List of ''Hell Girl'' soundtracks
Two original soundtrack albums were released for Jigoku Shōjo. The first album contains twenty-four tracks and was released on January 25, 2006 by Sony Music Entertainment under the catalog number SVWC-7331.[1] The second album contains twenty-six tracks and was released on April 19, 2006 by Sony Music Entertainment under the catalog number SVWC-7348.[2]
Two original soundtrack albums were released for Jigoku Shōjo Futakomori. The first album contains twenty-three tracks and was released on January 24, 2007 by Sony Music Entertainment under the catalog number SVWC-7440.[3] The second album contains twenty-three tracks and was released on March 21, 2007 by Sony Music Entertainment under the catalog number SVWC-7454.[4]
Two original soundtrack albums were released for Jigoku Shōjo: Mitsuganae. The first album contained twenty-eight tracks and was released on December 17, 2008 by Sony Music Entertainment under the catalog number SVWC-7597.[5] The second album contained twenty-seven tracks and was released on March 4, 2009 by Sony Music Entertainment under the catalog number SVWC-7612.[6]
Jigoku Shōjo Original Soundtrack
Track listing |
Track Number | Japanese Title | Translated Title |
1 |
焦燥 |
Impatience |
2 |
悪意 |
Malice |
3 |
影差して |
Differing |
4 |
蜘蛛と老婆と少女 |
The Spider, the Crone, and the Girl |
5 |
地獄通信 |
Hell Communication |
6 |
少女降臨 |
Advent of the Girl |
7 |
三藁捜査線 |
Three Straw Investigation Line |
8 |
真昼の太陽 |
Midday Sun |
9 |
いじめ |
Bullying |
10 |
朱に染まる |
To Be Dyed Red |
11 |
父と娘 |
Father and Daughter |
12 |
復讐の行方 |
Direction of Revenge |
13 |
あたたかいもの |
Something Warm |
14 |
芝居 |
Theatrical Play |
15 |
うつろな穴 |
Empty Pit |
16 |
覚悟 |
Determination |
17 |
地獄流し |
Hell Flow |
18 |
満ちていく闇 |
Brimming Darkness |
19 |
哀れな影 |
Miserable Shadow |
20 |
暗黒イリュージョン |
Dark Illusion |
21 |
地獄ロック |
Hell Rock |
22 |
地獄の川流れ |
Carried Away by Hell's Current |
23 |
優しい気持ち |
Kind Feelings |
24 |
かりぬい(フルバージョン) |
Basting (Full Version) |
Jigoku Shōjo Original Soundtrack II
Track listing |
Track Number | Japanese Title | Translated Title |
1 |
逢魔が時 |
Dusk |
2 |
依頼人 |
Client |
3 |
想い出 |
Recollection |
4 |
袋小路 |
Blind Alley |
5 |
憎悪 |
Hatred |
6 |
柴田走る |
The Shibatas Run |
7 |
逡巡 |
Hesitation |
8 |
幸せ |
Happiness |
9 |
狂い出した歯車 |
Crazed Gears |
10 |
せつない思い |
Painful Thoughts |
11 |
地獄の仕事人 |
Worker of Hell |
12 |
三藁熱血篇 |
Three Straw Hotblooded Chapter |
13 |
一目連 |
Ichimoku Ren |
14 |
火車 |
Fiery Cart |
15 |
骨女 |
Hone Onna |
16 |
満月 |
Full Moon |
17 |
廃屋 |
Abandoned House |
18 |
刻まれる音 |
Engraving Sound |
19 |
地獄ワルツ |
Hell Waltz |
20 |
地獄少年 |
Hell Boy |
21 |
さくらうた |
Sakura Song |
22 |
迷妄の果て |
Edge of Delusion |
23 |
六道郷 |
Six After-Death Worlds |
24 |
火焔 |
Flames |
25 |
桜吹雪 |
Sakura Snowstorm |
26 |
地獄少女 |
Hell Girl |
※ Track 21 is called by Noto Mamiko
Jigoku Shōjo Futakomori Original Soundtrack
Track listing |
Track Number | Japanese Title | Translated Title |
1 |
迷い路 |
Stray Path |
2 |
深き淵より |
Deeper than the Abyss |
3 |
頚木 |
Neck Woods |
4 |
あのころ |
Back Then |
5 |
暗雲 |
Dark Clouds |
6 |
人間模様 |
Pattern of Humans |
7 |
赤いマフラー |
Red Muffler |
8 |
きくり降臨 |
Kikuri Advents |
9 |
地獄の舟歌 |
Hell's Boat Song |
10 |
日常 |
Daily Life |
11 |
きくり |
Kikuri |
12 |
不良のテーマ |
Delinquent's Theme |
13 |
小さな幸せ |
A Little Happiness |
14 |
悲しい話 |
Sad Story |
15 |
企み |
Plan |
16 |
水面の月 |
Moon on the Water's Surface |
17 |
沼に沈む |
To Sink into the Swamp |
18 |
覚悟2006 |
Determination 2006 |
19 |
二籠 |
Second Cage |
20 |
地獄交響曲 |
Hell Symphony |
21 |
地獄メタル |
Hell Metal |
22 |
彼岸花 |
Cluster Amaryllis |
23 |
あいぞめ |
Indigo Dye |
Jigoku Shōjo Futakomori Original Soundtrack II
Track listing |
Track Number | Japanese Title | Translated Title |
1 |
地獄絵図 |
Hell Illustration |
2 |
刻迫る |
The Moment Approaches |
3 |
女の性 |
The Nature of Women |
4 |
藁人形のテーマ |
Straw Doll's Theme |
5 |
正義 |
Justice |
6 |
きくりのウインナー |
Kikuri's Wiener |
7 |
夜の三藁 |
Three Straw at Night |
8 |
時雨 |
Autumn Rain |
9 |
地獄の入り口 |
Hell Entrance |
10 |
悪魔の子 |
Devil's Child |
11 |
丘の住人 |
Hill Dweller |
12 |
わが町ラブリーヒルズ |
Our Town, Lovely Hills |
13 |
裏切り |
Betrayal |
14 |
戦慄 |
Shiver |
15 |
みずうみ |
Lake |
16 |
異様 |
Strangeness |
17 |
復讐の連鎖 |
Chain of Vengeance |
18 |
囚われた町 |
The Captured Town |
19 |
あい |
Ai |
20 |
集団心理 |
Group Mentality |
21 |
記憶 |
Memory |
22 |
少女のうた |
Girl's Song |
23 |
あいぞめ (Piano version) |
Indigo Dye (Piano version) |
Jigoku Shōjo Mitsuganae Original Soundtrack ~Nikushoku~
Track listing |
Track Number | Japanese Title | Translated Title |
1 |
常世の夢 |
Eternal Dream |
2 |
三鼎 |
Ding of Three |
3 |
春の風 |
Spring Wind |
4 |
夏の風 |
Summer Wind |
5 |
ひとり |
Alone |
6 |
悪い空想 |
Bad Fantasies |
7 |
きくり姫 |
Princess Kikuri |
8 |
幼女降臨 |
A Young Girl Advents |
9 |
アンニュイ四藁 |
Four Straw Ennui |
10 |
冥土のゆらめき |
Flickering of the Underworld |
11 |
残像 |
Afterimage |
12 |
破滅の淵 |
Abyss of Destruction |
13 |
愚かな魂 |
Stupid Soul |
14 |
埋火 |
Pyre |
15 |
怨みの鈴音 |
The Chime of Grudges |
16 |
少女の気配 |
Signs of a Girl |
17 |
震える唇 |
Trembling Lips |
18 |
荒ぶる神 |
A Rampaging God |
19 |
白い鳥 赤い鳥 |
White Bird, Red Bird |
20 |
覚悟2008 |
Determination 2008 |
21 |
羽化 |
Emergence |
22 |
地獄の花道 |
Passage to Hell |
23 |
地獄デスメタル |
Hell Death Metal |
24 |
新・地獄ロック |
New Hell Rock |
25 |
悲しき舟歌 |
A Sad Sailor Song |
26 |
予感 |
Premonition |
27 |
涙雨 |
Rain of Tears |
28 |
いちぬけ |
Once Through |
Jigoku Shōjo Mitsuganae Original Soundtrack ~Soushoku~
Track listing |
Track Number | Japanese Title | Translated Title |
1 |
月映 |
Moon Reflection |
2 |
恋心 |
Love |
3 |
静かな決意 |
Quiet Resolution |
4 |
自画自賛 |
Self-Praise |
5 |
村八分 |
Ostracism |
6 |
追走 |
Banishment |
7 |
藁と藁 |
Straw and Straw |
8 |
待ち人来る |
The Awaited Person Comes |
9 |
さすらいの四藁 |
The Four Wandering Straws |
10 |
残念ワルツ |
Regret Waltz |
11 |
ともしび |
Torch |
12 |
赦し |
Forgiveness |
13 |
さかしま |
Inversion |
14 |
苦くて甘い水 |
Bitter yet Sweet Water |
15 |
さかしら |
Glibness |
16 |
つぐみ |
Tsugumi |
17 |
苦悩のさざなみ |
Ripples of Agony |
18 |
寂れた町 |
Silent Town |
19 |
地獄邸 |
Hell House |
20 |
独り遊び |
Playing Alone |
21 |
弔い歌 |
Dirge |
22 |
忌わしい事件 |
A Detestable Incident |
23 |
三鼎ロック |
Ding of Three Rock |
24 |
鳥居のむこう |
Beyond the Torii |
25 |
地獄流し2009 |
Hell Flow 2009 |
26 |
六文燈籠 |
Six-Script Lanterns |
27 |
閻魔あい |
Enma Ai |