electricity utility Curitiba
Cosan CSAN3 conglomerate São Paulo
CPFL Energia CPFE3 electric utility Campinas
CSN CSNA3 siderurgy and metallurgy São Paulo
Cyrela Brazil Realty CYRE3 real estate São Paulo
EcoRodovias ECOR3 transportation São Paulo
EDP Energias do Brasil ENBR3 electricity utility São Paulo
Eletrobras ELET3/ELET6 electric utility Rio de Janeiro
Embraer EMBR3 aerospace/defense São José dos Campos
ENGIE Brasil EGIE3 electricity utility Florianópolis
Equatorial EQTL3 electricity utility São Luís
Estácio ESTC3 higher education Rio de Janeiro
Fibria FIBR3 paper and pulp São Paulo
Gerdau GGBR4 siderurgy and metallurgy Porto Alegre
GPA PCAR4 retail São Paulo
Hypermarcas HYPE3 pharmaceutical São Paulo
Itaú Unibanco ITUB4 finance and insurance São Paulo
Itaúsa ITSA4 holding São Paulo
JBS JBSS3 food and beverages São Paulo
Klabin KLBN11 paper and pulp São Paulo
Kroton KROT3 higher education Belo Horizonte
Localiza RENT3 rental car Belo Horizonte
Lojas Americanas LAME4 department store Rio de Janeiro
Lojas Renner LREN3 department store Porto Alegre
Marfrig MRFG3 foods São Paulo
Metalúrgica Gerdau GOAU4 holding Porto Alegre
MRV MRVE3 construction and real estate Belo Horizonte
Multiplan MULT3 shopping malls Rio de Janeiro
Natura NATU3 cosmetics Cajamar
Petrobras PETR3/PETR4 oil and gas Rio de Janeiro
Qualicorp QUAL3 health insurance São Paulo
RD RADL3 drugstores São Paulo
Rumo RAIL3 logistics Curitiba
Sabesp SBSP3 waste management São Paulo
Santander Brasil SANB11 banking São Paulo
Smile S.A. SMLE3 loyalt program São Paulo
Suzano Papel e Celulose SUZB5 Pulp & Paper Salvador
Telefônica Vivo VIVT4 telecommunications São Paulo
TIM Participações TIMP3 telecommunications Rio de Janeiro
Ultrapar UGPA3 conglomerate São Paulo
Usiminas USIM5 siderurgy and metallurgy Belo Horizonte
Vale VALE3/VALE5 mining Rio de Janeiro
WEG WEGE3 industrial engineering Jaraguá do Sul
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