List of ''Total Drama'' characters
Total Drama is a Canadian animated comedy television series that began airing on Teletoon in 2007. The first season, titled Total Drama Island, follows twenty-two contestants on a reality show of the same name. A second season, titled Total Drama Action, began airing in January 2009, this time following fourteen (later fifteen) returning contestants. The third season, Total Drama World Tour, began in June 2010, and followed fifteen returning contestants along with two (later three) new contestants. The show's fourth season, Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, began airing in 2012, and was the first season to feature an entirely new set of contestants. The fifth season began airing in 2014, and was split into two parts, Total Drama All-Stars and Total Drama: Pahkitew Island. The first part featured contestants from the first four seasons, while the second part introduced new contestants. The show was recently picked up for a sixth season.[1]
A spin-off, titled Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race, began airing on Cartoon Network Canada, in 2016. Like the original series, it follows contestants of a reality game show, The Ridonculous Race. Four contestants from Total Drama compete in the spin-off, while three other characters make silent cameos.
Voice actor | Season | ||||||
Island | Action | World Tour | Revenge of the Island | All-Stars
Ridonculous Race | Season 6 | |
Emilie-Claire Barlow | Courtney1 | Courtney | Courtney | Courtney | Ellody
Laurie |
Clé Bennett | Chef Hatchet
DJ |
Chef Hatchet
DJ Mama |
Chef Hatchet
DJ |
Chef Hatchet
DJ |
Chef Hatchet Leonard |
Leonard | |
Julia Chantrey | Eva | Eva | Eva | ||||
Katie Crown | Izzy | Izzy | Izzy | Izzy | Izzy | ||
Novie Edwards | Leshawna | Leshaniqua
Leshawna |
Leshawna | ||||
Megan Fahlenbock | Gwen | Gwen | Gwen | Gwen | Gwen | ||
Kristin Fairlie | Bridgette | Bridgette
Kelsey |
Bridgette | Bridgette | Carrie | ||
Brian Froud | Harold McGrady | Harold McGrady | Harold McGrady | Sam | Sam
The killer3 |
Sarah Gadon | Beth | Beth
Ginger Tourist |
Beth | ||||
Carter Hayden | Noah | Noah | Noah | Ennui
Noah Spud |
Lauren Lipson | Sadie
Owen's mother |
Owen's mother |
Sadie | ||||
Scott McCord | Owen
Trent The killer3 |
Trent |
Trent |
Owen | Owen | Brody
Jacques Owen |
Stephanie Anne Mills | Katie
Lindsay |
Lindsay |
Lindsay |
Lindsay | Lindsay | Kitty | |
Drew Nelson | Duncan | Duncan | Duncan | Duncan | Duncan | ||
Peter Oldring | Cody Anderson
Ezekiel Tyler |
Cody Anderson
Ezekiel Tyler |
Cody Anderson
Ezekiel Tyler |
Dan Petronijevic | Geoff | Brady
Geoff |
Geoff | Geoff | |||
Christian Potenza | Chris McLean | Chris McLean | Chris McLean
Jerd McLean |
Chris McLean | Chris McLean | Chris McLean[1] | |
Adam Reid | Justin | Gordon
Justin |
Justin | ||||
Rachel Wilson | Heather | Heather | Heather | Heather | Heather | ||
Carla Collins | Blaineley O'Halloran | Blaineley O'Halloran | |||||
Marco Grazinni | Alejandro Burromuerto | Alejandro Burromuerto2 | |||||
Dwayne Hill | Josh | None4 | |||||
Annick Obonsawin | Sierra | Sierra | Sierra | ||||
Carleigh Beverly | Dakota Milton | ||||||
Jon Cor | Brick McArthur | ||||||
Corey Doran | Mike5 | Mike5 | |||||
Kevin Duhaney | Cameron Wilkins
Cameron's mother |
Cameron Wilkins | |||||
Laurie Elliott | Jo | Jo | |||||
Athena Karkanis | Anne Maria | ||||||
Barbara Mamabolo | Zoey | Zoey | |||||
Caitlynne Medrek | Dawn | ||||||
Ashley Peters | Staci | ||||||
Tyrone Savage | Lightning Jackson | Lightning Jackson | |||||
James Wallis | Scott | Scott | |||||
Zachary Bennett | Shawn | ||||||
Katie Bergin | Jasmine | ||||||
Daniel DeSanto | Dave | ||||||
Bruce Dow | Max | ||||||
Kristi Friday | Scarlett | ||||||
Alex House | Alejandro Burromuerto2 | ||||||
Christopher Jacot | Topher | ||||||
Bryn McAuley | Amy
Samey |
Taylor | |||||
Sunday Muse | Ella | ||||||
Sarah Podemski | Sky | ||||||
Ian Ronningen | Rodney | ||||||
Rochelle Wilson | Courtney1 | Sugar | |||||
Ashley Botting | Jen | ||||||
Nicki Burke | Stephanie
Tammy |
Neil Crone | Dwayne | ||||||
Stacey DePass | Crimson
Emma |
Carlos Díaz | Lorenzo
Rock |
Jacob Ewaniuk | Junior | ||||||
Darren Frost | Chet | ||||||
Katie Griffin | Mary
Miles |
Jeff Geddis | Devin
Tom |
David Huband | Gerry | ||||||
Julie Lemieux | Heather's mother | Josee
Kelly |
Terry McGurrin | Don | ||||||
Joseph Motiki | Ryan | ||||||
Evany Rosen | MacArthur Escobar | ||||||
Lyon Smith | Jay
Mickey |
Nicole Stamp | Sanders | ||||||
Adrian Truss | Pete | ||||||
Guest cast | |||||||
Keith Oliver | Alejandro Burromuerto2 |
^1 Courtney was voiced by Rochelle Wilson from 1x01 to 1x02. Emilie-Claire Barlow began voicing her in 1x03.
^2 Alejandro was voiced by Marco Grazinni from 2x27 to 3x26 and by Keith Oliver in the 3x26 post-credit scene. Alex House began voicing him in 5x01.
^3 The killer was voiced by Scott McCord in 1x19. Brian Froud voiced him in 5x01.
^4 Despite his character, Josh, not appearing, Dwayne Hill was still credited at the end of Total Drama World Tour.
^5 Corey Doran also does the voice of all of Mike's alternate personalities.
Main characters
- Christian "Chris" McLean (voiced by Christian Potenza) is the host of Total Drama. While in the beginning of the series, Chris preferred to remain out of the challenges and act more impartial, as the series progressed he involved himself more. He became obsessed with getting views, and his narcissism caused him to do more stuff focusing on him (such as making Total Drama Action's symbol of immunity be a "gilded Chris award". He also made the challenges progressively more dangerous, believing it would bring in more viewers. At the end of Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, he is arrested for hosting the show at a toxic island, and is released one year later where he immediately starts the next season. At the end of Total Drama: Pahkitew Island, he takes a vacation.
- Chef Hatchet (voiced by Clé Bennett) is the co-host of Total Drama. While not technically considered the show's official host, he has hosted on several occasions, such as if Chris is absent or simply if the challenge demands it. During Total Drama Action, he makes an illegal alliance with DJ in attempts to make more money, agreeing to help him win if DJ splits the winnings with him. After this fails, he considers quitting the show at the end of the season, however Chris convinces him to stay, calling them a team. During the third season, he makes another illegal alliance, this time with Blaineley having approached him. This alliance is much more short-lived, however. He continues to help Chris host the show, often doing more of the grunt work that Chris doesn't want to do.
- Don (voiced by Terry McGurrin) is the host of The Ridonculous Race. Unlike his Total Drama counterpart, Don seems to want to remain more impartial during challenges. Also, he seems to show concern for the contestants safety when in dangerous situations. Although not to the same extant as Chris, Don has shown to have a slight ego, often adding in small comments about his looks.
Debuted in Total Drama Island
- Beth (voiced by Sarah Gadon) is a contestant on Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action.
- Bridgette (voiced by Kristin Fairlie) is a contestant on Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, and Total Drama World Tour.
- Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson (voiced by Peter Oldring) is a contestant on Total Drama Island and Total Drama World Tour.
- Courtney (voiced by Emilie-Claire Barlow1) is a contestant on Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, Total Drama World Tour, and Total Drama All-Stars.
- Devon Joseph "DJ" (voiced by Clé Bennett) is a contestant on Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, and Total Drama World Tour.
- Duncan (voiced by Drew Nelson) is a contestant on Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, Total Drama World Tour, and Total Drama All-Stars.
- Eva (voiced by Julia Chantrey) is a contestant on Total Drama Island.
- Ezekiel (voiced by Peter Oldring) is a contestant on Total Drama Island and Total Drama World Tour.
- Geoffrey "Geoff" (voiced by Dan Petronijevic) is a contestant on Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, and The Ridonculous Race.
- Gwen (voiced by Megan Fahlenbock) is a contestant on Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, Total Drama World Tour, and Total Drama All-Stars.
- Harold Norbert Cheever Doris McGrady V (voiced by Brian Froud) is a contestant on Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, and Total Drama World Tour.
- Heather (voiced by Rachel Wilson) is a contestant on Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, Total Drama World Tour, and Total Drama All-Stars.
- Izzy (voiced by Katie Crown) is a contestant on Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, and Total Drama World Tour.
- Justin (voiced by Adam Reid) is a contestant on Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action.
- Katie (voiced by Stephanie Anne Mills) is a contestant on Total Drama Island.
- Leshawna (voiced by Novie Edwards) is a contestant on Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, and Total Drama World Tour.
- Lindsay (voiced by Stephanie Anne Mills) is a contestant on Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, Total Drama World Tour, and Total Drama All-Stars.
- Noah (voiced by Carter Hayden) is a contestant on Total Drama Island, Total Drama World Tour, and The Ridonculous Race.
- Owen (voiced by Scott McCord) is a contestant on Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, Total Drama World Tour, and The Ridonculous Race.
- Sadie (voiced by Lauren Lipson) is a contestant on Total Drama Island.
- Trenton "Trent" (voiced by Scott McCord) is a contestant on Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action.
- Tyler (voiced by Peter Oldring) is a contestant on Total Drama Island and Total Drama World Tour.
Debuted in Total Drama World Tour
- Alejandro Burromuerto (voiced by Alex House2) is a contestant on Total Drama World Tour and Total Drama All-Stars.
- Mildred Stacey Andrews "Blaineley" O'Halloran (voiced by Carla Collins) is a contestant on Total Drama World Tour.
- Sierra (voiced by Annick Obonsawin) is a contestant on Total Drama World Tour and Total Drama All-Stars.
Debuted in Total Drama: Revenge of the Island
- Anne Maria (voiced by Athena Karkanis) is a contestant on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island.
- Beverly "B" is a contestant on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island.
- Brick McArthur (voiced by Jon Cor) is a contestant on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island.
- Cameron Corduroy Wilkins (voiced by Kevin Duhaney) is a contestant on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island and Total Drama All-Stars.
- Dakota Milton (voiced by Carleigh Beverly) is a contestant on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island.
- Dawn (voiced by Caitlynne Medrek) is a contestant on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island.
- Jo (voiced by Laurie Elliott) is a contestant on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island and Total Drama All-Stars.
- Mike (voiced by Corey Doran) is a contestant on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island and Total Drama All-Stars.
- Rudolph "Lightning" Jackson (voiced by Tyrone Savage) is a contestant on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island and Total Drama All-Stars.
- Samuel "Sam" (voiced by Brian Froud) is a contestant on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island and Total Drama All-Stars.
- Scott (voiced by James Wallis) is a contestant on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island and Total Drama All-Stars.
- Staci (voiced by Ashley Peters) is a contestant on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island.
- Zoey (voiced by Barbara Mamabolo) is a contestant on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island and Total Drama All-Stars.
Debuted in Total Drama: Pahkitew Island
- Amy (voiced by Bryn McAuley) is a contestant on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
- Beardo (voiced by Clé Bennett) is a contestant on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
- David "Dave" (voiced by Daniel DeSanto) is a contestant on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
- Ella (voiced by Sunday Muse) is a contestant on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
- Jasmine (voiced by Katie Bergin) is a contestant on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
- Leonard (voiced by Clé Bennett) is a contestant on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island and The Ridonculous Race.
- Max (voiced by Bruce Dow) is a contestant on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
- Rodney (voiced by Ian Ronningen) is a contestant on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
- Samantha "Samey" (voiced by Bryn McAuley) is a contestant on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
- Scarlett (voiced by Kristi Friday) is a contestant on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
- Shawn (voiced by Zachary Bennett) is a contestant on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
- Sky (voiced by Sarah Podemski) is a contestant on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
- Sugar (voiced by Rochelle Wilson) is a contestant on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
- Topher (voiced by Christopher Jacot) is a contestant on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
Debuted in The Ridonculous Race
- Brody (voiced by Scott McCord) is a contestant on The Ridonculous Race. He competed with Geoff as The Surfer Dudes team. At the beginning of the race, he didn't really take the race seriously. After working with the Police Cadets, he began to get a crush on MacArthur. After being eliminated and brought back by the Best Friends, he and Geoff agree to try to win for them and start to take the race more seriously.
- Carrie and Devin (voiced by Kristin Fairlie and Jeff Geddis) are contestants on The Ridonculous Race. They competed as The Best Friends team. In the beginning of the season, they are best friends, however it's soon revealed that Carrie has been in love with Devin since the third grade, but Devin has a girlfriend. After calling Shelley and found out she was now dating her tennis instructor, Devin begins to go through the stages of heart break. After a while, he realizes he loves Carrie, however she has given up hope of ever being with him. Finally they admit their feelings, and begin to date, however Devin gets severely injured, causing they to have to quit the race. They bring back the Surfer Dudes team to take their place in the race.
- Chet and Lorenzo (voiced by Darren Frost and Carlos Díaz) are contestants on The Ridonculous Race. They competed as The Stepbrothers team. Before the race, Chet's mother had married Lorenzo's father, and the two have hated each other ever since. In an attempt to get them to get along better, they force them to join the race. At first, it just makes them argue more, however after needing to work together to stay in the race, they begin to form a close bond (even creating their own theme song).
- Crimson and Ennui (voiced by Stacey DePass and Carter Hayden) are contestants on The Ridonculous Race. They competed as The Goths team. They have been dating for months before the race, however they had never seen each other's faces without make up. Once in the race, they put in minimal effort at first, however after their make up comes off, they decide to quit the race. After looking at each other without make up, they decide they like each other even when not goth, and decide to stay in the race. While in Australia they adopt a bunny and name him Loki.
- Dwayne, Sr. and Dwayne, Jr. "Junior" (voiced by Neil Crone and Jacob Ewaniuk) are contestants on The Ridonculous Race. They competed as The Father and Son team. Junior is usually embarrassed by his father, who tries to act cool and younger than he is. Junior eventually develops a crush on Carrie. After Dwayne's attempts to impress his son fail, they end up closer, with Junior appreciating his father's attempts.
- Ellody and Mary (voiced by Emilie-Claire Barlow and Katie Griffin) are contestants on The Ridonculous Race. They competed as The Geniuses team. They met a convention where they both brought pi chart pies. During the race they often let their need to plan slow them down, and eventually cause their downfall.
- Emma and Kitty (voiced by Stacey DePass and Stephanie Anne Mills) are contestants on The Ridonculous Race. They competed as The Sisters team.
- Gerry and Pete (voiced by David Huband and Adrian Truss) are contestants on The Ridonculous Race. They competed as The Tennis Rivals team.
- Jacques and Josee (voiced by Scott McCord and Julie Lemieux) are contestants on The Ridonculous Race. They competed as The Ice Dancers team.
- Jay and Mickey (voiced by Lyon Smith) are contestants on The Ridonculous Race. They competed as The Adversity Twins team.
- Jennifer "Jen" and Thomas "Tom" (voiced by Ashley Botting and Jeff Geddis) are contestants on The Ridonculous Race. They competed as The Fashion Bloggers team.
- Kelly and Taylor (voiced by Julie Lemieux and Bryn McAuley) are contestants on The Ridonculous Race. They competed as The Mother & Daughter team.
- Laurie and Miles (voiced by Emilie-Claire Barlow and Katie Griffin) are contestants on The Ridonculous Race. They competed as The Vegans team.
- Rock and Spud (voiced by Carlos Díaz and Carter Hayden) are contestants on The Ridonculous Race. They competed as The Rockers team.
- Ryan and Stephanie (voiced by Joseph Motiki and Nicki Burke) are contestants on The Ridonculous Race. They competed as The Daters team.
- Sanders and Valenina "MacArthur" Escobar (voiced by Nicole Stamp and Evany Rosen) are contestants on The Ridonculous Race. They competed as The Police Cadets team.
- Tammy (voiced by Nicki Burke) is a contestant on The Ridonculous Race. She competed with Leonard as The LARPERs team.
Placement | TDI | TDA | TDWT | TDRI | TDAS | TDPI | RR |
Finalist | Gwen | Beth | Alejandro | Cameron | Mike | Shawn | Brody & Geoff1 |
Owen | Duncan | Heather | Lightning | Zoey | Sky | MacArthur & Sanders | |
3rd | Heather | Owen1 | Cody | Zoey | Scott | Sugar | Jacques & Josee |
4th | Duncan | Courtney2 | Sierra | Scott | Gwen | Jasmine | Emma & Kitty |
5th | Leshawna | Harold | Duncan1 | Jo | Courtney | Max | Carrie & Devin |
6th | Geoff | Lindsay | Blaineley2 / Courtney | Mike | Alejandro2 | Scarlett | Ryan & Stephanie |
7th | Izzy1 | Justin | Dakota1 | Cameron | Dave | Crimson & Ennui | |
8th | DJ | Leshawna | Owen | Anne Maria | Duncan | Topher | Noah & Owen |
9th | Lindsay | Heather | Gwen | Brick | Sierra | Ella | Dwayne & Junior |
10th | Bridgette | Izzy1 | Tyler | Sam | Heather | Amy1 / Samey | Rock & Spud |
11th | Trent | DJ | Noah | Dawn | Sam | Chet & Lorenzo | |
12th | Eva1 | Gwen | DJ | B | Jo | Rodney | Jay & Mickey |
13th | Harold | Trent | Izzy | Staci | Lightning | Leonard | Kelly & Taylor |
14th | Courtney | Bridgette / Geoff | Lindsay | Lindsay | Beardo | Jen & Tom | |
15th | Sadie | Leshawna | Laurie & Miles | ||||
16th | Beth | Bridgette | Ellody & Mary | ||||
17th | Cody | Harold | Gerry & Pete | ||||
18th | Tyler | Ezekiel | Leonard & Tammy | ||||
19th | Katie | ||||||
20th | Justin | ||||||
21st | Noah | ||||||
22nd | Ezekiel |
^1 This contestant had to return to the competition after being previously eliminated to earn this placement.
^2 This contestant did not originally qualify for this season, but debuted later in the competition.
Supporting characters
Other characters have appeared briefly to interact with the main cast. These include Chris's unnamed interns, who test challenges before use and serve as Chris's personal assistants; contestants' family members appearing in video messages and calls; special guests from the aftermath episodes of Total Drama Action and Total Drama World Tour; and a variety of animals, from pets to challenge obstacles.
Family members
Various family members are often mentioned in passing by the contestants. The final five in Total Drama Island received video messages from home sent by their family members (and a friend in Leshawna's case), who appeared in the tapes. In the finale of Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, both Cameron and Lightning talked to their parents via video chat.
- Leshaniqua (voiced by Novie Edwards) is Leshawna's cousin who visits her as part of a reward. While they're together, they trash talk the rest of the cast, causing them to lose trust for Leshawna upon finding out.
- José Burromuerto (voiced by Alex House) is Alejandro's brother who had bullied him growing up. During the finale of Total Drama World Tour, Alejandro was slowed down when Heather called him José, and then again when Cody kept calling him "Al" (a nickname given to him by his José). He makes his official debut during the boxing challenge, where he fights Alejandro. While at first he is winning, after insulting Heather, Alejandro manages to beat him.
- DJ's mother (voiced by Clé Bennett), referred to as Mama by the contestants, appears to support her son after quitting the competition. She later allows the contestants to use her bus to stop the cast of Total Drama Dirtbags.
- Jerd McLean (voiced by Christian Potenza) is Chris' cousin and has a thick Newfoundland accent that is very difficult to understand, with Chris being the only character to fully comprehend him. Alejandro is also able to partially understand him, but had difficulty figuring out what Jerd was saying. He appears in "Newf Kids on the Rock" and plays a role in the challenge when the contestants have to translate a sentence he dictated. Jerd apparently dislikes Noah stating that he is "as smart as a bag of rocks." Each time Jerd speaks, music from Sea Shanty Mix is played.
- Owen's mother (voiced by Lauren Lipson) tells Owen that she spent fifty thousand dollars on a giant cheese cellar, which excites Owen and makes him want to come home, even though their family is broke from this expense. She eventually tells Owen to come home because his family misses him. She resembles Sadie despite her blond hair, and is even voiced by the same voice actor. Owen does a shout-out to her mother at the end of Total Drama All-Stars.
- Owen's father makes an appearance in his video message from home. He appears to be very proud of his son.
- Heather's mother (voiced by Julie Lemieux[2]), and Heather's father appear in her video message from home. They are seen partying and moving out all of Heather's belongings in her absence.
- Duncan's father and mother are seen with his parole officer in his video message from home. While his mother attempts to show support and reassurance that she loves him, his father questions if they do because "the boy's a criminal."
- Gwen's mother and brother appear in her video message from home where it's revealed her mother paid their neighbor to act as Gwen in her absence.
- Cameron's mother (voiced by Kevin Duhaney) was mentioned in Cameron's audition tape that she is very protective of him. She is later seen in a video call from home in "Brain vs. Brawn: The Ultimate Showdown", where she tells him he has to win to fuel the air for his bubble. She calls her son "Cammy Bear". In terms of appearance, she greatly resembles her son.
- Lightning's father is seen in a video call from home in "Brain vs. Brawn: The Ultimate Showdown", though his face is not shown. He does not appear to be very affectionate, never even turning to look at his son in the video call.
General characters
- Mr. Coconut is a coconut that Owen drew a face on after being left in isolation for too long. After becoming too attached, Chris "eliminated" Mr. Coconut to help Owen return to reality. The coconut doesn't appear again for a very long time, but in Total Drama All-Stars, Mr. Coconut appears in the season intro inside a submerged treasure chest. It also appears again in the season finale. Christian Potenza says that Mr. Coconut is one of his favorite characters in the show.
- The escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook (voiced by Scott McCord in Total Drama Island and Brian Froud in Total Drama All-Stars) is a serial killer who escaped and ended up at Camp Wawanakwa. Thinking he was part of the horror movie challenge, Gwen taunted him. Upon realizing he wasn't, she kicked him repeatedly in the face, causing him to leave. Chris later used him as part of the fake cast of Total Drama Dirtbags. At some point after he was arrested.
- Josh (voiced by Dwayne Hill) is the co-host of Celebrity Manhunt who interviews the cast of Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action.
- Brady (voiced by Dan Petronijevic) is Beth's boyfriend. He was supposedly a made-up person by Beth to make her seem cool, but at the end of the final episode, he is seen in both endings followed by Heather saying "Not only is he real. He's really handsome" and Justin saying "Is it not bad enough that this show made me into a goblin? Now I got his 'gorgeousity' making me come off as even more hideous, great." in the original version and "Now I wish I didn't vote for her [Beth]." in the alternate ending. He only had one line on the original ending which was "Oh, was I supposed to bring a prize?"
- Emily was first seen in the episode, "Celebrity Manhunt's TDA Reunion Special" when Chris and Chef are at the airport in the ending. In Total Drama World Tour, she is the main flight attendant who serves the contestants that are in first-class.
- Jasmine is Leshawna's friend who "auditioned" for Total Drama Action, but never actually competed in the season. She explains that she has attended McGillis Talent Agency, a drama class, and lives in a rough neighborhood on a peninsula, in which she calls it a "Total Drama Peninsula". She is unique because the other videos show family members, but this shows a best friend, which implies Jasmine is like family to Leshawna. Jasmine is the first family-like figure in Leshawna's life to make an appearance.
Pets and animals
There are also many notable non-human characters in the series that serve as obstacles in the challenges while other characters serve as pets owned by some contestants.
- Sasquatchanakwa is a yeti who appears in every season. During the first season, a group of Sasquatchanakwas are seen staring at a sleeping Owen, and later he attacks the contestants after they stay in the woods over night. During the second season he appears as part of a challenge, and seems to have much more human-like qualities (even talking and using the confessional). He appears as part of the fake cast of Total Drama Dirtbags. During the third season he is again placed in challenges by Chris to attack the contestants. During the fourth season, he kidnaps Lindsay after he begins to feel insecure. In the fifth season, he is brought to Chris by Zoey as part of a challenge, and in the second half of the season he is frozen solid. In the spin-off, a frozen Sasquachanakwa is seen taking a picture with Kitty, and later a Sasquatchanakwa with white fur appears.
- Bruno is a bear Bridgette rescued after it's paw was injured. After helping him, he followed her back to Hawaii where he refused to let Geoff get to close to Bridgette, attacking him whenever he did. After Blaineley, who was in a full body cast, was thrown into the water, Bruno saved her, and began using her as a chew toy, distracting him from Geoff and allowing Bridgette and Geoff to reunite.
- Fang is a mutant shark obsessed with Scott. After eating him, Scott knocked out Fang's tooth, causing Fang to start chasing him to get it back. At the end of the fourth season, Fang gets his tooth back and mauls Scott. During the following season he still hates Scott, hurting him at any chance he gets. After Mike knocks out his tooth and gives it to Alejandro and Heather, Fang begins to chase instead.
- Larry is Chris's pet Venus fly trap that he left on the island before renting it out to a toxic waste disposal company. During the fifth season, Larry has babies, causing Zoey to question if Larry is actually a Laurie.
- Loki is a bunny adopted by Crimson and Ennui during the race. He often helps them during the challenges, being dubbed by Don as the unofficial third member of the team. He is kidnapped by the Ice Dancers later in the season, and causes Crimson and Ennui to lose the race.
- Scruffy was Duncan's pet spider. He is sent to Duncan from home in "2008: A Space Owen", along with the other cast members' packages from home. However, Scruffy is accidentally killed in the same episode by Harold, when he was smashed while Harold was riding The Vomit Comet.
- Irene was DJ's pet fish that he owned during "Newf Kids on the Rock" and "Jamaica Me Sweat", but then found out that Alejandro was using her to trick him.
- Leshawna Jr. was Harold's pet snail in Total Drama Action. Harold first found her upon waking up in after Duncan puts the snail in Harold's blanket as a prank. Harold then feels an attachment to the snail, due to the fact he believes that she looks like Leshawna, and then stores her in a match box for safekeeping. Later on, Leshawna Jr. is eliminated by Chris so it heads out packing. While Leshawna Jr. travels out into nature, Chris says that if Leshawna Jr. will ever make it out of the film lot before the year 2020.
- Cody Jr. is a baby condor that hatches out of one of Sierra's condor eggs that she is carrying for the challenge. Sierra then considers Cody Jr. as her and Cody's child because they are "married". However, due to Heather being the first thing Cody Jr. ever saw, it considers Heather to be its mother, much to both Heather and Sierra's annoyance.
Special guests
There are also special guests who appeared in the aftermath episodes of Total Drama Action and Total Drama World Tour.
- Ginger (voiced by Sarah Gadon) is Trent's obsessed fan from Sudbury, Ontario. She told Trent that she would've loved it if he "went psycho-crazy" over her, referring to Gwen’s dislike of his strange behavior. He looked a bit uncomfortable, whether it was about the subject of him going crazy, or because of Ginger's overly strong crush on him. She resembles Beth to an extent, and is even voiced by Sarah Gadon.
- Gordon (voiced by Adam Reid) is a furious young man from London, Ontario, who wants to be a chef. He has anger management issues, and frequently swears. He attempts to figure out what the secret ingredient is in DJ's food. He seems to be a parody of the world-renowned British chef, Gordon Ramsay, who is famous for his constant swearing at contestants on shows such as Hell's Kitchen, and Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares. Gordon is voiced by Adam Reid.
- Kelsey (voiced by Kristin Fairlie) from Kamloops, British Columbia, is another Trent fan, a bit more obsessed than the last one, Ginger, and possibly proves herself to be somewhat unsound. Her voice actor is unknown as of yet. She has a stuffed doll of Trent that she kissed in the video nine times. Trent is terrified of her, due to her obsessiveness.
- Harvey, from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, asks Leshawna if she is in a relationship with Harold, to which she replies that they are just friends. Throughout the interview, Harvey hints that he has a crush on Leshawna, too. Harvey is somewhat similar to Harold in terms of personality, but has many physical differences like braces, a different pair of glasses, and a different hair color.
- Willy, from Wiarton, Ontario, apparently Bridgette’s "biggest" fan, goes on the webcam, at Bridgette’s request. Willy, resembling Harvey from a previous aftermath, tells Bridgette that he doesn’t want to be too obvious and ask Bridgette about footwear or catching waves. Willy then states that there’s something he really wants to know about Bridgette, takes out a pole, and asks her if she would kiss it. This upsets Bridgette and causes her to snap.
Mike's alternate personalities
- Chester (voiced by Corey Doran) is an old man personality who appears whenever Mike is frustrated. He seems to have no respect for Mike, constantly making fun of him when in control of the body. After Mike beats his personalities, Chester begins to respect him more, and later teams up with him to stop Mal. Eventually he is wiped from existence with the other personalities.
- Svetlana (voiced by Corey Doran) is a Russian gymnast who appears whenever Mike is unable to complete a physical challenge. She seems to dislike that Mike is in control of the body the most, but after Mike beats his personalities, grows to respect him. She later teams up with Mike to stop Mal, and eventually is wiped from existence with the other personalities.
- Vito (voiced by Corey Doran) is a parody of "The Situation" from Jersey Shore who appears whenever Mike is shirtless. He seems to give Mike the most problems when he begins dating Anne Maria, despite Mike dating Zoey. After Mike beats his alternate personalities, he gains respect for him. Eventually, he is wiped from existence after teaming up to help Mike to defeat Mal.
- Manitoba Smith (voiced by Corey Doran) is a parody of Indiana Jones who appears whenever Mike puts on a fedora. He often flirts with the female contestants. After Mike beats his alternate personalities, he seems to respect him. Later he teams up with Mike to stop Mal, and is wiped from existence in the process.
- The Malevolent One "Mal" (voiced by Corey Doran) is Mike's secret fifth personality. He is able to take control of the body seemingly randomly, but later gains full control of the body. After trapping all the other personalities in his head, they team up under Mike's leadership to stop Mal, and eventually they successfully wipe him from existence.
Across the entire series, the interns help out Chris with the competition by testing out the challenges before the main competitors use them, and they are also used as Chris' personal assistants and slaves who do the maintenance work that Chris doesn't want to do.
- In Total Drama Island, the main intern started as a pizza delivery guy who was later hired. In the finale, a new intern is hired.
- In Total Drama Action, the pizza delivery guy appears once again along with a larger intern. Another blonde intern appears as the season's main intern. Additionally, several interns' arms are seen applying make up to the contestants in the confessional.
- In Total Drama World Tour, the blonde intern returns, along with two new burly interns, as the main interns. Several interns with the same or similar design as the blonde intern are also seen, as well as a female intern. Starting in this season, all the interns wear shirts similar to Chris's.
- In Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, four new interns appear. One who is short and chubby, one with long black hair, a female intern, and an intern named Josh. Dakota also briefly works as an intern, before returning to the competition. Josh ends up falling into the toxic waste, causing him to no longer work for the show. The other three interns stay on as the main interns in Total Drama All-Stars and Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
- In Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race, Don mentions an intern named Andrew died while testing the first challenge.
Other characters
- An eskimo appears in the first season after a mound of snow and a sled fall on Courtney, followed by the eskimo falling on the sled. He appears as part of the fake cast of Total Drama Dirtbags. In the spin-off, he is shown with a female eskimo, and the two kiss.
- The mime is a character that Trent has to face in the phobia challenge. After jumping in the water, Trent convinces him to leave, stating his make-up would run. He appears in exclusive clips in both the third and fifth seasons, and during the spin-off he steals the Best Friends's travel tip.
- The ninjas appear in the phobia challenge as Harold's fear.
- There are many bears that have appeared in the series, but the most notable one is the brown bear that has appeared many times throughout the season, mostly scaring the contestants. Izzy has also dressed up as a brown bear as part of a prank. There is also a polar bear that appears in the Yukon and a black bear called Bruno, who is Bridgette's best friend.
- A sumo wrestler appears in the phobia challenge as Heather's fear. During the third season, two sumo wrestlers were seen in an exclusive clip when Harold lands in one of their loin cloths.
- The Canadian military are characters who extract Izzy after she becomes smart in the third season.
- The Canadian government are characters who appear in the fourth season and attempt to arrest Chris, which they successfully do at the end of the season.
- An elderly Chinese woman gives Sierra advice and also "love me tea", which Sierra uses on Cody and accidentally poisons him.
- A fireworks salesman gives Sierra fireworks for free to help Cody win in the third season.
- Guards are seen outside the London tower. As part of the challenge, the contestants must strip the guards and find the clue hidden in their clothes.
- Throughout the series, various sharks have appeared in the water based challenges to scare away the contestants.
- The Hawaiian natives appear in the finale of the third season to warn them about throwing pineapples into the volcano. They are seen again in a cameo in the spin-off.
- The Zing-Zings are a group of natives in the Amazon rainforest. They capture Heather, replacing her missing tooth with a gold tooth. It's later revealed they're actors filming a scene.
- Erin Tapley (voiced by Erin Tapley) is fan who interviewed Chris in an exclusive clip.[3]
- The butler is a character who works at the McLean Spa Hotel during the fifth season. He often brings the contestants what they want in a matter of seconds.
- Chris's promo bots (voiced by Christian Potenza) are robots of Chris that he uses to promote the show instead of going to each location himself. After Scarlett takes over the island, she makes the promo bots attack the other contestants, prompting Shawn to destroy them.
Area 51
- Aliens appeared at Area 51 in Total Drama World Tour. They attacked Alejandro and Tyler, and later returned in an Aftermath episode, where they attacked Noah.
- Area 51 soldiers appeared when the cast broke into Area 51, attempting to hunt down the contestants.
- Cody's clones are clones of Cody that appear after he touches an alien pod.
- The Colonel of the United States Military is Chris's friend who allows him access to use Area 51 as a challenge.
- 1 2 SwitchBoardNetwork (2017-05-03), Total Drama Announcement, retrieved 2017-05-06
- ↑ "Heather's mother". Twitter. Fresh TV. Retrieved 22 July 2017.
- ↑ Teletoon (19 December 2011). "Total Drama Revenge of the Island - Contest Winner". Youtube. Retrieved 19 July 2017.