List of submarines of the United States Navy

This is a list of submarines of the United States Navy, listed by hull number and by name.

Hull number Name Notes
Turtle World's first combat submersible. Deployed in 1775. Failed mission to destroy HMS Eagle.
Alligator Experimental submarine built in 1862. Never operationally deployed. Foundered in bad weather in 1863.
Intelligent Whale Experimental submarine built in 1863, acquired by the US Navy in 1869 and abandoned in 1873.
SSK-1 Barracuda Re-designated as SST-3.
SSK-2 Bass
SSK-3 Bonita
SF-1 AA-1/T-1 Also SS-52
SF-2 AA-2/T-2 Also SS-60
SF-3 AA-3/T-3 Also SS-61
SF-4 V-1 Also SS-163
SF-5 V-2 Also SS-164
SF-6 V-3 Also SS-165
SF-7 V-4 Also SS-166
SM-1 Argonaut Also SS-166
SS-1 Holland
SS-2 Plunger/A-1
SS-3 Adder/A-2
SS-4 Grampus/A-3
SS-5 Moccasin/A-4
SS-6 Pike/A-5
SS-7 Porpoise/A-6
SS-8 Shark/A-7
SS-9 Octopus/C-1
SS-10 Viper/B-1
SS-11 Cuttlefish/B-2
SS-12 Tarantula/B-3
SS-13 Stingray/C-2
SS-14 Tarpon/C-3
SS-15 Bonita/C-4
SS-16 Snapper/C-5
SS-17 Narwhal/D-1
SS-18 Grayling/D-2
SS-19 Salmon/D-3
SS-19½ Seal/G-1
SS-20 Carp/F-1 Lost in collision on 17 Dec 1917.
SS-21 Barracuda/F-2
SSN-21 Seawolf Commissioned 1997
SS-22 Pickerel/F-3
SSN-22 Connecticut Commissioned 1998
SS-23 F-4 Foundered and lost on 25 Mar 1915. Raised but not repaired. First US submarine to be lost.
SSN-23 Jimmy Carter Commissioned 2005
SS-24 E-1
SS-25 E-2
SS-26 G-4
SS-27 G-2
SS-28 Seawolf/H-1 Grounded 12 Mar 1920. Lost during salvage operations 24 Mar 1920.
SS-29 Nautilus/H-2
SS-30 Garfish/H-3
SS-31 G-3
SS-32 K-1
SS-33 K-2
SS-34 K-3
SS-35 K-4
SS-36 K-5
SS-37 K-6
SS-38 K-7
SS-39 K-8
SS-40 L-1
SS-41 L-2
SS-42 L-3
SS-43 L-4
SS-44 L-5
SS-45 L-6
SS-46 L-7
SS-47 M-1
SS-48 L-8
SS-49 L-9
SS-50 L-10
SS-51 L-11
SS-52 AA-1/T-1 Also SF-1
SS-53 N-1
SS-54 N-2
SS-55 N-3
SS-56 N-4
SS-57 N-5
SS-58 N-6
SS-59 N-7
SS-60 AA-2/T-2 Also SF-2
SS-61 AA-3/T-3 Also SF-3
SS-62 O-1
SS-63 O-2
SS-64 O-3
SS-65 O-4
SS-66 O-5 Lost in collision 28 Oct 1923.
SS-67 O-6
SS-68 O-7
SS-69 O-8
SS-70 O-9 Lost in accident 20 Jun 1941.
SS-71 O-10
SS-72 O-11
SS-73 O-12 Used in 1931 Wilkins arctic expedition and scuttled.
SS-74 O-13
SS-75 O-14
SS-76 O-15
SS-77 O-16
SS-78 R-1
SS-79 R-2
SS-80 R-3
SS-81 R-4
SS-82 R-5
SS-83 R-6
SS-84 R-7
SS-85 R-8
SS-86 R-9
SS-87 R-10
SS-88 R-11
SS-89 R-12 Foundered 12 Jun 1943.
SS-90 R-13
SS-91 R-14
SS-92 R-15
SS-93 R-16
SS-94 R-17
SS-95 R-18
SS-96 R-19
SS-97 R-20
SS-98 R-21
SS-99 R-22
SS-100 R-23
SS-101 R-24
SS-102 R-25
SS-103 R-26
SS-104 R-27
SS-105 S-1
SS-106 S-2
SS-107 S-3
SS-108 cancelled
SS-109 S-4 Lost in accident 17 Dec 1927.
SS-110 S-5 Lost in accident 1 Dec 1920.
SS-111 S-6
SS-112 S-7
SS-113 S-8
SS-114 S-9
SS-115 S-10
SS-116 S-11
SS-117 S-12
SS-118 S-13
SS-119 S-14
SS-120 S-15
SS-121 S-16
SS-122 S-17
SS-123 S-18
SS-124 S-19
SS-125 S-20
SS-126 S-21
SS-127 S-22
SS-128 S-23
SS-129 S-24
SS-130 S-25
SS-131 S-26 Sunk in collision 24 Jan 1942.
SS-132 S-27 Lost by grounding 19 Jun 1942.
SS-133 S-28 Foundered 4 Jul 1944.
SS-134 S-29
SS-135 S-30
SS-136 S-31
SS-137 S-32
SS-138 S-33
SS-139 S-34
SS-140 S-35
SS-141 S-36 Lost by grounding 20 Jan 1942.
SS-142 S-37
SS-143 S-38
SS-144 S-39 Lost by grounding 14 Aug 1942.
SS-145 S-40
SS-146 S-41
SS-147 H-4
SS-148 H-5
SS-149 H-6
SS-150 H-7
SS-151 H-8
SS-152 H-9
SS-153 S-42
SS-154 S-43
SS-155 S-44 Sunk by Japanese destroyer on 7 Oct 1943.
SS-156 S-45
SS-157 S-46
SS-158 S-47
SS-159 S-48
SS-160 S-49 Used as a privately owned traveling tourist attraction from 1931 to 1941.
SS-161 S-50
SS-162 S-51 Lost in collision 25 Sep 1925.
SS-163 Barracuda
SS-164 Bass
SS-165 Bonita
SS-166 Argonaut Never formally held SS-166 classification. Variously designated as V-4, SF-7, SM-1, A-1 and APS-1. Sunk by Japanese destroyers 10 Jan 1943.
SS-167 Narwhal
SS-168 Nautilus
SS-169 Dolphin
SS-170 Cachalot
SS-171 Cuttlefish
SS-172 Porpoise
SS-173 Pike
SS-174 Shark Sunk by Japanese destroyer Feb 11 1942.
SS-175 Tarpon
SS-176 Perch Scuttled 3 March 1942 after damage from Japanese ships.
SS-177 Pickerel Sunk 3 April 1943 by Japanese ships.
SS-178 Permit
SS-179 Plunger
SS-180 Pollack
SS-181 Pompano Possibly sunk by mine October 1943.
SS-182 Salmon
SS-183 Seal
SS-184 Skipjack
SS-185 Snapper
SS-186 Stingray
SS-187 Sturgeon
SS-188 Sargo
SS-189 Saury
SS-190 Spearfish
SS-191 Sculpin Helped locate the sunken Squalus 24 May 1939. Damaged by Japanese destroyer 19 Nov 1943 and scuttled to avoid capture. Captain John P. Cromwell chose to go down with the ship, earning himself the Medal of Honor.
SS-192 Squalus/Sailfish Sunk in accident 23 May 1939. Raised, repaired and re-commissioned as USS Sailfish on 15 May 1940. Sank Japanese aircraft carrier Chuyo 3 Dec 1943 which was carrying survivors of Sculpin(SS-191).
SS-193 Swordfish Sunk by Japanese ships 12 Jan 1945.
SS-194 Seadragon
SS-195 Sealion Destroyed by Japanese aircraft 10 Dec 1941. First US submarine lost in World War II.
SS-196 Searaven
SS-197 Seawolf Accidentally sunk by US Navy destroyer escort 3 Oct 1944.
SS-198 Tambor
SS-199 Tautog Highest scoring US submarine of World War II.
SS-200 Thresher
SS-201 Triton Sunk 15 April 1943 by Japanese destroyers.
SS-202 Trout Lost around 29 Feb 1944, possibly mine.
SS-203 Tuna
SS-204 Mackerel
SS-205 Marlin
SS-206 Gar
SS-207 Grampus Sunk by Japanese destroyers 5 Mar 1943.
SS-208 Grayback Sunk by Japanese aircraft 26 Feb 1944.
SS-209 Grayling Sunk by Japanese freighter 9 Sep 1943.
SS-210 Grenadier Sunk by Japanese aircraft 22 Apr 1943.
SS-211 Gudgeon Probably sunk by Japanese on 18 Apr 1944.
SS-212 Gato
SS-213 Greenling
SS-214 Grouper
SS-215 Growler Sunk by Japanese ships 8 Nov 1944.
SS-216 Grunion Sunk 30 Jul 1942, cause unknown.
SS-217 Guardfish
SS-218 Albacore Best known for sinking Japanese aircraft carrier Taiho with one torpedo. Sunk by mine 7 Nov 1944.
SS-219 Amberjack Sunk by Japanese ships on 16 Feb 1943.
SS-220 Barb Only known sub to launch a land attack on Japan on 12th patrol June 1945.
SS-221 Blackfish
SS-222 Bluefish
SS-223 Bonefish Sunk 18 June 1945 by Japanese vessels
SS-224 Cod Museum ship in Cleveland, OH.
SS-225 Cero
SS-226 Corvina Sunk by Japanese submarine 16 Nov 1943.
SS-227 Darter Grounded on 24 Oct 1944. Destroyed to prevent capture.
SS-228 Drum Currently museum ship in Mobile, AL.
SS-229 Flying Fish
SS-230 Finback
SS-231 Haddock
SS-232 Halibut
SS-233 Herring Sunk 1 June 1944 by shore battery.
SS-234 Kingfish
SS-235 Shad
SS-236 Silversides Top scoring surviving U.S. submarine of WWII. Currently resides in Muskegon, MI at the Great Lakes Naval Memorial & Museum.
SS-237 Trigger Sunk 27 March 1945 by Japanese ships.
SS-238 Wahoo Sunk by Japanese ships and aircraft 11 Oct 1943.
SS-239 Whale
SS-240 Angler
SS-241 Bashaw
SS-242 Bluegill
SS-243 Bream
SS-244 Cavalla Best known for sinking Japanese carrier Shokaku. Museum ship in Galveston, Texas.
SS-245 Cobia Museum ship in Manitiwoc, WI.
SS-246 Croaker Museum ship in Buffalo, NY.
SS-247 Dace
SS-248 Dorado Accidentally sunk by US aircraft 12 Oct 1943.
SS-249 Flasher Credited with over 100,000 tons of Japanese shipping sunk in WWII.
SS-250 Flier Sunk 13 Aug 1944 by mine. 8 Survivors
SS-251 Flounder
SS-252 Gabilan
SS-253 Gunnel
SS-254 Gurnard
SS-255 Haddo
SS-256 Hake
SS-257 Harder Sunk by Japanese ships 24 August 1944.
SS-258 Hoe
SS-259 Jack
SS-260 Lapon
SS-261 Mingo
SS-262 Muskallunge
SS-263 Paddle
SS-264 Pargo
SS-265 Peto
SS-266 Pogy
SS-267 Pompon
SS-268 Puffer
SS-269 Rasher
SS-270 Raton
SS-271 Ray
SS-272 Redfin
SS-273 Robalo Sunk by mine 26 Jul 1944.
SS-274 Rock
SS-275 Runner Missing and presumed lost Jun 1943.
SS-276 Sawfish
SS-277 Scamp Sunk by Japanese ship 6 Nov 1944.
SS-278 Scorpion Probably sunk by mine 1944.
SS-279 Snook Sunk April 1945, cause unknown.
SS-280 Steelhead
SS-281 Sunfish
SS-282 Tunny
SS-283 Tinosa
SS-284 Tullibee Sunk by own torpedo 24 March 1944.
SS-285 Balao
SS-286 Billfish
SS-287 Bowfin Museum ship, USS Bowfin Submarine Museum & Park, Honolulu, Hawaii
SS-288 Cabrilla
SS-289 Capelin Missing and presumed lost Dec 1943.
SS-290 Cisco Sunk by Japanese ships and aircraft 28 Sep 1943.
SS-291 Crevalle
SS-292 Devilfish
SS-293 Dragonet
SS-294 Escolar Sunk by mine Oct 1944.
SS-295 Hackleback
SS-296 Lancetfish Commissioned 12 Feb 1945. Sunk at pier 15 Mar 1945. Decommissioned 24 Mar 1945. Not repaired. Stricken 9 June 1958. Never went to sea.
SS-297 Ling Museum ship, New Jersey Naval Museum — Hackensack, New Jersey
SS-298 Lionfish Museum ship, Battleship Cove Museum, Fall River, Massachusetts
SS-299 Manta
SS-300 Moray
SS-301 Roncador
SS-302 Sabalo
SS-303 Sablefish
SS-304 Seahorse
SS-305 Skate
SS-306 Tang Second highest scoring US submarine of World War II. Sunk by circular run of own torpedo on 24 Oct 1944.
SS-307 Tilefish
SS-308 Apogon
SS-309 Aspro
SS-310 Batfish Museum ship, War Memorial Park, Muskogee, Oklahoma
SS-311 Archerfish Best known for sinking the Japanese carrier Shinano, in November 1944,
SS-312 Burrfish
SS-313 Perch
SS-314 Shark Lost 24 Oct 1944.
SS-315 Sealion
SS-316 Barbel Sunk 4 Feb 1945 by Japanese aircraft.
SS-317 Barbero
SS-318 Baya
SS-319 Becuna Museum ship, Independence Seaport Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
SS-320 Bergall
SS-321 Besugo
SS-322 Blackfin
SS-323 Caiman
SS-324 Blenny
SS-325 Blower
SS-326 Blueback
SS-327 Boarfish
SS-328 Charr
SS-329 Chub
SS-330 Brill
SS-331 Bugara
SS-332 Bullhead Lost 6 Aug 1945. Last U.S. Sub loss of WWII.
SS-333 Bumper
SS-334 Cabezon
SS-335 Dentuda
SS-336 Capitaine
SS-337 Carbonero
SS-338 Carp
SS-339 Catfish
SS-340 Entemedor
SS-341 Chivo
SS-342 Chopper
SS-343 Clamagore Museum ship, Patriots Point Maritime Museum, Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina
SS-344 Cobbler
SS-345 Cochino Lost 26 Aug 1949 by fire and electrical failure.
SS-346 Corporal
SS-347 Cubera
SS-348 Cusk
SS-349 Diodon
SS-350 Dogfish
SS-351 Greenfish
SS-352 Halfbeak
SS-353 Dugong cancelled
SS-354 Eel cancelled
SS-355 Espada cancelled
SS-356 Jawfish cancelled
SS-357 Ono cancelled
SS-358 Garlopa cancelled
SS-359 Garrupa cancelled
SS-360 Goldring cancelled
SS-361 Golet Lost 14 Jun 1944 by Japanese vessels.
SS-362 Guavina
SS-363 Guitarro
SS-364 Hammerhead
SS-365 Hardhead
SS-366 Hawkbill
SS-367 Icefish
SS-368 Jallao
SS-369 Kete Lost Mar 1945, cause unknown.
SS-370 Kraken
SS-371 Lagarto Sunk 4 May 1945 by Japanese ships.
SS-372 Lamprey
SS-373 Lizardfish
SS-374 Loggerhead
SS-375 Macabi
SS-376 Mapiro
SS-377 Menhaden
SS-378 Mero
SS-379 Needlefish cancelled
SS-380 Nerka cancelled
SS-381 Sand Lance
SS-382 Picuda
SS-383 Pampanito Museum ship, S. F. Maritime National Park, San Francisco, California
SS-384 Parche
SS-385 Bang
SS-386 Pilotfish
SS-387 Pintado
SS-388 Pipefish
SS-389 Piranha
SS-390 Plaice
SS-391 Pomfret
SS-392 Sterlet
SS-393 Queenfish
SS-394 Razorback Museum ship, Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum, North Little Rock, Arkansas
SS-395 Redfish
SS-396 Ronquil
SS-397 Scabbardfish
SS-398 Segundo
SS-399 Sea Cat
SS-400 Sea Devil
SS-401 Sea Dog
SS-402 Sea Fox
SS-403 Atule
SS-404 Spikefish
SS-405 Sea Owl Converted to SSK in 1963.
SS-406 Sea Poacher
SS-407 Sea Robin
SS-408 Sennet
SS-409 Piper
SS-410 Threadfin
SS-411 Spadefish
SS-412 Trepang
SS-413 Spot
SS-414 Springer
SS-415 Stickleback Lost 29 May 1958.
SS-416 Tiru
SS-417 Tench Sold to Peru for spares, 16 September 1976
SS-418 Thornback
SS-419 Tigrone Rescued over 30 downed aviators during World War II. Re-designated as SSR-419 in 1948 and as AGSS-419 in 1963. Used to evaluate experimental sonar systems.
SS-420 Tirante
SS-421 Trutta
SS-422 Toro
SS-423 Torsk Museum ship, Baltimore Maritime Museum, Baltimore, Maryland
SS-424 Quillback
SS-425 Trumpetfish
SS-426 Tusk
SS-427 Turbot Launched but not completed
SS-428 Ulua Launched but not completed
SS-429 Unicorn cancelled
SS-430 Vendace cancelled
SS-431 Walrus cancelled
SS-432 Whitefish cancelled
SS-433 Whiting cancelled
SS-434 Wolffish cancelled
SS-435 Corsair
SS-436 Unicorn Launched but not completed.
SS-437 Walrus Launched but not completed.
438 to 474 cancelled
SS-475 Argonaut
SS-476 Runner
SS-477 Conger
SS-478 Cutlass
SS-479 Diablo
SS-480 Medregal Converted to SSR in Jan 1948.
SS-481 Requin Museum ship, Carnegie Science Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
SS-482 Irex
SS-483 Sea Leopard
SS-484 Odax
SS-485 Sirago
SS-486 Pomodon
SS-487 Remora
SS-488 Sarda
SS-489 Spinax
SS-490 Volador Last fleet submarine to be launched on 17 Jan 1946.
SS-491 Pompano cancelled
SS-492 Grayling cancelled
SS-493 Needlefish cancelled
SS-494 Sculpin cancelled
SS-495 to SS-521 cancelled
SS-522 Amberjack
SS-523 Grampus
SS-524 Pickerel
SS-525 Grenadier Last fleet submarine to be commissioned on 10 Feb 1951.
SS-526 Dorado cancelled
SS-527 Comber cancelled
SS-528 Sea Panther cancelled
SS-529 Tiburon cancelled
SS-530 to SS-549 cancelled
SS-550 Barracuda Also designated as SSK-1 and SST-3.
SS-551 Bass Also designated as SSK-2.
SS-552 Bonita Also designated as SSK-3.
SS-553 Kinn offshore procurement of KNM Kinn (S316)
SS-554 Springeren offshore procurement of HDMS Springeren (S329)
AGSS-555 Dolphin Research submarine. Last conventionally powered submarine in service with the US Navy. Museum ship, Maritime Museum of San Diego, San Diego, California
SS-556 offshore procurement for Norway
SS-557 to SS-562 cancelled
SS-563 Tang
SS-564 Trigger
SS-565 Wahoo
SS-566 Trout
SS-567 Gudgeon
SS-568 Harder
AGSS-569 Albacore Experimental prototype with teardrop hull. Museum ship, Albacore Park and Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
AGSS-570 Mackerel completed as SST-1
SSN-571 Nautilus First nuclear powered submarine. First submarine to travel under the North Pole. Museum ship, U.S. Navy Submarine Force Museum, Groton, Connecticut
SSR-572 Sailfish
SSR-573 Salmon
SSG-574 Grayback Converted and re-designated as LPSS-574 (amphibious transport submarine) on 30 Aug 1968.
SSN-575 Seawolf
SS-576 Darter
SSG-577 Growler Museum ship, Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum, New York, New York
SSN-578 Skate First submarine to surface at the North Pole.
SSN-579 Swordfish
SS-580 Barbel First diesel powered attack submarine with a teardrop hull.
SS-581 Blueback Last conventionally powered attack submarine in service with the US Navy. Museum ship, OMSI Museum, Portland, Oregon
SS-582 Bonefish Last conventionally powered submarine built for the US Navy.
SSN-583 Sargo
SSN-584 Seadragon
SSN-585 Skipjack First nuclear powered submarine with a teardrop hull.
SSRN-586 Triton First submarine to complete a submerged circumnavigation of the globe, and the only Western submarine powered by two nuclear reactors.
SSGN-587 Halibut First and only American nuclear powered submarine designed and built as a guided missile submarine.
SSN-588 Scamp
SSN-589 Scorpion Lost in accident 22 May 1968.
SSN-590 Sculpin
SSN-591 Shark
SSN-592 Snook
SSN-593 Thresher Lost in accident 10 Apr 1963.
SSN-594 Permit
SSN-595 Plunger
SSN-596 Barb
SSN-597 Tullibee First quiet nuclear submarine with turbo electric drive. First integrated sonar suite, including both a low-frequency passive array, for long range detection, and a spherical array, for approach and attack (AN/BQQ Series Sonar). First submarine specifically designed as an ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare) weapon. First submarine with torpedo tubes amidships.
SSBN-598 George Washington First nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine.
SSBN-599 Patrick Henry
SSBN-600 Theodore Roosevelt
SSBN-601 Robert E. Lee
SSBN-602 Abraham Lincoln
SSN-603 Pollack
SSN-604 Haddo
SSN-605 Jack
SSN-606 Tinosa
SSN-607 Dace
SSBN-608 Ethan Allen
SSBN-609 Sam Houston
SSBN-610 Thomas A. Edison
SSBN-611 John Marshall
SSN-612 Guardfish
SSN-613 Flasher
SSN-614 Greenling
SSN-615 Gato
SSBN-616 Lafayette
SSBN-617 Alexander Hamilton
SSBN-618 Thomas Jefferson
SSBN-619 Andrew Jackson
SSBN-620 John Adams
SSN-621 Haddock
SSBN-622 James Monroe
SSBN-623 Nathan Hale
SSBN-624 Woodrow Wilson
SSBN-625 Henry Clay
SSBN-626 Daniel Webster Decommissioned on 30 August 1990 and reclassified a moored training ship (S5W Prototype facility) with hull number MTS-626.
SSBN-627 James Madison
SSBN-628 Tecumseh
SSBN-629 Daniel Boone
SSBN-630 John C. Calhoun
SSBN-631 Ulysses S. Grant
SSBN-632 Von Steuben
SSBN-633 Casimir Pulaski
SSBN-634 Stonewall Jackson
SSBN-635 Sam Rayburn Decommissioned on 31 July 1989 and reclassified a moored training ship (S5W Prototype facility) with hull number MTS-635.
SSBN-636 Nathanael Greene
SSN-637 Sturgeon
SSN-638 Whale
SSN-639 Tautog
SSBN-640 Benjamin Franklin
SSBN-641 Simon Bolivar
SSBN-642 Kamehameha Was in active service for 36 years, 4 months. Built as a SSBN but converted to a SSN from 24 September 1992 to 23 Jul 1993[1]
SSBN-643 George Bancroft
SSBN-644 Lewis and Clark
SSBN-645 James K. Polk Built as a SSBN but converted to a s SSN in August 1994 [2]
SSN-646 Grayling
SSN-647 Pogy
SSN-648 Aspro
SSN-649 Sunfish
SSN-650 Pargo
SSN-651 Queenfish
SSN-652 Puffer
SSN-653 Ray
SSBN-654 George C. Marshall
SSBN-655 Henry L. Stimson
SSBN-656 George Washington Carver
SSBN-657 Francis Scott Key
SSBN-658 Mariano G. Vallejo
SSBN-659 Will Rogers
SSN-660 Sand Lance
SSN-661 Lapon
SSN-662 Gurnard
SSN-663 Hammerhead
SSN-664 Sea Devil
SSN-665 Guitarro
SSN-666 Hawkbill
SSN-667 Bergall
SSN-668 Spadefish
SSN-669 Seahorse
SSN-670 Finback
SSN-671 Narwhal First submarine constructed with a natural circulation reactor.
SSN-672 Pintado
SSN-673 Flying Fish
SSN-674 Trepang
SSN-675 Bluefish
SSN-676 Billfish
SSN-677 Drum
SSN-678 Archerfish
SSN-679 Silversides
SSN-680 William H. Bates
SSN-681 Batfish
SSN-682 Tunny
SSN-683 Parche
SSN-684 Cavalla Last U.S. Navy submarine to be named after a fish.
SSN-685 Glenard P. Lipscomb The Navy's second submarine design using turbo-electric transmission.
SSN-686 L. Mendel Rivers
SSN-687 Richard B. Russell
SSN-688 Los Angeles Lead ship of the Los Angeles class. Was active for 34 years, 3 months.
SSN-689 Baton Rouge
SSN-690 Philadelphia
SSN-691 Memphis
SSN-692 Omaha
SSN-693 Cincinnati
SSN-694 Groton
SSN-695 Birmingham
SSN-696 New York City
SSN-697 Indianapolis
SSN-698 Bremerton Oldest American nuclear submarine still in service. To be decommissioned in 2017.
SSN-699 Jacksonville
SSN-700 Dallas
SSN-701 La Jolla
SSN-702 Phoenix
SSN-703 Boston
SSN-704 Baltimore Youngest Los Angeles-Class to be decommissioned. Was active for two weeks less than 16 years.
SSN-705 City of Corpus Christi
SSN-706 Albuquerque
SSN-707 Portsmouth
SSN-708 Minneapolis-Saint Paul
SSN-709 Hyman G. Rickover
SSN-710 Augusta
SSN-711 San Francisco
SSN-712 Atlanta
SSN-713 Houston
SSN-714 Norfolk
SSN-715 Buffalo
SSN-716 Salt Lake City
SSN-717 Olympia
SSN-718 Honolulu
SSN-719 Providence
SSN-720 Pittsburgh
SSN-721 Chicago
SSN-722 Key West
SSN-723 Oklahoma City
SSN-724 Louisville
SSN-725 Helena
SSGN-726 Ohio Built as an SSBN, but converted to an SSGN from November 2003 to December 2005[3] in accordance with START II.
SSGN-727 Michigan Built as an SSBN, but converted to an SSGN from April 2004 to April 2006[3] in accordance with START II.
SSGN-728 Florida Built as an SSBN, but converted to an SSGN from January 2005 to December 2006[3] in accordance with START II.
SSGN-729 Georgia Built as an SSBN, but converted to an SSGN from October 2005 to September 2007[3] in accordance with START II.
SSBN-730 Henry M. Jackson
SSBN-731 Alabama
SSBN-732 Alaska
SSBN-733 Nevada
SSBN-734 Tennessee
SSBN-735 Pennsylvania
SSBN-736 West Virginia
SSBN-737 Kentucky
SSBN-738 Maryland
SSBN-739 Nebraska
SSBN-740 Rhode Island
SSBN-741 Maine
SSBN-742 Wyoming
SSBN-743 Louisiana
744 to 749 unassigned
SSN-750 Newport News
SSN-751 San Juan
SSN-752 Pasadena
SSN-753 Albany
SSN-754 Topeka
SSN-755 Miami
SSN-756 Scranton
SSN-757 Alexandria
SSN-758 Asheville
SSN-759 Jefferson City
SSN-760 Annapolis
SSN-761 Springfield
SSN-762 Columbus
SSN-763 Santa Fe
SSN-764 Boise
SSN-765 Montpelier
SSN-766 Charlotte
SSN-767 Hampton
SSN-768 Hartford
SSN-769 Toledo
SSN-770 Tucson
SSN-771 Columbia
SSN-772 Greeneville
SSN-773 Cheyenne
SSN-774 Virginia
SSN-775 Texas
SSN-776 Hawaii
SSN-777 North Carolina
SSN-778 New Hampshire
SSN-779 New Mexico
SSN-780 Missouri
SSN-781 California
SSN-782 Mississippi
SSN-783 Minnesota
SSN-784 North Dakota
SSN-785 John Warner
SSN-786 Illinois
SSN-787 Washington
SSN-788 Colorado
SSN-789 Indiana
SSN-790 South Dakota
SSN-791 Delaware
SSN-792 Vermont [4]
SSN-793 Oregon
SSN-794 Montana
SSN-795 Hyman G. Rickover
SSN-796 New Jersey
SSN-797 Iowa
SSN-798 Massachusetts
SSN-799 Idaho
SSN-800 Arkansas
SSN-801 Utah
802-825 Currently unassigned
SSBN-826 Columbia
827-837 Currently unassigned, but expected to be assigned to subsequent Columbia-class boats
SST-1 (AGSS-570) Mackerel
SST-2 Marlin Museum Ship, Freedom Park, Omaha, Nebraska
SM U-111 U-111 captured World War I U-boat, used for publicity and testing purposes
SM U-117 U-117 captured World War I U-boat, used for publicity and testing purposes
SM U-140 U-140 captured World War I U-boat, used for publicity and testing purposes
SM UB-88 UB-88 captured World War I U-boat, used for publicity and testing purposes
SM UB-148 UB-148 captured World War I U-boat, used for publicity and testing purposes
SM UC-97 UC-97 captured World War I U-boat, used for publicity and testing purposes
U-2513 U-2513 captured World War II U-boat, used for publicity and testing purposes
U-3008 U-3008 captured World War II U-boat, used for publicity and testing purposes


See also


  1. "Kamehameha (SSBN-642) (SSN-642)". Navsource Online.
  2. "James K. Polk (SSBN-645) (SSN-645)". Navsource Online.
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  4. "SECNAV Names Virginia-class Submarine, USS Vermont". Navy News Service. 18 September 2014. NNS140918-07.
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