List of Runge–Kutta methods

Runge–Kutta methods are methods for the numerical solution of the ordinary differential equation

which take the form

Each method listed on this page is defined by its Butcher tableau, which puts the coefficients of the method in a table as follows:

Explicit methods

The explicit methods are those where the matrix is lower triangular.

Forward Euler

The Euler method is first order. The lack of stability and accuracy limits its popularity mainly to use as a simple introductory example of a numeric solution method.

Explicit midpoint method

The (explicit) midpoint method is a second-order method with two stages (see also the implicit midpoint method below):

Heun's method

Heun's method is a second-order method with two stages (also known as explicit trapezoid rule):

Ralston's method

Ralston's method is a second-order method with two stages and a minimum local error bound:

Generic second-order method

Kutta's third-order method

Classic fourth-order method

The "original" Runge–Kutta method.

3/8-rule fourth-order method

This method doesn't have as much notoriety as the "classical" method, but is just as classical because it was proposed in the same paper (Kutta, 1901).

Embedded methods

The embedded methods are designed to produce an estimate of the local truncation error of a single Runge-Kutta step, and as result, allow to control the error with adaptive stepsize. This is done by having two methods in the tableau, one with order p and one with order p-1.

The lower-order step is given by

where the are the same as for the higher order method. Then the error is

which is . The Butcher Tableau for this kind of method is extended to give the values of


The simplest adaptive Runge–Kutta method involves combining Heun's method, which is order 2, with the Euler method, which is order 1. Its extended Butcher Tableau is:

The error estimate is used to control the stepsize.

Fehlberg RK1(2)

The Fehlberg method[1] has two methods of orders 1 and 2. Its extended Butcher Tableau is:

1/2 1/2

The first row of b coefficients gives the first-order accurate solution, and the second row has order two.


The Bogacki–Shampine method has two methods of orders 3 and 2. Its extended Butcher Tableau is:

1/2 1/2
3/4 0 3/4
1 2/9 1/3 4/9
2/9 1/3 4/9 0
7/24 1/4 1/3 1/8

The first row of b coefficients gives the third-order accurate solution, and the second row has order two.


The Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg method has two methods of orders 5 and 4. Its extended Butcher Tableau is:

1/4 1/4
3/8 3/32 9/32
12/13 1932/2197 −7200/2197 7296/2197
1 439/216 −8 3680/513 −845/4104
1/2 -8/27 2 −3544/2565 1859/4104 −11/40
16/135 0 6656/12825 28561/56430 −9/50 2/55
25/216 0 1408/2565 2197/4104 −1/5 0

The first row of b coefficients gives the fifth-order accurate solution, and the second row has order four.


Cash and Karp have modified Fehlberg's original idea. The extended tableau for the Cash–Karp method is

1/5 1/5
3/10 3/40 9/40
3/5 3/10 −9/10 6/5
1 −11/54 5/2 −70/27 35/27
7/8 1631/55296 175/512 575/13824 44275/110592 253/4096
37/378 0 250/621 125/594 0 512/1771
2825/27648 0 18575/48384 13525/55296 277/14336 1/4

The first row of b coefficients gives the fifth-order accurate solution, and the second row has order four.


The extended tableau for the Dormand–Prince method is

1/5 1/5
3/10 3/40 9/40
4/5 44/45 −56/15 32/9
8/9 19372/6561 −25360/2187 64448/6561 −212/729
1 9017/3168 −355/33 46732/5247 49/176 −5103/18656
1 35/384 0 500/1113 125/192 −2187/6784 11/84
35/384 0 500/1113 125/192 −2187/6784 11/84 0
5179/57600 0 7571/16695 393/640 −92097/339200 187/2100 1/40

The first row of b coefficients gives the fifth-order accurate solution and the second row gives the fourth-order accurate solution.

Implicit methods

Backward Euler

The backward Euler method is first order. Unconditionally stable and non-oscillatory for linear diffusion problems.

Implicit midpoint

The implicit midpoint method is of second order. It is the simplest method in the class of collocation methods known as the Gauss methods. It is a symplectic integrator.

Gauss–Legendre methods

These methods are based on the points of Gauss–Legendre quadrature. The Gauss–Legendre method of order four has Butcher tableau:

The Gauss–Legendre method of order six has Butcher tableau:

Lobatto methods

There are three main families of Lobatto methods, called IIIA, IIIB and IIIC (in classial mathematical literature, the symbols I and II are reserved for two types of Radau methods). These are named after Rehuel Lobatto. All are implicit methods, have order 2s  2 and they all have c1 = 0 and cs = 1. Unlike any explicit method, it's possible for these methods to have the order greater than the number of stages. Lobatto lived before the classic fourth-order method was popularized by Runge and Kutta.

Lobatto IIIA methods

The Lobatto IIIA methods are collocation methods. The second-order method is known as the trapezoidal rule:

The fourth-order method is given by

This methods are A-stable, but not L-stable and B-stable.

Lobatto IIIB methods

The Lobatto IIIB methods are not collocation methods, but they can be viewed as discontinuous collocation methods (Hairer, Lubich & Wanner 2006, §II.1.4). The second-order method is given by

The fourth-order method is given by

Lobatto IIIB methods are A-stable, but not L-stable and B-stable.

Lobatto IIIC methods

The Lobatto IIIC methods also are discontinuous collocation methods. The second-order method is given by

The fourth-order method is given by

They are L-stable. They are also algebraically stable and thus B-stable, that makes them suitable for stiff problems.

Lobatto IIIC* methods

The Lobatto IIIC* methods are also known as Lobatto III methods (Butcher, 2008), Butcher’s Lobatto methods (Hairer et al, 1993), and Lobatto IIIC methods (Sun, 2000) in the literature.[2] The second-order method is given by

The fourth-order method is given by

These methods are not A-stable, B-stable or L-stable. The Lobatto IIIC* method for is sometimes called the explicit trapezoidal rule.

Generalized Lobatto methods

One can consider a very general family of methods with three real parameters by considering Lobatto coefficients of the form




For example, Lobatto IIID family introduced in (Nørsett and Wanner, 1981), also called Lobatto IIINW, are given by


These methods correspond to , , , and . The methods are L-stable. They are algebraically stable and thus B-stable.

Radau methods

Radau methods are fully implicit methods (matrix A of such methods can have any structure). Radau methods attain order 2s  1 for s stages. Radau methods are A-stable, but expensive to implement. Also they can suffer from order reduction. The first order Radau method is similar to backward Euler method.

Radau IA methods

The third-order method is given by

The fifth-order method is given by

Radau IIA methods

The ci of this method are zeros of

where is the Legendre polynomial of degree s. The third-order method is given by

The fifth-order method is given by


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