Name |
Launched |
Country of origin |
Class |
Notes |
Role |
Abdül Kadir | Never launched | Ottoman Empire | | Never launched, scrapped in the slipway 1914 | Pre-dreadnought |
Achilles | 1863.12.23 | United Kingdom | | Broadside ironclad | Armoured frigate |
Admiral Chichagov | 1868.10.13 | Russian Empire | Admiral Spiridov class | | Monitor |
Admiral Greig | 1867.10.30 | Russian Empire | Admiral Lazarev class | | Monitor |
Admiral Lazarev | 1867.09.21 | Russian Empire | Admiral Lazarev class | | Coastal monitor |
Admiral Seniavin | 1894.08.22 | Russian Empire | Admiral Ushakov class | | Coastal defence ship |
Admiral Spiridov | 1868.08.28 | Russian Empire | Admiral Spiridov class | | Coastal monitor |
Admiral Ushakov | 1893.11.01 | Russian Empire | Admiral Ushakov class | | Coastal defence ship |
Affondatore | 1865.11.03 | Italy | Affondatore class | | Ironclad ram |
Africa | 1904.05.20 | United Kingdom | King Edward VII class | | Pre-dreadnought |
Agamemnon (1879) | 1879.09.17 | United Kingdom | Ajax class | |
Agamemnon (1906) | 1906 | United Kingdom | Lord Nelson class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Agincourt (1865) | 1865.03.27 | United Kingdom | Minotaur class | |
Agincourt (1913) | 1914 | United Kingdom | | Seized Ottoman Sultân Osmân-ı Evvel |
Dreadnought |
Ägir | 1895.04.03 | German Empire | Odin class | |
Ajax (1880) | 1880 | United Kingdom | Ajax class | |
Ajax (1912) | 1912 | United Kingdom | King George V class | |
Dreadnought |
Aki | 1905 | Japan | Satsuma class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Alabama (BB-8) | 1900 | United States | Illinois class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Alabama (BB-60) | 1942 | United States | South Dakota class | |
Modern Battleship |
Albemarle | 1901 | United Kingdom | Duncan class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Albion | 1898 | United Kingdom | Canopus class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Alexandra | 1875.04.07 | United Kingdom | | |
Alfonso XIII | 1912 | Spain | España class | |
Almirante Brown | 1880.10.06 | Argentina | | central battery ironclad |
Almirante Cochrane | 1874.01.23 | Chile | | |
Almirante Latorre | 1913 | Chile | Almirante Latorre class | Ex-HMS Canada |
Amiral Baudin | 1885 | France | Amiral Baudin class | |
Amiral Duperré | 1879.09.11 | France | | |
Ammiraglio di Saint Bon | 1897 | Italy | Ammiraglio di Saint Bon class | |
Ancona | 1864.10.17 | Italy | Regina Maria Pia class | |
Andrea Doria (1885) | 1885 | Italy | Ruggiero di Lauria class | |
Andrea Doria | 1913 | Italy | Andrea Doria class | |
Dreadnought |
Andrei Pervozvanny | 1906 | Russian Empire | Andrei Pervozvanny class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Anson (1886) | 1886 | United Kingdom | Admiral class | |
Anson (79) | 1940 | United Kingdom | King George V class | |
Modern Battleship |
Arapiles | 1864.10.17 | Spain | | |
Broadside Ironclad |
Arizona | 1916 | United States | Pennsylvania class | Sunk at the Raid on Pearl Harbor |
Arkansas | 1912 | United States | Wyoming class | |
Arminius | 1864.08.20 | German Empire | | |
Monitor |
Árpád | 1901 | Austria-Hungary | Habsburg class | |
Asahi | 1896 | Japan | | |
Audacious (1869) | 1869.02.27 | United Kingdom | Audacious class | |
Audacious (1912) | 1912 | United Kingdom | King George V class | |
Dreadnought |
Babenberg | 1902 | Austria-Hungary | Habsburg class | |
Baden (1880) | 1880.07.28 | German Empire | Sachsen class | |
Baden (1915) | 1915.10.30 | German Empire | Bayern class | |
Dreadnought |
Barbaros Hayreddin | 1910 | Ottoman Empire | Brandenburg class | Ex-SMS Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm |
Barfleur | 1892 | United Kingdom | Centurion class | |
Barham | 1914 | United Kingdom | Queen Elizabeth class | |
Dreadnought |
Bayern (1878) | 1878.05.13 | German Empire | Sachsen class | |
Bayern (1915) | 1915.02.18 | German Empire | Bayern class | |
Dreadnought |
Béarn | 1920 | France | Normandie class | Converted to aircraft carrier |
Belleisle | 1876.02.12 | United Kingdom | Belleisle class | Bought Ottoman ironclad Peyk-i Şeref |
Bellerophon | 1908 | United Kingdom | Bellerophon class | |
Dreadnought |
Belliqueuse | 1865.09.06 | France | | Wooden-hulled armored corvette |
Benbow (1885) | 1885 | United Kingdom | Admiral class | |
Benbow (1913) | 1914 | United Kingdom | Iron Duke class | Flagship of Admiral Doveton Sturdee |
Dreadnought |
Benedetto Brin | 1901 | Italy | Regina Margherita class | |
Beowulf | 1890.11.08 | German Empire | Siegfried class | |
Bismarck | 1940 | Germany | Bismarck class | Sunk by British battleships King George V and Rodney. |
Modern Battleship |
Black Prince | 1861.02.27 | United Kingdom | Warrior class | |
Blanco Encalada | 1875.05.08 | Chile | | |
Borodino | 1901 | Russian Empire | Borodino class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Bouvet | 1896 | France | | |
Brandenburg | 1893 | German Empire | Brandenburg class | |
Braunschweig | 1904 | German Empire | Braunschweig class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Brennus | 1891 | France | | |
Bretagne | 1913 | France | Bretagne class | |
Dreadnought |
Britannia | 1904 | United Kingdom | King Edward VII class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Bronenosets | 1864.03.24 | Russian Empire | Uragan class | |
Budapest | 1896 | Austria-Hungary | Monarch class | |
Buffel | 1868.03.10 | Kingdom of the Netherlands | Buffel class | |
Bulwark | 1899 | United Kingdom | Formidable class | |
Büruç-u Zafer | 1879.01.23 | Ottoman Empire | Belleisle class | Later HMS Orion |
Caïman | 1885 | France | Terrible class | |
Caio Duilio (1876) | 1876.05.08 | Italy | Caio Duilio class | |
Caio Duilio (1913) | 1913 | Italy | Andrea Doria class | |
Caledonia (1862) | 1862.10.24 | United Kingdom | Prince Consort class | |
California | 1915 | United States | Tennessee class | Sunk at the Raid on Pearl Harbor. Raised 1942. |
Camperdown | 1885 | United Kingdom | Admiral class | |
Canada | 1915 | United Kingdom | | Bought Chilean Almirante Latorre |
Canopus | 1897 | United Kingdom | Canopus class | Fired the first shots at the Battle off the Falkands |
Pre-dreadnought |
Capitán Prat | 1890.12.20 | Chile | | |
Captain | 1869.03.27 | United Kingdom | | Sunk in a storm |
Carnot | 1894 | France | | |
Castelfidardo | 1863.08.01 | Italy | Regina Maria Pia class | |
Centurion (1892) | 1892 | United Kingdom | Centurion class | |
Centurion (1911) | 1912 | United Kingdom | King George V class | |
Dreadnought |
Charlemagne | 1895 | France | Charlemagne class | |
Charles Martel | 1893 | France | | |
Charodeika | 1867.09.12 | Russian Empire | Charodeika class | Coastal monitor |
Chesma | 1886 | Russian Empire | Ekaterina II class | |
Colbert | 1875.09.15 | France | Colbert class | |
Collingwood (1882) | 1882 | United Kingdom | Admiral class | |
Collingwood (1908) | 1910 | United Kingdom | St. Vincent class | |
Dreadnought |
Colorado | 1921 | United States | Colorado class | |
Modern Battleship |
Colossus (1882) | 1882 | United Kingdom | Colossus class | |
Colossus (1910) | 1910 | United Kingdom | Colossus class | |
Dreadnought |
Commonwealth | 1903 | United Kingdom | King Edward VII class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Condorcet | 1909 | France | Danton class | |
Connecticut | 1906 | United States | Connecticut class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Conqueror | 1912 | United Kingdom | Orion class | |
Dreadnought |
Conte di Cavour | 1911 | Italy | Conte di Cavour class | |
Conte Verde | 1867.07.29 | Italy | Principe di Carignano class | |
Cornwallis | 1901 | United Kingdom | Duncan class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Courbet (1882) | 1882.04.27 | France | Dévastation class | |
Courbet (1911) | 1911 | France | Courbet class | |
Couronne | 1861.03.28 | France | | Broadside ironclad |
Custoza | 1872.08.20 | Austria-Hungary | | |
Dandolo | 1878 | Italy | Caio Duilio class | |
Danmark | 1864.02.23 | Denmark | | |
Dannebrog | 1864.03.30 | Denmark | | |
Dante Alighieri | 1910 | Italy | | |
Danton | 1909 | France | Danton class | |
De Ruyter | 1901.09.28 | Kingdom of the Netherlands | Koningin Regentes class | |
De Zeven Provinciën | 1909.03.15 | Kingdom of the Netherlands | | |
Coastal defense ship |
Defence | 1861.04.24 | United Kingdom | Defence class | |
Broadside Ironclad |
Delaware | 1910 | United States | Delaware class | |
Démocratie | 1904 | France | Liberté class | |
Deutschland (1874) | 1874.09.12 | German Empire | Kaiser class | |
Deutschland (1904) | 1906 | German Empire | Deutschland class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Dévastation (1879) | 1879.08.19 | France | Dévastation class | |
Devastation | 1871.07.12 | United Kingdom | Devastation class | |
Diderot | 1909 | France | Danton class | |
Dingyuan | 1881.12.28 | Qing dynasty | Dingyuan class | |
Dominion | 1903 | United Kingdom | King Edward VII class | |
Don Juan d'Austria (1862) | 1862.07.26 | Austrian Empire | Kaiser Max class | |
Don Juan d'Austria (1875) | 1875.10.25 | Austria-Hungary | Kaiser Max class | |
Drache | 1861.09.09 | Austrian Empire | Drache class | |
Broadside Ironclad |
Dreadnought (1875) | 1875.03.08 | United Kingdom | | |
Dreadnought (1906) | 1906 | United Kingdom | | First dreadnought |
Dreadnought |
Duke of York | 1940 | United Kingdom | King George V class | |
Modern Battleship |
Duncan | 1901 | United Kingdom | Duncan class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Dunderberg | 1865.07.22 | United States | | |
Casemate Ironclad |
Dunkerque | 1935 | France | Dunkerque class | |
Duque de Tetuán | 1874.00.00 | Spain | | |
Floating Battery Ironclad |
Dvenadsat Apostolov | 1890 | Russian Empire | | |
Edinburgh | 1882 | United Kingdom | Colossus class | |
Edinorog | 1864.06.02 | Russian Empire | Uragan class | |
Ekaterina II | 1886 | Russian Empire | Ekaterina II class | |
El Plata | 1874.08.29 | Argentina | El Plata class | |
Coastal defense ship |
Elsass | 1904 | German Empire | Braunschweig class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Emanuele Filiberto | 1897 | Italy | Ammiraglio di Saint Bon class | |
Emperor of India | 1914 | United Kingdom | Iron Duke class | |
Dreadnought |
Empress of India | 1891 | United Kingdom | Royal Sovereign class | |
Erin | 1914 | United Kingdom | | Seized Ottoman Reşadiye |
Dreadnought |
Erzherzog Albrecht | 1872.04.24 | Austria-Hungary | | |
Erzherzog Ferdinand Max (1865) | 1865.05.24 | Austrian Empire | Erzherzog Ferdinand Max class | |
Broadside Ironclad |
Erzherzog Ferdinand Max (1905) | 1905.05.21 | Austria-Hungary | Erzherzog Karl class | |
Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand | 1908 | Austria-Hungary | Radetzky class | |
Erzherzog Friedrich | 1904 | Austria-Hungary | Erzherzog Karl class | |
Erzherzog Karl | 1903 | Austria-Hungary | Erzherzog Karl class | |
España | 1912 | Spain | España class | |
Evertsen | 1894.09.29 | Kingdom of the Netherlands | Evertsen class | |
Coastal defense ship |
Evstafi | 1906 | Russian Empire | Evstafi class | |
Exmouth | 1901 | United Kingdom | Duncan class | |
Flandre | 1864.06.12 | France | Provence class | |
Florida | 1911 | United States | Florida class | |
Formidabile | 1861.10.01 | Italy | Formidabile class | |
Formidable | 1885 | France | Amiral Baudin class | |
Formidable | 1898 | United Kingdom | Formidable class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
France | 1912 | France | Courbet class | |
Francesco Morosini | 1885 | Italy | Ruggiero di Lauria class | |
Friedland | 1873.10.25 | France | | |
Friedrich Carl | 1867.01.16 | German Empire | | |
Friedrich der Grosse (1874) | 1874.09.20 | German Empire | Preussen class | |
Friedrich der Grosse (1911) | 1911 | German Empire | Kaiser class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Frithjof | 1891.07.21 | German Empire | Siegfried class | |
Frunze | 1926 | Soviet Union | Gangut class | Ex-Poltava |
Fuji | 1896 | Japan | Fuji class | Participated in the Battle of Tsushima |
Pre-dreadnought |
Fusō | 1914 | Japan | Fusō class | Sunk at the Battle of Surigao Straight |
Dreadnought |
Gangut (1893) | 1893.11.01 | Russian Empire | | Coastal defence ship |
Gangut (1911) | 1911.10.20 | Russian Empire | Gangut class | Later Soviet Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya |
Gascogne | 1914 | France | Normandie class | |
Gaulois | 1896 | France | Charlemagne class | |
Gauloise | 1865.04.26 | France | Provence class | |
General Admiral Graf Apraksin | 1896.05.12 | Russian Empire | Admiral Ushakov class | |
General Alekseyev | 1920 | Soviet Union | Imperatritsa Mariya class | Originally Imperator Aleksandr III |
Georgia | 1902 | United States | Virginia class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Georgii Pobedonosets | 1892 | Russian Empire | Ekaterina II class | |
Giulio Cesare | 1911 | Italy | Conte di Cavour class | Later Soviet Novorossiysk |
Glatton | 1871.03.08 | United Kingdom | | |
Gloire | 1859.11.24 | France | Gloire class | Broadside ironclad |
Glory | 1899 | United Kingdom | Canopus class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Gneisenau | 1936 | Germany | Scharnhorst class | |
Modern Battleship |
Goliath | 1898 | United Kingdom | Canopus class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Gorm | 1870.05.17 | Denmark | | |
Grazhdanin | 1901 | Russian Empire | | Ex-Russian battleship Tsesarevich |
Grosser Kurfürst (1875) | 1875.09.17 | German Empire | Preussen class | |
Grosser Kurfürst (1913) | 1914 | German Empire | König class | |
Dreadnought |
Guinea | 1870.05.05 | Kingdom of the Netherlands | Buffel class | |
Guyenne | 1865.09.06 | France | Provence class | |
Habsburg (1865) | 1865.06.24 | Austrian Empire | Erzherzog Ferdinand Max class | |
Habsburg (1900) | 1900.09.09 | Austria-Hungary | Habsburg class | |
Hagen | 1893.10.21 | German Empire | Siegfried class | |
Hamidieh | 1875.11.16 | Ottoman Empire | Superb class | Ex-HMS Superb |
Hannover | 1906 | German Empire | Deutschland class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Hansa | 1872.10.26 | German Empire | | |
Hatsuse | 1899 | Japan | Fuji class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Hector | 1862.09.26 | United Kingdom | Hector class | Broadside ironclad |
Heimdall | 1892.07.27 | German Empire | Siegfried class | |
Helgoland | 1878.05.09 | Denmark | | |
Helgoland | 1911 | German Empire | Helgoland class | Participated in the Battle of Jutland |
Dreadnought |
Henri IV | 1899 | France | | |
Hercules | 1910 | United Kingdom | Colossus class | |
Dreadnought |
Hero | 1885 | United Kingdom | Conqueror class | |
Héroïne | 1863.12.10 | France | Provence class | |
Hertog Hendrik | 1902.06.07 | Kingdom of the Netherlands | Koningin Regentes class | |
Hessen | 1904 | German Empire | Braunschweig class | |
Hibernia | 1905 | United Kingdom | King Edward VII class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Hildebrand | 1892.08.06 | German Empire | Siegfried class | |
Hindustan | 1903 | United Kingdom | King Edward VII class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Hizen | 1905 | Japan | | Ex-Russian Retvizan |
Pre-dreadnought |
Hoche | 1886 | France | | |
Hood | 1893 | United Kingdom | Modified Royal Sovereign class | |
Hotspur | 1870.03.19 | United Kingdom | | |
Howe (1885) | 1885 | United Kingdom | Admiral class | |
Howe (32) | 1940 | United Kingdom | King George V class | |
Modern Battleship |
Hyūga | 1917 | Japan | Ise class | Hybrid aircraft carrier |
Idaho (BB-24) | 1908 | United States | Mississippi class | |
Idaho (BB-42) | 1917 | United States | New Mexico class | |
Iéna | 1898 | France | | |
Iki | 1905 | Japan | | Ex-Russian Imperator Nikolai I |
Illinois (BB-7) | 1901 | United States | Illinois class | Renamed Prairie State |
Pre-dreadnought |
Illinois (BB-65) | Cancelled | United States | Iowa class | Cancelled prior to completion, dismantled on builder's ways September 1958 |
Imperatritsa Ekaterina Velikaya | 1913 | Russian Empire | Imperatritsa Mariya class | Later Soviet Svobodnaya Rossiya |
Imperatritsa Mariya | 1913 | Russian Empire | Imperatritsa Mariya class | |
Imperator Aleksandr II | 1887 | Russian Empire | Imperator Aleksandr II class | |
Imperator Aleksandr III (1901) | 1901 | Russian Empire | Borodino class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Imperator Aleksandr III (1914) | 1914 | Russian Empire | Imperatritsa Mariya class | Later Soviet Volia |
Imperator Nikolai I | 1889 | Russian Empire | Imperator Aleksandr II class | Later Japanese Iki |
Imperator Nikolai I | 1916 | Russian Empire | | |
Imperator Pavel I | 1907 | Russian Empire | Andrei Pervozvanny class | |
Impero | 1939 | Italy | Littorio class | |
Modern Battleship |
Implacable | 1899 | United Kingdom | Formidable class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Independencia | 1891.02.26 | Argentina | Libertad class | |
Indiana (BB-1) | 1895 | United States | Indiana class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Indiana (BB-58) | 1942 | United States | South Dakota class | |
Modern Battleship |
Indomptable | 1883 | France | Terrible class | |
Inflexible |
1876 |
United Kingdom |
Invincible | 1861.04.04 | France | Gloire class | World's first ironclad |
Ioann Zlatoust | 1906 | Russian Empire | Evstafi class | |
Iowa (BB-4) | 1897 | United States | | |
Iowa (BB-61) | 1943 | United States | Iowa class | |
Modern Battleship |
Iron Duke | 1914 | United Kingdom | Iron Duke class | Flagship of Grand Admiral John Jellicoe |
Super-dreadnought |
Irresistible | 1899 | United Kingdom | Formidable class | |
Ise | 1916 | Japan | Ise class | Hybrid aircraft carrier |
Italia | 1880 | Italy | Italia class | |
Iver Hvitfeldt | 1886.04.14 | Denmark | | |
Iwami | 1905 | Japan | | Ex-Russian Oryol |
Pre-dreadnought |
Jacob van Heemskerck | 1906.09.22 | Kingdom of the Netherlands | | Coastal defence ship |
Jaime I | 1919 | Spain | España class | |
Jauréguiberry | 1893 | France | | |
Jean Bart (1911) | 1911 | France | Courbet class | |
Jean Bart (1940) | 1940 | France | Richelieu class | |
Modern Battleship |
Justice | 1904 | France | Liberté class | |
Pre-dreadnought |
Jugoslavija | 1918 | State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs | Tegetthoff class | Ex-Viribus Unitis |
Kaiser (1858) | 1871 | Austria-Hungary | | Re-launched as central battery ironclad |
Kaiser (1874) | 1874.03.19 | German Empire | Kaiser class | |
Kaiser (1911) | 1911 | German Empire | Kaiser class | |
Dreadnought |
Kaiser Barbarossa | 1898 | German Empire | Kaiser Friedrich III class | |
Kaiser Franz Joseph I | 1889 | Austria-Hungary | | |
Kaiser Friedrich III | 1898 | German Empire | Kaiser Friedrich III class | |
Kaiser Karl der Grosse | 1898 | German Empire | Kaiser Friedrich III class | |
Kaiser Max (1862) | 1862.03.14 | Austrian Empire | Kaiser Max class | Broadside ironclad |
Kaiser Max (1875) | 1875.12.28 | Austria-Hungary | Kaiser Max class | |
Kaiser Wilhelm II | 1898 | German Empire | Kaiser Friedrich III class | |
Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse | 1898 | German Empire | Kaiser Friedrich III class | |
Kaiserin | 1911 | German Empire | Kaiser class | |
Kansas | 1906 | United States | Connecticut class | |
Kashima | 1905 | Japan | Katori class | |
Katori | 1905 | Japan | Katori class | |
Kawachi | 1904 | Japan | Kawachi class | |
Kearsarge | 1900 | United States | Kearsarge class | |
Kentucky (BB-6) | 1900 | United States | Kearsarge class | |
Kentucky (BB-66) | Cancelled | United States | Iowa class | Cancelled prior to completion, her bow was used to repair Wisconsin's bow, in 1956, after she collided with the destroyer Eaton, scrapped in 1959. |
King Edward VII | 1903 | United Kingdom | King Edward VII class | |
King George V (1911) | 1911 | United Kingdom | King George V class | |
King George V (41) | 1939 | United Kingdom | King George V class | Helped sink the German battleship Bismarck |
Kniaz Pozharsky | 1867.09.12 | Russian Empire | | |
Knyaz Suvorov | 1902 | Russian Empire | Borodino class | |
Koldun | 1864.05.08 | Russian Empire | Uragan class | |
König | 1914 | German Empire | König class | |
König Albert | 1911 | German Empire | Kaiser class | |
König Wilhelm | 1868.04.25 | German Empire | | |
Koning der Nederlanden | 1874.10.28 | Kingdom of the Netherlands | | |
Koningin Regentes | 1900.04.24 | Kingdom of the Netherlands | Koningin Regentes class | Coastal defence ship |
Kortenaer | 1894.10.27 | Kingdom of the Netherlands | Evertsen class | |
Kreml | 1865.08.26 | Russian Empire | Pervenets class | |
Kronprinz | 1867.05.06 | German Empire | | |
Kronprinz Erzherzog Rudolf | 1887.06.06 | Austria-Hungary | | |
Kronprinz Wilhelm | 1914 | German Empire | König class | |
Kronprinzessin Erzherzogin Stephanie | 1887.04.14 | Austria-Hungary | | |
Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm | 1893 | German Empire | Brandenburg class | Later Ottoman Barbaros Hayreddin |
Languedoc | 1914 | France | Normandie class | |
Latnik | 1864.03.22 | Russian Empire | Uragan class | |
Lava | 1864.06.08 | Russian Empire | Uragan class | |
Leonardo da Vinci | 1911 | Italy | Conte di Cavour class | |
Lepanto | 1883 | Italy | Italia class | |
Libertad | 1890.12.11 | Argentina | Libertad class | Coastal defence ship |
Liberté | 1905 | France | Liberté class | |
Lindormen | 1868.08.08 | Denmark | | |
Lissa | 1869.02.25 | Austria-Hungary | | Central battery ironclad |
Littorio | 1937 | Italy | Littorio class | |
London | 1899 | United Kingdom | Formidable class | |
Lorraine | 1913 | France | Bretagne class | |
Los Andes | 1874.10.29 | Argentina | El Plata class | |
Lothringen | 1904 | German Empire | Braunschweig class | |
Louisiana | 1906 | United States | Connecticut class | |
Magenta (1861) | 1861.06.22 | France | Magenta class | Broadside ironclad |
Magenta (1890) | 1890 | France | Marceau class | |
Magnanime | 1864.08.19 | France | Provence class | |
Maine (ACR-1) | 1895 | United States | | Sunk in Havana harbor |
Maine (BB-10) | 1902 | United States | Maine class | |
Malaya | 1915 | United Kingdom | Queen Elizabeth class | |
Marat | 1921 | Soviet Union | Gangut class | Ex-Petropavlovsk |
Marceau | 1887 | France | Marceau class | |
Marechal Deodoro | 1897 | Brazil | Marechal Deodoro class | |
Marechal Floriano | 1899 | Brazil | Marechal Deodoro class | |
Marengo | 1869.12.04 | France | Océan class | |
Markgraf | 1914 | German Empire | König class | |
Marlborough | 1914 | United Kingdom | Iron Duke class | |
Marten Harpertszoon Tromp | 1904.06.15 | Kingdom of the Netherlands | | Coastal defence ship |
Maryland | 1921 | United States | Colorado class | |
Modern Battleship |
Massachusetts (BB-2) | 1896 | United States | Indiana class | |
Massachusetts (BB-59) | 1942 | United States | South Dakota class | |
Modern Battleship |
Masséna | 1895 | France | | |
Mecklenburg | 1902 | German Empire | Wittelsbach class | |
Méndez Núñez | 1870.00.00 | Spain | | central battery ironclad rebuilt from wooden-hulled steam-powered 38-gun frigate |
Messina | 1864.12.20 | Italy | Principe di Carignano class | |
Mesûdiye | 1874.10.28 | Ottoman Empire | Superb class | |
Michigan | 1908 | United States | South Carolina class | |
Mikasa | 1900 | Japan | | Participated in the Battle of Tsushima |
Minas Geraes | 1910 | Brazil | Minas Geraes class | |
Minnesota | 1906 | United States | Connecticut class | |
Minotaur | 1863.12.12 | United Kingdom | Minotaur class | Broadside ironclad |
Mirabeau | 1909 | France | Danton class | |
Mississippi (BB-23) | 1908 | United States | Mississippi class | |
Mississippi (BB-41) | 1917 | United States | New Mexico class | |
Missouri (BB-11) | 1901 | United States | Maine class | |
Missouri (BB-63) | 1944 | United States | Iowa class | Last battleship to be retired out of the US navy |
Modern Battleship |
Monarch (1868) | 1868.05.25 | United Kingdom | | |
Monarch (1895) | 1895 | Austria-Hungary | Monarch class | |
Monarch (1911) | 1912 | United Kingdom | Orion class | |
Super-dreadnought |
Monitor | 1862.01.30 | United States | | |
Coastal Monitor |
Montagu | 1901 | United Kingdom | Duncan class | |
Moreno | 1911 | Argentina | Rivadavia class | |
Musashi | 1940 | Japan | Yamato class | Most powerful warship in naval history |
Modern Battleship |
Mutsu | 1920 | Japan | Nagato class | |
Nagato | 1919 | Japan | Nagato class | |
Napoli | 1905 | Italy | Regina Elena class | |
Nassau | 1908 | German Empire | Nassau class | |
Navarin | 1891 | Russian Empire | | |
Ne Tron Menia | 1864.06.23 | Russian Empire | Pervenets class | |
Nebraska | 1902 | United States | Virginia class | |
Nelson | 1925 | United Kingdom | Nelson class | |
Neptune (1887) | 1887 | France | Marceau class | |
Neptune (1909) | 1911 | United Kingdom | | |
Nevada | 1914 | United States | Nevada class | |
New Jersey (BB-16) | 1902 | United States | Virginia class | |
New Jersey (BB-62) | 1943 | United States | Iowa class | |
Modern Battleship |
New Mexico | 1917 | United States | New Mexico class | |
New York | 1914 | United States | New York class | |
New Zealand | 1903 | United Kingdom | King Edward VII class | |
Nile | 1888 | United Kingdom | Trafalgar class | |
Normandie (1860) | 1860.03.10 | France | Gloire class | |
Normandie (1914) | 1914 | France | Normandie class | |
North Carolina | 1941 | United States | North Carolina class | |
Modern Battleship |
North Dakota | 1910 | United States | Delaware class | |
Northumberland | 1866.04.17 | United Kingdom | Minotaur class | |
Novgorod | 1873.06.02 | Russian Empire | | |
Novorossiysk | 1911 | Soviet Union | | Ex-Italian Giulio Cesare |
Numancia | 1863.11.19 | Spain | | Broadside ironclad |
Océan | 1868.10.15 | France | Océan class | |
Ocean (1862) | 1863.03.19 | United Kingdom | Prince Consort class | |
Ocean (1898) | 1898 | United Kingdom | Canopus class | |
Odin | 1894.11.03 | German Empire | Odin class | Coastal defence ship |
Odin | 1872.12.12 | Denmark | | |
Ohio | 1904 | United States | Maine class | |
Oklahoma | 1914 | United States | Nevada class | |
Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya | 1925 | Soviet Union | Gangut class | Ex-Gangut |
Oldenburg (1884) | 1884.12.20 | German Empire | | |
Oldenburg (1910) | 1910.06.30 | German Empire | Helgoland class | |
Oregon | 1896 | United States | Indiana class | |
Oryol | 1905 | Russian Empire | Borodino class | Later Japanese Iwami |
Orion (1879) | 1879.01.23 | United Kingdom | Belleisle class | Bought Ottoman ironclad Büruç-u Zafer |
Orion (1910) | 1912 | United Kingdom | Orion class |
Oslyabya | 1898 | Russian Empire | Peresvet class | |
Ostfriesland | 1911 | German Empire | Helgoland class | |
Palestro | 1871.10.02 | Italy | Principe Amedeo class | |
Panteleimon | 1905 | Russian Empire | | Ex-Potemkin |
Paris | 1912 | France | Courbet class | |
Parizhskaya Kommuna | 1921 | Soviet Union | Gangut class | Ex-Sevastopol |
Patrie | 1903 | France | République class | |
Peder Skram | 1864.10.18 | Denmark | | |
Pelayo | 1887 | Spain | | |
Pennsylvania | 1915 | United States | Pennsylvania class | |
Peresvet | 1898 | Russian Empire | Peresvet class | Later Japanese Sagami |
Perun | 1864.06.30 | Russian Empire | Uragan class | |
Pervenets | 1863.05.18 | Russian Empire | Pervenets class | |
Petr Veliky | 1872.08.27 | Russian Empire | | |
Petropavlovsk (1865) | 1865.08.15 | Russian Empire | |
Petropavlovsk (1894) | 1894 | Russian Empire | Petropavlovsk class | |
Petropavlovsk (1911) | 1911 | Russian Empire | Gangut class | Later Soviet Marat |
Peyk-i Şeref | 1876.02.12 | Ottoman Empire | Belleisle class | Later HMS Belleisle |
Piet Hein | 1894.08.16 | Kingdom of the Netherlands | Evertsen class | |
Pobeda | 1900 | Russian Empire | | Later Japanese Suwo |
Poltava (1894) | 1894 | Russian Empire | Petropavlovsk class | Later Japanese Tango |
Poltava (1911) | 1911 | Russian Empire | Gangut class | Later Soviet Frunze |
Pommern | 1906 | German Empire | Deutschland class | Sunk at the Battle of Jutland |
Posen | 1908 | German Empire | Nassau class | |
Potemkin | 1900 | Russian Empire | | Later Panteleimon |
Potemkin | 1905 | Romania | | 8-9 July 1905 |
Preussen (1873) | 1873.11.22 | German Empire | Preussen class | |
Preussen (1903) | 1904 | German Empire | Braunschweig class | |
Prince Consort (1862) | 1862.06.26 | United Kingdom | Prince Consort class | |
Prince of Wales (1902) | 1902 | United Kingdom | Formidable class | |
Prince of Wales (53) | 1941 | United Kingdom | King George V class | |
Modern Battleship |
Principe Amedeo | 1872.01.15 | Italy | Principe Amedeo class | |
Principe di Carignano | 1863.09.15 | Italy | Principe di Carignano class | |
Prins Hendrik der Nederlanden | 1866.10.09 | Kingdom of the Netherlands | | Ironclad turret ship |
Prinz Adalbert | 1864.06.00 | German Empire | | |
Prinz Eugen (1862) | 1862.06.14 | Austrian Empire | Kaiser Max class | |
Prinz Eugen (1877) | 1879.09.07 | Austria-Hungary | Kaiser Max class | |
Prinz Eugen (1912) | 1912.11.30 | Austria-Hungary | Tegetthoff class | |
Prinzregent Luitpold | 1911 | German Empire | Kaiser class | |
Provence (1863) | 1863.10.29 | France | Provence class | |
Provence (1913) | 1913 | France | Bretagne class | |
Puigcerdá | 1874.11.19 | Spain | | Monitor |
Queen | 1902 | United Kingdom | Formidable class | |
Queen Elizabeth | 1913 | United Kingdom | Queen Elizabeth class | Flagship of Grand Admiral David Beatty |
Radetzky | 1908 | Austria-Hungary | Radetzky class | |
Ramillies (1892) | 1892 | United Kingdom | Royal Sovereign class | |
Ramillies (07) | 1916 | United Kingdom | Revenge class | |
Re d'Italia | 1863.04.18 | Italy | Re d'Italia class | |
Re di Portogallo | 1863.08.29 | Italy | Re d'Italia class | |
Re Umberto | 1888 | Italy | Re Umberto class | |
Redoutable (1876) | 1876.09.18 | France | | |
Regina Elena | 1904 | Italy | Regina Elena class | |
Regina Margherita | 1901 | Italy | Regina Margherita class | |
Regina Maria Pia | 1863.04.28 | Italy | Regina Maria Pia class | |
Renown | 1895 | United Kingdom | Centurion class | |
République | 1902 | France | République class | |
Repulse | 1892 | United Kingdom | Royal Sovereign class | |
Requin | 1885 | France | Terrible class | |
Reşadiye | 1914 | Ottoman Empire | Reşadiye class | Later HMS Erin |
Resistance | 1861.04.11 | United Kingdom | Defence class | |
Resolution (1892) | 1892 | United Kingdom | Royal Sovereign class | |
Resolution (09) | 1915 | United Kingdom | Revenge class | |
Retvizan | 1905 | Russian Empire | | Later Japanese Hizen |
Revanche | 1865.12.28 | France | Provence class | |
Revenge (1892) | 1892 | United Kingdom | Royal Sovereign class | |
Revenge (06) | 1915 | United Kingdom | Revenge class | Participated in the Battle of Jutland |
Rheinland | 1908 | German Empire | Nassau class | |
Rhode Island | 1902 | United States | Virginia class | |
Richelieu (1873) | 1873.12.03 | France | | |
Richelieu (1939) | 1939 | France | Richelieu class | |
Modern Battleship |
Rivadavia | 1911 | Argentina | Rivadavia class | |
Rodney (1884) | 1884 | United Kingdom | Admiral class | |
Rodney (29) | 1925 | United Kingdom | Nelson class | Helped sink German battleship Bismarck |
Modern Battleship |
Rolf Krake | 1863.05.06 | Denmark | | |
Roma (1865) | 1865.12.18 | Italy | Roma class | |
Roma (1907) | 1909 | Italy | Regina Elena class | |
Roma (1940) | 1940 | Italy | Littorio class | |
Modern Battleship |
Rostislav | 1896 | Russian Empire | | |
Royal Oak (1862) | 1862.09.10 | United Kingdom | Prince Consort class | |
Royal Oak (1892) | 1892 | United Kingdom | Royal Sovereign class | |
Royal Oak (08) | 1914 | United Kingdom | Revenge class | Sunk by a German u-boat in Scapa Flow |
Royal Sovereign (1891) | 1891 | United Kingdom | Royal Sovereign class | |
Royal Sovereign (05) | 1915 | United Kingdom | Revenge class | Later Soviet Arkhangelsk |
Ruggiero di Lauria | 1884 | Italy | Ruggiero di Lauria class | |
Rusalka | 1867.09.12 | Russian Empire | Charodeika class | |
Russell | 1901 | United Kingdom | Duncan class | |
Sachsen (1877) | 1877.07.21 | German Empire | Sachsen class | |
Sachsen (1916) | 1916.11.21 | German Empire | Bayern class | |
Sagami | 1905 | Japan | | Ex-Russian Peresvet |
Sagunto | 1869.04.26 | Spain | | central battery ironclad |
Saint Louis | 1896 | France | Charlemagne class | |
Salamander | 1861.08.22 | Austrian Empire | Drache class | |
San Martino | 1863.09.21 | Italy | Regina Maria Pia class | |
Sans Pareil | 1887 | United Kingdom | Victoria class | |
São Paulo | 1910 | Brazil | Minas Geraes class | |
Sardegna | 1890 | Italy | Re Umberto class | |
Satsuma | 1904 | Japan | Satsuma class | |
Savoie | 1863.09.29 | France | Provence class | |
Scharnhorst | 1936 | Germany | Scharnhorst class | |
Modern Battleship |
Schlesien | 1906 | German Empire | Deutschland class | |
Schleswig-Holstein | 1906 | German Empire | Deutschland class | |
Schorpioen | 1868.01.18 | Kingdom of the Netherlands | Schorpioen class | |
Schwaben | 1902 | German Empire | Wittelsbach class | |
Settsu | 1905 | Japan | Kawachi class | |
Sevastopol (1864) | 1864.08.12 | Russian Empire | |
Sevastopol (1895) | 1895 | Russian Empire | Petropavlovsk class | |
Sevastopol (1911) | 1911 | Russian Empire | Gangut class | Later Soviet Parizhskaya Kommuna |
Shikishima | 1898 | Japan | Shikishima class | |
Sicilia | 1891 | Italy | Re Umberto class | |
Siegfried | 1889.08.10 | German Empire | Siegfried class | Coastal defence ship |
Sissoi Veliky | 1894 | Russian Empire | |
Sinop | 1887 | Russian Empire | Ekaterina II class | |
Slava | 1903 | Russian Empire | Borodino class | |
Smerch | 1864.06.23 | Russian Empire | | Coastal monitor |
Solferino | 1861.06.24 | France | Magenta class | |
South Carolina | 1908 | United States | South Carolina class | |
South Dakota | 1942 | United States | South Dakota class | |
Modern Battleship |
St. Vincent | 1910 | United Kingdom | St. Vincent class | |
Stier | 1868.04.05 | Kingdom of the Netherlands | Schorpioen class | |
Strasbourg | 1936 | France | Dunkerque class | |
Strelets | 1864.06.02 | Russian Empire | Uragan class | |
Suffren (1870) | 1870.12.26 | France | Océan class | |
Suffren (1899) | 1899 | France | | |
Superb (1875) | 1875.11.16 | United Kingdom | Superb class | Bought Ottoman ironclad Hamidieh |
Superb (1907) | 1908 | United Kingdom | Bellerophon class | |
Sultan | 1870.05.31 | United Kingdom | | |
Sultân Osmân-ı Evvel | 1914 | Ottoman Empire | | Later HMS Agincourt |
Surveillante | 1864.08.18 | France | Provence class | |
Suwo | 1905 | Japan | | Ex-Russian Pobeda |
Swiftsure | 1870.06.15 | United Kingdom | Swiftsure class | |
Szent István | 1915 | Austria-Hungary | Tegetthoff class | |
Tango | 1905 | Japan | | Ex-Russian Poltava |
Tegetthoff Hull Number Missing | 1878.10.18 | Austria-Hungary | | |
Tegetthoff (1912) | 1914 | Austria-Hungary | Tegetthoff class | |
Temeraire (1876) | 1876.05.09 | United Kingdom | | |
Temeraire (1907) | 1907 | United Kingdom | Bellerophon class | |
Tennessee | 1919 | United States | Tennessee class | |
Terribile | 1861.02.16 | Italy | Formidabile class | |
Terrible | 1881 | France | Terrible class | |
Tetuán | 1863.03.19 | Spain | | Broadside ironclad |
Texas (1892) | 1895 | United States | | |
Texas (BB-35) | 1914 | United States | New York class | Only remaining dreadnought in the world |
Thunderer (1872) | 1872.03.25 | United Kingdom | Devastation class | |
Thunderer (1911) | 1912 | United Kingdom | Orion class | |
Thüringen | 1911 | German Empire | Helgoland class | |
Tifon | 1864.06.27 | Russian Empire | Uragan class | |
Tirpitz | 1941 | Germany | Bismarck class | Sunk by British bombers in 1944 |
Modern Battleship |
Tordenskjold | 1880.09.30 | Denmark | | |
Trafalgar | 1887 | United Kingdom | Trafalgar class | |
Trident | 1876.11.09 | France | Colbert class | |
Tri Sviatitelia | 1893 | Russian Empire | | |
Triumph | 1870.09.27 | United Kingdom | Swiftsure class | |
Tsesarevich | 1901 | Russian Empire | | Later Soviet Grazhdanin |
Turgut Reis | 1910 | Ottoman Empire | Brandenburg class | Ex-SMS Weissenburg |
Uragan | 1864.05.27 | Russian Empire | Uragan class | Coastal monitor |
Utah | 1911 | United States | Florida class | |
Valeureuse | 1864.08.18 | France | Provence class | |
Valiant (1863) | 1863.10.14 | United Kingdom | Hector class | |
Valiant (1914) | 1914 | United Kingdom | Queen Elizabeth class | Participated in the Battle of Jutland |
Vanguard (1909) | 1910 | United Kingdom | St. Vincent class | |
Vanguard (23) | 1946 | United Kingdom | | Last battleship ever launched |
Modern Battleship |
Vasco da Gama | 1876.12.01 | Portugal | | central battery ironclad |
Venerable | 1899 | United Kingdom | Formidable class | |
Vengeance | 1899 | United Kingdom | Canopus class | |
Venezia | 1869.01.21 | Italy | Roma class | |
Vergniaud | 1910 | France | Danton class | |
Vérité | 1907 | France | Liberté class | |
Vermont | 1906 | United States | Connecticut class | |
Veschun | 1864.05.08 | Russian Empire | Uragan class | |
Victoria | 1887 | United Kingdom | Victoria class | |
Virginia | 1902 | United States | Virginia class | |
Viribus Unitis | 1912 | Austria-Hungary | Tegetthoff class | Later Serb-Croat-Slovene Jugoslavija |
Vitoria | 1865.11.04 | Spain | | Broadside ironclad |
Vitse-admiral Popov | 1875.10.07 | Russian Empire | | |
Vittorio Emanuele | 1904 | Italy | Regina Elena class | |
Vittorio Veneto | 1937 | Italy | Littorio class | |
Modern Battleship |
Volia | 1917 | Soviet Union | Imperatritsa Mariya class | Later Russian General Alekseyev |
Voltaire | 1909 | France | Danton class | |
Warrior | 1860.12.29 | United Kingdom | Warrior class | Broadside ironclad |
Warspite | 1913 | United Kingdom | Queen Elizabeth class | |
Washington (BB-47) | 1921 | United States | Colorado class | Cancelled after the signing of the Washington Naval Treaty. Used as a gunnery target |
Modern Battleship |
Washington (BB-56) | 1941 | United States | North Carolina class | |
Modern Battleship |
Wien | 1895 | Austria-Hungary | Monarch class | |
Weissenburg | 1893 | German Empire | Brandenburg class | Later Ottoman Turgut Reis |
West Virginia | 1921 | United States | Colorado class | |
Modern Battleship |
Westfalen | 1908 | German Empire | Nassau class | |
Wettin | 1900 | German Empire | Wittelsbach class | |
Wisconsin (BB-9) | 1901 | United States | Illinois class | |
Wisconsin (BB-64) | 1943 | United States | Iowa class | |
Modern Battleship |
Wittelsbach | 1902 | German Empire | Wittelsbach class | |
Wörth | 1893 | German Empire | Brandenburg class | |
Württemberg (1878) | 1878.11.09 | German Empire | Sachsen class | |
Württemberg (1917) | 1917.06.20 | German Empire | Bayern class | |
Wyoming | 1912 | United States | Wyoming class | |
Yamashiro | 1915 | Japan | Fusō class | Sunk at the Battle of Surigao Straight |
Yamato | 1940 | Japan | Yamato class | Most powerful warship in naval history |
Modern Battleship |
Yashima | 1896 | Japan | Fuji class | |
Zähringen | 1902 | German Empire | Wittelsbach class | |
Zaragoza | 1867.02.06 | Spain | | central battery ironclad |
Zhenyuan | 1882.11.28 | Qing dynasty | Dingyuan class | |
Zrínyi | 1908 | Austria-Hungary | Radetzky class | |