List of U.S. executive branch czars

In the United States, the informal political term "czar" or "tsar" is employed in media and popular usage to refer to high-level officials who oversee a particular policy. There have never been any U.S. government offices with the title "czar", but various governmental officials have sometimes been referred to by the nickname "czar" rather than their actual title.

The earliest known use of the term for a U.S. government official was in the administration of Franklin Roosevelt (1933–1945), during which eleven unique positions (or twelve if one were to count "Economic Czar" and "Economic Czar of World War II" as separate) were so described. The term was revived, mostly by the press, to describe officials in the Nixon and Ford administrations and continues today.

By administration

The list is subjective and imprecise, since frequently individuals or offices might be referred to by the nickname "czar" by some publication or a political opponent, yet the actual governmental official, a majority of publications and others do not use the term. One possible definition is only those officials who are appointed by the president without Senate confirmation.

Summary table - Number of czars per administration
President's name Party In office Number of
czar titles
Number of
Appointees not
confirmed by Senate
Franklin Roosevelt D 1933–1945 11 19 18
Harry Truman D 1945–1953 6 6 5
Dwight Eisenhower R 1953–1961 1 1 0
Lyndon Johnson D 1963–1969 3 3 1
Richard Nixon R 1969–1974 3 5 5
Gerald Ford R 1974–1977 2 2 2
Jimmy Carter D 1977–1981 2 3 2
Ronald Reagan R 1981–1989 1 1 1
George H. W. Bush R 1989–1993 2 3 0
Bill Clinton D 1993–2001 8 11 7
George W. Bush R 2001–2009 33 49 28
Barack Obama D 2009–2017 38 50 39
Donald Trump R 2017- TBD TBD TBD

The numbers are based upon the sortable list below. Please see it for details and references. Note that what is measured is the popularity of the word czar, rather than an objective measure of authority.

Also note that under George W. Bush only 33 Czar titles had been currently found, thus only 33 Czars, although many of these titles were used by several distinct individuals. For example, there has been an Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health since the passage of the Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, but the phrase "mine safety czar" was only applied to the position since the controversial appointment of Richard Stickler to the post in 2006. Similarly, there has been a director of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs since the office was created by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, but the term "regulatory czar" was not applied to the post until 2001.

List of executive branch czars

The following are executive branch officials who have been described by the media as a czar of some kind.

This is a sortable table; to sort by President, type of appointment, etc., just click on the arrow at the top of the column. To view references for a particular "czar", click on the number next to the name.

Czar title Official title Office holder Tenure Type of Appointment Appointing Administration Senate Confirmed
Foreign aid czar Administrator of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) Tobias, Randall[1] 2006–2007 President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
AfPak czar, Afghanistan and Pakistan czar Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Holbrooke, Richard[2] 2009–2010 President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
AIDS czar National AIDS Policy Coordinator, Member of White House Domestic Policy Council Gebbie, Kristine[3] 1993–1994 President appointed Clinton, BillBill Clinton
AIDS czar Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy Fleming, Patricia[4] 1993–1997 President appointed Clinton, BillBill Clinton
AIDS czar Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy, Presidential Envoy for AIDS Cooperation Thurman, Sandra[5] 1997–2000 President appointed Clinton, BillBill Clinton
AIDS czar Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy Evertz, Scott[6] 2001–2002 President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
AIDS czar Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy O'Neill, Joe[7] 2002–2003 President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
AIDS czar Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy Thompson, Carol[8] 2004–2006 President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
AIDS czar Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy Crowley, Jeffrey[9] 2009–2012 President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
AIDS czar Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy Colfax, Grant[10] 2012–2014 President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
AIDS czar Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy Brooks, Douglas[11] 2014–2016 President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
anti-poverty czar, poverty czar Director of Office of Economic Opportunity Shriver, Sargent[12] 1965–1969 President nominated, Senate confirmed Johnson, LyndonLyndon Johnson
Asian Carp czar Asian Carp Director, Council on Environmental Quality Goss, John[13] 2010–present Council on Environmental Quality selected Obama, BarackBarack Obama
auto czar, car czar Treasury Advisor, Head of the Auto Task Force Rattner, Steve[14] 2009 Feb–Jul Sec. of Treasury appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
auto czar, car czar Senior Advisor President's Automotive Task Force Bloom, Ron[15] 2009–present President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
auto recovery czar, autoworker czar Member Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry, Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers Montgomery, Ed[16] 2009–present President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
bank bailout czar, Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) czar United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability, Senior Advisor to Secretary of the Treasury Kashkari, Neel.[17] 2008–2009 (New position), President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
bank bailout czar, TARP czar United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability Allison, Herbert[18] 2009–2013 President nominated, Senate confirmed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
bioethics czar Advisor to the President, Chairman of The President's Council on Bioethics Kass, Leon[19] 2001–2005 (New position), Exec order, President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
bird flu czar Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services, Advisor to the President for Public Health Emergency Preparedness Simonson, Stewart[20] 2004–2006 (New position), President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
birth control czar Deputy Assistant Secretary of Population Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services Keroack, Eric[21] 2006–2007 President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
border czar U.S. attorney and Special Representative for the Southwest Border, Department of Justice Bersin, Alan[22] 1995–1998 President nominated, Senate confirmed as U.S. Attorney, Appointed as Special Representative Clinton, BillBill Clinton
border czar Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, Special Representative for Border Affairs, Dept of Homeland Security, Bersin, Alan[23] 2009–present Sec of Homeland Security appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
budget czar Director of the Office of Management and Budget Daniels, Mitchell E.[24] 2001–2003 President nominated, Senate Confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
budget czar Director of the Office of Management and Budget Bolten, Joshua[25] 2003–2006 President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
budget czar Director of the Office of Management and Budget Portman, Rob[26] 2006–2007 President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
cleanup czar Special Assistant Attorney General (to investigate corruption) Morris, Newbold[27] 1952, fired after 63 days by Atty General for demanding records access; AG then forced to resign by President Truman Attorney General appointed Truman, HarryHarry Truman
cleanup czar Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management, Department of Energy (nuclear cleanup) Roberson, Jessie[28] 2001–2004 President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
cleanup czar Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management, Department of Energy (nuclear cleanup) Rispoli, James[29] 2005–2008 Sec. of Energy appointed, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
climate czar Assistant to the President and Staff Secretary, President's Coordinator for Climate Change, Senior negotiator at Kyoto and Beuenos Aires negottiations Todd D. Stern[30] 1997–1999 President appointed Clinton, BillBill Clinton
climate czar Special Envoy for Climate Change Stern, Todd D.[31] 2009 Sec. of State appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
climate czar, energy czar, global warming czar Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change Browner, Carol[32] 2009–2011 (New position) Obama, BarackBarack Obama
copyright czar Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator vacant; position approved but not filled during Bush administration[33] 2009–present (New position) Bush, George W.George W. Bush
copyright czar Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator Espinel, Victoria[34] 2009–present (first at position) Obama, BarackBarack Obama
communications czar Counselor to the President, Special counselor to the President Bartlett, Dan[35] 2005–2007 President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
compensation czar, Gulf claims czar, pay czar Special Master for TARP Executive Compensation Feinberg, Kenneth[36] 2009–present Sec. of Treasury appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
consumer czar Special Advisor for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Warren, Elizabeth[37] 2010–2011 (New Position), President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
car czar Chief domestic policy advisor and Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council Reed, Bruce[38] 1993–2001 (New position), Exec order, President appointed Clinton, BillBill Clinton
cyber security czar, cyber czar Special Advisor to the President on Cybersecurity, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Clarke, Richard A.[39] 2001 Oct–2003 Feb (New position), President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
cyber security czar, cyber czar Director, National Cybersecurity Center Beckstrom, Rod[40] 2008–2009 (New position), Presidential directive, President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
cyber security czar, cyber czar Director of the White House Office of Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity Coordinator Hathaway, Melissa[41] 2009 May–July, Acting czar ; resigned [42] Office created May 31, 2009. Obama, BarackBarack Obama
cyber security czar, cyber czar Director of the White House Office of Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity Coordinator Schmidt, Howard[43] 2009–present Office created May 31, 2009. Obama, BarackBarack Obama
czar of censorship Director, Office of Censorship Price, Byron[44] 1941–1945 Exec Order, President appointed Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
czar of information Director, Office of War Information Davis, Elmer[45] 1942–1945 Exec order, President appointed Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
czar of Latin American affairs Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs Mann, Thomas C.[46] 1964–1965 President nominated, Senate confirmed Johnson, LyndonLyndon Johnson
democracy czar Deputy National Security Advisor for Global Democracy Strategy Abrams, Elliott[47] 2005–2008 President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
domestic czar Special Assistant to the President, domestic policy aide Califano, Joseph[48] 1965–1969 President appointed Johnson, LyndonLyndon Johnson
domestic policy czar Chief Domestic Policy Coordinator, Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor to the President, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Rove, Karl[49] 2004–2006 President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
domestic violence czar Advisor to the President and the Vice President on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Issues Rosenthal, Lynn[50] 2009 Vice President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
drug czar Head of Drug programs, Special Action Office of Drug Abuse Prevention Jaffe, Jerome[51] 1971 President appointed Nixon, RichardRichard Nixon
drug czar Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse and head of the Narcotics Treatment Administration DuPont, Robert 1973–1978 Ford, GeraldGerald Ford
drug czar Director of the White House Drug Abuse Policy (1982), Special Assistant to the President for Drug Abuse (1983), Member of Executive Board of the National Narcotics Border Interdiction System Cabinet Level (1983), Deputy Assistant to the President for Drug Abuse Policy (1985) Turner, Carlton[52] 1982–1988 (New position), Exec order, President appointed Reagan, RonaldRonald Reagan
drug czar Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy Bennett, William J.[53] 1989–1990 (New position) created by Congress, President nominated, Senate Confirmed Bush, George H. W.George H. W. Bush
drug czar Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy Martinez, Bob[54] 1991–1993 President nominated, Senate Confirmed Bush, George H. W.George H. W. Bush
drug czar Director, National Drug Control Policy Brown, Lee P.[55] 1993–1995 President nominated, Senate Confirmed Clinton, BillBill Clinton
drug czar Director, National Drug Control Policy McCaffrey, Barry[56] 1996–2001 President nominated, Senate confirmed Clinton, BillBill Clinton
drug czar Director, National Drug Control Policy Walters, John P.[57] 2001–2009 President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
drug czar Director, National Drug Control Policy (cabinet rank removed) Kerlikowske, R. Gil[58] 2009–2014 President nominated, Senate confirmed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
drug czar Director, National Drug Control Policy Botticelli, Michael P.[59] 2015–present President nominated, Senate confirmed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
Ebola czar Ebola Response Coordinator Klain, Ron 2014–present President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
e-commerce czar, e-czar Executive Director, Electronic Commerce Working Group Elizabeth Echols[60] 1998–2000 Vice President appointed Clinton, BillBill Clinton
economic czar, economic czar of World War II Director, Office of Economic Stabilization Byrnes, James[61] 1942–1943 (New position), Exec order, President appointed Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
economic czar Director, Office of Economic Stabilization Vinson, Fred M.[62] 1943–1945 President appointed Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
economic czar Director, Office of Economic Stabilization Davis, William Hammatt[63] 1945–1946 President appointed Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
economic czar, big-picture economic czar Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board Volcker, Paul A.[64] 2009 President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
energy czar Director of the Energy Policy Office Love, John Arthur[65] 1973 (New position), Exec order, President appointed Nixon, RichardRichard Nixon
energy czar Federal Energy Office Administrator Simon, William E[66] 1973–1974 President appointed Nixon, RichardRichard Nixon
energy czar Administrator, Federal Energy Administration Sawhill, John[67] 1974 President appointed Nixon, RichardRichard Nixon
energy czar Administrator, Federal Energy Administration, Assistant to the President for Energy Affairs, Executive Director of Energy Resources Council Zarb, Frank[68] 1974–1977 President appointed Ford, GeraldGerald Ford
energy czar Director, Department of Energy (cabinet-level position) Schlesinger, James[69] 1977–1979 (New position), Legislation enacted, President nominated, Senate confirmed Carter, JimmyJimmy Carter
ethics czar, transparency czar special counsel to the president for ethics and government reform Eisen, Norm[70] 2009–2010 (New position), Exec order, President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
ethics czar, transparency czar White House Counsel Bauer, Robert[71] 2010–present President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
faith-based czar, faith czar Director, White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives DiIulio, John[72] 2001–2002 (New position), Exec order, President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
faith-based czar, faith czar Director, White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Towey, Jim[73] 2002–2006 President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
faith-based czar, faith czar Director, White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Hein, Jay[74] 2006–2008 President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
faith-based czar Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships DuBois, Joshua[75] 2009–2013 President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
faith-based czar Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Melissa Rogers[76] 2013–present President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
food czar Food Administrator and Secretary of Agriculture Wickard, Claude[77] 1942–1943 Exec order Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
food czar War Food Administrator Davis, Chester C.[78] 1943 Exec order Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
food czar War Food Administrator Jones, Marvin[79] 1943–1945 Exec order Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
food czar Chairman Citizens Food Committee Luckman, Charles[80] 1947 Sep–Nov President appointed Truman, HarryHarry Truman
food safety czar Assistant Commissioner for Food Protection Acheson, David W. K.[81] 2007–2008 President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
global AIDS czar Coordinator of U.S. Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS Globally with the rank of Ambassador Tobias, Randall[82] 2003–2006 (New position), President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
global AIDS czar Coordinator of U.S.Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS Globally, with the rank of Ambassador Dybul, Mark[83] 2006–2009 President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
Great Lakes czar Senior Advisor to the EPA Administrator Davis, Cameron[84] 2009–present (New position) Obama, BarackBarack Obama
green-jobs czar Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise, and Innovation at the White House, Member of the White House Council on Environmental Quality Jones, Van[85] 2009 Apr–Sep President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
Guantanamo Base closure czar US Department of State Special Envoy Fried, Daniel[86] 2009–present Sec. of State appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
health care czar, technology czar, internet czar, e-czar Senior Advisor for Policy Development Magaziner, Ira,[87] 1993–1998 President appointed Clinton, BillBill Clinton
health czar Director of the White House Office of Health Reform and Counselor to the President DeParle, Nancy-Ann[88] 2009–present Exec Order Obama, BarackBarack Obama
health czar for the World Trade Center (WTC) Special coordinator to respond to health effects of September 11 attacks, World Trade Center (WTC) Medical Monitoring and Treatment Program, also served as Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Howard, John[89] 2006–2008 President Appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
health IT czar National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, Department of Health and Human Services Brailer, David J.[90] 2004–2006 (New position), Exec order, appointed by Sec. of HHS Bush, George W.George W. Bush
health IT czar National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, Department of Health and Human Services Blumenthal, Dr. David[91] 2009 - Exec order, appointed by Sec. of HHS Obama, BarackBarack Obama
homeland security czar Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Ridge, Tom[92] 2001–2002 (New position), Exec Order, President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
homeland security czar Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Ridge, Tom[92] 2003–2004 (New position), Legislation enacted, President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
homeland security czar Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Chertoff, Michael[93] 2005–2009 President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
homeless czar, homelessness czar Executive Director, United States Interagency Council on Homelessness Phil Mangano[94][95] 2002–2008 President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
housing czar Housing Expediter in the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion Wyatt, Wilson[96] 1945–1946 (New position), President appointed Truman, HarryHarry Truman
Gulf Coast reconstruction czar, hurricane Katrina recovery czar Federal Coordinator of Hurricane Katrina Recovery Effort Powell, Donald E.[97] 2005–2008 President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
inflation czar, anti-inflation czar Special Trade Representative, Chief U.S. trade negotiator Strauss, Robert[98] 1978 President appointed Carter, JimmyJimmy Carter
inflation czar Advisor to the President, Chairman Council on Wage and Price Stability Kahn, Alfred[99] 1977–1980 President appointed Carter, JimmyJimmy Carter
information czar, infotech czar Chief Information Officer at the White House Kundra, Vivek[100] 2009–2011 (New position), created by statute, President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
information czar, infotech czar Chief Information Officer at the White House VanRoekel, Steven[101] 2011–present created by statute, President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
intelligence czar Director of National Intelligence Negroponte, John[102] 2005–2007 (New position), Congress mandated, President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
intelligence czar Director of National Intelligence McConnell, John Michael[103] 2007–2009 President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
intelligence czar Director of National Intelligence Blair, Dennis[104] 2009–2010 President nominated, Senate confirmed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
intelligence czar Director of National Intelligence Clapper, James[105] 2010-present President nominated, Senate confirmed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
Iran czar Special Advisor for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia (which includes Iran) Ross, Dennis[106] 2009–present President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
manpower czar Director, War Manpower Commission McNutt, Paul V.[107] 1942–1945 Exec order Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
manufacturing czar Assistant Secretary for manufacturing and services, U.S. Commerce Department Frink, Albert[108] 2004–2007 (New position), President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
manufacturing czar Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Manufacturing and Services Sutton, William G.[109] 2007–2008 President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
manufacturing czar Senior Counselor for Manufacturing Policy Bloom, Ron[15] 2009–present President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
Middle East czar Special Envoy for Middle East Peace Mitchell, George[110] 2009–present Sec. of State appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
mine safety czar Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health Stickler, Richard[111] 2006–2008 Recess appointment—2 prior presidential nominations were rejected by the Senate Bush, George W.George W. Bush
missile czar Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Research and Development Gardner, Trevor[112] 1954–1956 Sec. of Defense appointed, Senate confirmed Eisenhower, Dwight D.Dwight D. Eisenhower
mobilization czar, civilian economy czar Director, Office of Defense Mobilization Wilson, Charles E.[113] 1950–1952 (New position), Exec order Truman, HarryHarry Truman
oil czar Petroleum Coordinator for National Defense, Secretary of the Interior Ickes, Harold L.[114] 1941–1946 President nominated, Senate confirmed as Secy of Interior Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
patronage czar Postmaster General Post Office Department, Cabinet-level position Hannegan, Bob[115] 1945–1947 President nominated, Senate confirmed Truman, HarryHarry Truman
performance czar United States Chief Performance Officer and Deputy Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget Zients, Jeffrey[116] 2009–present President nominated, Senate confirmed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
policy czar Assistant to the President for Policy and Strategic Planning Gerson, Michael[117] 2005–2006 President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
price czar Administrator, Office of Price Administration Henderson, Leon[118] 1941–1942 (New position), Exec order, President appointed Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
price czar Administrator, Office of Price Administration Brown, Prentiss Marsh[119] 1942–1943 President appointed Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
price czar Administrator, Office of Price Administration Bowles, Chester[120] 1943–1946 President appointed Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
price czar Chairman of the Price Commission Grayson, C. Jackson, Jr.[121] 1971 (New position), President appointed Nixon, RichardRichard Nixon
production czar Director, War Production Board Nelson, Donald[122] 1942–1944 (New position), Exec order, President appointed Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
production czar Director, War Production Board Krug, Julius[123] 1944–1945 President appointed Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
public diplomacy czar Special advisor to the President, Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Hughes, Karen[124] 2005–2007 President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
public diplomacy czar Undersecretary of State for Public Affairs and Public Diplomacy Glassman, James[125] 2008–2009 President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
reading czar President's Advisor on Reading First Initiative, Member of the President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education Lyon, G. Reid[126] 2001–2005 President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
reconversion czar Director of War Mobilization and Reconversion Snyder, John[127] 1945–1946 President appointed Truman, HarryHarry Truman
regulatory czar Director of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Office of Management and Budget Graham, John D.[128] 2001–2006 President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
regulatory czar Director of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Office of Management and Budget Dudley, Susan[129] 2006–2009 Recess appointment, nominee did not receive a Senate vote Bush, George W.George W. Bush
regulatory czar Director of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Office of Management and Budget Sunstein, Cass[130] 2009–present President nominated, Senate confirmed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
rubber czar Rubber Director Jeffers, Bill[131] 1942–1943 (New position), Exec order, appointed by Chairman of War Production Board Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
savings & loan czar Director, Office of Thrift Supervision Ryan, T. Timothy, Jr.[132] 1990–1997 President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George H. W.George H. W. Bush
science czar Science Advisor to the President, Director, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Marburger, John[133] 2001 Oct–2009 Jan President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
science czar Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy Holdren, John[134] 2009–present President nominated, Senate confirmed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
shipping czar Administrator, War Shipping Administration Land, Emory S.[135] 1942–1946 Exec order Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
stimulus accountability, stimulus oversight Chairman, Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board Devaney, Earl[136] 2009 (New position), created by statute, President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
technology czar, chief technology czar Associate Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Assistant to the President Chopra, Aneesh[137] 2009–present President nominated, Senate confirmed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
terrorism czar, counter-terrorism czar National coordinator for security, infrastructure protection and counter-terrorism, member of National Security Council, cabinet-level position Clarke, Richard A.[138] 1998 May–2001 Jan President appointed Clinton, BillBill Clinton
terrorism czar National coordinator for security, infrastructure protection and counter-terrorism, cabinet level rank removed Clarke, Richard A.[139] 2001 Jan–Oct (Held over from prior administration) President Clinton appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
terrorism czar, counterterrorism czar National Director for Combating Terrorism, Deputy National Security Advisor Downing, Wayne[140] 2001 Nov–2002 Jun (New position), President appointed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
terrorism czar Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Brennan, John O.[141] 2009 President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
trade czar Senior Policy Advisor in the White House on behalf of the United States Trade Representative. Mary Ryckman 2012 Appointed by USTR Michael Froman in 2012[142] She also represents the USTR on the President's Council on Women and Girls.[143] Obama, BarackBarack Obama
transportation czar Director, Office of Defense Transportation Eastman, Joseph Bartlett[144] 1941–1944 (New position), Exec order, President appointed Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
transportation czar Director, Office of Defense Transportation Johnson, J. Monroe[145] 1944–1949 President appointed Roosevelt, FranklinFranklin Roosevelt
urban affairs czar Director of the White House Office of Urban Affairs Policy Carrion, Adolfo[146] 2009–2010 Exec Order, President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
war czar Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Iraq and Afghanistan Lute, Douglas[147] 2007–present (New position), President nominated, Senate confirmed Bush, George W.George W. Bush
war czar Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Iraq and Afghanistan Lute, Douglas[147] 2007–present (Held over from prior administration) President Bush nominated, Senate confirmed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
weapons czar Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L) Carter, Ashton[148] 2009 President nominated, Senate confirmed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
weapons of mass destruction czar, nonproliferation czar Special Assistant to the President and White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction, Proliferation, and Terrorism Samore, Gary[149] 2009–2013 President appointed Obama, BarackBarack Obama
weatherization czar Program Manager, Office of Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program, U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Sperling, Gil[150] 2008–present Career incumbent, retained from George W. Bush administration Bush, George W.George W. Bush, Obama, BarackBarack Obama

See also


  1. "Morality Gets a Message", The Nation, May 10. 2007. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN1330-109, confirmed Mar 29. 2009. PN603-110, resigned May 2007.
  2. Kondracke, Morton. "Pakistan Must Be Obama's Leading Foreign Priority", Roll Call, Mar 13, 2009, archived by WebCite. Holland, Steve. "Obama fashions a government of many czars", Reuters, May 29, 2009, Archived by WebCite. Obama, BarackBarack Obama. "Remarks on US Military and Diplomatic Strategies for Afghanistan and Pakistan", US Govt Printing Office, Mar 27, 2009.
  3. Jehl, Douglas."Ex-Washington State Official to Get AIDS Post", The New York Times, Jun 25, 1993. Hunter, Elizabeth. "Kristine M. Gebbie, former AIDS czar" Archived 2009-03-15 at the Wayback Machine., The Lutheran, Sep 2001.
  4. Hilts, Philip J. "Clinton Picks New Director of AIDS Policy", The New York Times, Nov 11, 1994. American Presidency Project, Announcing Patsy Fleming as National AIDS Policy Director, Nov 19, 1994. Announcing Sandra L. Thurman as Director, Apr 7, 1997.
  5. Staff biography, "Sandra Thurman", Office of National AIDS Policy, Apr 1997. American Presidency Project, Press briefing, presidential envoy for AIDS cooperation, Aug 27, 2000.
  6. Office of Press Secretary. "President Bush Announces Evertz to be the Director of the Office National AIDS Policy", Apr 9, 2001. Lochead, Carolyn."Bush's AIDS czar departing for post with global focus", San Francisco Chronicle, Jul 19, 2002
  7. Office of Press Secretary."President Bush Announced Dr. Joseph O'Neill to be Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy ",, Jul 19, 2002. "'AIDS czar' position unfilled since February", Washington Blade, Sep 15, 2006
  8. Chibbaro, Lou Jr. "White House mum on AIDS director post: 'AIDS czar' position unfilled since February", Washington Blade, Sep 15, 2006 accessed Aug 30, 2009
  9. Office of the Press Secretary."President Obama Selects Health Policy Expert to Head Office of National AIDS Policy" Archived 2010-04-11 at the Wayback Machine., "", Feb 26, 2009. 'The activists' wish list, the new AIDS czar, Jeffrey Crowley", Advocate, May 1, 2009.
  10. "LA Times".
  11. Steinmetz, Katy. "White House AIDS Czar Steps Down". Retrieved 2016-03-24.
  12. Evans and Novak. "Numerous Pitfalls Face Move to Fight Poverty", The Free Lance Star, Oct 25, 1965. "Poverty and now justice", Time, May 6, 1966. "Williams v. Phillips, US Ct of Appeals, DC Cir, 1973.
  13. Evans and Novak. "U.S. names Asian Carp Czar", Chicago Tribune/WGN, Sept. 8, 2010.
  14. AFP. "Rattner tapped as Treasury's advisor for US auto sector", Feb 23, 2009. Thomas, Ken, A.P. "Rattner to advise Treasury on auto industry", Feb 23, 2009. King, Neil, Jr. "Auto czar quits post six months into the job", Wall St. Journal, Jul 14, 2009.
  15. 1 2 Allen, Mike. "Obama parks 'car czar' plan" Politico, Feb 16, 2009. Brown, Carrie Budoff. "Car czar decision has critics revved up", Politico, Feb 17, 2009.
  16. AP."Ed Montgomery, auto recovery czar, asked to help auto suppliers",Cleveland Plain Dealer, May 26, 2009 "Archived by WebCite. "Univ of MD Dean Appointed", Mar 30, 2009. Luhby, Tami."Obama taps czar to help autoworkers",CNN, Mar 30, 2009, "Archived by WebCite".
  17. Kall, Rob. "Meet the $700 Billion Bailout Czar, Neel Kashkari",Huffington Post, Sep 6, 2008, Archived by WebCite. Horowitz, Jed. "TARP Czar: AIG bailout isn't start of larger program", Investment News, Nov 10, 2008, "Archived by WebCite". Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN1044-110, nominated Nov 15, 2007, confirmed Jun 27, 2008.
  18. Andres, Gary and Griffin, Patrick "Using czars in W.H. to focus on policy", Politico, Apr 27, 2009. Press office. "Herbert M. Allison, Jr. Confirmed as Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability" Archived 2009-07-15 at the Wayback Machine., U.S. Department of Treasury, Jun 19, 2009. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN390-111, confirmed Jun 19, 2009.
  19. Gillespie, Nick. "Leon Kass' bioethics homework assignment", Slate Magazine, Jan 18, 2002. Allen, Arthur. "The bioethics czar's new right-hand man is passionately opposed to abortion, public schools, federal taxes and Democrats",, Nov 30, 2001. Weiss, Rick. "Bioethics Council Head to Step Down",Washington Post, Sep 9, 2005.
  20. Lovley, Erika. "Czar (n): An insult; a problem-solver", Politico, Oct 21, 2008, archived by WebCite. Office of Press Secretary "Personnel Announcement ", Apr 8, 2004.
  21. Schaeffer, Amanda. "The Family Un-Planner, The Bush administration's crazy new HHS appointment", Slate Magazine, Nov 21, 2006. Lloyd, Carol. "Pharmacy protects women from contraception.",, May 31, 2007. Estes, Andrea."Doctor who quit US post was warned by state", Boston Globe, Apr 7, 2007.
  22. Ellingwood, Ken. "'Border Czar' Ends a Highly Visible Reign", Los Angeles Times, Jun 28, 1998.
  23. "Secretary Napolitano Appoints Alan Bersin", U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Apr 15, 2009. Dibble, Sandra. "Bersin to focus on violence in 2nd tour as border czar", Union-Tribune, Apr 16, 2009. Not a new position, no Senate confirm required. 2008 Plum Book, p. 79,
  24. Walczak, Lee "Q&A with the OMB's Mitch Daniels Bush's budget czar talks about the $1.35 trillion tax cut plan", Business Week Online Extra, May 21, 2001, Archived by WebCite. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN101-107 Confirmed Jan 23, 2001, PN682-108, resigned Jun 3, 2003
  25. Gleckman, Howard. "A Chat with Bush's Budget Czar",, September 6, 2004. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN682-108, confirmed Jun 26, 2003. PN1484-109 successor confirmed May 26, 2006.
  26. Platt, Gordon. "Bush's new budget czar pledges to tackle US deficit" Archived 2007-11-21 at the Wayback Machine., Global Finance, May 2006. Abramowitz, Michael. "Bush Names Ex-Rep. Nussle Budget Chief Portman to Leave In August", Washington Post, Jun 20, 2007.
  27. AP. "Truman Announces McGrath's Resignation Few Hours After Attorney General Fires Morris", Ellenburg Daily Record, Apr 3, 1952 accessed Sep 1, 2009
  28. Cary, Annette. DOE cleanup czar to visit Richland, Wash, nuclear reservation, Tri-City Herald, Nov 9, 2004. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN362-107, confirmed Jul 12, 2001. PN521-109, successor confirmed Jul 29, 2005.
  29. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN521-109, confirmed Jul 29, 2005. Hot topics."Rispoli Resigning As DOE Cleanup-Czar" Energy Daily, Nov 6, 2008
  30. Cushman, John H. "Clinton Hones Sales Pitch On Global Warming Pact", Oct 4, 1997. American Presidency Project. "Press Briefing", Oct 3, 1997. American Presidency Project."Press Briefing by Todd Stern, President's Coordinator for Climate Change", Jun 3, 1999.
  31. Franke-Ruta, Garance."Stern Appointed Climate Change Envoy", Washington Post, Jan 26, 2009. Allen, Mike."Secretary Clinton names climate czar", Politico, Jan 26, 2009, Archived by WebCite.
  32. American Presidency Project President-Elect Barack Obama Announces Key Members of Energy and Environment Team, December 15, 2008. Dinan, Stephen. Obama climate czar has socialist ties, Washington Times, Jan 12, 2009, archived by WebCite. Romero, Frances. "Energy Czar: Carol Browner", Time, Apr 8, 2009.
  33. Albanesius, Chloe President Bush Approves 'Copyright Czar' Bill, October 13, 2008.
  34. Albanesius, Chloe President Bush Approves 'Copyright Czar' Bill, October 13, 2008. Kravets, David. Obama Appoints Scholar as New Copyright Czar, PC Magazine, September 25, 2009.
  35. Laidlaw, Scott."Congress wants answers on Tillman death", USA Today, Jul 24, 2007. "Former Presidential Counselor Dan Bartlett To Join LBJ School Faculty", Univ of Texas At Austin, Jan 20, 2009.
  36. Jaffee, Matthew "Obama's New Special Master: Don't Call Him 'Pay Czar'", Jun 11, 2009. Press release. "Interim Final Rule on TARP Standards for Compensation" Archived 2009-06-10 at the Wayback Machine.,"Gulf claims czar briefing the Hill", July 22, 2010. Politico
  37. Cha, Ariana Eunjung "Elizabeth Warren appointed White House 'consumer czar'", September 17, 2010. Washington Post "Consumer Czar Warren Sees Transparency in Banking as Top Priority", Oct. 5, 2010. PBS. David Lazarus "Consumer czar needs to get tough with banks", Oct 1, 2010. Los Angeles Times
  38. Von Drehle, David. "Saying No to a Car Czar: A Smart First Step on Detroit", Time, Feb 17, 2009. DLC biography. "Bruce Reed" Archived 2010-07-08 at the Wayback Machine., "", Jul 27, 2009. Marcus, Ruth. "Belatedly, White House Forms Domestic Policy Unit", Washington Post, Aug 19, 1993. American Presidency Project. "Executive Order 12859 - Establishment of the Domestic Policy Council" Aug 16, 1993
  39. "President Bush Announces Ten People to Serve in his Administration", October 19, 2001--"Clarke was recently named Special Advisor to the President for Cyber Space Security and was previously the National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection and Counter-terrorism on the National Security Council". Features."Bush's Cybersecurity Czar?", Digital Government Research OnLine,, Dec 2001. Anderson, Kevin."US names cyber-terrorism czar",, Oct 10, 2001. AP. "U.S. Cybersecurity Czar to Resign", Wired, Jan 28, 2003.
  40. "Senior Leadership The First Five Years: 2003–2008", Dept of Homeland Security, History Office, September 2008,, p. 29. "On January 8, 2008, President George W. Bush issued Homeland Security Presidential Directive 23 (HSPD-23), creating the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC), led by a director... Rod Beckstrom (appointed) March 7, 2008." Shachtman, Noah. "Cyber-Security Czar Quits Amid Fears of NSA Takeover", Mar 6, 2009, archived by WebCite.
  41. "Remarks by the President on securing our nation's cyber infrastructure",, May 29, 2009. Obama near choosing cyber security chief, Reuters, Sep 9, 2009.
  42. Gorman, Siobhan (2009-08-04). "Security Cyber Czar Steps Down -". Retrieved 2011-12-02.
  43. ,'Information Week', May 27, 2010.
  44. "FOOD: The Tenth Czar", Time, Apr 5, 1943. American Presidency Project. Exec order establishing the office, Exec order terminating the office.
  45. "FOOD: The Tenth Czar", Time, Apr 5, 1943. American Presidency Project.Exec Order establishing the office,Exec Order terminating the office.
  46. Evans and Novak. "Tour of Latin America To Test LBJ as Campaigner", The Free Lance Star, Jan 22, 1965. Principle Officers. "Assistant Secretaries for Western Hemisphere Affairs",
  47. Crowley, Michael. "Elliott Abrams, From Iran-Contra to Bush's democracy czar". Slate Magazine, Feb 17, 2005. Office of Press Secretary. Personnel announcement, Feb 2, 2005. Office of Press Secretary "Deputy Press Secretary Abrams Aboard Air Force One En Route to Jerusalem", May 14, 2008
  48. Sidey, Hugh."THE PRESIDENCY: Misusing the White House Machine", Time, Aug 13, 1973."Joseph Califano", Bio."Joseph A. Califano, Jr." Archived 2012-03-22 at the Wayback Machine.Citizen's Commission to Protect the Truth, accessed Aug 30, 2009.
  49. Meyerson, Harold. "Rove's Blind Spot", Washington Post, Aug 15, 2007 Benen, Steve. "When you wish upon a czar", Washington Monthly, Jul 11, 2009.
  50. "Vice President Biden Announces",, Jun 26, 2009. Works out of the Office of the Vice President Erbe, Bonnie. "Obama's Endless Czar List Now Includes a Domestic Violence Aide", U.S. News blogs, Jun 29, 2009, Archived by WebCite.
  51. Frontline Drug Wars. "Interview Dr. Jerome Jaffe", Shuit, Douglas. "Former U.S. Drug Officials Admit Policy Oversights, Los Angeles Times, Sep 2, 1994, Archived by WebCite.
  52. American Presidency Project. Remarks on Signing Executive Order 12368, Concerning Federal Drug Abuse Policy Functions", Jun 24, 1982. "Appointment of Carlton E. Turner", Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Archives, Mar 12, 1985.
  53. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN141-101, confirmed Mar 9, 1989. "The Drug Czar's Coherent Legacy - The New York Times", New York Times Nov 11, 1990.
  54. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN65-102, confirmed Mar 21, 1991, successor nominated Jun, 1993.
  55. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN361-103, confirmed Senate Jun 16, 1993.
  56. Ostrow, Ronald. "Swift Approval Seen for Drug Czar", LA Times, Feb 26, 1996. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN840-104, confirmed Feb 29, 1996.
  57. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN965-107, confirmed Dec 5, 2001. Kraul, Chris. "U.S. drug czar points finger at Chavez", Los Angeles Times, Jan 21, 2008.
  58. Cook, Dave. "New drug czar gets lower rank, promise of higher visibility", The Christian Science Monitor, Mar 11, 2009. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN185-111, confirmed May 7, 2009.
  59. "Michael Botticelli". The White House. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
  60. "Vice President Names Elizabeth Echols as Executive Director of Electronic Commerce Working Group". U.S. Newswire. August 6, 1998. Shane Thacker (August 25, 1998). "Echols named e-commerce czar; other Internet issues announced". PNN Online. Richard S. Dunham (November 3, 1999). "She's Weaving Web Policy from the West Wing". Business Week.
  61. "U.S. At War: Trouble Ahead"Time, Feb 15, 1943. "FOOD: The Tenth Czar", Time, Apr 5, 1943. "US At War: Men Around Byrnes", Time, Oct 19, 1942. American Presidency Project. Exec order establishing the office Oct 3, 1942.
  62. St. Clair, James and Gugin, Linda. "Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson of Kentucky: a political biography", Univ Press of Kentucky, 2002, p. xii.
  63. "FOOD: The Tenth Czar", Time, Apr 5, 1943. "US At War: Men Around Byrnes", Oct 19, 1942. American Presidency Project. Exec order establishing the office, Oct 3, 1942.
  64. Hamburger, Tom and Parsons, Christi. "President Obama's czar system concerns some", Los Angeles Times, Mar 5, 2009. Coile, Zachary. "Obama's big task: managing the best, brightest", San Francisco Chronicle, Jan 11, 2009.
  65. Lovley, Erika. "Czar (n): An insult; a problem-solver", Politico, Oct 21, 2008. Energy Policy Office, Nixon Presidential Library
  66. Mufson, Steven and Heath, Thomas. "Wanted: Crisis Manager in Chief, A Key Challenge in Auto Bailout Is Finding 'Czar' to Oversee Change", Washington Post, Dec 10, 2008. "Energy Timeline" Archived 2011-07-21 at the Wayback Machine.,
  67. American Presidency Project. Richard "Nixon: Remarks on Signing the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974" May 7, 1974. American Presidency Project. "Gerald R. Ford: News Conference", Oct 24, 1974. "Carter at the Crossroads" , Time, Jul 23, 1979.
  68. Quint, Michael." Profile, Frank G. Zarb His Formula", New York Times, Mar 28, 1993. NPR Interview."Frank Zarb CEO of the National Association of Securities Dealers",, Jun 13, 2000.
  69. "Schlesinger's Czardom Takes Shape", Time, Mar. 07, 1977. "Carter's Great Purge" Jul 30, 1979.
  70. "Norm Eisen Gets Ambassador Gig Leaving White House 'Ethics Czar' Post Vacant", The Huffington Post, June 29, 2010 "Timothy P. Carney: Obama closes curtain on transparency", The Examiner, August 12, 2010.
  71. "Timothy P. Carney: Obama closes curtain on transparency", The Examiner, August 12, 2010.
  72. American Presidency Project. " Remarks on Signing Executive Orders With Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives", Conn, Joseph. "Religious Right, Politics Have Undue Influence At White House, Ex-Faith Czar DiIulio Charges", Church & State, Jan, 2003.
  73. Faith Czar Towey blasts 'militant secularism' at Catholic men's event", Church & State, Mar 2005, "Archived by Webcite". "President names Towey as Director of the Faith-Based & Community Initiatives", Feb 1, 2002. Jim Towey Whitehouse Bio.
  74. Official biography."OFBCI Director Jay Hein", "George W. Bush White House Archives". Institute for Studies of Religion. "About Hein" Archived 2009-09-06 at the Wayback Machine.,, accessed Aug 13, 2009. "Bush taps Indiana activist to be nation's new 'Faith Czar'", Sep 1, 2006.Bush names new faith-based czar Christianity Today, Sep 2006.
  75. Boorstein, Michelle; Shear, Michael D. "DuBois, 26, to Head Faith Office", Washington Post, Jan 29, 2009. Goldstein, Laurie. "Leaders Say Obama Has Tapped Pastor for Outreach Office", The New York Times, Jan 28, 2009.Mason, Julie. "Obama focuses more on issue czars, less on Cabinet", San Francisco Examiner, Apr 21, 2009.
  76. Weiner, Rachel. "Melissa Rogers promises continuity in faith-based office", Washington Post, Mar 22, 2013.
  77. American Presidency ProjectExecutive Order 9280 Delegating Authority Over the Food Program to the Secretary of Agriculture, Dec 5, 1942. "FOOD: The Tenth Czar", Time, Apr 5, 1943."U.S. At War: Trouble Ahead"Time, Feb 15, 1943.
  78. War Food Administration established by Exec Order 9334 on Apr 19, 1943. American Presidency Project Exec order terminating office "FOOD: The Tenth Czar", Time, Apr 5, 1943. American Presidency Project."Exec Order on Prices and Wages", Apr 8, 1943. "Letter of Resignation from Chester C. Davis, War Food Administrator", Jun 28, 1943.
  79. American Presidency Project.Letter Accepting Resignation of Marvin Jones as War Food Administrator, May 23, 1945. "American Presidency Project, Executive Order 9577 - Terminating the War Food Administration, Jun 29, 1945.
  80. American Presidency Project. "Letter to the Chairman, Citizens Food Committee", Nov 20, 1947. Pearson, Drew. "Congressmen Unwittingly Dined by Vitriolic Publicity Man" St. Petersburg Times, Dec 3, 1947.
  81. Seabrook, Andrea."What's With This 'Czar' Talk?", NPR, May 16, 2007. Benen, Steve. "Wish upon a Czar", American Prospect, May 9. 2007, archived by WebCite. Zaldivar, Ricardo Alonso. "Can new food safety czar mend "broken" system?", The Seattle Times, May 2, 2007
  82. Epstein, Edward. Retired drug company executive named global AIDS czar, San Francisco Chronicle, Jul 3, 2003, archived by WebCite. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN932-108, confirmed Oct 3, 2003. Enter search PN1815-109, successor nominated Jul 18, 2006.
  83. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN1815-109, Confirmed Aug 3, 2006. McNeil, Donald. "Mystery, controversy dog AIDS czar transition", San Francisco Chronicle, Jan 31, 2009
  84. Flesher, John, A.P. EPA appoints Great Lakes cleanup czar, Jun 4, 2009. Archived by WebCite.
  85. Jesse Lee (2009-03-10). "Van Jones to CEQ | The White House". Retrieved 2011-12-02.
  86. Rosenberg, Carol. "Fried named as Guantanamo Closure Czar" Archived 2009-07-27 at the Wayback Machine., The State, May 13, 2009.
  87. Pear, Robert.Washington at Work; An Idealist's New Task: To Revamp Health Care Feb 26, 1993. Solomon, Jolie. "For Magaziner, Reform Is The Road To Paradise", Newsweek, Sep 20, 1993. Maria Seminerio (December 1, 1998). "US Report: US to spur third-world e-commerce". ZDNet. "White House Rejects Call to Can Internet Czar". Wired News. December 29, 1997. Richard S. Dunham (Nev 3, 1999). "She's Weaving Web Policy from the West Wing". Business Week. Check date values in: |date= (help)
  88. Office of Press Secretary. Executive Order, Establishment of the White House Office of Health Reform Archived 2009-05-14 at the Wayback Machine.,, Apr 8, 2009. Brown, Carrie Budoff. Obama taps DeParle as health czar, Politico, Mar 2, 2009.
  89. AP."New York lawmakers ask Obama to rehire 9/11 health czar", Feb 23, 2009. AP. "Bush administration to replace health czar for World Trade Center",, Jul 4, 2008. "The World Trade Center (WTC)Medical Monitoring and Treatment Program - A Unique NIOSH Funded Program for the Heroes of 9/11",, Pub. 109, 2007.
  90. News Release. "Secretary Thompson, Seeking Fastest Possible Results, Names First Health Information Technology Coordinator", May 6, 2004. "David J. Brailer Resigns as Health IT Czar", "ANSI News, Apr 20, 2006.
  91. "Obama's Electronic Health Records Czar: HIV Status and Abortions Need Not be Included ", "CNS News, July 21, 2010.
  92. 1 2 "Defender In Chief"] Time, Nov 5, 2001. Romesh, Ratnesar "Can He Fix It", Time, Jun 17, 2002. American Presidency Project. Swearing-In Ceremony, Oct 8, 2001.
  93. Ireland, Doug."Dirty Little Secrets Bush’s Homeland Security czar Mike Chertoff and his days in New Jersey",, Jan 13, 2005, archived by WebCite. Michael Chertoff "US Homeland Security Czar", accessed Aug 12, 2009. "Bush names new US security chief",
  94. "Phil Magano" The Bush administration's homeless czar talks, LA Times, Oct 4, 2007. Appointed in Mar 2002, UniverCity Connections, Phil Magano biography. Participated in 2008 study as Director of ICH, Philip Magano Commencement Address, Apr 2009.
  95. Swope, Christopler, "PUBLIC OFFICIALS of the YEAR: Philip Mangano,2006 HONOREE, Executive Director, U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness", Governing magazine, 2006
  96. Pearson, Drew. "The Daily Washington Merry-Go-Round, Rooking War Veterans", Prescott Evening Courier, Apr 13, 1946. American Presidency Project. "Letter to Wilson Wyatt Appointing Him Housing Expediter", Dec 12, 1945. American Presidency Project. "Letter Accepting Resignation of Wilson Wyatt as Housing Expediter" Dec 4, 1946.
  97. Seabrook, Andrea."What's With This 'Czar' Talk?", NPR, May 16, 2007. Hsu, Spencer."A Bush Loyalist Tackles Katrina Recovery", Washington Post, Nov 20, 2005. Wald, Matthew L. "Bush’s Czar to Rebuild Gulf Coast Is Resigning", New York Times, Mar 1, 2008.
  98. Time, Apr 24, 1978. Loeb, Marshall. "What Might Have Been",Time, Nov 6, 1978. Glassman, James K. Close, But No Big Czar,, Dec 18, 2000.
  99. "Inflation Czar Will Take Apart His Title" Archived 2011-10-01 at the Wayback Machine., Cornell Chronicle, Jul 14, 1983.
  100. Thomas LOC. E Government Act, 2002. President Obama Names Vivek Kundra,, Mar 9, 2009. Carpenter, Amanda. "Hot Button", Washington Times, Jun 15, 2009, archived by WebCite.
  102. "Bush Backs Creation of Intelligence Czar", Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN329-109, confirmed Apr 21, 2005. "Negroponte picked for intelligence czar",, Feb 17, 2005. "White House Counsel Harriet Miers Resigns, Negroponte to Shift Seats" Fox News, Jan 04, 2007.
  103. Branigin, William. "Bush Backs Creation of Intelligence Czar","Intelligence czar reveals details"Virginian Pilot, Aug 23, 2007. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN206-110, confirmed Feb 07, 2007.
  104. Eisler, Peter. "Obama's choice of Blair as intelligence czar covers bases", USA Today, Jan 8, 2009. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN65-01-111, confirmed, Jan 28, 2009.
  105. Mason, Jeff. "Obama names retired general new intelligence chief", "Reuters", June 5, 2010.
  106. Holland, Steve. "Obama fashions a government of many czars", Reuters, May 29, 2009, archived by WebCite.
  107. "U.S. At War: Trouble Ahead"Time, Feb 15, 1943. American Presidency Project. Exec Order establishing the commission,"Exec Order assigning functions to the Dept of Labor.
  108. Set Aside Alert."President Bush has nominated Albert Frink","", Apr 16, 2004. "Senators tell government's new Mfg. czar to concentrate on China and unfair trade", Manufacturing and Technology News Jul 24, 2004. Price, Deb. "The invisible manufacturing czar", The Detroit News, Apr 28, 2006. Klein, Liese. "Manufacturing Czar Steps Down, Business New Haven, Jan 8, 2007, archived by WebCite.
  109. New Manufacturing 'Czar' Will Have a Full Plate of Issues", MA News, Sep 29, 2007. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN522-110, confirmed Aug 03, 2007.
  110. Bureaus reporting directly to the Secretary. "Special Envoy for Middle East Peace", Fletcher, Michael A. and Dennis, Brady.Obama's Many Policy 'Czars' Draw Ire From Conservatives, Washington Post, Sep 16, 2009.
  111. "Questionable concern about mine safety", San Diego Union Tribune, Aug 23, 2007. "The deeper danger of Crandall Canyon", Los Angeles Times, Aug 23, 2007. "Richard Stickler: Mine Safety Czar Fails To Live Up To His Name Utah Mining Association Newsletter, Jan 8, 2008. Position is Presidential Appointment, Senate Confirmed per 2008 Plum Book 2008 Plum Book.
  112. "History of Minuteman Missile Sites, National Park Service, 1995, archived by WebCite. "Knowland tells why he backed Gardner delay", LA Times Archives, Aug 20, 1954. "The Administration, Trevor & the Missiles", Time, Feb 20, 1956.
  113. "Wilson Gets Blank Check as Czar of Mobilization", The Evening Independent, Dec 16, 1950, page 1. Paul G. Pierpaoli Jr. Truman’s Other War:The Battle for the American Homefront, 1950–1953, Organization of American Historians, OAH Magazine of History, Volume 14, No 3, Spring 2000. American Presidency Project/ Resignation, Mar 30, 1952.
  114. "Tracking the Oil", Time, Sep 8, 1941. "Oil In Search of a Policy", Time, Dec 27, 1943. American Presidency Project. "Appointment of Harold L. Ickes as Petroleum Coordinator for National Defense", May 28, 1941. Text of Secretary Ickes' Letter of Resignation to the President Ending 13 Years in Office, New York Times, Feb 14, 1946.
  115. Pearson, Drew. "Drew Pearson on Washington Merry-Go-Round, Sec. Ickes' Last Battle", Virgin Island Daily News, Feb 19, 1946. American Presidency Project. Nominated,Resigned
  116. Thomas LOC, Presidential Nomination: PN418-111, confirmed June 19, 2009. Goler, Wendell."Obama's Army of Czars Raises Concerns About Executive Power",, Jul 16, 2009, archived by WebCite
  117. Sullivan, Andrew. "Too tired to think: team Bush loses its way", Times On Line, Mar 13, 2006. archived by Webcite. American Presidency Project. "Press Gaggle with Scott McClellan", Feb 8, 2005. Rutenberg, Jim. "Adviser who shaped Bush's speeches is leaving", New York Times, Jun 15, 2006.
  118. "Hendersno Quits Price Czar Job", St. Petersburg Times, Jan 17, 1943. Exec Order establishing the Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply, Apr 11, 1941. Press Conference, Apr 11, 1941. "Henderson Quits:Capital Expects Brown to Head OPA", New York Times, Dec 17, 1942.
  119. "U.S. At War: Enter Grimly", Time, Dec 28, 1942.
  120. Appointed 1943. American Presidency Project. "Statement by the President Commending the Office of Price Administration", ended May 1, 1945. Archived 2009-10-31.
  121. American Presidency Project. Remarks at a Meeting of the Cost of Living Council, Nov 15, 1971. "The Economy: The Take-Charge Price Czar", Time, Dec 20, 1971.
  122. "U.S. At War: Trouble Ahead"Time, Feb 15, 1943. American Presidency Project."Executive Order 9024 Establishing the War Production Board", Jan 16, 1942.
  123. American Presidency Project. "Letter Accepting Resignation of J. A. Krug as Chairman of the War Production Board", Oct 5, 1945.
  124. Kamen, Al. "Instead of Plum Appointments, Maybe A Lump of Coal", Washington Post, Dec 14, 2007. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN679-109, confirmed Jul 29, 2005.
  125. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN1133-110, confirmed Jun 4, 2008. Kamen, Al. "Get Thee to an Airport"Washington Post, Jun 10, 2008.
  126. Manzo, Kathleen Kennedy. "National Reading Czar to Leave Public Sector for Teacher Ed. Venture". "Education Week", Jun 8, 2005. "G. Reid Lyon, PhD—Ex-officio Member of the President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education", Archived Information, U.S Department of Education, Dec 13, 2001.
  127. Pearson, Drew. "Truman's First 6 Months Good President Needs To Watch Friends", St. Petersburg Times, Oct 12, 1945, p. 6. "Oral History Interviews with John W. Snyder",
  128. "Regulations Czar Prefers New Path",New York Times, Mar 21, 2001. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN213-107 confirmed Jul 19, 2001, PN1875-109, successor nominated, Aug 1, 2006.
  129. Hoover, Kent. "Bush appoints regulatory czar, avoids confirmation battle",, Apr 16. 2007. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN1875-109, Aug 1, 2006, PN94-110, Jan 9, 2007, PN577-110, Jan 2, 2009, never confirmed. Stayed in office as a recess appointment. Weisman, Jonathan and Bravin, Jess "Obama's Regulatory Czar Likely to Set a New Tone", The Wall Street Journal, Jan 8, 2009.
  130. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN323-111, confirmed Sep 9, 2009. Weisman, Jonathan and Bravin Jess. Obama's Regulatory Czar Likely to Set a New Tone, Wall Street Journal, Jan 8, 2009.
  131. American Presidency Project. "Executive Order 9246 on Coordination and Control of the Rubber Program" Sep 17, 1942. Jeffers appointed on Sep 17, 1942. Eiler, Keith E. "Mobilizing America: Robert P. Patterson and the war effort, 1940–1945", Cornell Univ Press, 1997, p. 272. "Confident Exit",Time, Sep 13, 1943
  132. "People - Ryan in Wings as Savings and Loan Czar", Los Angeles Times, Mar 9, 1990. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN1161-101, confirmed, PN196-105 successor nominated.
  133. Special Report Tech. "A Talk with Bush's Science Czar", Mar 16, 2004. About OSTP. "Previous Science Advisors" ""
  134. Goler, Wendell. Questions Raised Over Influence of Obama 'Czars',, July 13, 2009. Jones, Richard M. Senate Confirms Holdren as new OSTP Director, American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Science and Policy News", Mar 20, 2009. Archived by Webcite
  135. "Failure", Time, May 18, 1942. American Presidency Project. Executive Order Establishing the War Shipping Administration, Feb 7, 1942. American Presidency Project. Letter Accepting Resignation of Admiral Land as Administrator, War Shipping Administration, Jan 4, 1946
  136. Position created statute: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 HR1, 2009. [Halperin, Mark. "Obama to Name Stimulus Oversight Czar",Time, Feb 22, 2009.
  137. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations: PN426, confirmed by Senate as Assoc Dir. of OSTP, May 19, 2009. Weekly Address,", Apr 18, 2009.
  138. Position created.Presidential Decision Directive 63, May 1998. "Leung, Rebecca. "Clarke's Take On Terror", CBS News, Mar 21, 2004, archived by WebCite. Borger, Julian. Bush ignored terror threat, claims ex-aide, UK Guardian, Mar 22, 2004, archived by WebCite.
  139. Leung, Rebecca."Clarke's Take On Terror", CBS News, Mar 21, 2004, archived by Webcite. Borger, Julian. "Bush ignored terror threat, claims ex-aide", The Guardian, Mar 22, 2004, archived by WebCite.
  140. Office of Press Secretary. Personnel Announcement,, Oct 9 2001. Bernstein, Adam. "Gen. Wayne Downing, Deputy National Security Adviser", Washington Post, Jul 18, 2007. Calmes, Jackie. "Corporate Crimes Strain Agencies Already Tasked With Antiterrorism", Wall Street Journal, Jun 22, 2002, archived by Webcite.
  141. Smith, R. Jeffrey. Obama Taps CIA Veteran As Adviser On Terror, Washington Post, Jan 8, 2009. Carpenter, Amanda. [ "Hot Button", Washington Times, Jun 15, 2009. archived by WebCite.
  142. Summary of the September 13, 2012 Meeting of the Board Of Directors of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, from the website
  143. "Council on Women and Girls, White House Website". Archived from the original on 2013-05-10.
  144. Tucker, Ray. "News Behind the News" The Evening Independent, Jul 16, 1941. American Presidency Project. Executive Order establishing the office. Dec 18, 1941.
  145. J. Monroe Johnson Papers, 1894–1964 University S Carolina Libraries. United Press. "Transport Plan in Operation Eugene Register-Guard, May 24, 1946. American Presidency Project"Exec Order 10065 - Termination of the Office of Defense Transportation", Jul 6, 1949.
  146. Office of the Press Secretary. President Barack Obama Announces Key White House Posts,, Feb 19, 2009. Meckler, Laura. 'Czars' Ascend at White House, Wall Street Journal, Dec 15, 2008.
  147. 1 2 "Bush picks Gen. Lute as "war czar" for Iraq", Stolberg, Sheryl. , New York Times, May 16, 2007. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN599-110 confirmed Jun 28, 2007.
  148. Cole, August. "Obama's Pick for Weapons Czar Will Target Cost Overruns", Wall Street Journal, Mar 26, 2009. Thomas LOC Presidential Nominations. PN207-111, confirmed Apr 23, 2009.
  149. "Gary Samore Tapped for Weapons of Mass Destruction 'Czar'", Fox News, Jan 29, 2009. Arms Control Update. "Press Briefing by Gary Samore and Denis McDonough", Apr 5, 2009.
  150. Sickinger, Ted. "Energy efficiency advocates press state for speedy action on new programs", The Oregonian, Aug 13, 2009. "Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center", accessed September 2, 2009 "Plum Book",

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