List of Gothic brick buildings

Copernicus' House in Toruń, Poland, built under the rule of the Teutonic Order
"House of the three Lepards" in Arras, northern France

Brick Gothic in the strict sense is the name of a style of Gothic architecture widespread in Northern Germany, Denmark, Poland and the Baltic states, commonly identified with the sphere of influence of the Hanseatic League. It is also known as Baltic Brick Gothic or North German Brick Gothic and developed typical characteristics there. Gothic brick structures have also been erected in other regions, from England to Finland and Lake Peipus, but also in northern Italy, in southwestern and central France, and in the Danubian area of southern Germany. The particular architectural styles of these regions differ from each other.


Brick architecture became common in areas lacking sufficient supplies of natural building stone, such as the North European Plain, where traditional wooden constructions were found inadequate for monumental structures like churches, castles, or town halls. This was already the case in the 12th century, well within the period of Romanesque architecture. Some Brick Romanesque buildings have survived into the present time. The use of brick for major architectural features continued into the Renaissance period, so that also Brick Renaissance buildings are known. The transitions between the architectural styles are continuous.

The Brick Gothic style is characterised by the lack of figural architectural sculpture, and by its creative subdivision and structuring of walls, using built ornaments and the colour contrast between red bricks, glazed bricks and white lime plaster. Depending on trade connections and transport infrastructure (namely navigable rivers), architectural elements made from hewn stone might be added. Historically, techniques of building and decorating of brick originated in Lombardy.[1]


Northern region

The northern region of Brick Gothic architecture is similar in extent to, but not identical with the sphere of influence of the Hanseatic League. A preponderance of Gothic brick buildings is found in the younger cities east of the Elbe which were founded during the German eastward expansion. They include representative urban buildings, cathedrals and churches, and monasteries of the Mendicant Orders and other communities, especially the Cistercians and the Premonstratensians. The Teutonic Knights erected brick castles, known as Ordensburgen, in an area extending from historic Prussia to Estonia, and the style was also adopted in Poland and Lithuania.

The style of Gothic brick buildings in northwestern Germany, the Netherlands and Flanders (the latter including the Belgian and the French parts of that area) differs slightly from that of the countries around the Baltic Sea. Gothic brick architecture can be found in a continuous area spanning from the Strait of Dover to Lake Peipus, increasing in latitudinal extent eastward and spreading north to the Finnish Lakeland and south to the foothills of the Carpates in Poland), forming a roughly triangular area.

Southern regions

Independent of the Northern region, there are four more areas where Gothic brick architecture is concentrated:

The Bavarian style is very different from the northern German styles. The French and Italian styles differ significantly from both the German and Dutch ones, as well as from each other.

Transitional styles

In all the regions listed above, a clear distinction of buildings in the Gothic style from those in the preceding Brick Romanesque or in the succeeding Brick Renaissance style is not possible. Frequently, buildings originating in one era were altered or added to in the next, the construction of others was begun while one style prevailed, but was completed in the following style due to the slow progress of the building works. Such buildings can be characterised as belonging to both style epochs.


This list will never be complete. But it aims to give a survey as well on the variance as on the geography of Gothic brick buildings.

The dates given here refer to the present extant Gothic structures. Predecessors or post-Gothic alterations are not normally mentioned, but can be assessed by following up the literature. The most influential structures are indicated by bold print. Romanesque and Renaissance structures are not listed. Gothic Brick structures from outside the Baltic or North German regions, e.g. the Danubian ones, are also included, while Neogothic edifices are not listed.


– In long tables, vertical arrows link to the navigation boards above (after the preceding table) and below (before the next table). –


– See also Belarusian Gothic -

Place Building Time of construction Notes Image
Hnesna (DE) Church of Saint Michael[2][3] 1524–1527 tower old, nave rebuilt in Gothic Revival style
Kreva Kreva Castle Early 14th century fieldstone with partial skin of bricks
Lida Lida Castle 14th century stone with brick superstructure
Kamyenyets Tower 1276–1289 border stronghold, one of the earliest brick constructions in the region
Mir Mir Castle Late 15th to early 16th UNESCO World Heritage Site. Major Renaissance alterations
Synkavichy(SV) St. Michael 16th century fortified church



Most of the Gothic brick architecture in Belgium can be found in West Flanders, some in a narrow strip along the border with the Netherlands. Many Gothic brick churches in the Province of Limburg have been lost in the nineteenth century, as they were displaced by Gothic Revival churches.

Bruges (Brugge) Damme Veurne
Place Building Time of construction Notes Image
AalstSt. Martin's Church (NL)1480–1566parts of the southern façade
AssenedeSint-Pieter en Sint-Martinuskerk[4]oldest parts Romanesque, northern aisle new
(Province of Antwerp)
Sint-Andrieskerk (NL)
BocholtSint-Laurenskerkonly the nave
Old St. John's Hospital
Church of Our Lady
St. Salvator's Cathedral
Various houses of citizens
DammeTown hallBrabantine Gothic, façade to the market place of stone
Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Hemelvaartkerk[5]Gothic & Baroque
Huyse de Grote Sterre
DendermondeSt-Odolf-Chapel[6]1328later alterations
EnghienSt. Nicholas Church (NL)14th century
St-Martin Church in Marcq15th centuryconsecrated in1347, present building 15th century[8]
Ghent-EkkergemSt. Martin's Church (NL)[9]brick 1502–1527alterations by restorations of 1584–1618 and 1903–1907
HerentalsBegijnhofkerk Sint-Catharina[10]1614
HoogstratenSint-Katharinakerk (NL)1525–1550
IeperSt Martin's Cathedralonly parts of brick
KasterleeSint-Willibrorduskerk (NL)tower old, nave Gothic Revival
MaldegemSt-Barbarakerk (NL)crossing tower & choir
(Province of Limburg)
Sint-Martinuskerk (NL)[11]
MoerbekeChurch of Abbot St-Anthony
(kerk Sint Antonius Abt)[12]
14th–15th century
PeerSint-Trudokerk (NL)only the tower of brick
PoperingeSint-Jankerk[13]13th–15th centurystabilized and a bit altered in the 19th century
near RoeselareRumbeke CastleGothic, Renaissance & Baroque
Schendelbeke (Geraardsbergen)Sint-Amanduskerk[15]first mentioned in 1139, transept and lower parts of the tower Gothic and of brick, alterations in 1669 and 19th century
VeurneSint-Niklaaskerk (NL)13th–15th century
Sint-Walburgakerk (NL)choir 14th centurychoir Early Gothic, rest Gothic Revival
House "De Valk" ("Falcon")[17]1st quarter of 17th centuryvery late Gothic
WachtebekeSint-Catharinakerk(NL)about 1200 & 1550–1580originally aisleless, later enlarged to be a hallchurch



Place Building Time of construction Notes Image
Aarhus Cathedral End of 14th century to 1500
Church of Our Lady Mid-13th century to 1500
Egeskov Castlecompleted in 1554outside Late Gothic, inside Renaissance
Haderslev Church of St. Mary Mid-14th century to 1440
Kolding Koldinghus 13th century since 1808 in ruins for more than a century
NæstvedSt. Peter's Church12th to 14th centuryBuilt on the site of an earlier Romanesque church, the Gothic church has scarcely been altered since 1375.
Old town hall15th century
Odense Saint Canute's Cathedral
Ribe Cathedral Built in 12th and 13th century of tufa, sandstone and granite (Romanesque), later additions of brick
Roskilde Cathedral 12th to 13th century UNESCO World Heritage Site. Essentially Romanesque but incorporating Gothic features. Among earliest large-scale brick edifices in northern Europe.
ViborgDomprovstegårdenCathedral dean's residence
Gråbrødreklosteret (Greyfriars Convent)13th centuryaltered since 1545
Villadsens Gård1530enlarged in 1643



In England, the use of bricks for pretentious buildings began later than in continental Europe. And the collective of Gothic brick buildings differs, almost no religious buildings and very few urban ones.

Place Building Time of construction Notes Image
Barsham (Norfolk)East Barsham ManorNorfolkrebuilt in the 1920s and 1930s
Burnham-on-Crouch (Essex)Creeksea PlaceElizabethan architecture
Colchester (Essex)Layer Marney Tower1520tallest Tudor gatehouse in Britain
WarwickshireCompton Wynyates1481Tudor architecture
Guildford (Surrey)Sutton Place1525Tudor architecture
near Henley-on-Thames (Oxfordshire)Greys CourtElizabethan architecture, partly stone with layers of brick, partly brick
Richmond upon Thames (London)Hampton Court Palace1497–1600Tudor style buildings for Giles Daubeney (part of Henry VIII's kitchen), Cardinal Wolsey (1516 Great Gatehouse, 1522 Clock Court), Henry VIII (since 1530), Elizabeth I (since 1547); later buildings in Baroque style
Great gatehouse
City of Westminster (London)St James's Palace1531–1536Tudor architecture
ManchesterHough End HallElizabethan architecture
Morley Saint Peter (Norfolk)Morley Old Hallabout 1600Tudor architecturephoto wanted
north of Newbury (Berkshire)Shaw HouseElizabethan architecture
Oxborough (Norfolk)Oxburgh HallElizabethan architecture
Prestbury (Cheshire)Normans Hallpartly timber-framed, partly brickphoto wanted
Ramsbury (Wiltshire)Littlecote HouseElizabethan architecture, partly of bricks
Rochester (Kent)Eastgate HouseElizabethan architecture, partly brick, partly half-timbered
Sevenoaks District (Kent)Otford Palace1537ruins
Shottesbrooke (Berkshire)Shottesbrooke Park House16th centuryTudor architecture
near Tasburgh (Norfolk)Rainthorpe HallElizabethan architecture
Cheshire West and ChesterWillaston Old HallElizabethan architecture
Whitchurch-on-Thames (Oxfordshire)Hardwick Housebefore 1526Tudor architecture
Woking (Surrey)Woking Palace13th century & 1503ruins



Place Building Time of construction Notes Image
Tartu Cathedral 15th century Destroyed in Livonian War, east part of ruin now houses Tartu University Museum. Towers were originally 66 metres (217 feet) high (now 22 m or 72 ft).
St. John Early 14th century Numerous terracotta sculptures covering both the interior and the exterior.


Place Building Time of construction Notes Image
Espoo Cathedral Parts of brick Gothic
Halikko Holy (Saint) Bridget Church Portico of brick Gothic
Hämeenlinna Häme Castle 14th and 15th century, on earlier fieldstone foundations Brick castle
Hattula Holy Cross Church Northernmost Brick Gothic building
Porvoo Cathedral
Turku Cathedral
Saint Mary's Church (Finnish: Maarian kirkko)



Navigation:  North Alsace Center Burgundy/Bresse South

Hauts-de-France with French Flanders

Department Place Building Time of construction Notes Image
Nord Arnèke Église Saint-Martin (images)
town hall
Bellfry (FR) (images)15th century destroyed in 1918,
rebuilt a bit simpler in 1929
Gothic hall survived the bombings of 1918
Bambecque St. Omer Churchregional pale brick
Bergues Bellfry (FR) 14th–16th century destroyed in 1944,
almost identically rebuilt in 1961 (images)
Saint-Martin Church (FR) (images)
Blaringhem Saint-Martin Church only the tower and parts of the nave are of bricks,
Bourbourg Saint-John-Baptiste Church (FR) partly of bricks (images)
Brouckerque Saint-Folquin Church
Cappelle-Brouck Church of St. James the Elder gray brick: parts of the building of brick, parts of stone and de mixed parts
DouaiTempler's House (FR)founded in 1155changes in the 19th century
Our Lady's Church (FR)12th–15th centuriesshells of the vaults and part of the interior sides of the walls of brick; outside all is of sandstone
Dunkerque Bellfry (FR) (images)
Saint-Eloi Church (FR) (images)
Esquelbecq Saint-Folquin Church (images)
Esquelbecq Castle12th centuryaltered by renovation since 1606
Hazebrouck Saint-Éloi Church (images)
Hondschoote Saint Vaast Church15 century, tower 1513perhaps the most lovely brick church of French Fladers, famous "White Tower" at a relatively low hall church
Houtkerque Église Saint-Antoine (images)
Killem Village church 16th & 17th centuries
Lederzeele Église de l'Assomption-de-Notre-Dame
Millam Église Saint-Omer[21] 15th century
Morbecque Saint-Firmin Church (FR)
Noordpeene Gothic steeple of yellow brick, rest Gothic revival of red brick
Oost-Cappel Église Saint-Nicolas[22]only northern aisle
Quaëdypre Saint-Omer Church
Rexpoëde Saint-Omer Church l'église est en partie gothique, mais le clocher et la flèche sont néogothiques (style néoflamand)
Rubrouck D'Oude Hofstee (Flamish: The Old Manor/Farm) very rare example of Gothic Flamish vernacular architecture
Saint-Georges-sur-l'Aa Saint-Georges Church
Saint-Jans-Cappel Tower of St John Baptiste 1557 Gothic/Renaissance[23]
Samer Saint-Martin Church (FR)
Socx Saint-Léger Church
Staple Saint-Omer Church
Steenvoorde Saint-Peter's Church[24]
Valenciennes St.-Gery Church (FR)[25] 1st third of 13th centuryparts of the buttresses; originally abbey of the Recollet Friars; steeple built in the 19th century
Volckerinckhove Église Saint-Folquin
Warhem Église Notre-Dame de l'Assomption
Watten Abbey Notre-Dame du Mont (FR) ruins (images)
Saint-Gilles Church(images)
West-Cappel Église Saint-Sylvestre
Pas de Calais Arras House of the three Lepards (FR) 1467
Calais Église Notre-Dame partly of brick (images)
Tour du Guet
Ham-en-Artois Église Saint-Sauveur (FR)[26] partly of brick (images)
Hesdin Église Notre-Dame[27] before 1554 Renaissance portal of 1585
(Wikimedia has no images of the Gothic phase.)
Zutkerque Saint-Martin Church
Somme Beaucamps-le-Jeune Église Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption (images)
Rambures Château de Rambures 15th century

Navigation:  North Alsace Center Burgundy/Bresse South


Department Place Building Time of construction Notes Image
Bas-RhinStrasbourgTowers of the Ponts Couverts1230–1250

Central France, south and west of Orleans

In the Loir-et-Cher department, there is a small group of Gothic brick buildings. One of them even is among the most famous buildings of France, though not for its bricks.

Department Place Building Time of construction Notes Image
Eure-et-LoirVillebonVillebon Castle (FR)[28]14th century
Indre-et-LoireLa RichePlessis-lèz-Tours Castle (FR)15th–16th centuryBrick-and-Stone,[28] largely restored in 19th and 20th century
Loir-et-CherBloisBlois Castle1440–1501wings of Charles VIII and Louis XII,
Flamboyant style and onset of the Brick-and-Stone style[28]
Lassay-sur-CroisneChâteau du Moulin (FR)15th century
Chaumont-sur-TharonneSt-Étienne (st Steven's Church)15th century
Saint-ViâtreSaint-Viâtre Church (FR)early 16th century southern façade of the transept
Souvigny-en-SologneSaint-Martin Church (FR) 16th century western part of the nave
VouzonSt-Peter's Church (FR) 15th–16th century tower: stone and mosaic of bricks

Navigation:  North Alsace Center Burgundy/Bresse South

(Ducal) Burgundy and Franche Comté region

In Middles Ages, the same rulers were Dukes of Burgundy as French vassals and Counts of Burgundy as vassels of the Holy Roman Empire.

Department Place Building Time of construction Notes Image
Côte-d'OrCiteaux AbbeyLibrary1260–1509Abbey founded in 1098, mother of all Cistercian abbeys;
outer walls of the library with mosaics of varnished brick
AinBâgé-la-VilleChapelle d'Aigrefeuille (FR)about 1200
Châtillon-sur-ChalaronneSaint-Andrew's Church[29]1273
Castle (FR)[30]11th–15th centuryruins
Saône-et-LoireLouhansSaint-Peter's Church (FR)
MervansVillage church14th century

Navigation:  North Alsace Center Burgundy/Bresse South

Southern France around Toulouse

Toulouse Albi Pamiers
Department Place Building Time of construction Notes Image
Haute-GaronneToulouseToulouse Cathedral (images)
Couvent des Cordeliers (FR) (images) ruins
Jacobine Convent (FR) (images)
Saint Nicolas Church
Notre-Dame du Taur (FR)
Notre-Dame de la Dalbade (FR) (images)
Hôtel Vinhas[31]
Rue Croix-Baragnon, house n° 15 (images)Romano-Gothic
Rue Croix-Baragnon, house n° 19much altered
Auterive (FR)Saint-Paul's Church (FR)
DauxEglise Saint-Barthélémy (images) de Daux
Grenade (FR) Our-Lady's-Assumption Church* (FR)
Villefranche de Lauragais (FR) Our-Lady's-Assumption Church*
TarnAlbiCathedral of Saint-Cecile (images)
Palais de la Berbie (FR) (images)in the Cité Épiscopale (FR)
GaillacAbbaye Saint-Michel (FR) (images)
Église Saint-Pierre (FR) (images)
Lavaur Cathedral Saint-Alain
Saint-Francis Church (FR)
Rabastens Église Notre-Dame-du-Bourg (FR)
Tarn-et-GaronneMontauban Église Saint-Jacques (FR)
Beaumont-de-Lomagne Our-Lady's-Assumption Church*
FinhanÉglise Saint-MartinGothic Revival modifications
AriègePamiersCathédrale Saint-Antonin (images)
Église Notre-Dame-du-Camp[32] (images)1343, 1466built on a Romanesque predecessor (portal of the 12th century), later reconstructions in 1672, 1769, 1773
Tour des Cordeliers (images)
Tour de l'hôtel des Monnaies
GersThe department of Gers has a significant number of buildings in Southern French Gothic style, built of stone, such as the cathedrals of Condom and Lectoure. Its brick buildings are found in the southwest, near to Toulouse region.
Gimont Our-Lady's-Assumption Church*
Lombez Saint-Mary's Cathedral
Simorre Église Notre-Dame (FR)

(*) "Our-Lady's-Assumption Church" = Église Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption





Anklam Friedland Greifswald Grimmen Malchin Neubrandenburg Pasewalk Ribnitz-Damgarten Rostock Stralsund Wismar
Place Building Time of construction Notes Image
(municipality of
Church of the Holy Spirit (DE: Heilgeistkirche)1380inside facilities from 19th century
AltentreptowSt. Peter's Church (DE)mid 13th to 1st half 14th centuryHall church
Demminer Tor, (Demmin Gate)about 1450
Neubrandenberger Tor (Neubrandenburg Gate)about 1450
AnklamMarienkirche (St. Mary)2nd half 13th to late 14th centuryhall church; planned with two towers, not completed, thus asymmetric
Steintor (stone gate)13th/14th century
Nikolaikirche (St. Nicholas)14th centuryheavily damaged in 1945, reconstruction after late start now almost perfect
Dammtor (Dam Gate)
BentwischVillage church (DE)13th–early 14th centurybase of boulders; aisleless
Bergen auf RügenSt. Marienkirche (St Mary)Gothic 1380 and after 1445basilica, 1180–1193 built in Romanesque style, former monastic church of Benedictine or Cistercian nuns
BrüelTown church (DE)13th centuryaisleless
BützowCollegiate church (DE)mid 13th to 2nd half of 14th centuryhall church
BurowWeltzin village church (DE)15th or 16th centurylower parts of the walls with boulders, long sides of the nave partly renewed in 16th or 17th century
CrivitzTown church (DE)end 14th century
DassowSt. Nicholas Church (DE)13th century flat ceiling since 1632, only choir and tower of brick
Dobbertin Monastery (DE)founded about 1220Church massively alteratd in Gothic Revival style, convent buildings partly plastered and partly half timbered
Bad DoberanDoberan Minster1291–1368Former Cistercian monastic church; basilica
FranzburgCastle church (DE)about 1300, since 1583, 1876/77originally a transept of Neuenkamp Abbey Church, then a palace church, finally since 17th century a town church; 16th century to 1876 flat roof, stepped gable 19th century Gothic Revival style; hall with tribunes
FriedlandSt. Mary's Church (DE)Hall church
St.-Nikolai-Kirche (St. Nicholas)ruins since WW.II
Wiekhaus (guard house) "Fischerburg" ("Fisherman's Castle")
Anklamer Tor (… Gate) (DE)
Neubrandenburger Tor (… Gate) (DE)
GadebuschTown church (DE)1210 – early 15th centurystarted in late Romanesque style
Town hall1340, altered in 1618outside mainly Renaissance and early Baroque
Garz/RügenSt. Peters's Church (DE)13th & 15th centuryaisleless, vaulted
GrabowSt. George's Church Georgskirchelate 13th/14thcenturyhall church, damage fire in 1715; tower base 15th century of stone, top of brick 1906–1910
GreifswaldMarienkirche (St. Mary)1330 to early 15th centuryHall church
Collegiate Church St. Nicholas (no cathedral)mid 14th to 1st quarter 15th centuryBasilica
St.-Jacobi-Kirche (St. James)First mentioned 1280, renovation circa 1400Early Gothic hall church
House Markt 11Probably after 1400one of the most richly decorated citizen's houses in Northern Germany
near GreifswaldEldena Abbey1225–1265, additions until 1350former Cistercian monastery, now in ruins
GrimmenSt. Mary's Church (DE)since 1275hall church
Town hall (DE)14th centurytower Baroque
Kaland House (DE)about 1450
Three city gates14th century
Güstrow"Dom" (Collegiate church St Mary, John the Evangelist and Cecilia)early 13th to late 15th centuryhall church
St. Mary's Church (DE)hall church
Herrnburg (municipality of Lüdersdorf)Village church (DE)13th, 15th, 16th century
HohenkirchenVillage church (DE)mid 15th centuryaisleless, vaulted
HornstorfVillage church St. Laurentius14th/15th century
Klempenow Castle (DE)13th century ff.
KrienVillage Church (DE)since 1280 choir today plastered except the gables of the choir (lower part) and the vestry
KröpelinTown church (DE)13th/14th centuryaisleless
Kütz (DE)St. Mary's Church (DE)since 12th centurychoir (also brick) Romanesque, nave and steeple Gothic
LaageTown church13th–15th centuryhall church, lower sections partly of boulders
LassanSt John's Church (DE)13th centuryinside columns and vaults partly renewed in 1883
LöcknitzCastle (DE)1250–1479 several changes of control; simple donjon and some outer walls preserved and re-completed
LübzTown churchabout 1570outside Late Gothic, inside Renaissance, aisleless with wooden barrel vaults
MalchinSt. Maria und St. Johannes (St. Mary and John)From 1397Basilica
Kalensches Tor (Gate)(DE) (Kalen Gate)15th century
Steintor (Stone Gate) (DE) (Stone Gate)15th century1893/94 demolished and restored
Fangelturm (Prison tower)15th century, attic 16th centuryPart of the fortifications, some time used as a prison
MarlowTown church13th & 15th centurynave mainly Romanesque, tower Gothic
MestlinVillage church[33]about 1250 und um1370choir Romanesque of boulders, nave Gothic hall
NeubrandenburgMarienkirche (St. Mary)2nd half 13th century
St. Johannes (St. John)1st half 14th centuryhall church, former Franciscan monastery
Town fortifications, e.g. Stargard Gate, Treptow Gate, New GateAfter 1300 until early 15th century   
NeubukowTown church Stadtkirche13th centurystarted in Romanesque style, hall church
Neuburg near WismarVillage church Dorfkirche13th centurynave Romanesque, choir a bit Gothic, tower Gothic
Neustadt-GleweOld Castle (DE)13th–17th century
St. Mary's Church (DE)14th/18th centurysimplified reconstruction after a great fire of 1728
ParchimSt. George's Church (DE)since 1289hall church
St. Mary's Church (DE)14th centuryhall church
Pasewalk St. Mary's Church (DE) 14th centuryhall church; tower collapsed in 1983/84 and replaced since 1988 using concrete
Hospital St. Spiritus (DE)13th centuryRomanesque-Gothic; relics of a medieval hot air heating
House of the Poor (DE)1350soriginally a pilgrims' hostal
St. Nicholas Church de:Nikolaikirche (Pasewalk)since 12th century, brick early 16th centurygabel and attached arches of a building mainly built of boulders; alterations in Renaissance und Gothic Revival style
Town fortifications15th century

PoseritzSt. Mary's Church (DE)1302–1325aisleless
Insel PoelKirchdorf village church (DE)tower 13th century, nave 14th centuryaisleless, vaults
PutbusSt. James's Church (DE) in Kasnevitz2nd half of 14th centurytower 1768
St. Mary's Church (DE) in Vilmnitz13th/14th/15th centuryRomanesque-Gothic
RehnaMonastery (DE)13th century & 2nd fourth 15th centuryLate Gothic adaption of the originally Late Romanesque church
RerikRerik village church (DE)after 1250hall church
Russow village church (DE)14th centurystarted of boulders, aisleless
Ribnitz-DamgartenSt.-Bartholomäus-Kirche (St.-Barthomomew's), Damgartenbrick 15th centuryGothic enlargement of a Romanesque stone building. The tower is Gothic Revival.
Rostocker Tor, Damgarten
Klosterkirche (Church of the former monastery), Ribnitz
Marienkirche, Ribnitz
RichtenbergSt. Nicholas Church (DE)13th Jh, brick 15th centurystepped hall of brick, choir of boulders
RöbelSt. Nicholas Church (DE)13th century – about 1500hall church
RostockMarienkirche (St. Mary) after 1290 and after 1398
two phases of construction, basilica, main town church
Nikolaikirche (St. Nicholas)present form after 1400
Petrikirche (St. Peter)about 1325 – early 15th century
City HallCore about 1230, Gothic façade after 1300since 1729 largely hidden by Baroque structure
Kloster zum Heiligen Kreuz (Monastery of the Holy Cross)1st half 14th centuryformer Cistercian nunnery
House Kröpeliner StraßeLate 15th centuryFormer parsonage (now library)
Kerkhoff House3rd quarter 15th centuryoriginally a cityzen's house, now municipal office)
Kröpelin city gate (DE) 13th to 16th century
Kuhtor (DE) (Cow Gate) 13th century
SagardSt. Michael's Church (DE)c. 1400 & 1500choir (replaced) and tower (added) of an originally Romanesque building of 1210
SatowBerendshagen village church (DE)15th century ?
Hanstorf village church (DE)13th/14th centurystarted of boulders, completed of brick
Hohen Luckow village church14th centuryrestored after fire in 1934
SchönbergSt. Lawrence Church (DE)existent before 1235, enlarged after 1324since restoration afte fire in 1601 a pseudo-basilica with flat ceilings
SchwaanSt. Paul's Church (DE)1st half 13th century u. 15th centurynave mainly Romanesque, aisleless; steeple Gothic, 1840 Neoclassic alterations
SchwerinCathedralc. 1280 – c. 1420Basilica; western tower 19th century
Stäbelowvillage churchend 13th century[34] aisleless, vaults, tower newer and of boulders
Burg StargardStargard Castle (DE)12th & mid 13th century
Sternberg, Mecklenburg-VorpommernTown church (DE)1309–1322hallchurch
StralsundNikolaikirche (St. Nicholas)About 1270 to early 15th centuryMain church of Stralsund
City Hall13th and 14th centuriesseveral phases of construction
Marienkirche (St. Mary)1382/84 to late 15th centurySecond largest brick church in Hanseatic region, basilica
Jakobikirche (St. James)after 1300 and after 1400Basilica with older predescendants
Johanniskloster (Abbey of St. John)early 14th centuryformer Franciscan monastery, hall church
Wulflam House (Wulflamhaus)
Katharinenkloster (Abbey of St. Catherine)c. 1250–1300Former Dominican monastery
Strasburg (Uckermark)St. Mary's Church (DE)about 1250, brick since 1450begun of boulders, nave (hall church) of brick
Bad SülzeTown church (DE)about mid 13th century
SundhagenHorst village church (DE)14./15. Jh.aisleless, lower parts of the tower also of boulders
Kirchdorf village church14th century
Reinberg village church (DE)13th–14th century
TessinTown church (DE)14th centurybasilica, choir partly of boulders, entrance hall Gothic Revival style
TeterowSt. Peter and St. Paul (DE)since 1215; tower before 1450basilika
Town gates (Rostocker Tor (DE), Malchiner Tor (DE))14th century
TribseesSt. Thomas Church
Mill Gate (Mühlentor)
Stone Gate (Steintor)
Stadt UsdomAnklam Gate (DE)about 1450
VelgastChrist Church (DE)13th & 15th centuryaisleless
St. George's in Starkow (DE)13th centurybasilica
Waase (Ummanz) St. Mary's Church (DE) 14th/15th century
Waren (Müritz)St. George's Church (DE)14th centurybasilica; Gothic Revival alterations
St. Mary's Church (DE)Gothic parts 14th centurychoir 13th century of stone
WismarGeorgenkirche (St. George)oldest part about 1300, completed in 15th centuryafter partial collapse of the WW. II ruin in 1990, reconstruction until 2010; a principal example of Brick Gothic
Heiligengeistkirche (DE) (Holy Ghost)1220–1226church of the medieval hospital
Nikolaikirche (St. Nicholas)1380 – 2nd half of 15th centurybasilica an with older predecessor
Marienkirche (St. Mary)after 1339 – 15th centuryWorld War II damage, nave dynamited in 1960, only tower preserved
Alter Schwedeabout 1380private House, now restaurant)
Archidiakonat (Archdeacons's House)mid 15th centuryprivate house
Wassertor (Water Gate)3rd quarter 15th century
WittenburgSt. Bartholomew's Church (DE)1240–1287started in Romanesque style
Former castle with Amtsberg Tower (DE)middling storey of brick, upper storey modern, other parts of the castle ruins or ground structures
City fortifications with watchtowers
WoldegkPetrikirche[35]1250, Schiff 1442 hall nave of brick, choir & tower of boulders
WolgastPetrikirche (St. Peter)1280–1350basilica
  • Church primarily Romanesque of stone about 1240,
    Brick Gothic enlargements about 1310 and 1460
  • Convent building 15th century or earlier
ZirchowSt. James's Church (DE)15th centurytower of brick and boulders; nave 13th century of boulders


Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg

Flensburg Hamburg Lübeck
Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
AhrensbökSt. Mary's Church (DE)um 14001409–1584 church of a Carthusian monastery
BerkenthinSt. Mary Magdalene Churchsince 1230
BordesholmBordesholm Abbey church (DE)1309–1332Former Augustine monastery
Bad BramstedtSt. Mary Magdalene Churchearly 14th century
BüchenSt. Mary's Church (DE)brick 15th centuryGothic brick choir at an older nave from the 12th century
Burg auf FehmarnSt. Nicholas Church (DE)since 1230 & since 1505primarily Romano-Gothic, 1505 hall church
CismarCismar Abbey13th centuryFormer Benedictine monastery
EckernfördeSt. Nicholas Church (DE)brick 1521–1530Stepped hall
EutinSt.-Michaelis-Kirche (St. Michael)1st third 13th century, altered in 14th and 15th centuries
FlensburgHeiliggeistkirche (Church of the Holy Ghost) (DE)
Marienkirche (DE)
Nikolaikirche (St. Nicholas) (DE)Two phases, between 1390 and 1480
Nordertor (Northern gate) (DE)
Former Franciscan monastery (DE)
Apotheke (chemistry) Südermarkt 121490
  • Oldest profane building of Flensburg
  • Painted but not plastered
GettorfSt. Georges Church (DE)1250–1494begun in Romanesque style
HamburgSt. Petri (St. Peter)
St. Katharinen (St. Catherine)
St. Jacobi (St. James)
Hamburg-BergedorfBergedorf Castle (DE)14th century & lateralterations especially in Renaissance und Historism
HeiligenhafenTown church (DE)1250Romanesque-Gothic intermediate style[36]
KielSt. Nicholas Church (DE)13th, 14th, 16th centurysimplified reconstruction after WW. II
Landkirchen on Fehmarn IslandSt. Peter's Church (DE)about 1230hall church, Romanesque-Gothic intermediate style
Lauenburg (Elbe)St. Mary Magdalene Church(DE)brick about 1300base of boulders, nave Brick Gothic, tower & Chor Gothic Revival style
Castle Tower (DE)1477
LensahnSt. Catherine's Churchsince 1245, choir after 1300aisleless
LübeckMarienkirche (St. Mary)From 1251, completed late 14th centuryBasilica; most influential Brick Gothic building
City Hall1298–1444Langes Haus ("Long House") 1298–1308, main building 1340–50, Kriegsstubenbau ("War Chambre") 1442–44
CathedralGothic 1266–15th centuryconstruction started in 1173 by Henry the Lion, consecrated 1247
Holstentor1466–78major later additions, still in Gothic age
Petrikirche (St. Peter)late 13th to 15th centuryseveral phases
Jakobikirche (St. James)after 1276 to 1334
Aegidienkirche (St. Aegidius)1st half 14th century
Katharinenkirche (St. Catherine)1300–1330 Former Franciscan monastic church
Heiligen-Geist-Hospital (Hospital of the Holy Spirit)about 1276–1286
Burgklosterafter 1276 to 1401former Dominican monastery, modern additions
St.-Annen-Kloster Lübeck (Monastery of St. Anne)Former Augustinian nunnery, damaged by fire in 1843
Kanzleigebäude (Chancellery)1484Renaissance enlargements 1588 and 1614
Several citizens' houses  
Lübeck-KrummesseSt. Johns's Church (DE)1230two naves
LütjenburgSt. Michaels Church (DE)Gothic 13th centurychoir & vaults of a primarily Romanesque church; aisleless
MeldorfSankt-Johannis-Kirche (St. John)1230–1300
MöllnTown hall (DE)1373Built under the rule of Lübeck
Neustadt in HolsteinTown church (DE)1258–1350pseudo-basilica, upper storeys of the steeple 19th century
Neuwerk IslandGreat Tower1300–1310oldest secular building on the German North Sea coast
PreetzMonastery (DE)1325–1340had a predecessor of 1280s
RendsburgSt. Mary's Church (DE)1287–1330hall church; predecessor in the 12th century
SchleswigSt.-Petri (Cathedral) (St. Peter)1275–1320Tower 19th & 20th centuries
Westerhever (Eiderstedt)St. Steven's Church (DE)tower 1370nave 1804


Brandenburg, Berlin and Saxony-Anhalt

Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
AngermündeSt. Marien (DE)brick 15th & 16th century13th century boulders
Franciscan Church (DE)brick since ab 130013th century aisleless building of granite cubes
Holy Ghost Chapel (DE)14th – 15th centurypart of a hospital that was destroyed in the Thirty Years War
Defensive city wall with "Pulverturm"late 13th centurylower sections partly of boulders
City castleruin
Greiffenberg castle (DE)since 1224ruin
Baruth/MarkTown church St-Sebastian (DE)15th – 16th centurylate Gothic hall church, lower parts of stone
Beelitz St-Mary and St Nicholas (DE)1247, brick 1511basilica converted into a Gothic hall church[37]
BeeskowSt-Mary's Church (DE)15th centuryhall church; predecessor 14th century
BerlinSt. Marienkirche (St. Mary)
Nikolaikirche (St. Nicholas)
Graues Kloster (Grey Abbey)End of 13th centuryFormer Franciscan abbey; ruins since World War II
Berlin-SpandauSt. Nicholas Church (DE)since about 1370halle church
Berlitt (incorporated to Kyritz)Village church1526brick gable and other brick decorations on a structure of boulders
Bernau bei BerlinSt. Mary's Church (DE)1400–1519predecessors since 1240; tower 19th century
St. George's Chapel (DE)1328, brick, mid 15th centuryformer hospital church, later French Calvinist church
Steintor ("Stone Gate") (DE)15th century
BrandenburgSt.-Katharinenkirche (St. Catherine) (DE)after 1401two phases of construction
Cathedral St. Peter and PaulMainly 1165–1240first brick church in the Margraviate of Brandenburg
Old Town's City Hall (Altstädtisches Rathaus (DE))mainly 1450–1468
Ordonnance House (DE)mainly 1300–1310probably oldest secular hardwall building in Brandenburg Margraviate
Gothic House (DE) 1452
St-Godard (DE)mainly 1450–1468Romanesque western portal, tower Baroque
CalauTown church (DE)about 1400
ChorinChorin Abbey (DE)former Cistercian monastery
CottbusSt-Nicholas Church (DE)15th – 16th century
Monastic Church (DE)former Franciscan church; tower in the east
Doberlug-KirchhainDobrilugk Abbeyformer Cistercian monastery
Frankfurt (Oder)Marienkirche (St. Mary)1253–1367, additions in 15th century
Town hallBegun 1253, altered in 14th century
Franciscan Abbey churchnave 1515–1525very late Gothic; today Music hall Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (DE)
Bad FreienwaldeSt-Nicholas (DE) 15th centuryspire 19th century
Fürstenwalde/SpreeSt-Mary's Cathedral (DE)1446long-time cathedral of the diocese of Lebus; almost completely destroyed in WW II, reconstruction finished in 1995
GardelegenSt. Mary's Church (DE)13th centuryhall church with 5 naves (two pairs of aisles)
St. Nicholas Church (DE)Gothic changes 13th–15th centurybegun about 1200 in Romanesque style already in brick; soince WW. II partly ruins
Town hall[38]13th century & since 1526only partly visible brick, Gothic Revival alterations
Salzwedel Gate
Kloster Neuendorf (convent)(DE)13th to 15th century
Gartz (Oder)St. Steven Church (St. Stephan)13th/14th century
since destructio by a fire in 1945, nave is an open ruin, vaults lost
former chapel of the Holy Ghost Hospitalabout 1400in 19th century used for residential purpose, today hall for events
Defensive wall with Stettiner Tor (Szczecin Gate) and three towers
HavelbergCathedral St. Marien (St. Mary)1150–1170 of stone, 1280–1330 mixed
  • originally a Romanesque basilica of stone with flat ceilings
  • After destruction by a fire in 1279, the nave was rebuilt in Gothic style in a mixture of brick and stone, most impressive in the northern wall.
  • The adjacent convent buildings are of pure Brick Gothic.
St-Lawrence (DE)14th century (?)
Herzberg (Elster)St-Mary Church (DE)about 1350hall church
Heaven's Gate Monastery (DE: Kloster Himmelpfort)since 1308decay 18th–21st century (2010 fire of the brewery)
Hornow (incorporated
to Spremberg)
St. Martin Church[39]13th centurydecorative gable of brick, church otherwise built of boulders; tower 1901/1902
JüterbogTown hall
Mönchenkloster (monastery)
Our Lady's Church (DE)1174/1183, choir 1480 choir of a generally Romanesque brick church
Jüterbog-ZinnaZinna AbbeyMainly from 1220Former Cistercian monastery
LehninLehnin Abbeysince end of 12th century, consecrated 1262 or 1270
Lenzen (Elbe)St. Catharine's Church14th century
'Stumpfer Turm' ("Blunt Tower")part of the former city gate Bergtor
LieberoseTown church15th/16th centurysince 1945 in ruins
LuckauSt. Nicholas Church (DE)14th century
Hausmannsturm (Stewards Tower) Hausmannsturmoctagonal Gothic tower with a Baroque top above square Romanesque basial section
'Roter Turm' ("Red Tower") (DE)|Roter Turm13th/14, centurypart of the lost Calauer Gate
LuckenwaldeSt. John's Church (DE)(about 1200), Gothic 2nd half of 15th centuryhall church with two naves, lower walls partly of boulders; separate belfry, originally urban market tower, only bell storey Brick Gothic
Lübben (Spreewald)Paul Gerhard Church (DE)1494–1550latest Gothic; tower mid 15th century, nowadays plastered; originally St. Nicholas
MagdeburgSt. Peter's CHurch (DE)entrance 1480gable, framings and buttresses of the southern entrance hall of the church otherwise built of stone
MittenwaldeSt. Maurice Church (DE)14th–15th centurywith remains of stone walls of a predecessor; steeple in Gothic Revival style 1877/78
Spitalkapelle (Hospital Chapel)1394
Berliner Tor (Berlin Gate)upper section of the powder tower (lower walls of boulders) and arch (semi-ruin)
Mühlberg (Elbe)Chapel of the castlephoto missing
Marienstern Monastery (DE)since 1228church and refektory Early Gothic brick buildings
MünchebergUrban parish St. Mary's15th century, predecessor 13th centuryhall church with two naves, base partly of boulders, neoclassicist tower
Berliner Tor (Berlin Gate)lower storeys partly of boulders
NauenSt. James's Church (DE)1st third of the 14th centuryhall church
NeuruppinHoly Trinity Abbey Church (DE)1st half 13th centuryhall church, towers Gothic Revival style
Osterburg (Altmark)Nikolaikirche13th century, choir 1484rebuilt from a Romanesque cross-shaped stone church of the 12th century, lower parts of the nave and lower storeys of the steeple of stone
PerlebergSt. James's Church (DE)1280/90–1361, tower 15th centuryhall church
PrenzlauMarienkirche (St. Mary)
PritzwalkSt. Nicholas Church (DE)since 1256, modernizations since 1501some walls of boulders; steeple in Gothic Revival style
RathenowChurch of St. Mary und St. Andrew14th & 16th centuryfirst parts 13th century, tower 19th century
Torturm (Gate Tower) (DE)14th centurygate later closed by a wall
SalzwedelSt. Catharine's Church (DE)since 1280 – etwa 1500
St. Mary's Church (DE)1350–1550Gothic new building replacing a Romanesque predecessor
'Mönchskirche ("Monks' Church") (DE)since 1250former Franziscan monastery, convengtual buildings preserved
Local courthouse (DE)since 1509former town hall
Fortifications(Steintor, Neuperver Tor)
Seehausen (Altmark)church St. Peter und Paulabout 1300
Salzkirche (Salt Church)[40]15th century former church of the Holy Ghost Hospital, later used as a store
Beustertor (Beuste Gate)15th century
StendalMarienkirche (St. Mary) ((DE)
St. Nikolaus (St. Nicholas) (DE) 1423 to mid-15th century called "Dom", former collegiate church, never been a cathedral
Town hallGothic part early 15th century


  • Tangermünder Tor (gate)
  • Uenglinger Tor (gate)
TangermündeTown hallabout 1430
Stephanskirche (St. Stephen)14th century
St. Elizabeth Chapel (DE)15th century"Salzkirche" ("Salt Church"), former hospital church, nowadays hall for events
Imperial Castle (DE)(925), 1374under emperor Charles IV extension of an older fortress into a Gothic representative Castle, mainly of brick; most of it today in ruins
Fortifications with:
  • Neustädter Tor
  • Elbtor (Elbe Gate)
  • two towers
14th to 15th century
TemplinSt. George Chapel (DE)late 14th centuryformer hospital church
14th century
TeupitzHoly Ghost Church (DE)1346aisleless church with a flat ceiling, gables of the tower and other parts altered in the 19th century
Tremmen (incorporated to Ketzin)Village church15th centuryoriginally pilgrimage; 1724 Baroque upper sections and roofs of the steeples
TreuenbrietzenSt. Mary's Church1220–early 16th centurybegun as a Romanesque basilica of boulders, clerestory of brick, Brick Gothic vaults and steeple
St. Nicholas ChurchRomanesque-Gothic intermediate style
Bardenitz village church (DE)13th/15th century
Pechüle village church de:Dorfkirche Pechüle1st third 13th centuryRomanesque apsis und Early Gothic nave built of brick, younger tower mainly from boulders
Werben (Elbe)St. John's Church (DE)hall church, 15th century
"Salzkirche (Salt CHurch)"15th centuryformer chapel of the Holy GHost Hospital
Elbtor (Elbe Gate)about 1470part of the town fortifications
Bad WilsnackWunderblutkirche St. Nikolai (Church of the Holy Blood)major place of pilgrimages in Northern Germany until the 16th century
Wittstock/DosseSt. Mary's Church (DE)13th to 15th century
Bishop's Castle (DE)since 1244the donjon, one gate and parts of the circular wall have been preserved
Gröpertor (… Gate)[41]14th century, enlarged in 1530last surviving gate of originally three gates of an almost complete circular town wall
Daberburg (DE) Castlebetw. 1438 & 1475alterating restoratiom of the donjon, rest lost
Wulfersdorf village church (DE)16th centurystepped eastern gable some frames of a church mainly built of boulders; Renaissance tower
WriezenSt. Mary's Church15th centurysince 1945 ruins; predescendant from the 13th century
Wusterhausen/Dossechurch St. Peter und Paul13th/15thcentury
choir of brick, nave and steeple mixed with an exceptional combination in the walls of the steeple
ZahnaSt. Mary's Churchtower 12th centuryUpper storeys of the steeple of an otherwise Romanesque church, mostly built of stone


Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
ChemnitzRed Tower (DE)Gotic top storey above natural stone
EilenburgSt. Nicholas' Church(DE)brick 1444hall church
Defensive walls with 2 towersSorbenturm (Slavic Tower) und südwestlicher Turm (southwestern tower)
Eilenburg Castle (DE)very much altered, nowadays a prison
FreibergSt. Nicholas' Church (DE)1185–1190upper storeys of the steeples
Löben (DE)Village church (DE)um 1250originally a basilica, about 1550 reduced to an aisleless church; only arcades and clerestory of the central nave of brick
Leisnig Mildenstein Castle only upper storeys of the donjon Gothic
LunzenauRochsburg Castlesince early 13th centurynowadays mainly Renaissance


Lower Saxony and Bremen

Bremen Hanover Ihlow (East Frisia) Lüneburg
Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
ApenSt. Nicholas Church (DE)1238early Gothic
Aschendorf (Papenburg)St. Amandus Church(DE) in Aschendorf13th–15th centuryenlarged in modern style in 1969
AsendorfSt. Marcel Church (DE)tower 1524nave older but later rebuilt
Bardowick"Dom" (Collegial church) St. Peter and Paul1389–1485
BassumStiftskirche (Collegial Church) (DE)basically Romanesque,
completed in Gothic style,
hall church
Bederkesa, Municipality of GeestlandBederkesa Castle (DE)first section before 1460Late Gothic and Renaisssance
BerneSt. Aegidius' Church (DE)13th centuryoriginally Romanesque, early Gothic enlargement of bricks, traverse roofs
Borstel (SG Siedenburg)St. Nicholas Churchmid 13th centuryonly the eastern attic of brick, above a landlords proper church of boulders; window below it from 19th century
BraunschweigLiberei (library)1413–1422Oldest surviving library building north of the Alps
BremenSt. Martini (St. Martin)13th & 14th centuryLate Gothic
convent church St. John's14th centuryoriginally Franciscan church, re-catholized in early 19th century
City hall1405–1410; 1608–1612 altered in style of Weser Renaissancein Gothic state hip roof without decorated gables, all windows with pointed arches, already the twelve monumental sculptures
Cathedralonly the Gothic chapels of visible brick
Church of Our Ladysince 1230 & about 1300attics of the traverse roofs of the building otherwise outside showing stone
St. Steven's Church (DE)alterations of the 13th centuryof brick: northern gable and the attic of the eastern gable (The souther gable after the destructions of WW. II was rebuilt as a free imitation.)
Spitzen Gebel (DE)about 1400Bremen's last Gothic private house, large windows 1590; rebuilt 1948–1950
Bremen district of ArstenVillage church St. John's (DE)in Arsten suburb, Obervieland
Northern borough of BremenBlomendal House (DE: Burg/Haus Blomendal)[42]1353several alterations in Baroque, Rococo and Historism
Bruchhausen-VilsenSt. Cyriacus Church (DE)brick late 13th cengturyGotic enlargement (transept & choir) of a boulder building from c. 1200; masonry portals in the 16th century; gothic revival additions in 1883/1885
Bunde Reformed village church (DE)about 1200 and 1270/80large parts Romanesque; west of Ems river, near the Dutch border
CuxhavenRitzebüttel Castle (DE)14th centurylater extensions
Dannenberg (Elbe)St. John's Church (DE)about 1385predecessor 12th century; later alterations; 1812 loss of the choir
DörverdenSt. Cosmae und DamianiBrick 15th centuryeastern prolongation of a Romanesque nave
DorumSt.-Urbanus Church (DE)1510late Gothic hall choir at an older aisleless nave
DrakenburgJohannis-der-Täufer-Kirche (Church of St. John Baptist)14th–15th centurychoir younger than the nave
EbstorfEbstorf Abbey14th centuryPremonstratensian, later Benedictine monastery
EmdenGroße Kirche (Great Church) (DE)14th–16th centuryolder predecessor; after destruction in WW. II, for worship a simpler new church was built beside the old one. Later, the old building was rebuilt to house the Reformed Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek (DE)
Esens (East Frisia) St.-Aegydius Church (DE) in Stedesdorf
St. Nicholas Church (DE) in Werdum
FürstenauStift Börstel (DE)since mid 13th centuryformer Cistercian convent
Hagen im BremischenHagen Castle (DE: Burg zu Hagen)1502–1507Post of the Archbishops of Bremen
HankensbüttelIsenhagen Monastery (DE)1435aisleless, flat ceiling; originally Cistercian convent, nowadays Lutheran convent
Hanover Marktkirche (market church)14th century
Old Town Hall (DE)1303, gable 1453/55destroyed in WWII, main gable reconstructed in 1964
Defensive towers14th centuryTowers of the outer defensive line (DE)
Hinte reformed village church (DE)15th centurylate Gothic with an older – Romanesque – bell house
Groß Midlum Church (DE)
Holtorf (incorporated to Schnackenburg)Village church14th centurynave in 1745 altered to a moderate Baroque
Hude Hude Monastery(DE) 13th century Now ruin
Ihlow (Ostfriesland) Bangstede Church (DE)13th centuryRomanesque/Gothic
Ochtelbur Church (DE)13th centuryRomanesque/Gothic
Riepe Church (DE)late Gothic
Simonswolde Church (DE)13th centuryRomanesque/Gothic
St. Nicholas Church (DE) in Weene13th centuryRomanesque/Gothic
Jemgum in Rheiderland Village church (DE) in Hatzum
Holtgaste Church (DE)13th centuryBegun in Romanesque style, choir Gothic
Krummhörn Village church (DE) in Grimersum13th centuryRomanesque/Gothic
Village church (DE) in Uttum13th centurynave Romanesque, tower Gothic
Leer (East Frisia)HarderwykenburgCirca 1450Fortified house, whitewashed
LemwerderKapelle am Deich (Chapel at the Dike) (DE)1260
St-Gallus Church (DE) in Altenesch13th centurybattlefield of the Stedingerwar
Church of the Holy Cross (DE) in Bardewisch1st half of 14th centuryHall church with three parallel roofs
LiebenauSt.-Laurentius-Kirche2nd half of 13th centuryrectangular choir of brick, nave successively of stone
Lilienthal Abbey church St. Mary's[43] 1250–1262 early Gothic
LüchowSt.-Johannis-Kircheearly 15th century
Lüchow Castle (DE)end 14th centuryin the 18th century farly demolished
LüneburgSt. Johannis (St. John)1300–1370
Town hall1st half to end 13th century
Michaeliskircheabout 1375
Nikolaikirche (St. Nicholas)1407–1440
"Bell House" (Glockenhaus/-hof)[44]1482former arsenal
Lüner Hofformer dependency of Lüne Abbey
Numerous civic houses   
Lüne Abbeyoutside the city
Mariendrebber (SG Barnstorf)DE: St. Marien und Pankratius (Ss. Mary and Pancrace)13th & 15th centuryonly unilateral transept, various different Gothic vaults, outer appearance altered in the 19th century
Marienhafe Marienkirche (St. Mary) 13th century Formerly triple-naved church with 80-m tower doubling as landmark for shipping, in 1829 tower reduced and part of church demolished for financial reasons
Neustadt am RübenbergeOur Dear Lady's Church(Liebfrauenkirche)[45]13. Jh., Gothic 1502Nave enlarged of brick; tower of stone, base older, top newer than the nave
Nienburg (Weser)St. Martin's Church[46]15th centuryRomanesque predecessor on stone, 13th century
Norden, East Frisia Ludgeri Church (DE) 15th century Choir, transept and separate belfry of an originally Romanesque building
OldenburgSt. Gertrude Chapel (DE)13th–15th century
RastedeSt. Ulrich Church (DE)brick 15th centuryoldest parts, such as the crypt, since 1100
RhauderfehnVillage church (DE) in Backemoor13th centurynave Romanesque, tower Gothic
Rhede, Lower SaxonyOld village church13th – 15th centurywest of Ems river
RodewaldSt.-Aegidien-Kirche (St. Gill)13th centuryrestoration after fire of the steeple in the 19th century
St.-Johannis-Kircheabout 1330
Schmalförden, part of EhrenburgSt. Nicholas Church (DE)3rd fourth 13th centurytower 1755, masonry
StadeSt. Wilhadi (DE)14th centuryhall church
StolzenauSchinna Monastery (DE)13th/14th centuryin the 16th century convent buildings altered to farm buildings, Gothic church substituted by a half timbered church
StuhrSt.-Pankratius-Kirche13th centurybuilt in 3 phases, aisleless
Heiligenrode Abbey Church (DE)about 1300aisleless
Uelzen St-Mary Church (DE)13.-14. Jh.
VerdenCathedral1290–1323 and 1473–1490Romanesque predecessor from 12th century
WalsrodeChapel of Walsrode Abbey1483Reconstruction after a fire caused by a lightning in 1482no photo of the
chapel available
WiefelstedeSt. John's Church (DE)15th centuryupper parts of choir and western tower and the whole separate bell tower; other parts Romanesque of boulders since 1200
WienhausenWienhausen Abbey13th and 14th centuryCistercian nunnery
WildeshausenTown hall13th–15th century
Wirdum, East Frisia Village church 14th century


North Rhine-Westphalia

In North Rhine-Westphalia, Brick Gothic is concentrated west of the Rhine north of Cologne (Köln) and in western Münsterland. The regional style, including the colour of the bricks (very dark or very pale, but almost never red), is very similar to neighbouring regions of the Netherlands – where most historical churches have been displaced by Gothic Revival buildings.

Geldern Goch
Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
BergheimAachener Tor (Aachen Gate) (DE)
Geretzhoven Castle (DE)14th century interior relaunch in the 1920s
incorporated village of Gesch:
Ss. Cosmas and Damian Church (DE)
1493 + 1553
  • partly several layers of bricks alternant with a layer of stone
  • enlarged 1553 in Gothic and in 1887 in Gothic revival style.
incorporated village of Niederaußem:
Church of St. Johann Baptist (DE)
oldest parts Romanesque, Gothic enlargement in the 16th century, now a pseudo-basilica with three parallel ridges
incorporated village of Pfaffendorf:
St-Pancrace-Church (DE)
1505 Gothic enlargement of an older church, 1860 Gothic Revival alterations
Paffendorf Castle (DE)1531–1546enlarged in 1745–1753, Gothic Revival alterations in 1861–1865
incorporated village of Quadrath:
St-Laurence Church (DE)
1532–1535 later enlargements
incorporated village of Thorr:
"Römerturm" ("Roman Tower") (DE)
about 1500relic of the old parish church
BocholtSt.-Agnes Chapel[47]before 1447
  • bombed in WWII, rebuilt in 1953
  • was temporarily the church of the evangelical parish
BorkenAbbey church St Mary (DE)13th–15th centuryrestored in the 17th century; originally Cistercian, still an abbey
BrüggenBrüggen Castle Altered
DülmenLüdinghauser Tor (gate) (DE)
EmmerichSt. Martini (DE)
ErkelenzSt.-Lambert Church (DE)tower
Erkenlenz Castle (DE)Guelders fortification
Gaesdonck (DE)Church of the seven Pains of St Mary (DE)
Geilenkirchen Trips Castle (DE)15th century
Holy Cross Church in Süggerath (DE)
GeldernSt. Mary Magdalene (DE), hall church
Haag Castle (DE)
Tower of Langendonk Castle (DE)ruin
Walbeck Castle (DE)
St.-Nicholas Church in Walbeck[48]15th century
GochSt. Mary Magdalene Church (DE)new tower (moderately modern) after a recent collaps
St. Johns's Convent (DE)
Haus zu den fünf Ringen (House of the Five Rings) (DE)
Steintor (Stonegate) (DE)
Graefenthal Monastery (DE)
GrefrathUda Castle (DE)only one tower is still upright
Haltern am SeeSiebenteufelsturm (Seven Devils' Tower)1502part of the defensive wall
Sythen Castle (DE)1330only the chapel building[49] (chapel in the grund flour) Gothic, later alterations
KalkarSt. Nicolai15th centuryonly partly brick, hall church
Kamp-LintfortKamp Abbey, late Gothic, hall church
Eyll Church of St. Mary's Ascention.[50]
KerkenSt.-Dionysos Church[51]
in Nieukerk,
1421–1453much enlarged in Gothic style
St. Peter und Paul[52]
in Aldekerk
basically early 15th centuryseveral changes in 1863 to 1880 in Gothic revival style
KleveUnterstadtkirche of St-Mary's Conception (DE)hall church with two naves
Stiftskirche St-Mary's Assumption (DE)
KrefeldLinn Castle (DE)Romanesque & Gothic
LinnichSt. Martinus Church (DE)brick nave, older Romanesque stone tower
LüdinghausenChapel of Vischering Castle1495outside the castle, which was rebuilt in Renaissance style after a fire in 1521
near HamminkelnMarienthal Abbey (DE)
NettetalBocholt Castle (DE)
RahdenRahden Castle (DE)1310–1320since winter 1878/1879 in ruins
StraelenSs.-Peter-and-Paul Church (DE)hall church
WachtendonkSt. Michael Church[53]since 1360 or 1380
WegbergSt. Peter und Paul (DE)1856/57 enlarged in Gothic Revival style, northern aisle added
ZülpichZülpich Castlesince 1369Electoral Cologne sovereign castle,
predecessors since Roman antiquity,
various demolitions and reconstructions



Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
UlmUlm Minster1377–1543, 1844–1890large brick walls among dominant sandstone masonry;
upper section of the western tower, flying buttresses and small towers added in the 19th century
St. Valentine's Chapel (DE))1458
Town hall (DE: Rathaus)1370–1578walls almost totally built of brick, but plastered and covered with famous frescos; gables and even eaves crowned by tracery of cubic bricks and terracotta
House no.3 Schwörhausgasse1430/1431today washed
Slanting House (DE: Schiefes Haus)13./14. Jh.northern gable washed brick, other walls half timbered
Arsenal (DE: Zeughaus)Gothic wing 1522in ruins since WW. II, walls today washed, predominantly brick
City wall with gate towers 
  • Gänseturm (Geese Tower) (DE), 1360, brick 1495
  • Metzgerturm (Butchers' Tower) (DE), 1340
  • Zundeltor (a Gate) with the Soul Tower (DE: Seelturm)



Augsburg Landshut Munich (München) Nuremberg (Nürnberg)
PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
AugsburgAugsburg Cathedralbrick since 1331present building since 995, partly built of Roman wallstones; "Romanesque" enhancement of the towers as late as 1487 and 1560, after the Late Gothic eastern choir; until early 20th century building generally plastered
Discalceds' Church (DE: Barfüßerkirche)1407–1411
  • Romanesque precedent destroyed by fire in 1398
  • after WW. II only eastern part rebuilt
  • some windows altered to Baroque
James's Gate (DE: Jakobertor)14th century
Birds Gate (DE: Vogeltor)1445
Further buildings of the urban fortifications
Dingolfing St. John's Church (DE: St. Johannes1467–1502
Herzogsburg (Duke's Castle)
  • painted but not plastered
  • sophisticated tracery of shaped bricks
Donauwörth Our Dear Lady's Minster (DE: Liebfrauenmünster)1444–1467 Nave nowadays outside plastered, 1577–1607 Lutheran
EggenfeldenSt. Nicholas and St. Steven (DE)15th centuryStepped hall
ErdingSt. John's Church(DE)end 14th century–1420nave visible brick, tower plastered
FriedbergFortificationssince 1409built as a Bavarian border stronghold
GünzburgReisensburg Castle (DE)since 12th centurydonjon from Romanesque and Early Gothic ages
Ingolstadt Our Lovely Dear Lady's Minster (DE: Münster Zur Schönen Unserer Lieben Frau)1425–1525
City gates
KaufbeurenSt. Martin's Church (DE)Chor 1438–1443rebuilt from a Romanesque basilica
Blasiusturm (tower)1420urban fortification tower at (DE: Blasiuskirche)
Kempten (Allgäu)urban fortification tower on Castel Hill (DE: Burghalde)1488
Landau an der IsarKastenhof (Case Court)15th–16th centuryRelic of a ducal palace; alterations in 19th and 20th centuries, whitewashed; nowadays archeological muesum
LandshutSt. Martin's Church1385–1500
St. Judok's Church (DE: St. Jodok)about 1350–1450
Church of the Holy Ghost (DE: Heiliggeistkirche)1407–1461nowadays used as exposition hall
Trausnitz Castle1150–1503(late) Romanesque and Gothic; later alterations and buildings (Renaissance and Neo-Renaissance) no more in visible brick
City fortifications
  • Burghauser Tor
  • Ländtor
  • 3 more towers
MoosburgSt. Kastulus Church (DE)Choir 1468Late Gothic brick choir at a Romanesque nave (plastered but also built of brick) of 12th century
Munich (München) Frauenkirche 1468–1488 one of the two largest hall churchs and two or three second largest Gothic brick churches of the world (volume between 185,000 m³ and 190,000 m³)
Augustinerkirche13th, 14th & 15th century1618 baroquified
Kreuzkircheconsecrated 1485originally graveyard church of St. Peter's Church, 1620 baroquified, 1814 re-gothified
Salvatorkircheconsecrated 1494originally graveyard church of Frauenkirche, since 1828 Greek Orthodox Church; after temporary baroquification re gothified
Lion's Tower (DE: Löwenturm)fortified domicile
Isartor1337originally only one tower, then surroundging fortress, in 19th century dismantled except of the towers, but afterwards restored; central tower washed, surrounding parts plastered
Sendlinger Torabout 1300alterations in 19th and early 20th century, loss of the central tower
NeuöttingSt. Nicholas CHurch (DE)1410–1511Tower 1623, plastered
Nuremberg (Nürnberg)Nuremberg Castle
Parts of several buildings
Two towers of the older defensive wallsmid 13th century
  • Weißer Turm (White Tower)
  • Schuldturm (Debtors' Tower), upper storeys
Oberwittelsbach (part of Aichach)Mary Virgin Church (DE)1418 & 16th centuryBaroque alterations in the 17th century
an der Ilm
Debitors Tower (Pfänderturm)about 1400[54]last surviving tower of the urban fortifications
PfarrkirchenSankt Simon und Judas Thaddäus13th–15th–20th centuryLate Gothic church with older predecessors, enlarged in modern style in 1971/1972
SchrobenhausenTown fortifications (DE)about 1440mostly washed brick; 12 towers
St.-Ursula-Church in the incorporated village of Mühlried13th/14th centurywhitewashed brick
StraubingSt. James' Church (DE: St. Jakob)1400–1512
Carmelite Church (DE)1368–14301700–1755 altered to Baroque style
Wasserburg am InnSt. James (St. Jakob)15. Jh.only the nave of brick
Wörishofen SpaSt. Justinia parish Churchtower 1519/20tower of the elsewhere plastered church





Bologna Piacenza Rimini
Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
Bazzano (Valsamoggia)Rocca dei Bentivoglio[55][56] (IT)
BolognaBasilica of San Francesco1236–1263
Basilica of San Giacomo Maggiore
Basilica di Santa Maria dei Servi
San Martino
San Petronio Basilica
The world's largest Gothic brick church (volume about 260,000 m³)
Palazzo d'Accursiothe city hall
Palazzo della Mercanzia (IT)a guild hall
Busseto, (PA) Collegiata di San Bartolomeo Apostolo
Chiesa e convento di Santa Maria degli Angeli
Castell'Arquato Rocca Viscontea Castle(IT), Castle mainly bricks
CentoCastle La Rocca di Cento, 13th–15th century[57]Gothic & Renaissance
CesenaCesena Cathedral on the border of Romanesque and Gothic styles
Cotignola, (RV) Church of San Francesco,[58]15th century
Ferrara Sant'Antonio in Polesine, (IT)
ImolaChurch of San Domenico[59] (IT)
Mirandola, Italy (MO)church of Gesù and San Francesco a Mirandola,[60][61] damaged by the earthquakes of 2012
ModenaSan Francesco Parish Church[62]1244–1445
ParmaSan Francesco del Prato 13th–16th centuries
North of ParmaCertosa di Paradigna (IT/DE) 1298–1385
PiacenzaPalazzo Comunale
Basilica of Sant'Antonino
San Francesco Church[63]
San Giovanni in Canale[64]
Castel San GiovanniChiesa di San Giovanni Battista[65]
RavennaCampanile of the Church of San Michele in Africisco,[66]Church of 6th century, tower of 14th/15th century
Reggio Emilia(IT)
RiminiChurch of Sant'Agostino (IT)
Palazzo dell'Arengo (IT)
Palazzo del Podestà
ValconassoLa Chiesa dell'Annunciazione di Valconasso[67]1st half of 14th century
VignolaRocca di Vignola (IT) 12th–15th centuries
VigolzoneCastello di Grazzano Visconti1395


Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
GenoaSan Matteo12th–16th century Cloister beside the church



Cremona Lodi Mantua (Mantova) Milan(o) Monza Pavia
Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
Abbiategrasso (MI)Visconti Castle (IT)
BresciaChiesa di Sant'Agostino (IT)
Carpiano (CR)Saint Martin's Church (IT)
Crema (CR)Duomo di Crema
CremonaSan Michele Vetere
Loggia dei Militi
Palazzo Cittanova (IT)
Cusago (CR)Abbazia Santa Maria Rossa (IT)
Lentate sul Seveso (MB)Oratorio di Santo Stefano (IT)
LodiChiesa di Sant Agnese (IT)
Duomo, Romanesque/Gothic
Chiesa di San Francesco (IT)
Mantua (Mantova)San Francesco
Ducal palace
Milan (Milano)Abbazia di Chiaravalle
Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio late Antiquity/Romanesque/early Gothic
Basilica of Sant'Eustorgio
Church of San Cristoforo sul Naviglio Late Gothic
San Marco, Milan
Santa Maria Assunta di Crescenzago[68]
Santa Maria del Carmine
Palazzo Borromeo
Sforza CastleSome parts, espacially Filarete Tower, are rather 19th century reconstructions than original.
MonzaSan Maria in Strada
Duomo di Monza
only façade of stone
Pandino (CR)Pandino Castle (IT)
PaviaSanta Maria del Carmine
Convento dei Francescani (former Franciscan convent)[68]
Pozzuolo Martesana (MI)Chiesa di San Francesco (IT)
San Giuliano MilaneseAbbazia dei Santi Pietro e Paolo in Viboldone
Sant'Angelo LodigianoCastello Morando Bolognini (IT)
Siziano (PV)Abbazia di Campomorto[68]
Solaro (MI)Oratorio dei Santi Ambrogio e Caterina[68]



Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
AlbaChiesa di San Domenico[69]13th/14th centuries
AstiCathedral of St-Mary's Assumption
Santa Maria di Viatosto (IT)15th centuryRomanesque & Gothic
RossanaSanta Maria Assunta[70][71]14th century
SaluzzoSaluzzo Cathedral (IT)
VercelliBasilica di Sant'AndreaRomanesque/Gothic mixture, façade of stone



Montepulciano Pisa San Gimigniano Siena
Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
GrossetoCampanile of the Cathedral15th centurylater alterations of the windows
LuccaCasa Barletti-Baroni13th century
Guinigi Tower and Palace14th century
MontepulcianoSan Francesco Church (IT)13th–16th centuriesFranciscan abbey church
Palazzo Neri Orselli (IT)14th century
"Pulcinella" clock tower
PiombinoSant'Antimo (IT)1284–1289
Casa delle Bifore (IT)1284–1289upper storeys mainly of brick
PisaPalazzo Agostini (IT)15th century
Palazzo Vecchio de’ Medicisince 11th centuryalterations to Renaissance, then in the 19th century re-(?)gothified
Palazzo Poschi (IT)15th century
Torre Lanfreducci (IT)12th & 14th century
PistoiaAncient Bishops' Palace (IT)12th–13th centuryprossibly originally plastered
San GimignanoPalazzo Comunale1323
Sant'Agostino Church13th century
Old Palace of the Podestà (IT)rebuilt in 1239, enlarged in 1337
various private palazzi
  1. Palazzo della Cancelleria
  2. Palazzo Razzi (IT)
  3. Palazzo Tinacci
  4. Palazzo Tortoli (IT)

(1) (2)

SienaBasilica of San Domenico
Basilica of San Francesco
Palazzo Pubblico
Palazzo Sansedoni1330seat of Monte dei Pasci Foundation
various private palazzi
Porta Tufi1325–1326


Veneto and Venezia Giulia

Venice (Venezia) Verona
Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
Isola della ScalaTorre scaligera13th centuryin some parts mixed with stones
MontagnanaDuomo di Santa Maria Assunta (IT)1431–1502with Renaissance additions
Town wall[72]Well preserved circle, some parts of brick, others of stone
PaduaBasilica of Saint Anthony
Cappella degli Scrovegni
PordenoneCathedral of St. Mark (Duomo) (IT)
Town hall
PortogruaroTown hall (IT)
VeniceCa' Foscarimain façade of stone
Santi Giovanni
San Gregorio
Madonna dell'Orto
Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
VeronaSant'Anastasia Church
Juliet's House (IT)
Chiesa di San Tomaso[73]1351, 1484
Chiesa San Fermo Maggiore[74]10–11, gotico 14
Santi Nazaro e Celso[75]14th
Sant'Eufemia,Church[76] 1275–1450
San Bernardino Church[77]15th century
Chiesa di San Pietro Martire (IT)[78]1283
Domus Mercatorum[79]1301
VicenzaPalazzo Thieneonly western wing
Villafranca di VeronaCastello Scaligero (IT)13th centurytower and some other parts



Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
RigaCathedral13th century
St. Peter 13th to 15th century
St James 13th century
St. John 15th century formerly Dominican
House of the Blackheads late 14th century onwards Destroyed in World War II and rebuilt in 1995
The oldest of the Three Brotherslate 15th century
Turaida Castle 14th century



Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
Vilnius St. Anne's 1495–1500 exceptional use of Late Gothic Flamboyant style
St. Francis 15th century and later repairs Belarusian type of Gothic
St. Nicholas Late 14th century oldest surviving Latin church building in Lithuania
Gediminas Tower and Upper Castle Early 15th century, many later alterations built by Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas
Kaunas Cathedral since 1408 basilica, the largest Gothic church in Lithuania
Castle since mid-14th century oldest brick castle in Lithuania
St. Gertrude 15th century? Belarusian type of Gothic
Church of The Accession of The Holy Virgin about 1400 former Franciscan, Latin cross footplan
House of Perkūnas late 15th century the other example of exceptional brick Flamboyant style
KėdainiaiSt. George Church (PL)1403various reconstractions
Medininkai Castle 13th century The only surviving enclosure type castle and the largest in Lithuania
Trakai Island Castle 14th – early 15th century built by Grand Dukes of Lithuania Kęstutis and Vytautas.
Peninsula Castle Late 14th century and later repairs built by Grand Duke of Lithuania Kęstutis
Zapyškis St. John The Baptist church between 1530 & 1578 the only surviving rural Gothic church in Lithuania, Belarusian type of Gothic



Amersfoort Amsterdam Delft Gennep Haarlem The Hague (Den Haag) Harderwijk Kampen Leiden Zutphen Zwolle
Place Building Time of construction Notes Picture
Sint-Bavokerk (NL)Scheldt Gothic
AmersfoortSint-Joriskerk (NL)
Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren
Pakhuis (ancient warehouse)
AmsterdamOude Kerkbrick and stone
Agnietenkapel (NL)
Nieuwe Kerkwestern nave and other parts
AppingedamNicolaïkerk15th centurypredecessor 1225
ArnhemWaalse kerk = Agnietenkapel (NL)15th century
BarneveldOude Kerk (NL)12th or 13th centuryRomanesque & Gothic
BedumWalfriduskerk (NL)slanting Romanesque stone tower
Bergen op ZoomGevangenpoort (NL)14th century
BredaSint-Joostkapel (NL)
Waalse kerk (NL)1440
Broek in WaterlandReformed St-Nicholas Church (NL)15th centuryhall church with two naves, restored in 1585 and 1639 after fires
DelftOude Kerk1246slanting tower
Nieuwe Kerk1353upper storeys of the tower in tuff, clerestory of the choir mixed
Chapel St-Hippolyte(NL)1400
St-Joris Chapel/Lutheran Church (NL)2nd half of 15th century
St-Barbara Monastery (NL)1405
Beguinage (NL)Gothic portal, most buildings newer
Private house 104 Molslaan (NL)
Eastern Gate
St-Hubert's Tower (NL)1st quarter of 16th century
"Small Castle"(NL)
DeventerLebuïnuskerkbrick and stone
Broederenkerk (NL)
DoesburgMartinikerk15th century
DoetinchemSint Catharinakerk (NL)1200 ff.partly brick, partly tufa, partly mixed ("ham & bacon")
DordrechtGrote Kerk
EdamGrote Kerk (NL)
EdeOude Kerk (NL)
EindhovenMariënhage Abbey(NL)
EnkhuizenWesterkerk Mariënhagepartly belts of stone
Zuiderkerk (NL)partly belts of stone
GennepKasteel HeijenGothic & Renaissance
Kapel van St. Antonius Abt (Ven-Zelderheide)
Molenstraat 11
GeertruidenbergGeertruidskerk (NL)1315–1539
GoesGrote Kerk (NL)brick & stone
Town hall(NL)15th, 16th & 18th centuries
GoudaSint Janskerkonly parts of brick
Grave (Maas)Protestant Church(NL)
GroningenDer Aa-kerk
HaarlemGrote or St.-Bavokerk15th centuryonly aisles and part of the transept of brick
City Hall14th centuryrenaissance/Baroque additions in 17th century; tower restored in 20th century
Janskerk1310–1318Knights of Malta
Huis ter Kleef13th centurymainly in ruins
Amsterdamse Poort1355
The HagueGrote Kerk, The Hague14th century
Kloosterkerk, The Haguec. 1400
Ridderzaal13th century
HarderwijkSint-Catharinakerk1502restored in 1913
Ancient plague hospitalprevious chapel of the Friars' House
Vischpoort14th century
HasseltSint-Stephanuskerk (NL)
HelmondHelmond Castle (NL)about 1325
's-Hertogenbosch"De Moriaan" house (NL)1220
Old St-James Church(NL)later changes
HilversumTower vof the Grote Kerk 1481
HoornNoorderkerk (NL)1441–1519hall church
IJsselsteinIJsselstein Castle (NL)1418–1427Campine Gothic
Sint-Nicolaaskerk Hervormde kerk (NL)tower renaissance
KampenBovenkerkmixed with stone
Broederkerk (NL)
Broederpoort (NL)altered to Renaissance
Kapelle (Zeeland)Geerteskerk (NL)
LeeuwardenGrote Kerk (NL)
LeidenAcademiegebouw (NL)
Hooglandse Kerkonly its aisles
Pakhuis (ancient warehouse), Kort Galgewater 221612 (house) - 1650 (warehouse)
PieterskerkLate Gothic
LoppersumPetrus en Pauluskerk1217–1530
Makkum (Frisia)Doniakerk (NL)1680nagotiek
Middelburg (Zeeland)Middelburg Abbey
MiddelharnisGrote Kerk
NijkerkGrote Kerk (NL)1461
NijmegenSint-Stevenskerk (NL)only parts of brick
Kruittoren (Powder Tower) Sint-Stevenskerk
OudewaterGrote or St-Michaëlskerk (NL)15th century
RoermondSt. Christopher's Cathedral1410
RotterdamGrote of Sint-Laurenskerk1449–1525
SellingenchurchEarly Gothic
SneekGrote of Martinikerk (NL)1300, 1498
Ten BoerAbbey churchRomano-Gothic
Sint-Antonius Abtkerk (NL)15th & 16th centuries
Utrecht Cathedral1254–1521nave between the tower and the crossing lost;
especially lower sections of the walls of brick
VenloSint-Martinuskerk (NL)1480
VlissingenSt James the Great Churchhall church
WeertSint-Martinuskerk (NL)1456Campine Gothic
WinschotenMarktpleinkerk (Market Church) (NL)Romano-Gothic
Winsum, GroningenTorenkerk (Tower Church) (NL)12th century,
gothified in the 16th century
tower 1693
WinterswijkJacobskerk (NL)nave 13th centuryespecially the choir
Wirdum, FrieslandSt-Martinuskerk[80]nave 13th centuryreplacing a tuff building of 12th century; later alterations
WorkumGrote of Sint-Gertrudiskerk (NL)1515–1532
ZierikzeeNobelpoort (NL)14th century
Zuidhavenpoort (Southport Gate) (NL)
ZuidlarenChurch (NL)1300–15th century
ZutphenBroederenkerk (NL)14th century
Nieuwstadskerk (NL)13e–15th century
Walburgiskerk11e–16th centurynave
Drogenapstoren (tower) (NL)1444–1446originally "Saltpoort"
ZwolleGrote of Sint-Michaëlskerk (NL)1406–1466
Old Library at the Broerenkerkplein (NL)



Navigation:  North GR, KU, LC MAZ LUBU East SIL LESS

Northern Poland

– Mainly former territories of the House of the Griffins and of the Teutonic Order

Chełmno Chojna Darłowo Gdańsk Gryfice Malbork Myślibórz Olsztyn Słupsk Szczecin Toruń
Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
BartoszyceSt. John the Evangelist (PL)14th–15th century
St. John the Baptist (PL)15th centurypredecessor
Lidzbark Gate (PL)1468later alterations
BiałogardSt. Mary's Church (PL/DE)14th centurybasilica
St. George's Church (PL)14th century
Braniewo St. Catherine (PL)Badly damaged in World War II, rebuilt afterwards
BrodnicaSt. Catherine (PL)14th centuryhall church
Teutonic Knights' castle 14th century Mostly dismantled in 18th-19th centuries. 54-m tower is the best preserved part.
Chełmno and Mazurian City Gates 14th century
BytówCastle (PL/DE)1398–1405outer wall partly sandstone
Chełmno St. Mary (PL)1290–1333hall church
St. Peter and Paul(PL)Built in 13th century, altered in 14thformer Dominican church, basilica
St. James and Nicholas (PL)Built in 13th and 14th centuryFormer Franciscan church, hall church
Former Cistersian Nunnery (PL)13th–14th centurywith presumed Teutonic Knights fortifications
City defensive walls with Grudziądzka gate13th–16th centuryAlmost completely preserved city defensive walls with 23 watchtowers and 1 gate
Chełmno Land Rural Gothic churches 13th-15th century 54 rural Gothic churches, built as part of colonisation of Chełmno Land by Teutonic Knights', in Brudzawy, Lembarg, Lisewo, Okonin, Niedźwiedź, Wabcz, among others.
ChełmżaChurch of the Holy Trinity (PL)13th–15th centuryFormer cathedral – seat of Bishopric of Chełmno, hall church
ChojnaTown hall (PL)15th century
St. Mary (PL)Mainly 1389–1459
Holy Trinity Church (PL)13th–15. Jhformer Augustine monastery, 1536 secularized
St. Gertrude Chapeltoday ruins and memorial
City gates14th–15th centuryBrama Świecka
& Brama Barnkowska
ChojniceSt. John's Church (PL)1340–1360
Brama Człuchowska
CzłuchowCastle PL/DE1325–1365only tower preserved; attached church from 1826–1828
DarłowoCastle of the Griffin Dukessince 1352
St. Mary's Church (PL/DE)since early 14th century
High Gate (Brama Wysoka)
Dobre MiastoCollegial Church (PL)14th century
Elbląg St. Nicholas (PL)13th & 15th centuryin 15th century converted from basilica to hall church; burnt effigy in 1945, rebuilt 1969–1989
FromborkCathedral1343–1383Bishopric of Warmia
Gdańsk St. Mary's Church 1343–1502one of the two largest hall churchs and two or three second largest Gothic brick churches of the world (volume between 185,000 m³ and 190,000 m³)
St. Catherine's (PL)probably 14th and 15th century
St. Nicholas (PL/DE)1348-early 15th centuryDominican church
Church of Holy Trinity (PL)1481–1514former Franciscan monastery
St. George guildhall (PL/DE)1487–94
Schlieff House (PL/DE)1520masonry made in Venice – originally for Nuremberg
Great Mill (PL/DE)14th century
Crane Gate (PL/DE)1442–1444
St. Mary's gate (PL)15th century
Gdańsk-OliwaOliwa Cathedral14th centuryCistercian Abbey
GniewTeutonic Knights' castlelate 13th and late 15th century
GryficeSt. Mary's Church (PL)15th centuryältere Vorgänger
St. George's Chapel (PL)14th centuryKapelle des 1337 gegründeten Lepraspitals
Fortifications with the Powder Tower (PL) 14./15th centuryHigh Gate (PL) und Stone Gate (PL) zumindest heute verputzt
IławaChurch of the Transfiguration of the Lord (historically St. Mary's) (PL)14th century, tower about 1550
Kamień Pomorski Cathedral of St. John (PL/DE)about 1175, altered in 15th centuryRomanesque-Gothic basilica
Town hall (PL)13 th centuryRenaissance alterations in the 16th century
KartuzyCollegiate St. Mary's PL/DE1384
KętrzynSt. George's Church (PL)14th century
Rastembork Castle (PL/DE)1345–13481797 destroyed by fire, since 1912 simplified reconstruction as an apartment house
KołbaczCistercian Abbey (PL)1210–1347church and a magazin building
Kołobrzeg Co-Cathedral of the Assumption1288–1397
KoszalinSt. Mary's Church (PL)1300–1333cathedral since 1972
KwidzynCastle PL1344–1355
Cathedral PL/DE1343–1384
LęborkSt. James' Church (PL)14./15th century
Lidzbark WarmińskiCastle of Warmian BishopsOne of the earliest brick buildings in the area
Malbork Malbork Castle1276 to late 14th centuryTeutonic Knights' castle, largest non-religious Brick Gothic structure, headquarter of the Teutonic Order 1309–1455.
St. John the Baptist's Church (PL)1467–1523
Town hall (PL/DE)1365–1380
Latin school (Szkoła Łacińska)1352nowadays in ruins
City fortifications14th century
MyślibórzCollegiate Church (PL)(13th–)15th centurypartly stone base of a predecessor
former Dominican monastery (PL)1433 – about 1500
St. Gertrude Chapel (Kaplica św. Gertrudy)15th century
Holy Ghost Chapel (Kaplica Św. Ducha)1514ground flour of stone
FortificationsGates 14th century
Brama Nowogródzka,
Brama Pyrzycka),
Powder Tower (Baszta Prochowa)
NidzicaTeutonic Knights' castle14th and 15th century
Olsztyn Castle of Warmian Bishops in Olsztyn2nd half of the 14th centuryTeutonic Castle; in the 15. und 16th century rebuilt to be a palace
St. James Cathedral (PL)before 1445Late Gothic hall church
St. Lawrence Church (PL)consecrated in 1500
Old town hall (PL)2. half of the 14th centurylater alterations
High Gate (PL/DE)14th century
OrnetaCathedral of St. John pl:Kościół św. Jana Chrzciciela w Ornecie14th and 15th centuriesbasilica
Town hall pl:Ratusz w Ornecie 1375alterations in 17th and 18th centuries
Pelplin Cathedral13th–14th centurylater alterations, former Cistercian monastery
PoliceGothic Chapel St. Boleslaw (PL)15th centuryRest of the former St. Mary's Church from 13./14th century
St. Peter and Paul (PL) in (Jasenica)1299alterations in 1725; other buildings of the monastery in ruins
Radzyń Chełmiński Teutonic Knights' castle13th and 14th centuryRuin
SłupskSt. Mary's CHurch 1276/80–1350
St. John's or St. Hyazinth Church (PL/DE)13th century
Castle Mill (Młyn Zamkowy)
Mill Gate,
New Gate (Brama Nowa),
Witches' Tower (Baszta Czarownic)
StargardSt. Mary's13th-century origins, 1388–1500 additions
Brama Młyńska (Mill Gate)15th centuryOne of only two surviving examples of such gates (see Waterpoort at Tweek)
Towers of the defensive wall2nd half of 14th century
← Red Sea
Ice Tower →
Prisoners' Tower →→
SztumTeutonic Knights' Castleearly 14th centurydestructions in 1683 and 1945
ŚwiecieTeutonic Castle in Świecie1335–1350destroyed in 1664 (Deluge),
Parish Church (PL)15th–early 16th centuryafter destruction by Swedish troops reconstructed in 1626–1629 in Renaissance style
Szczecin Cathedral of St. JamesSeveral phases between 1375 and 1504hall church
St. John PL/DE13th to 15th century19th-century renovations; hall church
Old Town Hall15th century
TczewHoly Cross Church (PL)13th centuryhall church
St. Stanislas Kostka Church (PL)14th centuryformer Dominican monastery
Toruń Cathedral of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist14th and 15th centuryFormer parish church of Toruń's Old Town.
St. Mary's Church (PL)1350-1370Former Franciscan, hall church, with some alterations in late 18th century (roof over nave and western gable).
St. James's church (PL: Św. Jakuba)1309-about 1340Parish church of Toruń's New Town, basilica, regarded as one of the finest examples of brick interpretation of stone architecture in Gothic architecture.
Town hall PL/ES/FR13th–14th century, rebuilt in 17th centuryThe oldest town hall tower in Central-Easter Europe in the type of Flemish belfries; many different functions in the one building (city council, archive, city court, cloth hall, shops); rebuild in 17th and 18th centuries.
Teutonic Knights' castle13th – early 15th centuryOne of the earliest Teutonic Knights' castles in Chełmno Land, demolished by citizens of Toruń in 1454.
City defensive walls with gates and watchtowersHalf of 14th century to early 16th centuryOne of the oldest and finest examples of city walls in Poland.
House no. 15 Kopernika Str. (PL)15th centuryOne of the best examples of Gothic brick houses in Northern Europe.
Several other particular houses13th to 15th century 
Dybów Castle1424–1428Polish border castle on the opposite (southern) side of Wistula river
TrzebiatówSt. Mary's Church (PL)14th & 15th centuryhall church, altered in the 17th century

Navigation:  North GR, KU, LC MAZ LUBU East SIL LESS

Greater Poland, Kujawy & Łęczyca

Gniezno Poznań 
Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
Borysławice Zamkowe Castle c. 1425 Destroyed by Swedish forces during the Deluge, currently in ruins.
Brześć KujawskiSt. Stanisław Church (PL)after 1332, 15th centuryHall church,[81] rebuilt in 1710 in Baroque style, extensively restored at the beginning of 19th century and in 1908-1909 in Gothic Revival style with reconstruction of vaults, pillars, gables and windows. Only parts of external walls are original.
Bydgoszcz Bernardine Church (PL)1552–1557Late Gothic, aisleless.
Cathedral of St. Martin and St. Nicolas1425–1502 Late-Gothic, hall church.
Gniezno Cathedral1342–1415, northern tower 1512Rebuild in the 18th century in Late-Baroque-Neoclassical style (similar as Poznań Cathedral), after WW II restored in presumable Gothic forms.
Sts. Mary and Antony Church (PL) only the steeple still of visible brick
Holy trinity Church (PL)1420–1430After 1613 rebuilt in Baroque style.
Gostyń St. Margaret's Church14th century
KaliszSt. Stanislas Church (PL)14th centuryAlterations 1537/1539 to 1599-1632.
Koło Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (PL)14th–15th centuryhall church
Royal Castlebefore 1362 Destroyed by Swedish-Brandenburgian forces during the Deluge, currently in ruins.
KoninSt Bartholomew Church (PL)14th century
Renaissance alterations.
KościanChurch of the Assumption (PL)end 14th & 15th centuryalterations 1615-1620
Church of Holy Ghost pl:Kościół pw. Ducha Świętego w Kościanie(PL)2nd half of 15th centuryRenaissance alterations
Kruszwica Castle 1350–1355 Destroyed by Swedish-Brandenburgian forces during the Deluge, only the legendary Mouse Tower preserved
Łęczyca Royal castle1357–1370 Mostly dismantled in 19th century, partially rebuild after 1964 with considerable reconstructions.
Lubiń Abbey Church 15th–16th centuryRebuild in 18th century in Baroque style.
Oporów Bishop Castle1434–1449 Built for Władysław Oporowski, Bishop of Kujawy and Archbishop of Gniezno
Piotrków Trybunalski Royal Castle1512–1519 Gothic-renaissance
Poznań Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul14th and 15th centuryGothic cathedral build on the place of former succeeding Pre-Romanesque and Romanesque churches, thoroughly rebuilt in the late 18th century and reconstructed after damage in WW II in presumable Gothic forms.
Corpus Christi Church 1406, 1465–1470Church founded by Jogaila, partially rebuilt in the 18th century, pseudo-basilica.
House of Psalterists1518Building founded by Jan Lubrański, bishop of Poznań.
St. Mary's Church in summo (PL)1431–1448Hall church; the first church was founded by Dobrawa of Bohemia in 965.
Sieradz Collegiate1370Rebuild in the 17th century in Baroque style, pseudo-basilica.
ŚremSt. Mary's Church (PL)15th centurySteeple from 16th century.
Środa Wielkopolska Church 15th centuryPartially rebuilt in the 16th century (attic).
Szamotuły Collegiate (PL)1423–1430
Watchtower Baszta Halszki (PL)15th centuryrelic of a ducal castle
Uniejów Archbishop Castle 1360–1365 Built for Jarosław Bogoria-Skotnicki, Archbishop of Gniezno
Wieluń Cracow Gate 14th centuryIn the 19th century the town authorities adapted the building for a town hall
WłocławekCathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption14th and 15th centuryExtensively rebuilt and altered 1883–1901 in Gothic Revival style.
St. Vitalis Church (PL)1330–1411
WrześniaSt. Mary's and St Stan's Church (PL) only tower still Gothic, first time burnt during the Swedish Deluge in 1655, rebuilt and alterations in 1672 and 1792

Navigation:  North GR, KU, LC MAZ LUBU East SIL LESS

Mazowia & Land of Dobrzyn

Navigation Mazowia: Warsaw (Warszawa)
Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
Brochów Fortified church 1551–1561, 1596Gothic-renaissance church established by Jan Brochowski and his family as a three-nave church with three side towers
Ciechanów Masovian Dukes Castle14th centuryDestroyed by Swedish-Brandenburgian forces during the Deluge, currently in ruins
St. Mary's Church (PL)early 16th centurylate gothic pseudo-basilica, alteraded restoration after the Deluge
Czersk Masovian Dukes Castle 1388–1410Destroyed by Swedish-Brandenburgian forces during the Deluge, currently in ruins
Czerwińsk Abbey Church12th centuryRomanesque, the façade was rebuilt in gothic style in the second half of the 15th century
Gate of Abbot Kula1457
Liw Masovian Dukes Castle before 1429Destroyed by Swedish-Brandenburgian forces during the Deluge, currently in ruins
Łomża Cathedral1504–1525 Late Masovian Gothic
Płock Masovian Dukes Castle 14th century
Płock Cathedral towers13th–14th centuryRomanesque cathedral, rebuilt several times
Przasnysz Church of St. John and St. Anne 1588–1618 Considered to be the last gothic church in Poland[82]
Rawa Mazowiecka Masovian Dukes Castle 14th centuryDestroyed by Swedish-Brandenburgian forces during the Deluge, currently in ruins
SierpcSts. Vitus, Modest & Crescentius Church (PL)1449only steeple of brick
Holy Ghost Church(PL)1483baroquized reconstruction after destruction by fire
Warsaw St. John's Cathedral14th century Completely destroyed by German artillery during the Warsaw Uprising,[83] rebuilt 1947–1957 in Masovian Brick Gothic
St. Mary's Church1410–1411Completely destroyed by German artillery during the World War II,[84] rebuilt 1947–1966
Warsaw Barbican1548reconstructed 1952–1954
Bridge Gate1584, additions in 18th centuryGothic-renaissance gate.
ZłotoriaZłotoria Castle (PL/DE)1343now ruins, one of the two Polish border strongholds near Toruń
Navigation Mazowia: Warsaw (Warszawa)

Navigation Poland:  North GR, KU, LC MAZ LUBU East SIL LESS

Lubusz Voivodeship

Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
Gorzów WielkopolskiCathedral of the Immaculate Conception (PL)since end 13. Jh.hall church, cathedral since 1945
Gubin (Polish part of Guben)Town halloldest parts in Gothic style and brick
Main town churchruins since 1945
Wieża Bramy Ostrowskiej (DE)1523–1530originally part of a city gate
Lubin (historically in Lower Lusatia) Abbey church 15th–16th century altered in Baroque style in the 18th century
Ośno LubuskieSt. James Church(PL)1298–15th centuryhall church
City fortifications
RzepinJesus'Heart Church (PL)chapel added in 14. Jh.combination of brick & stone; the church itself was replaced by a Gohtic Revival building in 1879/1880
Szprotawa (hist. Lower Silesia)Our Dear Lady's Church ((PL)Gothic 1416–1424founded in 1260; hall church
SulęcinSt. Nicholas Church14./.15 Jh.aisleless brick church on an older base, tower in 1951 restored a bit simplified
Wschowa City Church 15th century Baroquified between 1720–1726
(hist. Lower Silesia)
St Mary of the Assumption (PL)tower Gothic, nave Renaissance
(hist. Lower Silesia)
Church of Jesus' Heart (PL/DE)
Zielona Góra
(hist. Lower Silesia)
Saint Hedwig Cathedral (PL/DE)Renaissance & Baroque changes

Navigation:  North GR, KU, LC MAZ LUBU East SIL LESS

Eastern Poland

– Former Podlachian and Polesian (Brest Litovskian) Voivodeships –

Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
Kodeń Church of the Holy Ghost (PL) 1530
Supraśl Orthodox Monastery
– Church of the Annunciation

Navigation:  North GR, KU, LC MAZ LUBU East SIL LESS


Silesian, Opole and Lower Silesian Voivodeships –

Namysłów Opole Wrocław
Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
Kędzierzyn-KoźleSt. Sigismond Church(PL/DE)1323 St. Mary's Chapel1454 destruction by a fire except of St. Mary's Chapel, new nave until 1570; Gothic Revival alterations
Legnica Our-Dear-Lady's Church (PL) 1386 Protestant (Augsburg Confession) parish
Cathedral Ss.-Peter-and-Paul (PL) 1330–1378
  • wooden predecessor
  • 1892 original brick walls covered with a skin of new bricks
  • 1945 re-catholized
NamysłówCastle (PL)
St. Peter & St. Pauls Church (Kościół Piotra i Pawła)
Kraków Gate (Brama Krakowska)1390
NysaBasilica of St. James and St. Agnessome decorations of stone
OleśnicaWrocław Gate (Brama Wrocławska)14th century
OpoleCathedral (PL/Kathedrale zum Heiligen Kreuz|DE)15th centuryäpredescessores; steeples Gothic Revival
Holy Trinity Church (PL/DE)Franciscan church, Baroque alterations
Piast Tower (PL/DE)late 13th centurypart of the Piasts' Castle, which was demolished in 1931
Upper Castle (PL/DE)tower end 14th centuryupper storey and pinnacles Gothic Revival
Racibórz Church of the Holy Ghost[86] 14th century profanized in 1810, nowadays it houses the municipal museum
St-James Church (PL/DE) 1285 after a fire in 1637 restored in Renaissance and Baroque styles, damages of World War II repaired 1946/47
Środa ŚląskaSt-Andrew's Church13th century & 1388changes in 1670 and 1830
Town Hall 15th century
StrzegomBasilica St. Peter & St. Paul(PL)
Wrocław Cathedral of St. John 1234–1341, later repairs 98-metre (322-foot) high towers
Church of the Holy Cross 1288-first half of the 14th century
Church of St. Elisabeth 1309–1387
Church of St. Mary Magdalen 1355–1360
City hall 13th century, 15th-century alterations, 19th-century additions
St. Martin Church 13th century,
Church of St. Barbara 15th century,
Church of St. Maria In Arena 1334–75,
Church of St. Adalbert 1250–1487,
Church of St. Mathew 1300–1569
Church of St. Vincent XIV-XVc,
Church of St. Stanislav, Vaclav and Dorothy 1351–1401,
Church of Corpus Christi XVc,
Church of John of Capistrano 1462 – 1505,
Church of St. Giles (PL/FR/DE) 1220s[87]
Wroclaw Arsenal 1459,

Navigation:  North GR, KU, LC MAZ LUBU East SIL LESS

Lesser Poland

Lesser Poland, Subcarpathian & Lublin Voivodeships

Kraków Sandomierz Tarnów
Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
Biecz Corpus Christi Church c. 1326–1480
Bell Tower 15th century Upper parts – mannerist sgraffito decorations
Bochnia St. Nicolas' Church 1440–1445
Chęciny Chęciny Castle 13th or 14th century Upper parts of brick, rest limestone. Destroyed by Swedish-Brandenburgian forces during the Deluge, currently in ruins
Dębno Jakub Dembiński Castle 15th century
Drzewica St. Luke's Church 1321–1460
Mathew of Drzewica's Castle 1527–1535 Gothic-Renaissance, upper patrs of brick, lower parts brick & sandstone, nowadays in ruins
Kraków Barbican of Kraków 1498–1499
Collegium Maius 15th century
Corpus Christi Church 1385–1405
Church of the Trinity 14th and 15th century, rebuilt after 1850 fire Former Dominican church
Florian Gate Early 14th century Upper parts of brick, rest limestone
St. Catherine Church 1342–1426
Old Synagogue 1407 or 1492
St. Mary's Basilica 1321–1331, 14th–15th century Hall church
Town Hall Tower End of the 13th century
Wawel Castle 13th–16th century Wawel is an architectural complex erected over many centuries atop a limestone outcrop. This is a place of great significance for the Polish people. The Royal Castle with an armoury and the Cathedral are situated on the hill. The Gothic Wawel Castle was built at the behest of Casimir III the Great and consists of a number of structures situated around the central courtyard. In the 14th century it was rebuilt by Jogaila and Jadwiga of Poland.
Wawel Cathedral 1320–1364 Upper parts of brick, rest limestone
Lublin Kraków Gate 14th century. patrly renewed in the 18th century
Royal Castle 13th–14th century Destroyed by Swedish-Brandenburgian forces during the Deluge, inside the Castle Chapel profuse ruthenian frescos from the beginning of the 15th century, founded by Jogaila
Nowy Sącz Church of St. Margaret 13th and 14th century
  • Upper parts of brick, lower of sandstone
  • Southernmost building of northern/Baltic Brick Gothic region
Oświęcim St. Mary's Church 14th century
Paczków Fortified church 14th century
Sandomierz Cathedral 1360 Partially rebuilt in 1670 (façade)
Długosz House 1476
Opatów Gate 14th century
Royal Castle 14th century Partially rebuilt in 1520 in renaissance style by Benedykt Sandomierski
Szydłów St. Ladislaus' Church c. 1355
Tarnów Cathedral 14th century Rebuilt 1889–1897 in neo-Gothic style
Mikołajowski House 15th century, 1524
Town Hall 14th century Rebuilt in the renaissance style in the 16th century
Wiślica Długosz House 1460
Minor Basilica 1350 Two nave church, upper parts of brick, lower of limestone



Historical Russia

Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
Novgorod KremlinChamber of Facets14331441 decorated with frescos (nowadays almost lost)

Kaliningrad exclave

Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
Kaliningrad Königsberg Cathedral 14th century
Juditten Church
in Mendeleyevo
Late 13th century
Rodniki Arnau Church Late 14th century
Druzhba Allenburg Church 15th century
Neman Teutonic Knight's castle of Ragnit 1397–1409 One of the strongest castles of the Teutonic Order. Now ruined. Built by Nikolaus von Fellenstein (see Malbork)
Vesyoloye Teutonic Knight's castle of Balga Circa 1239 Ruin



Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
Danmark Parish, southeast of UppsalaDanmark Church14th and 15th century
HelsingborgSt. Mary
(SV:Sankta Maria kyrka)
Lena Parish, north of UppsalaLena ChurchCirca 1300, possibly consecrated in 130318th century alterations including plastering of the exterior walls and addition of a burial vault
LundSt. Peter's Priory Church
(S:t Peters klosterkyrka)
Circa 1300
Liberiet15th centurybuilt as cathedral chapter's library
MalmöSt. Peter
(Sankt Petri kyrka)
RonnebyHoly Cross Church (Heliga Kors kyrka)
SigtunaSt. Mary
Mid 13th century
("Church of Our Lady")
Skepptuna Parish, Stockholm CountySkepptuna Church13th to 15th centuries
Skokloster north of SigtunaSkokloster Church
(Sko klosters kyrka)
13th centuryNear Skokloster Castle, originally a convent church
SöderköpingSt. Lawrence's Church
(S:t Laurentii kyrka)
SölvesborgSt. Nicholas' Church
(S:t Nicolai kyrka)
13th century
StockholmRiddarholmen Church
Late 13th century, major 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th century alterationsBurial church for many of the Swedish monarchs
Storkyrkan (St. Nicholas)13th to 15 th centuryin 1736–1742 outside altered into Baroque to make it more similar to the Royal Palace; brick gothic interior preserved
SträngnäsSträngnäs Cathedral1296 onwards
Tensta Parish, north of UppsalaTensta Church13th centuryHouses the earliest deliberate portrait (a fresco by Johannes Rosenrod) in Swedish art history
Tuna Parish, northeast of UppsalaTuna Church
(SV: Tuna kyrka )
about 1300
UppsalaUppsala Cathedral1287–1435, major 18th and 19th century alterationsExternal appearance largely 19th century
Holy Trinity Church
(SV: Helga trefaldighets kyrka)
Late 13th to 15th century
VadstenaVadstena Abbeymid 13th century, 14th century alterationsformer royal palace, later a hospital, when handed over to the abbey in 1346 the building was "humbled" and the roof was lowered.
House of Mårten SkinnareLate Middle Ages, 18th century alterationsThe roof was lowered and the crow-stepped gables removed in the 18th century.
VästeråsVästerås Cathedral13th century, 14th and 15th century extensions and later alterationsBurial place of Eric XIV of Sweden
VäxjöVäxjö Cathedral13th century, later alterations
Vendel Parish, north of UppsalaVendel Church (SV)Late 13th and early 14th century, possibly consecrated in 1310
YstadSt. Mary's Church
(Sankta Maria kyrka)
13th to 15th century
Franciscan Monastery Church (St. Peter)
(S:t Petri kyrka)
Late 13th to 15th century



Though brick generally is not typical for medieval Swiss architecture, there are also some Gothic brick buildings in Switzerland, and some more have disappeared.

Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
Estavayer-le-LacChenaux Castle15th centuryTwo towers and parts of the gate tower
Vufflens-le-Château, VaudVufflens Castle15th century


Place Building Main period of construction Special features Image
Łuck Lubart's Castle (Polish: Zamek w Łucku, Ukrainian: Луцький замок) 14th and 15th century
Zimno Zymne Monastery (Polish: Monaster Zaśnięcia Matki Bożej w Zimnem, Ukrainian: Зимненський монастир) after 1495

See also



  1. Otto Stiel, Hans Wentzel. "Backsteinbau". Reallexikon der deutschen Kunstgeschichte. pp. 1345–1372.
  2. Roman Aranazy, Dzieje rezydencji na dawnych kresach Rzeczypospolite (Residences in former districts of the (Polish) republic today (in Polish), 1993, S. 209, Hniezna
  3. – touristical presentation of Hnezna
  4. De Inventaris van het Bouwkundig Erfgoed,Parochiekerk Sint-Pieter en Sint-Martinus (ID: 76102)
  5. De Inventaris van het Bouwkundig Erfgoed, Parochiekerk Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Hemelvaart (ID: 78708)
  6. Description of St-Odolf-Chapel in Dendermonde in Dutch
  7., Stadhuis (Diksmuide – WOI) (ID: 94380)
  8. PDF in French about the village of Marcq and its church St-Martin
  9. Onroered Erfgoed, Parochiekerk Sint-Martinus
  10. De Inventaris van het Bouwkundig Erfgoed, Begijnhofkerk Sint-Catharina (ID: 47015)
  11. De Inventaris van het Bouwkundig Erfgoed Parochiekerk Sint-Martinus (ID: 72451)
  12. De Inventaris van het Bouwkundig Erfgoed, Parochiekerk Sint-Antonius abt (ID: 34245)
  13. De Inventaris van het Bouwkundig Erfgoed, Parochiekerk Sint-Jan (ID: 31213)
  14. Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Poperinge
  15. St Amandus, Schendelbeke, description in Dutch
  16. Description of St-Laurentuiskerk in Steenkerke in Dutch
  17. Onroerend erfgoed, Huis De Valk
  18. De Inventaris van het Bouwkundig Erfgoed, Sint-Michielskerk (ID: 58088)
  19. Beffois & patrimoine: Bailleul
  20. Ministère de la Culture (France), Médiathèque de l'architecture et du patrimoine, Blaringhem – église Saint-Martin – buffet d'orgue, tribune d'orgue, vue générale
  21. Retables de Flandre: L’église Saint-Omer de Millam
  22. Église-saint-Nicolas, Oost-Cappel
  25. harmoniasacra, Valenciennes → L'église St Géry
  27. L’Eglise Notre-Dame
  28. 1 2 3 Josiane Sartre, Châteaux "brique et pierre" en France: essai d'architecture
  29. Eglise Saint-André à Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne
  31. Anne-Laure Napoléone, Les Maisons Gothiques de Toulouse (XIIIe et XIVe siècles)
  32. patrimoines.midipyrenees, église Notre-Dame-du-Camp
  37. Förderverein der Stadtkirche Beelitz, last but one picture
  38. Helmut Friedrich, Die Alte Hansestadt Gardelegen, 2011, S. 27/28
  39. Die St. Martin Kirche in Hornow
  40. Stadt Seehausen, Salzkirche
  41. Stadt Wittstock/Dosse,Gröpertor
  42. "Database Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Bremen". Haus Blomendal
  45. Liebfrauenkirche Neustadt am Rübenberge
  47. Evangelische Liebfrauengemeinde St.-Agnes-Kapelle am Schonenberg
  50., Mariä Himmelfahrt Kirche Eyll (Kamp-Lintfort)
  53. Parish St Mary, history of St. Michael Church, Wachtendonk, in German
  54. hallertau info: Jenseits des Guten und Schönen: Unbequeme Denkmale? (Pfaffenhofen, 27.08.2013)
  56. GM Rocca di Bentivoglio
  57. Comune di Cento, L'antica Rocca di Cento
  58. San Francescochiesa romana gotica del XV secolo dedicata a San Francesco
  60. Vigilfuoco, Chiesa del Gesù e di San Francesco a Mirandola Archived 2016-01-22 at the Wayback Machine.
  61. Mirandola (MO) – Visita dei media nella zona rossa
  62. Visit Modena, San Francesco Parish Church
  63. Tripadvisor, Chiesa di San Francesco, Piacenza
  66. Church of San Michele in Africisco
  68. 1 2 3 4 Gothic architecture in Lombardy (in Italian, illustrated)
  70. Val Varaita – Comune di Rossana
  71. – La chiesa di Rossana, gemma gotica tra le montagne
  72. Montagnana – La ciittà murata
  80. Dutch inventory of national monuments on St-Martin's Church, Wirdum
  81. Description of St. Stanisław Church, Brześć Kujawski, in Polish
  82. "Przasnysz-zabytki". (in Polish). Archived from the original on 2011-07-21. Retrieved 2009-12-17.
  83. Maria Irena Kwiatkowska, Krystyna Kozłowska (1978). Katedra św. Jana (St. John's Cathedral) (in Polish). pp. 241–242
  84. "kościół p.w. Nawiedzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny". (in Polish). Retrieved 2009-12-17.
  85. "Geschichte". (in German). Archived from the original on May 1, 2008. Retrieved 2009-12-17.
  86. Kraków-Czestochowa Upland, The Church of the Holy Spirit in Racibórz
  87., Saint Giles's Church and the Tower of the Chapter House
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