List of companies of Mongolia

Location of Mongolia

Mongolia is a landlocked unitary sovereign state in East Asia. Its area is roughly equivalent with the historical territory of Outer Mongolia, and that term is sometimes used to refer to the current state. It is sandwiched between China to the south and Russia to the north.

Economic activity in Mongolia has traditionally been based on herding and agriculture, although development of extensive mineral deposits of copper, coal, molybdenum, tin, tungsten, and gold have emerged as a driver of industrial production.[1] Besides mining (21.8% of GDP) and agriculture (16% of GDP), dominant industries in the composition of GDP are wholesale and retail trade and service, transportation and storage, and real estate activities.[1] The grey economy is estimated to be at least one-third the size of the official economy.[1] As of 2006, 68.4% of Mongolia's exports went to the PRC, and the PRC supplied 29.8% of Mongolia's imports.[2]

For further information on the types of business entities in this country and their abbreviations, see "Business entities in Mongolia".

Notable firms

This list includes notable companies with primary headquarters located in the country. The industry and sector follow the Industry Classification Benchmark taxonomy. Organizations which have ceased operations are included and noted as defunct.

     Active firms
     State-owned firms
     Defunct firms

Name Industry Sector Headquarters Founded Notes
Aero Mongolia Consumer services Travel & leisure domestic and regional airline
Bank of Mongolia Financials Banks national central bank
DDishTV LLC Telecommunications Mobile telecommunications satellite TV and communication
Eznis Airways Consumer services Travel & leisure domestic and regional airline (company of Newcom Group)
G-Mobile Telecommunications Mobile telecommunications mobile phone network
Golomt Bank Financials Banks banking and financial services
Khaanbuuz Consumer services Retail fast food restaurant chain
MIAT Mongolian Airlines Consumer services Travel & leisure international airline, national flag carrier
Mobicom Corporation Telecommunications Mobile telecommunications mobile service provider(company of Newcom Group)
Mongolian Airlines Group Consumer services Travel & leisure international and domestic airline
Mongolian National Broadcaster Consumer services Media national television network
Newcom Group Conglomerates - investment holding group
Skytel (Mongolia) Telecommunications Mobile telecommunications mobile service provider
Tavan Bogd Group Conglomerates - investment holding group (foreign and domestic trade, service, tourism and hospitality, manufacturing and real estate industry)
The State bank Financials Banks state-owned commercial bank, former Zoos bank
UFC Group Consumer goods Food & beverage food and beverage company
Unitel (Mongolia) Telecommunications Mobile telecommunications mobile service provider(company of MCS Group)
XacBank Financials Banks community development bank
Zoos Bank Financials Banks defunct commercial bank, transformed into State bank

See also


  1. 1 2 3 "Background Note: Mongolia". Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs.
  2. Morris Rossabi; Vladimir Socor (May 5, 2005). "Beijing's growing politico-economic leverage over Ulaanbaatar". Jamestown Foundation. Retrieved 2013-06-28.
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