List of ISO 639-5 codes

This is a list of ISO 639-5 codes, including the code hierarchy as given in the ISO 639-5 registry. The code und (undetermined) from ISO 639-2 can be seen as top of the hierarchy (for example, und:aav, und:euq:eu). The hierarchy is not a complete genetic hierarchy; some of the collection codes are based on geography (like nai) or category (like crp) instead.


Hierarchy 639-5 639-2 Language collection name Notes
aav aav Austro-Asiatic languages South-Asiatic languages, not related to Australian languages
afa afa afa [1] Afro-Asiatic languages
nai:aql:alg alg alg [2] Algonquian languages
nic:alv alv Atlantic-Congo languages
nai:xnd:ath:apa apa apa [3] Apache languages
sai:aqa aqa Alacalufan languages
nai:aql aql Algic languages
art art art [4] Artificial languages
nai:xnd:ath ath ath [5] Athapascan languages
sai:awd:auf auf Arauan languages
aus aus aus [6] Australian languages
sai:awd awd Arawakan languages
nai:azc azc Uto-Aztecan languages
nic:alv:bad bad bad [7] Banda languages
nic:alv:bai bai bai [8] Bamileke languages
ine:bat bat bat [9] Baltic languages
afa:ber ber ber [10] Berber languages
ine:iir:bih bih bih [11] Bihari languages
nic:alv:bnt bnt bnt [12] Bantu languages
map:poz:pqw:btk btk btk [13] Batak languages
cai cai cai [14] Central American Indian languages
cau cau cau [15] Caucasian languages
sai:cba cba Chibchan languages
cau:ccn ccn North Caucasian languages
cau:ccs ccs South Caucasian languages
afa:cdc cdc Chadic languages
nai:cdd cdd Caddoan languages
ine:cel cel cel [16] Celtic languages
map:poz:pqw:cmc cmc cmc [17] Chamic languages
crp:cpe cpe cpe [18] creoles and pidgins, English-based
crp:cpf cpf cpf [19] creoles and pidgins, French-based
crp:cpp cpp cpp [20] creoles and pidgins, Portuguese-based
crp crp crp [21] creoles and pidgins
ssa:csu csu Central Sudanic languages
afa:cus cus cus [22] Cushitic languages
day day day [23] Land Dayak languages not to be confused with Dayak languages, which is a larger group
nic:dmn dmn Mande languages
dra dra dra [24] Dravidian languages
afa:egx egx Egyptian languages
esx esx Eskimo-Aleut languages
euq euq Basque (family) Basque (eu/eus/baq) is an individual language covered by this collection code
urj:fiu fiu fiu [25] Finno-Ugrian languages
map:fox fox Formosan languages
ine:gem gem gem [26] Germanic languages
ine:gem:gme gme East Germanic languages
ine:gem:gmq gmq North Germanic languages
ine:gem:gmw gmw West Germanic languages
ine:grk grk Greek languages
him [27] him [27] Himachali languages;
Western Pahari languages
hmx hmx Hmong-Mien languages
nai:hok hok Hokan languages
ine:hyx hyx Armenian (family) Armenian (hy/hye/arm) is an individual language covered by this collection code
ine:iir iir Indo-Iranian languages
nic:alv:ijo ijo ijo [28] Ijo languages
ine:iir:inc inc inc [29] Indic languages
ine ine ine [30] Indo-European languages
ine:iir:ira ira ira [31] Iranian languages
nai:iro iro iro [32] Iroquoian languages
ine:itc itc Italic languages
jpx jpx Japanese (family) Japanese (ja/jpn) is an individual language covered by this collection code
sit:tbq:kar kar kar [33] Karen languages
nic:kdo kdo Kordofanian languages
khi khi khi [34] Khoisan languages
nic:alv:kro kro kro [35] Kru languages
map map map [36] Austronesian languages
aav:mkh mkh mkh [37] Mon-Khmer languages
map:poz:pqw:phi:mno mno mno [38] Manobo languages
aav:mun mun mun [39] Munda languages
cai:myn myn myn [40] Mayan languages
nai:azc:nah nah nah [41] Nahuatl languages
nai nai nai [42] North American Indian languages
paa:ngf ngf Trans-New Guinea languages
nic nic nic [43] Niger-Kordofanian languages
ssa:sdv:nub nub nub [44] Nubian languages
cai:omq omq Oto-Manguean languages
afa:omv omv Omotic languages
cai:omq:oto oto oto [45] Otomian languages
paa paa paa [46] Papuan languages
map:poz:pqw:phi phi phi [47] Philippine languages
map:poz:plf plf Central Malayo-Polynesian languages
map:poz poz Malayo-Polynesian languages
map:poz:pqe pqe Eastern Malayo-Polynesian languages
map:poz:pqw pqw Western Malayo-Polynesian languages
ine:iir:inc:pra pra pra [48] Prakrit languages
sai:qwe qwe Quechuan (family) Quechua (qu/que) is a macrolanguage covered by this collection code
ine:itc:roa roa roa [49] Romance languages
sai sai sai [50] South American Indian languages
nai:sal sal sal [51] Salishan languages
ssa:sdv sdv Eastern Sudanic languages
afa:sem sem sem [52] Semitic languages
sgn sgn sgn [53] sign languages
nai:sio sio sio [54] Siouan languages
sit sit sit [55] Sino-Tibetan languages
ine:sla sla sla [56] Slavic languages
urj:fiu:smi smi smi [57] Sami languages
ssa:son son son [58] Songhai languages
ine:sqj sqj Albanian languages Albanian (sq/sqi/alb) is a macrolanguage covered by this collection code
ssa ssa ssa [59] Nilo-Saharan languages
urj:syd syd Samoyedic languages
tai tai tai [60] Tai languages Thai (th/tha) is an individual language covered by this collection code
sit:tbq tbq Tibeto-Burman languages
tut:trk trk Turkic languages Turkish (tr/tur) is an individual language covered by this collection code
sai:tup tup tup [61] Tupi languages
tut tut tut [62] Altaic languages
tut:tuw tuw Tungus languages
urj urj Uralic languages
nai:wak wak wak [63] Wakashan languages
ine:sla:zlw:wen wen wen [64] Sorbian languages
tut:xgn xgn Mongolian languages Mongolian (mn/mon) is a macrolanguage covered by this collection code
nai:xnd xnd Na-Dene languages
esx:ypk ypk ypk [65] Yupik languages
sit:zhx zhx Chinese (family) Chinese (zh/zho/chi) is a macrolanguage covered by this collection code
ine:sla:zle zle East Slavic languages
ine:sla:zls zls South Slavic languages
ine:sla:zlw zlw West Slavic languages
nic:alv:znd znd znd [66] Zande languages Zande (individual language) (zne) is an individual language covered by this collection code

See also



  1. "ISO 639 identifier: afa". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  2. "ISO 639 identifier: alg". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  3. "ISO 639 identifier: apa". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  4. "ISO 639 identifier: art". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  5. "ISO 639 identifier: ath". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  6. "ISO 639 identifier: aus". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  7. "ISO 639 identifier: bad". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  8. "ISO 639 identifier: bai". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  9. "ISO 639 identifier: bat". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  10. "ISO 639 identifier: ber". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  11. "ISO 639 identifier: bih". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-27.
  12. "ISO 639 identifier: bnt". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  13. "ISO 639 identifier: btk". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  14. "ISO 639 identifier: cai". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  15. "ISO 639 identifier: cau". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  16. "ISO 639 identifier: cel". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  17. "ISO 639 identifier: cmc". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  18. "ISO 639 identifier: cpe". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  19. "ISO 639 identifier: cpf". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  20. "ISO 639 identifier: cpp". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  21. "ISO 639 identifier: crp". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  22. "ISO 639 identifier: cus". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  23. "ISO 639 identifier: day". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  24. "ISO 639 identifier: dra". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  25. "ISO 639 identifier: fiu". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  26. "ISO 639 identifier: gem". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  27. 1 2 "ISO 639 identifier: him". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-27. Code set: 639-2 and 639-5
  28. "ISO 639 identifier: ijo". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  29. "ISO 639 identifier: inc". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  30. "ISO 639 identifier: ine". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  31. "ISO 639 identifier: ira". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  32. "ISO 639 identifier: iro". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  33. "ISO 639 identifier: kar". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  34. "ISO 639 identifier: khi". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  35. "ISO 639 identifier: kro". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  36. "ISO 639 identifier: map". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  37. "ISO 639 identifier: mkh". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  38. "ISO 639 identifier: mno". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  39. "ISO 639 identifier: mun". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  40. "ISO 639 identifier: myn". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  41. "ISO 639 identifier: nah". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  42. "ISO 639 identifier: nai". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  43. "ISO 639 identifier: nic". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  44. "ISO 639 identifier: nub". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  45. "ISO 639 identifier: oto". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  46. "ISO 639 identifier: paa". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  47. "ISO 639 identifier: phi". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  48. "ISO 639 identifier: pra". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  49. "ISO 639 identifier: roa". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  50. "ISO 639 identifier: sai". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  51. "ISO 639 identifier: sal". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  52. "ISO 639 identifier: sem". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  53. "ISO 639 identifier: sgn". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  54. "ISO 639 identifier: sio". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  55. "ISO 639 identifier: sit". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  56. "ISO 639 identifier: sla". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  57. "ISO 639 identifier: smi". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  58. "ISO 639 identifier: son". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  59. "ISO 639 identifier: ssa". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  60. "ISO 639 identifier: tai". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  61. "ISO 639 identifier: tup". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  62. "ISO 639 identifier: tut". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  63. "ISO 639 identifier: wak". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  64. "ISO 639 identifier: wen". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  65. "ISO 639 identifier: ypk". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
  66. "ISO 639 identifier: znd". SIL International. Retrieved 2017-06-26.
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