List of Love and Radio episodes

Love and Radio is podcast currently produced by Radiotopia and directed by Nick van der Kolk.

Episode list

No.TitleOriginal air date
1[1]"With a Bullet"October 18, 2005 (2005-10-18)
2[2]"Ghost Stories"October 30, 2005 (2005-10-30)
3[3]"Love in Bits"November 20, 2005 (2005-11-20)
4[4]"Flip Yr Sh!t"December 11, 2005 (2005-12-11)
5[5]"Show Me Yours"March 2, 2006 (2006-03-02)
6[6]"Elimination"April 21, 2006 (2006-04-21)
7[7]"Secrets"August 4, 2006 (2006-08-04)
8[8]"Tell Me the Future"August 24, 2006 (2006-08-24)
9[9]"Insane vs. Unsane"October 30, 2006 (2006-10-30)
10[10]"In the Company of Men"January 1, 2007 (2007-01-01)
11[11]"How I Found Out My Relationship Had No Future, Pt 1"May 7, 2007 (2007-05-07)
12[12]"How I Found Out My Relationship Had No Future, Pt 2"June 21, 2007 (2007-06-21)
13[13]"Bloody Fingers"July 12, 2007 (2007-07-12)
14[14]"Lady Sovereign vs. Jelly Donut"October 3, 2007 (2007-10-03)
15[15]"Violent"November 7, 2007 (2007-11-07)
16[16]"Strip, Pt 1"November 15, 2007 (2007-11-15)
17[17]"Animal Parts"November 29, 2007 (2007-11-29)
18[18]"Take It, It’s for You"February 14, 2008 (2008-02-14)
19[19]"Aftermath"March 27, 2008 (2008-03-27)
20[20]"We’ve Got Your Back, Ashley Dupré"April 16, 2008 (2008-04-16)
21[21]"Strip, Pt 2"June 5, 2008 (2008-06-05)
22[22]"Split Brain"October 14, 2008 (2008-10-14)
23[23]"Dirty Balloons"November 9, 2010 (2010-11-09)
24[24]"The List"December 21, 2010 (2010-12-21)
25[25]"The Wisdom of Jay Thunderbolt"April 11, 2011 (2011-04-11)
26[26]"The Man in the Road"May 26, 2011 (2011-05-26)
27[27]"Bedouin Love (Revisited)"November 4, 2011 (2011-11-04)
28[28]"Fix"May 23, 2012 (2012-05-23)
29[29]"Seventy Weeks"July 19, 2012 (2012-07-19)
30[30]"Greenberg’s War"December 21, 2012 (2012-12-21)
31[31]"Jack and Ellen"February 21, 2013 (2013-02-21)
32[32]"The Pandrogyne"December 10, 2013 (2013-12-10)
33[33]"The Superchat"January 21, 2014 (2014-01-21)
34[34]"The Silver Dollar"February 27, 2014 (2014-02-27)
35[35]"Another Planet"April 8, 2014 (2014-04-08)
36[36]"Hostile Planet"May 13, 2014 (2014-05-13)
37[37]"I, Sitting Beside Me"June 12, 2014 (2014-06-12)
38[38]"Sesquipedalian"July 29, 2014 (2014-07-29)
39[39]"Choir Boy"August 20, 2014 (2014-08-20)
40[40]"Of Birds and Boundaries"September 24, 2014 (2014-09-24)
41[41]"The Magical World of Eva Julia Christiie"November 24, 2014 (2014-11-24)
42[42]"An Old Lion, or a Lover’s Lute"December 19, 2014 (2014-12-19)
43[43]"The Living Room"March 6, 2015 (2015-03-06)
44[44]"Thank You, Princess"March 27, 2015 (2015-03-27)
45[45]"Eternity Through Skirts and Waistcoats"May 12, 2015 (2015-05-12)
46[46]"Paremoremo"May 23, 2015 (2015-05-23)
47[47]"The Adventures of Zoe Nightingale"June 24, 2015 (2015-06-24)
48[48]"Greetings from Coney Island"July 28, 2015 (2015-07-28)
49[49]"Bride of the Sea"August 26, 2015 (2015-08-26)
50[50]"A Red Dot"September 24, 2015 (2015-09-24)
51[51]"Discarnate Rebel Angel"October 22, 2015 (2015-10-22)
52[52]"Points Unknown"November 16, 2015 (2015-11-16)
53[53]"Deep Stealth Mode"February 25, 2016 (2016-02-25)
54[54]"The Man In The Road"April 20, 2016 (2016-04-20)
55[55]"Another Planet"May 27, 2016 (2016-05-27)
56[56]"The Neighborhood"June 23, 2016 (2016-06-23)
57[57]"On The Shore Dimly Seen"July 22, 2016 (2016-07-22)
58[58]"An Old Lion or a Lover’s Lute, Special Extended Cut"August 27, 2016 (2016-08-27)
59[59]"A Girl of Ivory"September 29, 2016 (2016-09-29)
60[60]"The Enemy Within"October 13, 2016 (2016-10-13)
61[61]"Upper Left"October 27, 2016 (2016-10-27)
62[62]"Wood Fighting with Steel"November 17, 2016 (2016-11-17)
63[63]"Doing The No No"December 2, 2016 (2016-12-02)
64[64]"Blink Once for Yes"December 26, 2016 (2016-12-26)
65[65]"No Bad News"January 13, 2017 (2017-01-13)


  1. "With a Bullet". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2005-10-18.
  2. "Ghost Stories". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2005-10-30.
  3. "Love in Bits". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2005-11-20.
  4. "Flip Yr Sh!t". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2005-12-11.
  5. "Show Me Yours". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2006-03-02.
  6. "Elimination". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2006-04-21.
  7. "Secrets". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2006-08-04.
  8. "Tell Me the Future". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2006-08-24.
  9. "Insane vs. Unsane". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2006-10-30.
  10. "In the Company of Men". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2007-01-01.
  11. "How I Found Out My Relationship Had No Future, Pt 1". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2007-05-07.
  12. "How I Found Out My Relationship Had No Future, Pt 2". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2007-06-21.
  13. "Bloody Fingers". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2007-07-12.
  14. "Lady Sovereign vs. Jelly Donut". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2007-10-03.
  15. "Violent". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2007-11-07.
  16. "Strip, Pt 1". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2007-11-15.
  17. "Animal Parts". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2007-11-29.
  18. "Take It, It’s for You". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2008-02-14.
  19. "Aftermath". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2008-03-27.
  20. "We’ve Got Your Back, Ashley Dupré". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2008-04-16.
  21. "Strip, Pt 2". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2008-06-05.
  22. "Split Brain". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2008-10-14.
  23. "Dirty Balloons". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2010-11-09.
  24. "The List". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2010-12-21.
  25. "The Wisdom of Jay Thunderbolt". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2011-04-11.
  26. "The Man in the Road". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2011-05-26.
  27. "Bedouin Love (Revisited)". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2011-11-04.
  28. "Fix". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2012-05-23.
  29. "Seventy Weeks". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2012-07-19.
  30. "Greenberg’s War". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2012-12-21.
  31. "Jack and Ellen". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2013-02-21.
  32. "The Pandrogyne". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2013-12-10.
  33. "The Superchat". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2014-01-21.
  34. "The Silver Dollar". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2014-02-27.
  35. "Another Planet". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2014-04-08.
  36. "Hostile Planet". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2014-05-13.
  37. "I, Sitting Beside Me". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2014-06-12.
  38. "Sesquipedalian". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2014-07-29.
  39. "Choir Boy". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2014-08-20.
  40. "Of Birds and Boundaries". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2014-09-24.
  41. "The Magical World of Eva Julia Christiie". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2014-11-24.
  42. "An Old Lion, or a Lover’s Lute". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2014-12-19.
  43. "The Living Room". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2015-03-06.
  44. "Thank You, Princess". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2015-03-27.
  45. "Eternity Through Skirts and Waistcoats". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2015-05-12.
  46. "Paremoremo". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2015-05-23.
  47. "The Adventures of Zoe Nightingale". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2015-06-24.
  48. "Greetings from Coney Island". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2015-07-28.
  49. "Bride of the Sea". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2015-08-26.
  50. "A Red Dot". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2015-09-24.
  51. "Discarnate Rebel Angel". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2015-10-22.
  52. "Points Unknown". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2015-11-16.
  53. "Deep Stealth Mode". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2016-02-25.
  54. "The Man In The Road". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2016-04-20.
  55. "Another Planet". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2016-05-27.
  56. "The Neighborhood". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2016-06-23.
  57. "On The Shore Dimly Seen". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2016-07-22.
  58. "An Old Lion or a Lover’s Lute, Special Extended Cut". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2016-08-27.
  59. "A Girl of Ivory". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2016-09-29.
  60. "The Enemy Within". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2016-10-13.
  61. "Upper Left". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2016-10-27.
  62. "Wood Fighting with Steel". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2016-11-17.
  63. "Doing The No No". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2016-12-02.
  64. "Blink Once for Yes". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2016-12-26.
  65. "No Bad News". Love+Radio. Retrieved 2017-01-13.
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