List of ''Knights of Sidonia'' episodes

Artwork for the first Knights of Sidonia volume that was released in Japan in both DVD and Blu-ray format.

This is a list of episodes for the anime series Knights of Sidonia based on a manga by Tsutomu Nihei, and produced by Polygon Pictures. Directed by Kobun Shizuno, assisted by Hiroyuki Seshita, with scripts by Sadayuki Murai and character design by Yuki Moriyama.[1] The first season is also localized and streamed by Netflix at all its territories since July 4, 2014.[2] It is noteworthy as the first Anime title on Netflix to be available in Dolbly Vision/HDR (High Dynamic Range)[3]. The opening song for the first season is "Sidonia" by angela and the ending song is "Show" () by Eri Kitamura. A second season started airing on April 10, 2015, with Kishi Kōshinkyoku (騎士行進曲, Knight March) by angela as the opening song and "Requiem" by CustomiZ as the ending song. The second season was released on Netflix on July 3, 2015.[4]

Episode list

Knights of Sidonia

No. Title Written by Original air date
01 "Commencement"
"Uijin" (初陣) 
Sadayuki MuraiApril 10, 2014
Deep within the massive spaceship Sidonia, having exhausted his last supplies of food, Nagate Tanikaze ventures outside his underground shelter to look for food when he is spotted and captured by local security while trying to steal rice. Believing that his life is in danger, Nagate manages to escape the hospital where he is being treated, but is apprehended by some military cadets. One of the cadets, Shizuka Hoshijiro, accompanies Nagate while he is being questioned by the police, when a man called Ochiai appears and takes him to Captain Kobayashi, the highest authority of Sidonia. Kobayashi then proposes that she becomes Nagate's Gardes, on the condition that Tanikaze enters Sidonia's Gardes pilot training program, to which he agrees. He is then registered as an official cadet and introduced to the others. Through the pilot training program, Nagate learns that the Gardes pilots' main mission is to defend Sidonia against a hostile alien species called Gauna, which destroyed Earth in the distant past but have not been seen in a century. Shortly after becoming a cadet Nagate befriends Izana Shinatose, a genderless person whose body can adapt to the gender of the chosen partner. After failing to impress his peers at a pilot simulator for the Type 18 Gardes, the controls of which are different from those he trained on in his former home, Nagate is called to his first sortie. Instead of piloting one of the recent Type 18 models, Nagate is entrusted with Tsugumori, a legendary Type 17 unit that belonged to a famous war hero, enraging Norio Kunato, an arrogant top cadet who had long desired to become its pilot and is being dispatched with him as well. Realizing that Tsugumori's controls are similar to those he is used to, Nagate's confidence is renewed. While the squad is performing a mining operation at a nearby asteroid, a Gauna suddenly erupts from beneath the surface and attacks. This is the first Gauna to appear in a hundred years and is identified as Gauna 487. The episode ends with Nagate being severely injured and Tsugumori suffering heavy damage. 
02 "Oblivion"
"Hoshizora" (星空) 
Sadayuki MuraiApril 17, 2014
Nagate's fellow pilot Eiko Yamano is killed and absorbed by the Gauna. Nagate regains consciousness and launches a solo assault on the Gauna--which disturbingly takes on the appearance of Yamano--despite being ordered not to, as the Heavy Mass Driver Cannon is fired from Sidonia to drive it off. Nagate engages the Gauna furiously, but, lacking the kabizashi spear necessary to destroy it, retreats. The Mass Driver round hits the Gauna, blasting it away from Sidonia while the surviving cadets make their return. A funeral is held for Eiko and the high command officially declares that Sidonia is once again at war with the Gauna. Three days later, Nagate is still disturbed by the mining incident, experiencing vivid nightmares of Yamano and the Gauna, and barely manages to sleep or eat properly. His injuries, however, have healed at an astonishing rate, but he is forced to remain wearing the casts despite his near-full recovery in just three days. Meanwhile, the four highest ranking veteran pilots, led by Mochikuni Akai, pay a visit to the academy. Word gets out to the cadets, and Kunato and his friends assume the veterans are there to see him, but are shocked when Akai and his squad walk past, completely ignoring them. Instead, Akai approaches a confused Nagate, infuriating Kunato. 
03 "Glory"
"Eikō" (栄光) 
Sadayuki MuraiApril 24, 2014
The veteran pilots and Yuhata Midorikawa, another cadet, inquire with Nagate about his fight with the Gauna, but decide to let the matter wait another day after realizing that he is still recovering. Later that night, Nagate learns that a festival known as the Gravity Festival is being held and leaves to check it out. There is also a fighting competition between Gardes pilots being held, and despite Kunato's best efforts, he is defeated by Akai, who remains the reigning champion. Yuhata, meanwhile, hacks into the records of Nagate's battle against the Gauna and concludes that Akai made use of the information to improve his combat strategy. Back at the festival, Nagate runs into Shizuka, and the two spend some time together. Izana, while looking for Nagate, becomes flustered upon seeing them together, injuring herself when an angered Kunato bumps into her and slaps her for getting in his way. Nagate confronts Kunato for his treatment of Izana, and is injured again while fighting him. Meanwhile, Captain Kobayashi learns that Gauna 487 has reappeared and is en route to Sidonia, and immediately assigns Akai's squad the task of destroying it. While recovering, Nagate and Izana are invited by Akai and his friends for a ride inside Sidonia's massive water reservoir (commonly referred to as "the sea") before they sortie to fight the Gauna, a privilege normally afforded only to high-ranking pilots. The next day, the cadets watch Akai and his fellow squad members Momose Hinata, Aoki Kashiwade, and Izumo Midorikawa depart to confront the enemy, but the operation shockingly ends in failure as all four pilots are killed one by one. 
04 "Choice"
"Sentaku" (選択) 
Tetsuya YamadaMay 2, 2014
After killing the members of the Akai squad, the Gauna proceeds on a collision course with Sidonia, and Captain Kobayashi orders an emergency evasive maneuver by accelerating diagonally. This causes massive casualties in the ship's residential area, despite the citizens' efforts to brace themselves. As the Gauna makes a turn back to target the ship again, Kobayashi orders dozens of Gardes to defend it, and sends Kunato, Shizuka, En Honoka, and Nagate to salvage one of the weapons used by the KIA squad to fight the Gauna: the Kabizashi. However, just as Nagate's team retrieves the artifact, Gauna 487 turns it's attention to them and fires a Heigus particle cannon with a Heigus accelerator that incapacitates all their units, except for Nagate's Tsugumori. Shizuka's unit goes out of control forcing her to bail out and instead of following his orders to tow the other two Gardes back, Nagate grabs the Kabizashi and takes the Gauna head on, destroying it single-handedly. As the others celebrate his feat, Nagate disobeys orders once more and leaves in search for Shizuka, despite being warned that he will undoubtedly pass the point of no return to the Sidonia. 
05 "Adrift"
"Hyōryū" (漂流) 
Shigeru MurakoshiMay 9, 2014
Nagate finds Shizuka, but Tsugumori runs out of energy and the pair are left adrift in space. Meanwhile, Kobayashi is urged by Nagate's dorm manager, Lala Hiyama, to organize a search party for him, but the captain refuses. In history class it is taught that the Gauna first fell to Earth in 2109 and split the planet in two. On August 2nd, 2384 Sidonia embarks on its journey and the last communication with another "seed ship" occurred on February 26th, 2691 with the Aposims. It is shown that the discovery of the catalyst in the Kabizashi, the Kabi, was made 600 years ago by the first strike force, which included Kobayashi, Lala Hiyama, Hiroki Saito, and Ochiai. Nagate details his life underground and details how he beat his grandfather's high score at the age of six in the Type 17 training console. Nagate and Shizuka then spends over three weeks inside the Tsugumori waiting for the ship to sufficiently re-energize, but their supplies run out faster than expected, leaving them in a dire situation until 256 gardes pilots, disobeying the captain's orders, appear to rescue them. 
06 "Salutations"
"Keirei" (敬礼) 
Sadayuki MuraiMay 16, 2014
Nagate and Shizuka return to Sidonia where they are heralded as heroes. For their services in the battle with Gauna 487, Nagate, Shizuka, Kunato and En Honoka are promoted to official Gardes pilots. During the festivities, Kunato apologizes to Nagate for his previous behavior towards him and Nagate meets Captain Kobayashi, with questions for her about why his grandfather raised him underground and why his wounds heal an accelerated rate, but the Captain only asks for him to continue with his good work. After the party, Nagate is approached by Yuhata, who asks him to accompany her in an underwater ride, with Shizuka and Izana joining them. However, Yuhata attempts to get Nagate alone with her in a bathysphere, and when Izana interferes, the scramble results in Nagate riding alone with Shizuka instead. The two spend some quality time together until they are called for another sortie, as a large Gauna pod is seen approaching Sidonia. Nagate departs to confront the Gauna 488 with Shizuka and wakes up some time later in the hospital, where he learns, to his horror, that Shizuka was killed in the battle. 
07 "Resolve"
"Kakugo" (覚悟) 
Shigeru MurakoshiMay 23, 2014
After discovering Shizuka was one of the casualties during the battle, Nagate begins to recover his memories of the action: Nine squads of Gardes (36 pilots) are deployed to destroy Gauna 488 with Kunato's squad tasked to destroy the tail of the massive Gauna using explosives. Kunato, Shizuka, En and Nagate plant their explosives around the tail of the Gauna and prepare to detonate on Kunato's orders. Kunato however, activates a private channel with Nagate and deliberately orders him to detonate the explosives early. This causes the Gauna to become aware of their plans, and the other explosives are shaken loose by the premature detonation. All Gardes are then ordered to temporarily fall back and regroup but Nagate, stunned and confused by the turn of events, is struck by the thrashing tail. As Nagate begins to lose consciousness, the Gauna almost kills him but Shizuka saves him at the expense of her own life. The remaining pilots do manage to destroy most of the Gauna but seven pilots are lost during the battle. En Honoka survives but is critically injured. In the present, Nagate has recovered from his injuries but is now greatly hated by the population as they believe his "failure" was the cause for the many deaths during the battle (due to the tail not being severed). Nagate takes some time away with Izana and he slowly regains his confidence in piloting the Tsugumori. Meanwhile, the captain orders the destruction of a planet, where the surviving Gauna from the previous battle have fled. With Yuhata instated as the new Executive Officer, the planet is destroyed successfully but Gauna 489, 490, & 491 appear from the planet's remains. The Captain orders Yuhata to assemble a squad (including Nagate) to intercept and destroy the Gauna. When more detailed images of the Gauna are shown, it is revealed, to everyone's shock, that the Gauna have taken the form of Gardes with the unit number 702, formerly the callsign of Shizuka. 
08 "Immortality"
"Fushi" (不死) 
Tetsuya YamadaMay 30, 2014
Nakazono squad, Samari squad (units 005, 007, 026, & 174), and Kunato squad (units 701, 704, 705, & 706) confront the three Gardes-like Gauna. The Kunato squad upon after firing their Heigus particle cannon exposes a human-like ena from the Gauna. After destroying Gauna 491, Nagate retrieves a human-like Gauna sample. Samari squad engages and destroys Gauna 489. Nakazono squad engaged Gauna 490, which communicates with them through radio with Shizuka's voice after killing each squad member of the Nakazono squad. Gauna 490 continues to communicate over the radio leading Kunato to panic. The remaining Kunato squad members engages Gauna 490 resulting in the death of Ho Honoka. Upon Nagate's return Gauna 490, later nicknamed "Benisuzume" or "Crimson Hawk Moth", retreats. After the battle, the pilots mourn the deaths of their five comrades, while Captain Kobayashi is confronted by Lala over her orders to have Nagate sortie on every mission, knowing that it may eventually lead to his death. Kobayashi then reveals that Nagate is immortal, and by not being a member of the Immortal Ship Crew that rules over Sidonia, he was seen by the other Immortals as a liability, but she claims that by having the skills of their late friend Saito, he will not die so easily. As Lala returns to the dorms, she reminisces about the events of the "Fourth Defensive War" 100 years ago when almost all citizens of Sidonia perished during a Gauna invasion. Only 392 citizens and 25 council members survived including herself, Kobayashi, Saito and Ochiai, who was held responsible for the tragedy, but was spared from execution because several important files from Sidonia's archives were copied by Ochiai to his brain while deleting the original files. The files were then relocated to an auxiliary database only accessible through his brain which was transferred to a clone of Ochiai. After the incident, Saito disappeared without a trace, only reappearing 80 years later as an old and aged man because he had renounced his immortality and refused to take life-prolonging medication. To preserve Saito's memory, Kobayashi ordered the creation of a clone of his, which was in fact Nagate, but Saito refused to have his mind transferred to the child, and kidnaps the infant Nagate with Lala's help, claiming that he will teach him his pilot skills nonetheless. Back to the present, the Gauna's placenta sample retrieved by Nagate is revealed to have the same appearance as Shizuka, and while in containment, it utters some words including Nagate's name. 
09 "Empathy"
"Manazashi" (眼差) 
Sadayuki MuraiJune 6, 2014
The episode begins in the past, shortly after the fourth defensive war. Doctor Yure manages to integrate photosynthesizing with the remaining humans and restores Sidonia's population to 500,000 in the course of 100 years (six generations). In the present Nagate and Izana go to observe the Gauna placenta that has taken the form of Shizuka. They both meet Numi Tahiro, a scientist at Extraterrestrial Research Division (ERD), who wants to use Nagate in a series of tests to see how Placenta Shizuka would react in his presence. Nagate tries to communicate with her by mentioning Shizuka's name but it reacts violently seemingly trying to attack Nagate. Meanwhile, Kunato has relieved himself from piloting as the events during the previous battle had caused psychological distress. He then witnesses Captain Kobayashi, Dr Yure and Ochiai's clone entering an unknown area. The Captain retrieves terraforming knowledge from a site known as the auxiliary brain using the Ochiai clone, as only Ochiai's mind can enter the database, the clone is then put to sleep by the Captain's orders but she is unaware that Kunato was watching the events through security cameras. Kunato learns more about Ochiai and is interested of the "great power" Ochiai attempted to obtain. As anti-war protests continue to increase Kobayashi intends to remove them from Sidonia by allowing them to colonize and terraform the 7th planet in the Lem star system, which would move forward if 50,000 people volunteered to become colonists. As time passes both Izana and Yuhata display affection towards Nagate, but Nagate spends more time with Placenta Shizuka as it becomes less and less hostile as Nagate consistently communicates with it. Nagate is also promoted to squad leader and leads his squad on several successful battles with the Gauna, including an H-1 class Guana 492. After many battles Nagate agrees to go on a vacation with Izana to take a break. Numi analyses what Placenta Shizuka is staring at, as whenever Nagate is not present ena Shizuka would constantly stare at one point in a wall within its confined space. It is then revealed that Placenta Shizuka is actually staring at where the kabizashis are stored, far off in another part of Sidonia, seemingly scared. In the distance Benisuzume stares intently at Sidonia and at the kabizashi storage site. 
10 "Decisions"
"Ketsui" (決意) 
Shigeru MurakoshiJune 13, 2014
Nagate, Izana and Yuhata take a trip together to a little-known inn, and Nagate is astonished when he recognizes Captain Kobayashi as the place's innkeeper. Yuhata reveals that she obtained information about Ochiai's forbidden research that led to his condemnation, and takes the others to investigate. The trio end up trapped inside the installation, and, while attempting to find a way out, take an elevator to a highly classified area, including a doorway to MSCF 5, a high-security isolation ward. There, they are surrounded and sedated by security. Nagate wakes up by himself and meets Yure, who reveals that the legends of Ochiai creating a Gauna/Human hybrid being are indeed true, and is shown the corpse of the hybrid, which scientists have been able to use to manufacture artificial kabi with which to destroy Gauna, thus reducing reliance on the limited number of Kabizahi. Yure continues to explain that both the Guana-Human hybrid and the Kabizashi emit a radiation which attracts the Gauna to the Sidonia. Captain Kobayashi appears and reveals that Nagate will be the test pilot for the new weapons system. Meanwhile, Kunato also reads about Ochiai's experiments and comes across a mysterious door, access to which is forbidden even to the members of his family. Nagate is sent back to the inn with Izana and Yuhata, who awaken with no memories of what happened; he feigns ignorance as well. Some time later, a colonization ship carrying pacifists, who claim that the Gauna only attack because of the Kabizashi and will not attack unarmed humans, departs to settle on a nearby planet. Nagate is brought to Toha Heavy Industries, where both the new weapon, a long-ranged projectile launcher, and a new Gardes propulsion system are being developed. It is revealed that the simulator they are developing to make tests on both prototypes is the same one he used to train with his grandfather. When the Sidonia discovers Gauna 541 moving to intercept the colonization ship, Nagate offers to use the prototypes to go after the Gauna and defend the ship, a supposedly impossible feat as the equipment does not have automatic stabilization and is completely untested. However, Nagate states that he has used it in his grandfather's old simulator, and Kobayashi approves his request to launch the sortie. Despite missing his first shot and losing control of his Garde from the massive recoil, Nagate successfully re-stabilizes and destroys the Gauna with a second shot, moments before it reaches the colonization ship. After the mission, Nagate is called to the ERD and cheers up when Placenta Shizuka uses a pen to write his name, before he is summoned by the Captain. En route to the briefing, Nagate meets Izana, who tells him that she has just been instated as a pilot, and, knowing the low survival rates, especially among new pilots, is distressed as she believes her time with Nagate is soon to end. Nagate attempts to reason with Izana, who, upset upon guessing that he was visiting Placenta Shizuka again, runs away, nearly falling to her death after slipping, although he saves her just in time. Meanwhile at the command center, a massive Gauna pod, 8,000 times the size of the Sidonia, is detected rapidly approaching the ship. 
11 "Collision"
"Shōtosu" (衝突) 
Tetsuya YamadaJune 20, 2014
The massive Gauna pod 542 remains on a collision course with the Sidonia. It is discovered that the Gauna placenta has manifested around an asteroid and is planning to ram and destroy Sidonia. Yuhata tries to maneuver Sidonia out of the way using thrust level 2, but all efforts to avoid a collision end in failure as the Gauna also corrects its course accordingly to maintain a collision path. The Captain orders that the Gardes be outfitted with the new experimental placenta piercing weaponry. 48 Gardes are deployed, and an anti-planetary missile is launched at the Gauna. Yuhata explains the plan to the pilots, stating that the 48 Gardes will separate into 2 platoons. Platoon 2 is to destroy the Gauna's tail, its means of propulsion, and platoon 1 is to destroy as much placenta as possible, allowing the anti-planetary missile to reach the asteroid at the heart of the Gauna. Nagate and Izana are both deployed with platoon 1, arriving 2 hours ahead of the anti-planetary missile. The plan initially goes smoothly with both platoons making short work of the Gauna's placenta. Suddenly the placenta beneath platoon 1 morphs into Heigus cannons, and begins barraging platoon 1 with Heigus cannon fire. Platoon 2 nearly destroys 90% of the propulsion system, but Benisuzume (Crimson Hawk Moth) appears and rapidly destroys all 24 Gardes in platoon 2. With platoon 2 annihilated, only 14 Gardes remaining in platoon 1, and one hour remaining, Yuhata quickly formulates a new plan: to activate Sidonia's super Heigus particle cannon and fire it at the head of the Gauna pod. This would then allow the remaining pilots of platoon 1 to fly into the Gauna structure to locate and destroy the 'Master Gauna', which supposedly controls the massive pod. However, firing Sidonia's cannon will require rerouting its entire power supply and will temporarily consume all its Heigus particles, leaving Sidonia without propulsion to maneuver away from a collision course if the plan fails. With no other option, the Captain approves the plan and the Sidonia fires the Heigus cannon at the Gauna pod. 
12 "Home"
"Kikan" (帰艦) 
Sadayuki MuraiJune 27, 2014
Following the impact of the Heigus beam, the remaining pilots regroup and attempt to break into the enemy placenta. With her Gardes damaged, Ren Honoka entrusts Nagate with her last core-piercing projectile, asking him to defeat Benisuzume (Crimson Hawk Moth) and avenge Hou's death in her place. Ren then withdraws from the battle, along with damaged unit 314. Nagate then stays behind to confront Benisuzume, while Samari and the seven remaining pilots fly inside the Gauna pod to destroy the 'Master Gauna'. Nagate engages Benisuzume in a vicious duel, and is knocked unconscious when his Garde is hit, but he is just barely saved by Izana, who is subsequently injured when her Garde is damaged by the pursuing Benisuzume. After regaining consciousness, Nagate exhausts his ammunition fighting Benisuzume, and in a last ditch effort, fires Tsugumori's entire left hand, holding the projectile given by Ren, into the Gauna, finally destroying it. Meanwhile, after pilot Kōichi Tsuruuchi exhausts the last of his Heigus supply breaking through the last barrier protecting the 'Master Gauna', the remaining members of Samari's platoon destroy the Gauna's main core. Carrying Tsuruuchi with them, Samari and Seii escape to safety with the others as the anti-planetary missile obliterates its target. Back on the Sidonia, Ren thanks Nagate for fulfilling his promise to avenge Hou, and explains that she and her sisters are only five years old, having undergone accelerated growth and compressed mental training. Nagate pays a visit to Kunato upon learning that the latter intends to quit being a pilot, and despite being unable to forgive him, expresses his desire to fight alongside him in Sidonia's defense, but Kunato leaves without answering. Afterwards, Nagate leaves to visit Placenta Shizuka again, unaware that she is not in the lab anymore. 

Knights of Sidonia: Battle for Planet Nine

No. Title Written by Original air date
01 "Conflict"
"Kattō" (葛藤) 
Sadayuki MuraiApril 10, 2015
Now recognized as Sidonia's ace pilot, Nagate is sent by HQ to the military academy, in order to make a demonstration of his skills on the newest Garde VR simulator for the students. Meanwhile, Kunato and Mozuku decide to explore Ochiai's abandoned lab and their bodies are invaded by parasites. Now under Ochiai's control, Kunato and Mozuku visit Numi's lab and puts her body under control of a parasite as well. When Nagate appears to visit Placental Shizuka, he learns that she was moved somewhere else. Depressed upon her disappearance, Nagate hears from Yuhata that Placental Shizuka is under custody for research and that he must not see her again. He then turns to Kunato for answers, but to no avail. Some time later, a massive Gauna approaches Sidonia and Nagate joins the sortie against it, piloting his new Gardes, the "Tsugumori Kai". However, Nagate and the other pilots fail to break through the enemy's upgraded placenta until a huge Gauna-like creature appears to assist them. With Kunato acting as its pilot, the creature introduces itself as Tsumugi Shiraui. 
02 "Ability"
"Nōryoku" (能力) 
Shigeru MurakoshiApril 17, 2015
With her weapon destroyed, Tsumugi attacks the enemy Gauna with her bare hands and Tsuruuchi attempts to take her down while she is distracted but Nagate interrupts him. Tsumugi is then restrained by the Gauna and Nagate steps in to save her. Upon obtaining authorization from Kunato, Tsumugi unleashes an attack that pierces the Gauna instantly, destroying it. Kobayashi then announces that Tsumugi is actually a Chimera, a Gauna-human hybrid developed inside Sidonia, and discontent with the captain for allowing it, the Immortal Ship Assembly decides that they must intervene. After the battle, thanks to Kunato's efforts, all of Ochiai's research is extracted from the auxiliary brain and Kobayashi decides that direct access to it must be limited to her alone. Some time later, Kunato holds a meeting to introduce Tsumugi to the public. Upon seeing Nagate, Tsumugi thanks him for helping her, but gets overly excited and accidentally shakes the entire room, frightening the audience and turning them against her, which forces Kunato to end the meeting. On a later occasion, Nagate and Izana pay a visit to Tsumugi and befriend her. Meanwhile, the Immortal Ship Assembly decides unanimously to impeach Kobayashi and have her replaced, but Ochiai appears before them and revealing that he had listened in on their conversation, kills all of them under Kobayashi's orders. 
03 "Course"
"Shinro" (針路) 
Tetsuya YamadaApril 24, 2015
With the rest of the Immortal Assembly dead, Kobayashi announces that Sidonia will set a course for the Lem Star System, pursuing the Gauna hive cluster which threatens the colonists of planet Lem VII. Meanwhile, Yure remembers what Kunato said about how he created Tsumugi - by impregnating Placental Shizuka with human DNA, unaware that it is seemingly pregnant again. Elsewhere, Yuhata discovers that Nagate is visiting Tsumugi and crosses paths with him and Izana just as they appear to see Tsumugi again, leading to Yuhata befriending her as well. Some time later, just as Tsumugi is about to sortie for a joint exercise, she glimpses a large Gauna approaching Sidonia, undetected because it has assimilating the colonists' ship, and departs to attack it by herself. However, the Gauna creates a massive structure to trap her and a platoon of 96 Gardes Pilots, including Nagate, depart to assist her. 
04 "Rage"
"Gekikō" (激昂) 
Tetsuya YamadaMay 1, 2015
The Gardes form a defensive line against a second wave of Gauna incoming from the main body, when Tsumugi manages to free herself and, disobeying Kunato's orders to retreat, keeps fighting in a frenzied state despite her wounds. Izana steps in to calm her down and her Gardes ends up too damaged to continue. While Tsumugi takes Izana to safety, Nagate and the others continue attacking the main body until it fuses all its remaining cores into a single structure that fires a powerful Hyggs beam, destroying several Gardes and threatening to deal a lethal blow to Sidonia itself. However, Tsumugi uses her own body as a shield to deflect the beam and protect the ship. Before the Gauna has a chance to fire again, Nagate ejects Tsugumori's own main propulsor to create an explosion that exposes the main core for the other pilots, allowing them to destroy it for good. Once recovering, Nagate calls for Izana and Tsumugi, and a wounded Izana responds, asking for help, with her Gardes cradling the deeply wounded body of Tsumugi. 
05 "Hope"
"Ganbō" (願望) 
Shigeru MurakoshiMay 8, 2015
Izana, who lost her right arm and left leg in the battle, has them replaced with prosthetic limbs, while Tsumugi is put in a special regeneration chamber. Nagate feels gloomy due to Tsumugi's condition, but some time later, he cheers up when he learns that she is fully recuperated. Nagate and Izana decide to help Tsumugi see more of Sidonia by exploring some abandoned tunnels. Meanwhile, Sidonia arrives at the Lem Star System to confront the Gauna and fires its retro-thrusters to slow down just as Nagate and Izana are inside the tunnels, nearly killing them. However, they find a way to allow Tsumugi to look at the Residential Area through her probe, much to her joy. Back to the dorm, Nagate finds that his room was allocated to another cadet and his possessions dumped outside. He then shocks Izana by asking if he can stay at her house overnight. 
06 "Engage"
"Kidō" (起動) 
Sadayuki MuraiMay 15, 2015
Nagate is spending the night at Izana's house when Tsumugi emerges from the floor, much to the pair's surprise. Elsewhere, preparations are being made for the testing of Kunato's new weapon, the Gravitational Beam Emitter, designed by incorporating Gauna placenta into the structure. Meanwhile, Nagate begins searching for a new house, and decides to find one close to Tsumugi's chambers, from which she could easily visit him by sneaking her probe through the pipe network. Once he finds a suitable home, he invites Izana to move in with him as well. The test for the Gravitational Beam Emitter is a success, with the weapon easily piercing through a dwarf planet. However, unseen by the testers, the weapon begins to sprout tentacles at its base, which spread in the direction of the power cables. 
07 "Rumbling"
"Meidō" (鳴動) 
Sadayuki MuraiMay 22, 2015
The Gravitational Beam Emitter goes out of control, and a team of Gardes is assigned to check on the situation. As Ochiai, Kobayashi and Kunato evacuate, Yure attempts to shut down the device when it suddenly implodes, annihilating all matter in the vicinity and nearly killing her. In spite of this, Kobayashi insists on continuing development of the weapon in preparation for the imminent war with the Gauna. Nagate and some other pilots are introduced to a new weapon which they will test, the Hayakaze Mobile Support Armor, which Samari expresses concerns about. She later invites Nagate out for dinner, where she confides in him her fears and self-doubt, and, after being cheered by his comforting words, expresses her desire to photosynthesize with him, only to find he has passed out. Izana has some trouble putting on her pilot suit and discovers that her body is changing. Later that night, Yuhata pays a visit to Nagate's house and reveals to him and Izana that she already knows about Tsumugi living with them, and asks them to keep Tsumugi's presence secret. Izana reveals her condition to Yuhata, who observes that her body is developing female features, presumably in response to her budding feelings for a man. Meanwhile, on Lem VII, the colonists are surveying the planet when they are attacked by a massive Gauna. 
08 "Reunion"
"Saikai" (再会) 
May 29, 2015
Arriving home after helping with repairs to the damage from the Gravitational Beam Emitter test, Nagate and Izana are surprised to find that Yuhata has moved into their house. Izana meets with her grandmother Yure, who takes her for a walk, with the two wearing dresses from the latter's youth, but when Yure is called back to work, Izana tries to sneak back home to change, embarrassed by the revealing outfit. Unfortunately, she runs into Nagate before she can make it; as the two walk home together, Yuhata notices them from a window, but, not recognizing Izana in her striking outfit, is furious to see Nagate with another girl. Upon meeting with Sasaki, Yure reveals to her what really happened during the Gravitational Beam Emitter test and asks for her help. Later, Yure, seeing an unhappy Izana, secretly coerces Nagate into taking on an "assignment" at the Thousand-Year Village, one of the most picturesque parts of Sidonia, and taking Izana with him. Izana happily accepts his invitation, believing that he intends to take her on a real date, much to Yuhata's distress. 
09 "Duty"
"Ninmu" (任務) 
June 5, 2015
Nagate and Izana visit the Thousand-Year Village, awed by its cherry blossoms and other natural attractions, while Yuhata and Tsumugi search for a way to spy on them. However, Izana discovers that Nagate had taken her there on her grandmother's orders (supposed to have been kept secret from Izana), and is furious and hurt, thinking Nagate doesn't care for her. Yuhata and Tsumugi, who see the two fight, return home and spend a sleepless night worried about what happened between them. Meanwhile, Sidonia arrives at the Lem Star System; in order secure a foothold on planet Lem IX, a reconnaissance party of four pilots using the Hayakaze Armor is prepared. However, one of the selected pilots deserts and is arrested for treason, resulting in Izana being called in as a replacement. Halfway through the mission, Izana, using an advanced radar system only she can operate due to the superhuman dexterity of her prosthetic hand, detects a hazy object which is revealed to be a new type of Gauna. The Gauna proves resistant to artificial kabi, and the reconnaissance team is forced to scatter as Nagate and Tsumugi, fearing for Izana's life, can only watch helplessly through the monitor. 
10 "Entry"
"Shinnyū" (進入) 
June 12, 2015
Izana's squad attempt to retreat and regroup, but two of its members are killed and the squad leader's Gardes is damaged. When the Captain refuses Yuhata's request to mount a rescue, Tsumugi and Nagate request permission to sortie. Kunato intervenes and convinces the Captain to allow the sortie as an excellent field test for the newest Gardes model, despite Sasaki's concern that the model is untested. Nagate and Tsumugi go after Izana and the recon team. Meanwhile, Izana and the squad leader enter the atmosphere of Lem IX using a piece of the Hayakaze as a heat shield, pursued by numerous Gauna. Izana realizes that the Gauna are attracted to the artificial Kabi they lost and, suspecting that they also react to Hyggs particles, discards their Gardes' fuel tanks as well. She is proved correct when the Gauna stop pursuing them, but the loss of the tanks leaves them with only minimal energy with which to maneuver down to the surface. Upon reaching Lem IX, Nagate and Tsumugi cut through the Gauna in their path until they encounter a Benisuzume-type Gauna in the shape of a human with the face of Shizuka. Tsumugi decides to confront the Benisuzume alone to allow Nagate to search for Izana. 
11 "Encounter"
"Kaikō" (邂逅) 
June 19, 2015
Izana and the squad leader abandon their crashed Gardes and explore the surface of Lem IX until they are spotted by a large humanoid Gauna, which pursues them relentlessly to the edge of a cliff. The cliff collapses beneath the two pilots, but as they fall in the direction of a swarm of flying Gauna, they are rescued in the nick of time by Nagate. However, he is quickly surrounded by the same Gauna and is forced to stand and fight, completely exhausting his ammunition before finishing off the last three enemies with a special kabi-bladed sword. Meanwhile, Tsumugi defeats the Benisuzume, but just as she is about to destroy its core, she hesitates at the sight of a human-like copy of Shizuka that appears from inside it. Before Tsumugi can react, Benisuzume suddenly pierces her with a long lance-like spike and drains her of most of her energy supply, using it to restore itself. The Gauna then impales Tsumugi with volleys of spikes, and prepares to destroy her core, until Nagate appears and engages it in combat. However, when his Gardes' head camera is destroyed, the Gauna infiltrates his cockpit and a placental manifestation of Shizuka appears in front of him. 
12 "Decisive Battle"
"Kessen" (決戦) 
June 26, 2015
As the placental Shizuka removes Nagate's helmet and attempts to merge with him, Izana hacks into the Tsugumori's systems, allowing Nagate to regain control of the Gardes and deal a killing blow to Benisuzume. Nagate releases Tsumugi, but then all the Gauna on Lem IX converge on them. With no ammunition left and Tsumugi too badly injured to fight, a large squadron of Hayakaze-equipped pilots come to their rescue. Yuhata had decided to use Nagate as bait to draw the planet's Gauna into a single location. In orbit over Nagate's position, the squadron wipe out the entire force of Gauna, retrieving Nagate and Tsumugi and effectively conquering the planet. Embarrassingly, with his cockpit damaged, Nagate is forced to return to Sidonia carrying the naked placental Shizuka in his arms. As Nagate is decorated for his bravery, Lala approaches Kobayashi and urges her to stop using him, but the captain claims she is acting in Sidonia's best interests. Meanwhile, Kunato, while observing another incomplete chimera, says that his main goal is at hand. Nagate leaves the medal he obtained as a sign of gratitude at the place where he was raised by his grandfather before he and his friends are once again called to sortie. 


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