List of Scout Laws by country

The following is a list of Scout Laws in national Scout/Guide organizations.


Scouts Australia

  1. Be Respectful
    Be friendly and considerate
    Care for others and the environment
  2. Do What Is Right
    Be trustworthy, honest and fair
    Use resources wisely
  3. Believe In Myself
    Learn from my experiences
    Face challenges with courage [1]

Guides Australia

As a Guide I will strive to:

  1. Respect myself and others
  2. Be considerate, honest and trustworthy
  3. Be friendly to others
  4. Make choices for a better world
  5. Use my time and abilities wisely
  6. Be thoughtful and optimistic
  7. Live with courage and strength


Scouts de Argentina

  1. A Scout loves God and lives his/her faith fully.
  2. A Scout is loyal and worthy of all trust.
  3. A Scout is generous, courteous, and shows solidarity.
  4. A Scout is respectful and brother/sister of everyone.
  5. A Scout defends and values the family.
  6. A Scout loves and defends life and nature.
  7. A Scout knows how to obey; he/she chooses and acts with responsibility.
  8. A Scout is optimistic even through difficult times.
  9. A Scout is economic, hard-working, and respectful of others' well being. (The Spanish phrase respetuoso del bien ajeno can also be translated as "respectful of others' goods and properties".)
  10. A Scout is pure and leads a healthy life.

Baden Powell Scouts Argentina

The Scout:

  1. He bases his honor to be worthy of confidence.
  2. He's loyal.
  3. It is useful and helps others without expecting anything in return
  4. It is everyone's friend, and brother to all Scouts, regardless of creed, race or social class.
  5. It is polite and gentlemanly.
  6. Obey without mirrors and nothing by halves.
  7. Sees in nature the work of God protects animals and plants.
  8. He smiles and sings in the difficulties
  9. It's affordable, hardworking and thorough the good of others.
  10. A Scout is clean and healthy, pure thoughts, words and actions.

Diocesan Association of Catholic Scouts

  1. A Scout is trustworthy because he is responsible.
  2. A Scout is loyal.
  3. The Scout serves and helping others without expecting reward.
  4. A Scout is friend to all and brother to other Scouts.
  5. A Scout is courteous.
  6. The Scout sees in nature the work of God and that's good with animals and plants.
  7. A Scout obeys without mirrors and does nothing by halves.
  8. A Scout smiles and sings in difficult times.
  9. The Scout is thrifty and respects the property of others.
  10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed and use all their senses.


Bangladesh Scouts

  1. A Scout's honour is to be trusted.
  2. A Scout is a friend to all.
  3. A Scout is courteous and obedient.
  4. A Scout is kind to animals.
  5. A Scout is cheerful at all times.
  6. A Scout is thrifty.
  7. A Scout is clean in thought,word and deed.


Federação de Bandeirantes do Brasil

A Guide...

  1. - Is trustworthy.
  2. - Is loyal and respects truth.
  3. - Helps others on all occasion.
  4. – Esteems and cherishes friendship.
  5. - Is kind and courteous.
  6. - Sees God in creation and protects nature.
  7. - Knows how to obey.
  8. - Faces all difficulties cheerfully.
  9. - Uses resources wisely.
  10. - Acts, thinks, and is coherent with moral values.

União dos Escoteiros do Brasil

  1. O Escoteiro tem uma só palavra; sua honra vale mais do que a própria vida.
    A Scout is to be trusted; his honor is of greater value than his life.
  2. O Escoteiro é leal.
    A Scout is loyal.
  3. O Escoteiro está sempre alerta para ajudar o próximo e pratica diariamente uma boa ação.
    A Scout is always prepared to help others and practices a good turn every day.
  4. O Escoteiro é amigo de todos e irmão dos demais Escoteiros.
    A Scout is a friend to everybody and a brother to every other Scout.
  5. O Escoteiro é cortês.
    A Scout is courteous.
  6. O Escoteiro é bom para os animais e as plantas.
    A Scout is good to animals and plants.
  7. O Escoteiro é obediente e disciplinado.
    A Scout is obedient and disciplined.
  8. O Escoteiro é alegre e sorri nas dificuldades.
    A Scout is happy and smiles in difficulties.
  9. O Escoteiro é econômico e respeita o bem alheio.
    A Scout is thrifty and respects the property of others.
  10. O Escoteiro é limpo de corpo e alma.
    A Scout is clean on body and soul.


Scouts Canada

A Scout is
Helpful and trustworthy,
Kind and cheerful,
Considerate and clean,
And wise in the use of all resources.

Girl Guides of Canada/Guides du Canada

The Guiding Law challenges me to:

  1. Be honest and trustworthy
  2. Use my resources wisely
  3. Respect myself and others
  4. Recognize and use my talents and abilities
  5. Protect our common environment
  6. Live with courage and strength
  7. Share in the sisterhood of Guiding

B-PSA British Columbia

  1. A Scout's honour is to be trusted
  2. A Scout is Loyal to the Queen, and to his country, and to his employers.
  3. A Scout's duty is to be useful and to help others.
  4. A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout.
  5. A Scout is Courteous.
  6. A Scout is a friend to animals.
  7. A Scout obeys orders of his patrol leader or Scout master without question.
  8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.
  9. A Scout is thrifty.
  10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.


  1. The Scout places his honor in being worthy of trust.
  2. The Scout is loyal.
  3. The Scout is useful and helps others, without thinking of compensation.
  4. The Scout shares with everyone.
  5. The Scout is courteous and gentlemanly.
  6. The Scout cares for nature and finds God in it
  7. The Scout is obedient and does nothing half way.
  8. The Scout is optimistic.
  9. The Scout is thrifty.
  10. The Scout is clean and pure in thought, word and deed.


  1. El Scout cifra su honor en ser digno de confianza.
  2. El Scout es leal.
  3. El Scout es útil y ayuda a los demás sin esperar recompensa.
  4. El Scout es amigo de todos y hermano de cualquier Scout sin distinción de credo, raza, nacionalidad o clase social.
  5. El Scout es cortés y respeta las convicciones de los demás.
  6. El Scout ve en la naturaleza la obra de Dios y procura su conservación y progreso.
  7. El Scout es obediente, responsable y ordenado.
  8. El Scout sonríe y canta en sus dificultades.
  9. El Scout es económico, trabajador y cuidadoso del bien ajeno.
  10. El Scout es limpio y sano, puro en pensamientos, palabras y acciones.

Costa Rica

Asociación de Guías y Scouts de Costa Rica

  1. A Scout shows his honour by being worthy of trust.
  2. A Scout is loyal to God, his nation, his parents, his bosses, and his subordinates.
  3. A Scout is useful and helps others without thinking of rewards.
  4. A Scout is everybody's friend and brother/sister of all Scouts, without distinction of creed, race, nationality, or social class.
  5. A Scout is courteous and well mannered.
  6. A Scout sees God's work in nature. He or she protects animals and plants.
  7. A Scout obeys rationally and does things in an orderly and complete manner.
  8. A Scout smiles and sings through difficult times.
  9. A Scout is economic, hard-working, and careful of others' well being. (The original Spanish phrase, cuidadoso del bien ajeno, can also mean "being careful/respectful of others' properties".)
  10. A Scout is clean and healthy; pure in his thoughts, words, and actions.


Savez izviđača Hrvatske

  1. Izviđač je častan i hrabar
    A Scout has honor and courage
  2. Izviđač je vrijedan i pouzdan
    A Scout is hardworking and trustworthy
  3. Izviđač sluša i promišlja
    A Scout listens and reasons
  4. Izviđač uči i djeluje
    A Scout learns and acts
  5. Izviđač traga i vjeruje
    A Scout seeks and believes
  6. Izviđač je vedar i društven
    A Scout is cheerful and sociable
  7. Izviđač je odan i nesebičan
    A Scout is loyal and selfless
  8. Izviđač voli i cijeni
    A Scout loves and appreciates
  9. Izviđač brine i čuva
    A Scout cares and safeguards
  10. Izviđač služi i vodi
    A Scout serves and leads

Czech Republic

  1. Skaut je pravdomluvný
    A Scout speaks the truth
  2. Skaut je věrný a oddaný
    A Scout can be trusted and is loyal
  3. Skaut je prospěšný a pomáhá jiným
    A Scout is useful to society and helps others
  4. Skaut je přítelem všech lidí dobré vůle a bratrem každého skauta
    A Scout is a friend to all people of good will and a brother/sister to all Scouts and Guides
  5. Skaut je zdvořilý
    A Scout is courteous
  6. Skaut je ochráncem přírody a cenných výtvorů lidských
    A Scout protects nature and valuable human products
  7. Skaut je poslušný rodičů, představených a vůdců
    A Scout obeys his/her parents, superiors and Scout/Guide leaders
  8. Skaut je veselé mysli
    A Scout is of cheerful mind
  9. Skaut je hospodárný
    A Scout is thrifty
  10. Skaut je čistý v myšlenkách, slovech i skutcích
    A Scout is pure in thought, word and deeds


De Gule Spejdere i Danmark

  1. En spejder er til at stole på – A Scout is reliable
  2. En spejder er hjælpsom og en god kammerat – A Scout is helpful and a good friend
  3. En spejder er god mod dyr – A Scout is kind to animals
  4. En spejder tager vanskeligheder med godt humør – A Scout faces difficulties in good spirits
  5. En spejder er ren i tanke, ord og handling – A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed

KFUM-Spejderne i Danmark

  1. En spejder lytter til guds ord – A Scout listens to the word of God
  2. En spejder er hjælpsom – A Scout is helpful
  3. En spejder respekterer andre - A Scout respects others
  4. En spejder værner om naturen - A Scout protects and guards nature
  5. En spejder er til at stole på - A Scout is trustworthy
  6. En spejder tager medansvar - A Scout takes responsibility
  7. En spejder finder sin egen mening - A Scout finds their own opinion

DDS – Det Danske Spejderkorps

Den der er med i spejdernes fællesskab gør sit bedste for – Whomever is in the Scouts' community does his best to

  1. At finde sin egen tro og respektere andres – Find his/her own faith and respect that of others
  2. At værne om naturen – Safeguard nature
  3. At være en god kammerat – Be a good friend
  4. At være hensynsfuld og hjælpe andre – Be considerate and help others
  5. At være til at stole på – Be trustworthy
  6. At høre andres meninger og danne sine egne – Hear others' opinions and make his/her own
  7. At tage medansvar i familie og samfund – Take responsibility in family and society


The Guides and Scouts of Finland

The Ideals of a Scout are

  1. To respect others
  2. To love and protect the environment
  3. To be reliable
  4. To build friendship across boundaries
  5. To feel one’s responsibility and to take action
  6. To develop oneself as a human being
  7. To search for truth in life


Deutsche Pfadfinderschaft Sankt Georg


Als Pfadfinderin …

Als Pfadfinder …

  1. … begegne ich allen Menschen mit Respekt und habe alle Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder als Geschwister.
  2. … gehe ich zuversichtlich und mit wachen Augen durch die Welt.
  3. … bin ich höflich und helfe da, wo es notwendig ist.
  4. … mache ich nichts halb und gebe auch in Schwierigkeiten nicht auf.
  5. … entwickle ich eine eigene Meinung und stehe für diese ein.
  6. … sage ich, was ich denke, und tue, was ich sage.
  7. … lebe ich einfach und umweltbewusst.
  8. … stehe ich zu meiner Herkunft und zu meinem Glauben.

English translation:

Scouts’ Law

As a Girl Scout …

As a Boy Scout …

  1. … I meet everybody with respect. All Scouts are my brothers and sisters.
  2. … I go through the world confidently.
  3. … I am courteous and helpful wherever this is necessary.
  4. … I shall not do things just by halves and shall not give up, even in difficult situations.
  5. … I shall develop my own opinion and stand by it.
  6. … I shall say what I think and do what I say.
  7. … I shall live modestly and in an environmental conscious manner.
  8. … I shall stand by my origins and my faith.

Pfadfinderbund Weltenbummler

  1. Ein Pfadfinder ist ritterlich – A Scout is chivalrous
  2. Ein Pfadfinder ist zuverlässig – A Scout is reliable
  3. Ein Pfadfinder ist treu und gottesfürchtig – A Scout is true and faithful
  4. Ein Pfadfinder ist jederzeit hilfsbereit – A Scout is ready to help at every time
  5. Ein Pfadfinder ist Bruder aller Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen und Freund aller Menschen – A Scout is brother to all Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts in the world and friend of each and every human
  6. Ein Pfadfinder ist immer frohen Mutes – A Scout is always of good cheer
  7. Ein Pfadfinder ist einfach und sparsam – A Scout is simple and thrifty
  8. Ein Pfadfinder ist rein in Gedanken, Worten und Werken – A Scout is pure in thought, word and deed
  9. Ein Pfadfinder schützt Pflanzen und Tiere – A Scout protects plants and animals
  10. Ein Pfadfinder gehorcht aus freiem Willen – A Scout obeys on free will


Asociación de Scouts de Guatemala

  1. El / La Scout cifra su honor en ser digno de confianza.
  2. El / La Scout es patriota y leal.
  3. El / La Scout es útil y ayuda a los demás sin pensar en recompensa.
  4. El / La Scout es amigo/a de todos y hermano/a de cualquier Scout, sin distinción de raza, credo, clase social, o nacionalidad.
  5. El / La Scout es cortés y caballeroso/ (para las Muchachas Scouts:) y actúa con nobleza.
  6. El / La Scout ve en la naturaleza la obra de Dios; protege a los animales y las plantas.
  7. El / La Scout es obediente y hace las cosas en orden y completas.
  8. El / La Scout sonríe y canta en sus dificultades.
  9. El / La Scout es económico/a, trabajador/a, y cuidadoso/a del bien ajeno.
  10. El / La Scout es limpio/a y sano/a, puro/a en pensamiento, palabra, y acción.

(English translation:)

  1. The Scout bases his/her honour on being trustworthy.
  2. The Scout is patriotic and loyal.
  3. The Scout is useful and helps others without thinking of a reward.
  4. The Scout is a friend to everyone and a brother to every Scout, without distinction of race, creed, social class, or nationality.
  5. The Scout is courteous and chivalrous.
  6. The Scout sees in nature the work of God; he protects animals and plants.
  7. The Scout is obedient and does things in order and completely.
  8. The Scout smiles and sings in his difficulties.
  9. The Scout is thrifty, hard-working, and careful of others' well-being/goods.
  10. The Scout is clean and healthy, pure in thought, word, and deed.

Hong Kong

  1. A Scout is to be trusted.
  2. A Scout is loyal.
  3. A Scout is friendly and considerate.
  4. A Scout belongs to the world-wide family of Scouts.
  5. A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
  6. A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property.
  7. A Scout has self-respect and respect for others.


  1. A Scout is upright and always tells the truth.
  2. A Scout does his/her duties to God, his/her Country and his/her fellow people.
  3. A Scout helps whenever he/she can.
  4. A Scout is a brother/sister to all Scouts.
  5. A Scout is gentle with others, but strict to him/herself.
  6. A Scout loves nature, is kind to animals and takes care of plants.
  7. A Scout obeys his superiors willingly and wholeheartedly
  8. A Scout is cheerful and considerate.
  9. A Scout is thrifty.
  10. A Scout is clean in body and soul


  1. A Scout is helpful
  2. A Scout is cheerful
  3. A Scout is loyal
  4. A Scout is a friend of the nature
  5. A Scout is considerate
  6. A Scout is modest
  7. A Scout is cooperative
  8. A Scout is thrifty
  9. A Scout is respectful
  10. A Scout is independent


  1. A Scout/Guide is trustworthy
  2. A Scout/Guide is loyal
  3. A Scout/Guide is a friend to all and a brother/sister to every other Scout/Guide.
  4. A Scout/Guide is courteous
  5. A Scout/Guide is a friend to animals and loves nature.
  6. A Scout/Guide is disciplined and helps protect public property.
  7. A Scout/Guide is courageous.
  8. A Scout/Guide is thrifty.
  9. A Scout/Guide is pure in thought, word and deed.


  1. Believe in God the Almighty
  2. Preserve nature and love each other
  3. Be an affable and knightly patriot
  4. Be obedient and collegial
  5. Help others with compliance and resilience
  6. Be diligent, skilled and cheerful
  7. Be provident and simple
  8. Exercise discipline, be brave and faithful
  9. Be accountable and trustworthy
  10. Have purity in mind, word and act


Gasóga na hÉireann/Scouting Ireland

  1. A Scout is to be trusted.
  2. A Scout is loyal.
  3. A Scout is helpful and considerate to all.
  4. A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
  5. A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property.
  6. A Scout has respect for self and others.
  7. A Scout respects nature and the environment

Former Associations

Scouting Ireland (CSI)

  1. A Scout is loyal
  2. A Scout is trustworthy
  3. A Scout is helpful
  4. A Scout is friendly
  5. A Scout is courteous
  6. A Scout is kind
  7. A Scout is obedient
  8. A Scout is cheerful
  9. A Scout is thrifty
  10. A Scout is brave
  11. A Scout is pure in thought, word and deed
  12. A Scout does all for the glory of God[2]


Hebrew Scouts Movement in Israel

  1. A Scout speaks the truth
  2. A Scout is loyal to his people and his country and language
  3. A Scout is useful member in society, loves work and helping others
  4. A Scout is a friend of every person and brother of every Scout
  5. A Scout is polite
  6. A Scout loves plant and animal life and protects it
  7. A Scout is a disciplined man
  8. A Scout's spirit does not fall
  9. A Scout is a frugal person
  10. A Scout is clean in words and deeds


Scouting for Boys

This is how the original Scout Law was translated in the Italian edition of "Scouting for Boys" (Scautismo per Ragazzi). Every association in Italy made its own version of the Scout Law, keeping the original spirit.

  1. L'onore di uno Scout è di essere creduto.
    A Scout's honour is to be trusted.
  2. Lo Scout è fedele: al Re, alla Patria, ai suoi Capi, ai suoi genitori, ai suoi datori di lavoro e ai suoi sottoposti.
    A Scout is loyal to the King, his country, his officers, his parents, his employers, and those under him.
  3. Il dovere di uno Scout è di essere utile e aiutare gli altri.
    A Scout's duty is to be useful and to help others.
  4. Lo Scout è amico di tutti e fratello di ogni altro Scout, a prescindere dalla classe sociale di appartenenza.
    A Scout is a friend to all, and a brother to every other Scout, no matter to what social class the other belongs.
  5. Lo Scout è cortese.
    A Scout is courteous.
  6. Lo Scout è un amico per gli animali.
    A Scout is a friend to animals.
  7. Lo Scout ubbidisce agli ordini dei suoi genitori, del Capo Pattuglia o del suo Capo senza replicare.
    A Scout obeys orders of his parents, patrol leader or Scoutmaster without question.
  8. Lo Scout sorride e fischietta in tutte le difficoltà.
    A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.
  9. Lo Scout è economo.
    A Scout is thrifty.
  10. Lo Scout è pulito nel pensiero, nella parola e nell'azione.
    A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.


Scout Association of Japan

  1. スカウトは誠実である。
    A Scout is faithful.
  2. スカウトは友情にあつい。
    A Scout is friendly.
  3. スカウトは礼儀正しい。
    A Scout is courteous.
  4. スカウトは親切である。
    A Scout is kind.
  5. スカウトは快活である。
    A Scout is cheerful.
  6. スカウトは質素である。
    A Scout is thrifty.
  7. スカウトは勇敢である。
    A Scout is courageous.
  8. スカウトは感謝の心をもつ。
    A Scout is thankful.

Girl Scouts of Japan

  1. 私はいつも明るく、勇気をもちます。
    I am cheerful and courageous at all times.
  2. 私はいのちあるものを大切にします。
    I respect all living things.
  3. 私はすべての人の友達となり、他のガールスカウトとは姉妹です。
    I am a friend to all, and a sister to every Girl Scout.
  4. 私は礼儀を正しくします。
    I am courteous.
  5. 私は時間と資源を大切に使います。
    I use time and resources wisely.
  6. 私は自分で考え行動します。
    I think and act on my own.
  7. 私は言葉と行いに責任をもちます。
    I am responsible for what I say and do.
  8. 私は誠実であるように努めます。
    I try to be sincere.


  1. Skauts ir patiess
    A Scout is trustworthy
  2. Skauts ir uzticīgs Tēvijai
    A Scout is loyal to the fatherland
  3. Skauts ir pašaizliedzīgs un palīdzīgs
    A Scout is selfless and helpful
  4. Skauts ir draudzīgs un iecietīgs
    A Scout is friendly and tolerant
  5. Skauts ir pieklājīgs
    A Scout is courteous
  6. Skauts ir dabas draugs
    A Scout is Nature's friend
  7. Skauts ir paklausīgs
    A Scout is obedient
  8. Skauts ir možs grūtībās
    A Scout is cheerful in hardships
  9. Skauts ir darbīgs un taupīgs
    A Scout is hard-working and thrifty
  10. Skauts ir tīrs domās, vārdos un darbos.
    A Scout is clean in thoughts, words, and deeds


Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia

English Version

  1. A Scout's honour is to be trusted.
  2. A Scout is loyal to the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, the rulers and to his Scouters, his parents, his employers and to those under him.
  3. A Scout's duty is to be useful and help others.
  4. A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout no matter what country, class or creed the other may belong
  5. A Scout is courteous.
  6. A Scout is a friend to animals.
  7. A Scout obeys orders of his parents, Patrol Leader or Scout Masters without question.
  8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.
  9. A Scout is thrifty.
  10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and action.

(Malay version translated to English):

  1. A Scout is to be trusted and has self dignity.
  2. A Scout is loyal towards the King and other Rajas, towards the Scout Masters, parents, employers and those below him.
  3. A Scout is to make himself useful and helpful at all times.
  4. A Scout is a friend to Scouts around the world and the people around him/her.
  5. A Scout is good and kind and will always do good.
  6. A Scout is good and kind to animals.
  7. A Scout always follow his parents' and Scout Masters' orders without question.
  8. A Scout is always patient and smiles during difficulties.
  9. A Scout is thrifty.
  10. A Scout is pure of thought, word and action.

Persatuan Pandu Puteri Malaysia

(translated from Malay):

  1. A Guide's honour is to be trusted.
  2. A Guide is loyal.
  3. A Guides's duty is to be useful and help others.
  4. A Guide is friend to all and a sister to every other guide.
  5. A Guide is courteous.
  6. A Guide is a friend to animals and care for all living things.
  7. A Guide obey orders.
  8. A Guide smiles and sings under all difficulties.
  9. A Guide is thrifty.
  10. A Guide is pure in thought, word and in deed.


The Scout Association of Malta[3]

  1. A Scout is to be trusted.
  2. A Scout is loyal.
  3. A Scout is friendly and considerate.
  4. A Scout is a brother to all Scouts.
  5. A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
  6. A Scout makes good use of his time and is careful of possessions and property.
  7. A Scout has respect for himself and for others.
  8. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.

New Zealand

Scouts New Zealand[4]

  1. "Have Respect" - For yourself and others – For the environment
  2. "Do What Is Right" - Be Trustworthy and Tolerant – Have integrity
  3. "Be Positive" - Accept challenges with courage – Be a friend to all

The New Zealand Scout Law changed in 2015 with approval from WOSM. [5]



In Dutch:

Een scout trekt er samen met anderen op uit
om de wereld om zich heen te ontdekken
en deze meer leefbaar te maken.
Hij / zij is eerlijk, trouw en houdt vol.
Hij / zij is spaarzaam en sober en zorgt goed voor de natuur.
Hij / zij respecteert zichzelf en anderen.

Translated version:

A Scout ventures out into the world
together with others to explore the world around him / her
and to make it a better place to live in.
He / she is honest, loyal and will persevere.
He / She is thrifty and plain and cares for nature.
He / She respects him / herself and others.

Traditional groups

  1. A Scout is honest.
  2. A Scout is loyal.
  3. A Scout is helpful.
  4. A Scout is brother for other Scouts.
  5. A Scout is kind and sportive.
  6. A Scout has care for nature.
  7. A Scout knows how to obey.
  8. A Scout continues.
  9. A Scout is thrifty.
  10. A Scout has respect for himself and all others.


Norwegian Guide and Scout Association

  1. A Scout seeks his faith and respect others beliefs;
  2. A Scout accepts responsibility for him/herself and others;
  3. A Scout is helpful and considerate;
  4. A Scout is a good friend;
  5. A Scout is honest and trustworthy;
  6. A Scout knows the nature and protects it;
  7. A Scout thinks and acts independently, and tries to understand other people;
  8. A Scout does his/her best in difficulties and troubles;
  9. A Scout is thrifty;
  10. A Scout works for peace and understanding between people.

YWCA-YMCA Guides and Scouts of Norway

  1. A Scout is open to God;
  2. A Scout is a good friend;
  3. A Scout know and care for the nature;
  4. A Scout is trustworthy;
  5. A Scout is thrifty;
  6. A Scout works for peace;
  7. A Scout takes responsibility and shows the way;[6]


Boy Scouts of the Philippines

The BSP's initial Scout Law was exactly identical to that of the USA's and was adopted in 1923. This version remained unchanged until 1976 when the BSP was restructured as the KSP under the Marcos administration. After the removal of Pres. Marcos in 1986, the BSP's Scout Law was restored in its original form:

A Scout is Ang Scout ay
Clean, andMalinis, at

Kapatirang Scout ng Pilipinas

This was the Scout Law of Service Scouts and Community Scouts in the KSP, 1976–1986.

A Scout is
 and a Brother to all Scouts.

Girl Scouts of the Philippines

  1. A Girl Scout's honor is to be trusted.
  2. A Girl Scout is loyal.
  3. A Girl Scout is helpful.
  4. A Girl Scout is a friend to all and a sister to every other Girl Scout.
  5. A Girl Scout is courteous.
  6. A Girl Scout respects all living things.
  7. A Girl Scout is disciplined.
  8. A Girl Scout is self-reliant.
  9. A Girl Scout is thrifty.
  10. A Girl Scout is clean in thought, words and deeds.


Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego

Prawo Harcerskie

  1. Harcerz sumiennie spełnia swoje obowiązki wynikające z Przyrzeczenia Harcerskiego.
  2. Na słowie harcerza polegaj jak na Zawiszy.
  3. Harcerz jest pożyteczny i niesie pomoc bliźnim.
  4. Harcerz w każdym widzi bliźniego, a za brata uważa każdego innego harcerza.
  5. Harcerz postępuje po rycersku.
  6. Harcerz miłuje przyrodę i stara się ją poznać.
  7. Harcerz jest karny i posłuszny rodzicom oraz wszystkim swoim przełożonym.
  8. Harcerz jest zawsze pogodny.
  9. Harcerz jest oszczędny i ofiarny.
  10. Harcerz jest czysty w myśli, w mowie i uczynkach; nie pali tytoniu i nie pije napojów alkoholowych.

(English translation:)

  1. A Scout/Guide conscientiously fulfils the duties stemming from the Scout and Guide Promise.
  2. A Scout's/Guide's word is to be trusted like that of Zawisza the Knight.
  3. A Scout/Guide is useful and helps others.
  4. A Scout/Guide is a friend to everybody and a brother/sister to every other Scout/Guide.
  5. A Scout/Guide acts chivalrously.
  6. A Scout/Guide loves Nature and tries to get to know it.
  7. A Scout/Guide is well disciplined and obedient to his/her parents and superiors.
  8. A Scout/Guide is always cheerful.
  9. A Scout/Guide is thrifty and generous.
  10. A Scout/Guide is pure in thought, in word and in deed; he/she does not smoke or drink alcohol.

Związek Harcerstwa Rzeczypospolitej

Prawo Harcerskie

  1. Harcerz służy Bogu i Polsce i sumiennie spełnia swoje obowiązki.
  2. Na słowie harcerza polegaj jak na Zawiszy.
  3. Harcerz jest pożyteczny i niesie pomoc bliźnim.
  4. Harcerz w każdym widzi bliźniego, a za brata uważa każdego innego harcerza.
  5. Harcerz postępuje po rycersku.
  6. Harcerz miłuje przyrodę i stara się ją poznać.
  7. Harcerz jest karny i posłuszny rodzicom i wszystkim swoim przełożonym.
  8. Harcerz jest zawsze pogodny.
  9. Harcerz jest oszczędny i ofiarny.
  10. Harcerz jest czysty w myśli, mowie i uczynkach, nie pali tytoniu i nie pije napojów alkoholowych.

(English translation:)

  1. A Guide / Scout serves God and Poland, and conscientiously does his/her duties.
  2. One can trust the words of a Girl Guide / Boy Scout like those of Zawisza.
  3. A Guide / Scout is useful and helps other people.
  4. A Guide / Scout recognizes anyone as fellow-man and treats each Guide/Scout as a brother/sister.
  5. A Guide / Scout behaves in a chivalrous way.
  6. A Guide / Scout loves nature and tries to get to know.
  7. A Guide / Scout is disciplined to the parents and all her/his superiors.
  8. A Guide / Scout is always good-humoured.
  9. A Guide / Scout is able to save and is generous.
  10. A Guide / Scout is clear in her/his thoughts, in her/his words and in her/his deeds; she/he does not smoke or drink alcohol.


Associação dos Escoteiros de Portugal

  1. O Escoteiro é verdadeiro e a sua palavra é sagrada.
    A Scout speaks the truth and his word is sacred.
  2. O Escoteiro é leal.
    A Scout is loyal.
  3. O Escoteiro é prestável.
    A Scout is helpful.
  4. O Escoteiro é amigo de todos e irmão dos demais Escoteiros.
    A Scout is a friend to everybody and a brother to all Scouts.
  5. O Escoteiro é cortês.
    A Scout is courteous.
  6. O Escoteiro é respeitador e protector da Natureza.
    A Scout is respectful and protector of Nature.
  7. O Escoteiro é responsável e disciplinado.
    A Scout is responsible and disciplined.
  8. O Escoteiro é alegre e sorri perante as dificuldades.
    A Scout is joyful and smiles in the face of difficulties.
  9. O Escoteiro é económico, sóbrio e respeitador dos bens de outrem.
    A Scout is thrifty, sober and respects other people's belongings.
  10. O Escoteiro é íntegro nos pensamentos, palavras e acções.
    A Scout is pure in thought, word and deeds.

Corpo Nacional de Escutas

  1. A honra do Escuta inspira confiança.
    A Scout's honour is to be trusted.
  2. O Escuta é leal.
    A Scout is loyal.
  3. O Escuta é útil e pratica diariamente uma boa acção.
    A Scout is useful and practises a good deed daily.
  4. O Escuta é amigo de todos e irmão de todos os outros Escutas.
    A Scout is a friend to everybody and a brother to other Scouts.
  5. O Escuta é delicado e respeitador.
    A Scout is sensitive and respectful.
  6. O Escuta protege as plantas e os animais.
    A Scout protects the plants and animals.
  7. O Escuta é obediente.
    A Scout is obedient.
  8. O Escuta tem sempre boa disposição de espírito.
    A Scout is always of good humor.
  9. O Escuta é sóbrio, económico e respeitador do bem alheio.
    A Scout is sober, thrifty and respects the possessions of others.
  10. O Escuta é puro nos pensamentos, nas palavras e nas acções.
    A Scout is pure in thoughts, words and deeds.


The Singapore Scout Association

  1. A Scout is to be trusted
  2. A Scout is loyal
  3. A Scout makes friends, establishes and maintains harmonious relations
  4. A Scout is disciplined and considerate
  5. A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
  1. A Guide is polite, considerate and respects her elders
  2. A Guide is friendly and a sister to all Guides
  3. A Guide is kind to all living things
  4. A Guide is obedient
  5. A Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties
  6. A Guide takes care of her own possessions and those of other people
  7. A Guide is thrifty and diligent
  8. A Guide is self-disciplined in what she thinks, says and does


Slovenian Catholic Girl Guides and Boy Scouts Association

  1. A Scout's honor is to be trusted.
  2. A Scout is loyal to God and homeland.
  3. A Scout helps others and does at least one good turn every day.
  4. A Scout is a friend to all and sister/brother to every other Scout.
  5. A Scout is courteous.
  6. A Scout respects nature and seeing in it the work of God.
  7. A Scout obeys her/his parents and superiors and conscientiously performs her/his duties.
  8. A Scout whistles and sings in difficulties.
  9. A Scout is hard-working and thrifty.
  10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.

Scout Association of Slovenia

  1. A Scout is trustworthy
  2. A Scout is loyal
  3. A Scout is friendly
  4. A Scout is prepared to help
  5. A Scout is disciplinized
  6. A Scout is cheerful
  7. A Scout is courageous
  8. A Scout is noble
  9. A Scout is respectful
  10. A Scout is eager for knowledge
  11. A Scout is thrifty
  12. A Scout lives healthy

South Africa

  1. A Scout's honour is to be trusted
  2. A Scout is loyal
  3. A Scout's duty is to be useful and to help others.
  4. A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout
  5. A Scout is courteous
  6. A Scout is a friend to animals
  7. A Scout obeys orders
  8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties
  9. A Scout is thrifty
  10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Scout Association

  1. Scout is trustworthy
  2. Scout is loyal
  3. Scout is friendly and considerate
  4. Scout is brother to every other Scout
  5. Scout is courageous
  6. Scout is kind to animals
  7. Scout is cooperative
  8. Scout is cheerful
  9. Scout is thrifty
  10. Scout is clean in thought, word and deed


  1. En scout söker sin tro och respekterar andras
    A Scout seeks his own belief and respects others'
  2. En scout är ärlig och pålitlig.
    A Scout is honest and trustworthy.
  3. En scout är vänlig och hjälpsam.
    A Scout is friendly and helpful.
  4. En scout visar hänsyn och är en god kamrat.
    A Scout is considerate and a good companion.
  5. En scout möter svårigheter med gott humör.
    A Scout overcomes difficulties in a good mood.
  6. En scout lär känna och vårdar naturen.
    A Scout learns to know and protects the Nature.
  7. En scout känner ansvar för sig själv och andra.
    A Scout accepts responsibility for herself/himself and others.


Guides and Scouts, we wish:

  1. To be honest and sincere
  2. To listen to and respect others
  3. To rejoice in all that is beautiful and give joy to others
  4. To be thoughtful and helpful
  5. To share
  6. To choose to the best of our abilities and to commit ourselves
  7. To protect nature and respect life
  8. To face difficulties with confidence[9]


Scouts of China

Beaver Scouts[10]
Traditional Chinese



Love cleaning and be polite.

Cub Scouts[10]
Traditional Chinese



Obey the seniors,
help other people,
never tell the lies,
and don't be afraid of difficult.

Scouts above[11]
Traditional Chinese
  1. 誠實:為人之道,首在誠實;無論做事、說話、居心,均須真實不欺。
  2. 忠孝:對國家須盡忠,對父母應盡孝。
  3. 助人:盡己之力,扶助他人,每日至少行一善事,不受酬,不居功。
  4. 仁愛:待朋友須親愛,待眾人須和善;對生命要尊重,對社會要關心,對大自然要維護。
  5. 禮節:對人須有禮貌;凡應對進退,圴應合乎規矩。
  6. 公平:明事理、辨是非,待人公正,處事和平。
  7. 負責:信守承諾,克盡職責,遵守團體紀律,服從國家法令。
  8. 快樂:心常愉快,時露笑容;無論遇何困難,圴應處之泰然。
  9. 勤儉:好學力行,刻苦耐勞,不浪費時間,不妄用金錢。
  10. 勇敢:義所當為,毅然為之;不為利誘,不為威屈,成敗在所不計。
  11. 整潔:身體、服裝、住所、用具須整齊清潔;言語須謹慎,心地須光明。
  12. 公德:愛惜公物,重視環保,勿因個人便利,妨害公眾。
  1. Honest
  2. Loyal and Respectful
  3. Helpful
  4. Love and Kind
  5. Courteous
  6. Just
  7. Responsible
  8. Cheerful
  9. Prudent
  10. Courageous
  11. Clean
  12. Socially Responsible
  1. ^ "Law". Scouts of China. 2009-04-30. 


The Plast Scout Law is as follows:[12]

  1. A Scout keeps his (her) word.
  2. A Scout is thorough.
  3. A Scout is punctual.
  4. A Scout is thrifty.
  5. A Scout is just.
  6. A Scout is courteous.
  7. A Scout is brotherly and friendly.
  8. A Scout is levelheaded.
  9. A Scout is useful.
  10. A Scout obeys Plast leadership.
  11. A Scout is diligent.
  12. A Scout cares for his (her) health.
  13. A Scout loves beauty and cares for it.
  14. A Scout is always optimistic.

United Kingdom

Baden-Powell Scouts' Association

  1. A Scouts' honour is to be trusted.
  2. A Scout is loyal to The Queen, His Country, His Scouters, His Parents, His Employers and to those under Him.
  3. A Scouts' duty is to be useful and help others.
  4. A Scout is a friend to all, and a brother to every other Scout, no matter to what Country, Class or Creed the other may belong.
  5. A Scout is courteous.
  6. A Scout is a friend to animals.
  7. A Scout obeys orders of his parents, Patrol Leader, or Scout Master without question.
  8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.
  9. A Scout is thrifty.
  10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.

British Boy Scouts and British Girl Scouts Association

  1. A Scout is honourable, truthful and reliable.
  2. A Scout is loyal to the Queen, his/her Country, his/her Parents, his/her Officers and to comrades high and low.
  3. A Scout is helpful to others, whatever it may cost him/her.
  4. A Scout is a friend to all and a brother/sister to all Scouts.
  5. A Scout is courteous to all.
  6. A Scout is kind to animals.
  7. A Scout is obedient and follows orders from his/her Parents and Officers promptly.
  8. A Scout is cheerful and takes trouble with a trusting grace.
  9. A Scout is self-reliant and a good steward of his/her possessions.
  10. A Scout is upright in his/her conduct.

European Scout Federation (British Association)

  1. A Scout's honour is to be trusted.
  2. A Scout is loyal to the Queen, his Country, his Scouters, his parents, his employers and to those under him.
  3. A Scout's duty is to be useful and help others.
  4. A Scout is a friend to all, and a brother to every other Scout, no matter to what country, class or creed the other belongs.
  5. A Scout is courteous.
  6. A Scout is a friend to animals and all created things.
  7. A Scout obeys orders of his parents, Patrol Leader, or Scoutmaster without question.
  8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.
  9. A Scout is thrifty.
  10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.

Girlguiding UK

  1. A Guide is honest, reliable and can be trusted.
  2. A Guide is helpful and uses her time and abilities wisely.
  3. A Guide faces challenge and learns from her experiences.
  4. A Guide is a good friend and a sister to all Guides.
  5. A Guide is polite and considerate.
  6. A Guide respects all living things and takes care of the world around her.

The Scout Association

  1. A Scout is to be trusted.
  2. A Scout is loyal.
  3. A Scout is friendly and considerate.
  4. A Scout belongs to the worldwide family of Scouts.
  5. A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
  6. A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property.
  7. A Scout has self-respect and respect for others.

United States

Boy Scouts of America (BSA)

The BSA's initial Scout Law was virtually identical to that of Britain's and was first adopted on July 9, 1910. This version steadily changed until August 1, 1911 when the BSA's Scout Law took its current form.[13]

A Scout is
clean, and

Girl Scouts of the USA

I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Baden-Powell Scouts' Association

  1. A Scout's honor is to be trusted.
  2. A Scout is loyal to country, Scouters, parents, employers, and to those under them.
  3. A Scout's duty is to be useful and to help others.
  4. A Scout is a friend to all, and a brother to every other Scout, no matter to what country, class, or creed, the other may belong.
  5. A Scout is courteous.
  6. A Scout is a friend to animals.
  7. A Scout obeys the orders of parents, Patrol Leader, or Scout Leader, without question.
  8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.
  9. A Scout is thrifty.
  10. A Scout is clean in thought, word, and deed.


  2. The Scout Badgebook, 3rd revision 1997. National Scout Team (Ireland). Scouting Ireland (CSI)
  3. "Publications" (PDF). Retrieved 13 August 2016.
  4. "SCOUTS New Zealand - Home". Retrieved 13 August 2016.
  5. "The Scout Law". Retrieved 13 August 2016.
  6. "To speiderlover vedtatt – kmspeider". Retrieved 2016-04-30.
  7. originally "Magiliw"
  8. originally "Mapitagan"
  9. "Swiss Guide and Scout Movement-The Promise and Law". Swiss Guide and Scout Movement. Archived from the original on 2007-06-08. Retrieved 2007-08-19.
  10. 1 2 "童軍運動是青少年活動的基石─稚齡童軍與幼童軍". Scouts of China. 2010-08-06.
  11. "中華民國童軍諾言規律銘言". Scouts of China. 2009-10-14.
  12. "Про Пласт − Український Пласт". (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2017-03-06.
  13. Scott, David C. (2007). "The Origins of the Scout Law". International Scouting Collectors Association Journal (ISCA Journal). 7 (3): 22–26.
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