List of Portuguese exonyms

Genders of country names in Portuguese: male (green), female (purple) and neutral (yellow)

Below is a list of Portuguese language exonyms for places in non-Portuguese-speaking areas of Europe. Some of them are used exclusively in European Portuguese (marked PT) while others appear just in Brazilian Portuguese (marked BR).

Some of these terms are becoming disused, being often replaced with others closer to the original spelling. Adoptions of foreign terms and names in general are more acceptable and easy to enter popular use in the Brazilian variety, with spelling pronunciations or not.

Albania - Albânia

Austria - Áustria

Belgium - Bélgica

Bulgaria - Bulgária

Cyprus - Chipre

Czech Republic - República Checa

Denmark - Dinamarca

Finland - Finlândia

France - França

Germany - Alemanha

Greece - Grécia

Hungary - Hungria

Ireland - Irlanda

Italy - Itália

Latvia - Letônia

Lithuania - Lituânia

Luxembourg - Luxemburgo

Netherlands - Países Baixos

Poland - Polônia

Romania - Romênia

Russia - Rússia

Serbia - Sérvia

Slovenia - Eslovênia

Spain - Espanha

Sweden - Suécia

Switzerland - Suíça

Ukraine - Ucrânia

United Kingdom - Reino Unido

See also

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