List of butterflies of Finland
The butterflies of Finland include all species of butterflies (Papilionoidea) (including skippers, which were formerly considered a separate superfamily Hesperioidea but nowadays are included in Papilionoidea) which have been recorded in Finland. The local butterfly fauna includes 121 species of butterflies, 10 of which are skippers. However, some species have been reported only once.
As of 2010, the butterfly fauna of Finland included two species classified as critically endangered (CR), 12 species as endangered (EN) and 10 species as vulnerable (VU).[1] Out of all 26 lepidopteran species which are protected by law under the Nature Conservation Decree, 18 species appear on this list.
Butterflies (Papilionoidea) by family
- Coliadinae
- Colias crocea, dark clouded yellow
- Colias hecla sulitelma, northern clouded yellow
- Colias hyale, pale clouded yellow
- Colias palaeno, moorland clouded yellow
- Colias tyche werdandi, pale Arctic clouded yellow
- Gonepteryx rhamni, common brimstone
- Dismorphiinae
- Leptidea juvernica
- Leptidea sinapis, wood white
- Pierinae
- Anthocharis cardamines, orange tip
- Aporia crataegi, black-veined white
- Euchloe ausonia, eastern dappled white
- Pieris brassicae, large white
- Pieris napi, green-veined white
- Pieris rapae, small white
- Pontia callidice, lofty Bath white
- Pontia chloridice, lesser Bath white
- Pontia daplidice, Bath white
- Papilioninae
- Iphiclides podalirius, scarce swallowtail
- Papilio machaon, Old World swallowtail
- Parnassiinae
- Parnassius apollo, Apollo - protected by law
- Parnassius mnemosyne, clouded Apollo - protected by law
- Lycaeninae
- Lycaena dispar, large copper - protected by law
- Lycaena helle, violet copper - protected by law
- Lycaena hippothoe, purple-edged copper
- Lycaena phlaeas, small copper
- Lycaena tityrus, sooty copper
- Lycaena virgaureae, scarce copper
- Polyommatinae
- Celastrina argiolus, holly blue
- Cupido alcetas, Provençal short-tailed blue
- Cupido argiades, short-tailed blue
- Cupido minimus, small blue
- Glaucopsyche alexis, green-underside blue
- Glaucopsyche arion, large blue - protected by law
- Plebeius amandus, Amanda's blue
- Plebeius argus, silver-studded blue
- Plebeius artaxerxes, northern brown argus
- Plebeius glandon aquilo, Arctic blue - protected by law
- Plebeius eumedon, geranium argus
- Plebeius idas, northern blue
- Plebeius nicias, silvery argus
- Plebeius optilete, cranberry blue
- Polyommatus icarus, common blue
- Polyommatus semiargus, Mazarine blue
- Polyommatus vicrama, chequered blue - protected by law
- Scolitantides orion, chequered blue butterfly - protected by law
- Theclinae
- Callophrys rubi, green hairstreak
- Neozephyrus quercus, purple hairstreak
- Satyrium pruni, black hairstreak
- Satyrium w-album, white-letter hairstreak
- Thecla betulae, brown hairstreak
- Apaturinae
- Apatura ilia, lesser purple emperor
- Apatura iris, purple emperor
- Heliconiinae
- Argynnis laodice, Pallas' fritillary
- Argynnis adippe, high brown fritillary
- Argynnis aglaja, dark green fritillary
- Argynnis niobe, Niobe fritillary
- Argynnis paphia, silver-washed fritillary
- Boloria aquilonaris, cranberry fritillary
- Boloria chariclea, Arctic fritillary
- Boloria freija, Freija fritillary
- Boloria frigga, Frigga fritillary
- Boloria eunomia, bog fritillary
- Boloria euphrosyne, pearl-bordered fritillary
- Boloria improba, dingy fritillary - protected by law
- Boloria napaea, mountain fritillary
- Boloria polaris, polaris fritillary
- Boloria selene, small pearl-bordered fritillary
- Boloria thore, Thor's fritillary - protected by law south from Kainuu
- Boloria titania, titania's fritillary - protected by law
- Brenthis ino, lesser marbled fritillary
- Issoria lathonia, Queen of Spain fritillary
- Limenitidinae
- Limenitis camilla, white admiral
- Limenitis populi, poplar admiral
- Nymphalinae
- Araschnia levana, map
- Euphydryas aurinia, marsh fritillary - protected by law
- Euphydryas ichnea
- Euphydryas iduna, Lapland fritillary
- Euphydryas maturna, scarce fritillary - protected by law
- Melitaea athalia, heath fritillary
- Melitaea cinxia, Glanville fritillary
- Melitaea diamina, false heath fritillary - protected by law
- Nymphalis antiopa, mourning cloak
- Nymphalis c-album, comma
- Nymphalis io, European peacock
- Nymphalis polychloros, large tortoiseshell
- Nymphalis urticae, small tortoiseshell
- Nymphalis vaualbum, Compton tortoiseshell
- Nymphalis xanthomelas, scarce tortoiseshell
- Vanessa atalanta, red admiral
- Vanessa cardui, painted lady
- Satyrinae
- Hipparchia semele, grayling
- Pararge achine, woodland brown - protected by law
- Pararge petropolitana, northern wall brown
- Pararge megera, speckled wood
- Pararge maera, large wall
- Pararge aegeria tircis, speckled wood
- Hyponephele lycaon, dusky meadow brown
- Aphantopus hyperantus, ringlet
- Maniola jurtina, meadow brown
- Coenonympha glycerion, chestnut heath
- Coenonympha pamphilus, small heath
- Coenonympha hero, scarce heath
- Coenonympha tullia, large heath
- Erebia euryale euryaloides, large ringlet
- Erebia disa, Arctic ringlet
- Erebia pandrose, dewy ringlet
- Erebia ligea, Arran brown
- Erebia medusa polaris, woodland ringlet - protected by law
- Erebia embla, Lapland ringlet
- Oeneis bore, Arctic grayling
- Oeneis jutta, Baltic grayling
- Oeneis norna, nose grayling
Hesperiidae (skippers)
- Heteropterinae
- Carterocephalus palaemon, chequered skipper
- Carterocephalus silvicola, northern chequered skipper
- Heteropterus morpheus, large chequered skipper
- Hesperiinae
- Hesperia comma, silver-spotted skipper - northern subspecies protected by law
- Ochlodes sylvanus, large skipper
- Thymelicus lineola, Essex skipper
- Pyrginae
- Pyrgus alveus, large grizzled skipper
- Pyrgus andromedae, Alpine grizzled skipper
- Pyrgus centaureae, northern grizzled skipper
- Pyrgus malvae, grizzled skipper
- ↑ Jari-Pekka Kaitila, Kari Nupponen, Jaakko Kullberg & Erkki Laasonen 2010. Butterflies and Moths. In: Rassi, P., Hyvärinen, E., Juslén, A. & Mannerkoski, I. (eds.). The 2010 Red List of Finnish Species. Ympäristöministeriö & Suomen ympäristökeskus, Helsinki. p. 430–470.
External links
- The first and the last records of Macrolepidopteran species in Finnish biogeographical provinces (in English) (in Finnish) (partially outdated)
See also
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